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Created January 6, 2022 15:02
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#! /usr/bin/env nix-shell
#! nix-shell --show-trace --pure -Q -i "runghc --ghc-arg=-main-is --ghc-arg=Solution.main" -p "ghc.withPackages (pkgs: with pkgs; [ either text ])" -I nixpkgs=
-- You'll need nix to automatically download the dependencies:
-- `{ curl | sh ; } && . ~/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/`
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings
, PatternSynonyms #-}
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Data.Map (Map(..), fromList, lookup, toList)
import Data.Foldable (fold)
import Data.Functor ((<&>))
import Data.Either.Combinators (leftToMaybe, maybeToRight, maybeToLeft)
import Data.Text (Text(..), pack)
main = print $ scheme `validate` json
scheme = JSONOTypeObject
$ fromList
[ ("key", JSONTypeString)
, ("list", JSONTypeOptional $ JSONTypeList
[ JSONTypeInt
, JSONTypeString ]) ]
json = JSONObject
$ fromList
[ ("key", JSONString "value")
, ("list", JSONList
[ JSONInt 42
, JSONNull ]) ] -- here should be an error
type JSONKey = Text
data JSONType
= JSONTypeString
| JSONTypeInt
| JSONTypeList [JSONType]
| JSONTypeOptional JSONType
| JSONOTypeObject (Map JSONKey JSONType)
deriving Show
data JSONValue
= JSONString Text
| JSONInt Integer
| JSONList [JSONValue]
| JSONNull
| JSONObject (Map JSONKey JSONValue)
deriving Show
-- nice place to use SOP
-- also it would be nice to explicitly encode subtyping of optional values
-- as well as dictionary keys subtyping
validate :: JSONType -> JSONValue -> Either Text ()
validate type' value =
case (value, type') of -- unlike OCaml or Scala, Haskell have no disjunctive patterns
(JSONString _, JSONTypeString) -> unit
(JSONInt _, JSONTypeInt) -> unit
(JSONNull, JSONTypeOptional _) -> unit
(JSONList vs, JSONTypeList ts) -> foldLeft $ uncurry validate <$> zip ts vs
(JSONObject o, JSONOTypeObject t) ->
foldLeft $ toList t
<&> \(k, v) -> errorField k v o `maybeToRight` lookup k o >>= validate v
(_, JSONTypeOptional t) ->
validate t value -- actually, it should be GADT to avoid Optional nesting
_ -> Left $ "The JSON value "
<> pack' value
<> " is not of expected type "
<> pack' type'
unit = pure mempty
foldLeft es = maybeToLeft mempty . fold $ leftToMaybe <$> es
errorField :: JSONKey -> JSONType -> Map JSONKey JSONValue -> Text
errorField k v o = "There's no key "
<> pack' k
<> " of type "
<> pack' v
<> " in the JSON object "
<> pack' o
pack' :: Show a => a -> Text
pack' = pack . show
pattern JSONLeaf <- ((JSONString _, JSONTypeString) | (JSONInt _, JSONTypeInt))
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