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Last active April 27, 2024 21:49
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  • Save Pitometsu/0b0d04706e671172ed3b78309b14b43d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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-- OverloadedStrings is often useful.
:set -XOverloadedStrings
-- Scoped type variables is often useful so we can specify the types
-- of variables (for example, in lambda expressions).
:set -XScopedTypeVariables
-- useful for import from specified package
:set -XPackageImports
-- Force load dependencies
:set -package funnyprint
-- :set -package hscolour
-- :set -package ipprint
-- :set -package hlint
-- :set -package hi
-- :set -package hoogle
-- :set -package haskell-docs
-- Import Prelude. Some projects don't import the Prelude by default, but
-- we are using types and functions from the Prelude in the following hoogle
-- function definition, so we need to make sure that Prelude is imported.
import Prelude
-- give us a `hoogle` function to if the hoogle binary is available.
-- :def hoogle \s -> return $ ":! hoogle --count=15 \"" ++ s ++ "\""
let escape arg = "'" ++ ((\c -> if c == '\'' then "'\"'\"'" else [c]) =<< arg) ++"'"
:def! search return . (":!hoogle --count=50 --color " ++) . escape
:def! doc return . (":!hoogle --count=50 --color --info " ++) . escape
-- Show the types of evaluated expressions
:set +t
-- And stats
:set +s
-- Enable multi-line expressions with :{ and :}
:set +m
-- ghci-ng support
-- :set +c
-- Make the prompt a little more colorful.
-- And pretty-printing values
:def color (\_ -> return (":set -interactive-print=FunnyPrint.funnyPrint\n:set prompt \"" ++ FunnyPrint.prompt "λ " "%s" " ¬\\nλ > " ++ "\"" ++ "\n:set prompt2 \"" ++ FunnyPrint.prompt2 "λ" "" " | " ++ "\""))
:def nocolor (\_ -> return ":set -interactive-print=print\n:set prompt \"%s> \"\n:set prompt2 \"%s| \"")
-- New current minimal config:
:set -XPackageImports
:set +m
:def hoogle \x -> return $ ":! hoogle \"" ++ x ++ "\""
:def hoogle-info \x -> return $ ":! hoogle --info \"" ++ x ++ "\""
-- update tags
:def tags \_ -> return ":! haskdogs -- --ignore-close-implementation --etags"
-- update docs
:def docs \_ -> return ":! stack exec hoogle generate && stack hoogle --rebuild"
:def doc \input -> return $ ":! haskell-docs " ++ input
:set -ddump-deriv
:set -XOverloadedStrings
:set -XOverloadedLists
:set -XScopedTypeVariables
:set -XPackageImports
:set -XStandaloneDeriving
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