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Last active July 9, 2023 16:04
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STM queue
{-# Language BlockArguments, ExplicitNamespaces, DerivingStrategies, ViewPatterns
, NoFieldSelectors, OverloadedRecordDot, DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -main-is Main.test -Wall #-}
module Main (
Queue(push, pop, front, back, size, empty), new, onSome, test) where
import GHC.Conc (type STM, newTVar, readTVar, writeTVar, retry)
import Numeric.Natural (type Natural)
import Data.Bitraversable (bitraverse)
import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.Functor ((<&>))
import Data.Maybe (isNothing)
import Control.Monad (join, when)
-- testing
import GHC.Conc (atomically)
import Control.Concurrent (forkFinally, newEmptyMVar)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar (putMVar, takeMVar)
import Control.Monad (void)
import Data.Foldable (for_)
-- | read-only type for a node cons of the mutable list
data Node elem = Node {
-- | car
value :: elem, -- TODO: STM elem ???
-- | cdr
next :: !(List elem) }
deriving stock Functor
-- | read-only type for a mutable list
type List elem = STM (Maybe (Node elem))
-- | mutable list with ability to push to the latest cdr
newtype Push elem = Push {
-- | push an element to the current last node,
-- returns new last cons
push :: elem -> STM (Push elem) }
-- | a pair of a head and a push of the push-list
type PushList elem = (List elem, Push elem)
-- | smart constructor for 'PushList'
newPushList :: STM (PushList elem)
newPushList = newTVar Nothing <&> \ node -> (readTVar node, Push \ value -> do
(next, push) <- newPushList
writeTVar node $ Just Node { value, next }
pure push)
-- | mutable FIFO queue with the last car exposed
data PopPushQueue elem = PopPushQueue {
-- | head to read
head :: !(List elem),
-- | back & last (TVar TNil) to write
last :: !(STM (Maybe elem)),
-- | push an element to the end of the queue
push :: elem -> STM (),
-- | pop a first element out of the queue
pop :: STM (Maybe elem) }
-- | smart constructor for 'PopPushQueue'
newPopPushQueue :: STM (PopPushQueue elem)
newPopPushQueue = do
(head', push') <- bitraverse newTVar newTVar =<< newPushList
last' <- newTVar Nothing
pure PopPushQueue {
head = join $ readTVar head',
last = readTVar last',
push = \ value ->
readTVar push' <&> (.push) <&> ($ value) & join
>>= writeTVar push' >> writeTVar last' do Just value,
pop = readTVar head' & join >>= traverse \ node -> do
writeTVar head'
-- optimized: writeTVar last' =<< (>>) <$> <*> readTVar last' <&> isNothing >>= flip when do
writeTVar last' Nothing
pure node.value }
-- | abstract FIFO queue
data Queue elem = Queue {
push :: elem -> STM (),
pop :: STM (Maybe elem),
front :: STM (Maybe elem),
back :: STM (Maybe elem),
size :: STM Natural,
empty :: STM Bool }
-- | smart constructor for 'Queue'
new :: STM (Queue elem)
new = newPopPushQueue <&> \ !queue -> Queue {
push = queue.push,
pop = queue.pop,
front = queue.head <&> fmap (.value),
back = queue.last,
size = let
size' list counter = list >>= maybe do pure counter
\ node -> size' $ counter + 1
in size' queue.head 0,
empty = queue.head <&> isNothing }
-- | helper for methods that may return 'Nothing'
-- computation would continue when there be a non-empty result
-- E.g. it can be used like @onSome myQueue.pop@
-- to pop a first element when it became available
onSome :: STM (Maybe elem) -> STM elem
{-# INLINE onSome #-}
onSome = (>>= maybe retry pure)
test :: IO ()
test = do
q <- atomically $ new @Natural
let n = 100
Nothing <- atomically q.front
Nothing <- atomically q.pop
Nothing <- atomically q.back
True <- atomically q.empty
asyncTest <- newEmptyMVar
void $ forkFinally
0 <- atomically $ onSome q.pop
1 <- atomically $ onSome q.front
1 <- atomically $ onSome q.back
Just 1 <- atomically $ q.back
Just 1 <- atomically $ q.pop
Nothing <- atomically $ q.front
atomically $ q.push 0
0 <- atomically $ onSome q.pop
Nothing <- atomically $ q.front
Nothing <- atomically $ q.back
putStrLn "Async tests successfully passed."
do const $ putMVar asyncTest ()
atomically $ q.push 0
atomically $ q.push 1
takeMVar asyncTest
for_ [0 .. n * 2 - 1] \ i -> do
((== i) -> True) <- atomically q.size
atomically $ q.push i
Just 0 <- atomically q.front
pure ()
((== Just (n * 2 - 1)) -> True) <- atomically q.back
for_ [0 .. n - 1] \ i -> do
((== n * 2 - i) -> True) <- atomically q.size
((== Just i) -> True) <-atomically q.front
((== Just i) -> True) <- atomically q.pop
pure ()
False <- atomically q.empty
((== Just n) -> True) <- atomically q.front
((== Just (n * 2 - 1)) -> True) <- atomically q.back
((== n) -> True) <- atomically q.size
putStrLn "Tests successfully passed."
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Pitometsu commented Jul 8, 2023

You can use a playground to run it.

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