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Last active June 3, 2019 10:01
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JSX> c ='my_client', network_type='TEST')
JSX> w ="my_wallet2")
JSX> w.see
JSX> w.seed
'lift sheriff ocean apology word direct turkey hood section shrimp when easy law fall school excite hurry carpet found quick leisure lumber soft lift'
JSX> w.address
JSX> w.balance
wallet balance on height 289270 at 2019/06/03 08:27:46
0 TFT available and 0 TFT locked
Unconfirmed: 1500 TFT available 0 TFT locked
JSX> w.balance
wallet balance on height 289270 at 2019/06/03 08:27:46
0 TFT available and 0 TFT locked
Unconfirmed: 1500 TFT available 0 TFT locked
JSX> w.balance
wallet balance on height 289273 at 2019/06/03 08:37:54
1500 TFT available and 0 TFT locked
JSX> res
JSX> result = w.threebot.record_new(months=1,names=["my3botmywallet2.example"],addresses=[""],key_index=0)
JSX> w.balance
wallet balance on height 289275 at 2019/06/03 08:39:00
1200 TFT available and 0 TFT locked
Unconfirmed: 199.9 TFT available 0 TFT locked
Unconfirmed Balance Deduction: -300 TFT
JSX> w.balance
wallet balance on height 289276 at 2019/06/03 08:41:58
1399.9 TFT available and 0 TFT locked
JSX> result = w.capacity.reserve_zos_vm(email='',threebot_id='my3botmywallet2.example',location='cairo_office',size=1)
Mon 03 08:43:01 - 138 - j.clients.gedis:gedisclient : redisclient:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/sandbox/lib/jumpscale/Jumpscale/clients/blockchain/tfchain/", line 125, in reserve_zos_vm
return self._process_reservation(reservation, threebot_id, source=source, refund=refund)
File "/sandbox/lib/jumpscale/Jumpscale/clients/blockchain/tfchain/", line 225, in _process_reservation
response = self._notary_client.register(threebot_id, signature.message, signature.signature)
File "/sandbox/lib/jumpscale/Jumpscale/clients/blockchain/tfchain/", line 27, in _notary_client
self._notary_client_ = c.actors.notary_actor
File "/sandbox/lib/jumpscale/DigitalMe/clients/gedis/", line 84, in actors
self._actorsmeta[actor_name] = j.servers.gedis._cmds_get(key, data)
File "/sandbox/lib/jumpscale/DigitalMe/servers/gedis/", line 41, in _cmds_get
return GedisCmds(namespace=namespace, name=name, data=data)
File "/sandbox/lib/jumpscale/DigitalMe/servers/gedis/", line 50, in __init__ = self.schema.get(data=data)
File "/sandbox/lib/jumpscale/Jumpscale/data/schema/", line 300, in get
File "/sandbox/lib/jumpscale/Jumpscale/data/serializers/", line 36, in loads
raise RuntimeError("could not find schema with md5:%s" % md5)
RuntimeError: could not find schema with md5:7f4004110d42110d6a11111611cd267f
could not find schema with md5:7f4004110d42110d6a11111611cd267f
root@d6acd5153fab:/# cd /sandbox/code/github/threefoldtech/jumpscaleX/
root@d6acd5153fab:/sandbox/code/github/threefoldtech/jumpscaleX# git pull
remote: Enumerating objects: 241, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (65/65), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (5/5), done.
remote: Total 25 (delta 20), reused 25 (delta 20), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (25/25), done.
* [new branch] development_simple -> origin/development_simple
Already up to date.
root@d6acd5153fab:/sandbox/code/github/threefoldtech/jumpscaleX# git log -1
commit 48171a74ec9c0a53b261041a63fcab48cdb997cb (HEAD -> development, origin/development)
Author: Christophe de Carvalho <>
Date: Tue May 28 12:42:59 2019 +0200
change explorer node schema field to list of string
root@d6acd5153fab:/sandbox/code/github/threefoldtech/jumpscaleX# cd log -1
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