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Created December 30, 2022 18:35
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deriving via: pattern synonyms instead of GADTs
{-# Language GADTs, LambdaCase, PatternSynonyms, QuantifiedConstraints, RoleAnnotations, TypeApplications, StandaloneDeriving, DerivingVia, MultiParamTypeClasses, StandaloneKindSignatures, FlexibleInstances, DataKinds, PolyKinds, TypeFamilies, FlexibleContexts, FunctionalDependencies, ConstraintKinds, AllowAmbiguousTypes, RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Data.Kind
import Data.Coerce (type Coercible)
type MyClass :: Type -> Constraint
class MyClass t
data HtmlT m t
data Domain = A | B Bool | C Int
type role MyClass' nominal nominal nominal
type MyClass' :: Domain -> Type -> Type -> Constraint
class MyClass' d k w where
my :: SomeControl e w -> HtmlT m ()
type family ToControlRep _x where
ToControlRep Int = (Int, Int)
ToControlRep (Wrapped t) = t
ToControlRep t = t
type role Control nominal
newtype Control x = Control { unControl :: ToControlRep x }
newtype Wrapped t = Wrapped { unWrapped :: t }
( ToControlRep t ~ t )
=> MyClass' d k (Wrapped t) where
my = undefined
type role SomeControl nominal nominal
type SomeControl :: Bool -> Type -> Type
newtype SomeControl _b _c where
SomeControl :: Maybe (Control c) -> SomeControl _b c
pattern NewControl :: SomeControl 'False c
pattern NewControl = SomeControl Nothing
pattern UpdateControl :: Control c -> SomeControl 'True c
pattern UpdateControl c = SomeControl (Just c)
{-# COMPLETE NewControl, UpdateControl :: SomeControl #-}
-- -}
type role SomeControl nominal nominal
type SomeControl :: Bool -> Type -> Type
data SomeControl _b _c where
NewControl :: SomeControl 'False c
UpdateControl :: Control c -> SomeControl 'True c
-- -}
eval :: forall c. (forall e. SomeControl e c) -> Maybe (Control c)
eval = \case
NewControl -> Nothing
UpdateControl c -> Just c
data Data
type role PhoneNumber phantom
type PhoneNumber :: Domain -> Type
newtype PhoneNumber a = PhoneNumber { unPhoneNumber :: String }
deriving via (Wrapped (PhoneNumber x)) instance MyClass' d k (PhoneNumber x)
f :: forall d k t. MyClass' d k t => t -> ()
f = const ()
main = do
let () = f @'A @String @(PhoneNumber 'A) $ PhoneNumber @'A ""
putStrLn "Hello"
putStrLn "World"
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