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Last active June 16, 2018 16:42
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# Made by ◱ PixelyIon (
# Imports
import retro
import numpy as np
# Logic
file=open("","w") # Open up file to write to
cnsl=[] # Store the list of consoles
roms=[[],[]] # Store the list of games
for x in retro.list_games():
consl=x[x.find("-")+1:] # Store the name of the console for the current game
try: # Catch the exception incase the console of the current game is not present in the cnsl array
ind=cnsl.index(consl) # Store the index of the first occurrence of a the console of the current game
except ValueError: # If the console of the current game is not in the cnsl array
cnsl.append(consl) # Append it to cnsl array
ind=cnsl.index(consl) # Store the index of the first occurrence of a the console of the current game
roms[ind].append(x) # Add the current game to the list
file.write("# Supported Consoles\n")
for x in cnsl:
file.write(f"* {x}\n") # Write stuff to the file
file.write("# Supported ROMs\n")
for x in cnsl:
file.write(f"## {x}\n") # Write stuff to the file
rms=roms[cnsl.index(x)] # Reference to the ROMs of the current console
for y in rms:
file.write(f"### **{y}**\n") # Write stuff to the file
for z in retro.list_states(y):
file.write(f"* {z}\n") # Write stuff to the file
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