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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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How to pass information from function to function
// Once you get to next(); it moves on to the next function and lets go of whatever information was captured there.
// for instance mariaItem finds the item with that particular _id and when it hits the next(); that information is gone...
// You add a req.contents = {}; with that you are adding to the request hash a contents key and {} value.
// It always will pass the req, res, option for next.
// Next you add a result key with a result value. (The result value holds the the work of findOne).
// So that information is now stored in the res hash and when the computer goes to next function it takes that info with it.
var mariaItem = function (req, res, next) {
Item.findOne({ _id: "5099803df3f4948bd2f98391"}, function (err, result){
req.contents = {};
req.contents.result = result;
// The function below gets another item fro the DB and adds the result to the req hash as it did above,
// this time the key is called 'bananas'...inside toe contents hash...
// Now you ask it to display req.contents in json by calling res.json(req.contents)
// The req.contents contains the first functions findOne and the second functions findOne, shown when you hit /maria/item route. // so we are rendering a contents hash with two key value pairs.
var mariaTwo = function (req, res, next) {
Item.findOne({_id: "5099803df3f4948bd2f98392"}, function (err, result){
req.contents.bananas = result;
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