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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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-- Code challenge.
{-# LANGUAGE NPlusKPatterns #-}
import Control.Monad (guard, liftM)
revert :: Int -- | digit
-> Int -- | with radix
-> Int -- | reverse digit
revert d r = revert' 0 d
revert' i 0 = i
revert' i d = let i' = mod d r + i * r
d' = div d r
in revert' i' d'
palindromic :: Int -- | digit
-> Int -- | with radix
-> Bool -- | is palindrome
palindromic p r = p == revert p r
procRep :: (Int -> Bool) -- | filter condition
-> (Int -> [Int] -> [Int]) -- | processing
-> Int -- | number of repetitions
-> [Int] -- | list of digits
-> [Int] -- | process with repetitions
procRep c s = procRep' c s $ \i l -> do
e <- s i l
guard $ c e
return e
-- TODO: add multithreading
procRep' :: (Int -> Bool) -- | filter condition
-> (Int -> [Int] -> [Int]) -- | processing
-> (Int -> [Int] -> [Int]) -- | condition process
-> Int -- | number of repetitions
-> [Int] -- | list of digits
-> [Int] -- | process with repetitions
procRep' _ _ _ 0 _ = [1]
procRep' _ _ _ _ [] = []
procRep' c s p n'@(n + 1) all@(x : xs) = current ++ remaining
remaining = procRep' c s p n' xs
current = p x $ procRep' c s s n all
main :: IO () -- | evaluate largest palindrome
main = print largest
digits = 3
radix = 10
count = 2
min = radix ^ (digits - 1)
max = radix ^ digits - 1
numbers = [min .. max]
process = liftM . (*)
condition = flip palindromic radix
variants = procRep condition process count numbers
largest = maximum variants
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