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Created August 22, 2016 21:11
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package main
import (
func main() {
bot, err := telebot.NewBot("251435116:AAGZ94QdqmGlfRRQLqRQYz8MUMMpRD5THVw")
if err != nil {
messages := make(chan telebot.Message)
bot.Listen(messages, 1*time.Second)
for message := range messages {
if message.Text == "!date" {
t := time.Now()
str := t.Format(time.ANSIC)
bot.SendMessage(message.Chat, fmt.Sprintf("Tiens grokon, vla la date: %s", str), nil)
if strings.HasPrefix(message.Text, "!ping") {
pts := strings.Split(message.Text, " ")
if len(pts) < 2 {
p := fastping.NewPinger()
ra, err := net.ResolveIPAddr("IP4:icmp", pts[1])
if err != nil {
p.OnRecv = func(addr *net.IPAddr, rtt time.Duration) {
bot.SendMessage(message.Chat, fmt.Sprintf("IP Addr: %s receive, RTT: %v\n", addr.String(), rtt), nil)
err = p.Run()
if err != nil {
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