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Created August 13, 2021 14:16
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Ubuntu 18.04 u2f
# find the new device
lsusb -t
> Port 3: Dev 20, If 1, Class=Chip/SmartCard
# device number from lsusb "Dev"
lsusb -s 20
> Bus 001 Device 020: ID 32a3:3201
# ID from lsusb; splits into vendor:device
# file*name* doesn't quite matter, if it's in the right directory
editor /etc/udev/rules.d/70-u2f.rules
# this udev file should be used with udev 188 and newer
ACTION!="add|change", GOTO="u2f_end"
# note that we're using the values of vendor:device we got from lsusb
KERNEL=="hidraw*", SUBSYSTEM=="hidraw", ATTRS{idVendor}=="32a3", ATTRS{idProduct}=="3201", TAG+="uaccess"
# save file and quit editor
sudo systemctl restart udev
sudo udevadm trigger
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