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Created September 8, 2020 18:07
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Defining a parser and syntax checker


The Assignment is about implementing the ARITHMETIC Language

In this assignment you will be implementing an interpreter for the ARITHMETIC Language, a language of arithmetic expressions.

The language consists of the following:

1. Concrete syntax
for programs in the arithmetic language. Specified as a CFG. Given
2. Abstract syntax
for programs in the arithmetic language. Specified using a define-datatype. Given.
3. Parser
converts concrete syntax to abstract syntax. To be implemented by you.
4. Expressible values
a definition of domain of values expressed, or returned as a result of evaluation. Given.
5. Interpreter Error Domain
Divide by zero error, and type errors. Given.
6. Interpreter
A program that maps abstract syntax to expressible values. To be implemented by you

Concrete Syntax of ARITHMETIC

The concrete syntax of ARITHMETIC programs is given below:

<exp> := <number>
     |   <boolean>
     |   (if <exp> <exp> <exp>)  ; (if <test> <then> <else>)
     |   (<binop> <exp> <exp>)
<binop> := + | - | * | / | < | ==

Abstract Syntax of ARITHMETIC

define-datatype (Given)

(define-datatype ast ast?
 [binop (op binop?) (rand1 ast?) (rand2 ast?)]
 [ifte (c ast?) (t ast?) (e ast?)]
 [num (n number?)]
 [bool (b boolean?)])
  1. define-datatype auto-defines the following constructors (their signatures are shown for clarity):
    1. binop :: [binop? ast? ast?] -> ast?
    2. ifte :: [ast? ast? ast?] -> ast?
    3. num :: number? -> ast?
    4. bool :: boolean? -> ast?

binop? :: symbol? -> boolean? (Given)

(binop? op) checks if op one of the legal binary operators.

(define binop?
  (lambda (x)
    (match x
      ['add #t]
      ['sub #t]
      ['mul #t]
      ['div #t]
      ['lt? #t]
      ['eq? #t]
      [_ #f])))

In the example below, =’foobar= is not a binary operator. Therefore the binop constructor will reject it as an argument.

(check-exn exn:fail (lambda () (binop 'foobar (num 10) (num 20))))

Parser (You need to implement this)

A parser parses an expression in concrete syntax according to a given grammar.

Parse Error (Given)

If the expression is not grammatical legal, the parser raises an exception. Exceptions in Racket are structures. Specialised exceptions like exn:parse-error are built by inheriting from the base exception exn:fail.

(struct exn:parse-error exn:fail ())

The function raise-parse-error, given below raises an exn:parse-err exception when invoked.

(define raise-parse-error 
 (lambda (err-msg)
   (raise (exn:parse-error err-msg (current-continuation-marks)))))
;;; parse :: any/c -> ast?  Raises exception exn:parse-error?
(define (parse exp)
      [(number? exp) (num exp)]  ;; simple number case
      [(boolean? exp) (bool exp)]  ;; boolean case
      [(and (list? exp) (= (length exp) 4)  ;; if/then/else case
            (eq? (first exp) 'if)
            (boolean? (second exp)))
       (ifte (parse (second exp)) (parse (third exp)) (parse (fourth exp)))]
      [(and (list? exp) (= (length exp) 3)) ;; binary ops
         [(eq? (first exp) '+) (binop 'add (parse (second exp)) (parse (third exp)))]
         [(eq? (first exp) '-) (binop 'sub (parse (second exp)) (parse (third exp)))]
         [(eq? (first exp) '*) (binop 'mul (parse (second exp)) (parse (third exp)))]
         [(eq? (first exp) '/) (binop 'div (parse (second exp)) (parse (third exp)))]
         [(eq? (first exp) '<) (binop 'lt? (parse (second exp)) (parse (third exp)))]
         [(eq? (first exp) '=) (binop 'eq? (parse (second exp)) (parse (third exp)))]
         [else (raise-parse-error "invalid syntax ~a") exp]  ;; invalid operation
      [else (raise-parse-error "invalid syntax ~a") exp]  ;; invalid operation

Test for Parsing

;;; Tests for parsing
(define ts-parsing
  (test-suite "parsing"
              (test-case "num" (check-equal? (parse 10) (num 10)))
              (test-case "add" (check-equal? (parse '(+ 10 20)) (binop 'add (num 10) (num 20))))
              (test-case "sub" (check-equal? (parse '(- 10 20)) (binop 'sub (num 10) (num 20))))
              (test-case "mul" (check-equal? (parse '(* 10 20)) (binop 'mul (num 10) (num 20))))
              (test-case "div" (check-equal? (parse '(/ 10 20)) (binop 'div (num 10) (num 20))))
              (test-case "bool-t" (check-equal? (parse #t) (bool #t)))
              (test-case "bool-f" (check-equal? (parse #f) (bool #f)))
              (test-case "if" (check-equal? (parse '(if #t 10 20)) (ifte (bool #t) (num 10) (num 20))))
              (test-case "failure"
                (check-exn exn:parse-error?
                           (lambda () (parse '(** 10 20)))))
              (test-case "recur" (check-equal?
                                  (parse '(+ (- 10 20) (* 20 30)))
                                  (binop 'add
                                             (binop 'sub (num 10) (num 20))
                                             (binop 'mul (num 20) (num 30)))))

Expressible Values

Expressible values are those that are returned as the result of evaluating an expression. For the ARITHMETIC language, expressible values are numbers and booleans.

#+NAME expressible

(require racket/contract)
(define expressible-value? (or/c number? boolean?))

Error domain

The interpreter receives an AST, and produces a number, boolean, or throws an error. We first define the types of errors it can throw.

Errors raised by the interpreter

Like before, errors are specialised exceptions. We are concerned with two kinds of exceptions raised during evaluation, or execution time: divide-by-zero and type-error.

exec-divide-by-zero is raised when the numerator of a division is zero. exec-type-error is raised when there is an argument type mismatch, e.g., a non-boolean value to the test of a conditional, or a boolean argument to addition, etc.

(struct exn:exec-div-by-zero exn:fail ())
(define raise-exec-div-by-zero
  (lambda ()
    (raise (exn:exec-div-by-zero "div-by-0!" (current-continuation-marks)))))

(struct exn:exec-type-mismatch exn:fail ())
(define raise-exec-type-mismatch
  (lambda ()
    (raise (exn:exec-type-mismatch "type mismatch!" (current-continuation-marks)))))

These errors are raised as follows:

  • (raise-exec-div-by-zero)
  • (raise-exec-type-mismatch)

Your interpreter will be expected to raise the above exceptions under the appropriate conditions.

Runtime checks for types

The functions typecheck-num, typecheck-bool and check-non-zero defined below check whether a value has the right type and raise the appropriate runtime evaluator exceptions.

;;; runtime-check :: [expressible? -> boolean?], exn? -> [expressible? -> expressible? || exn?] 
(define runtime-check
  (lambda (pred? exn)
    (lambda (v)
      (if (pred? v)

(define typecheck-num
  (runtime-check number?  raise-exec-type-mismatch))

(define typecheck-bool 
  (runtime-check boolean? raise-exec-type-mismatch))

(define check-non-zero
  (runtime-check (not/c zero?) raise-exec-div-by-zero))


Mapping operators to operations

This function below maps the operators to their interpretation, i.e., actual functions that operate on expressible values.

(define op-interpretation
  (lambda (op)
    (match op
      ['add +]
      ['sub -]
      ['mul *]
      ['lt? <]
      ['eq? =]
      [_ error 'op-interpretation "unknown op"])))

eval-ast (You need to implement this)

;;; eval-ast :: ast? -> expressible? || (or/c exn:exec-div-by-zero  exn:exec-type-mismatch)
(define eval-ast
    (λ (a)
      (cases ast a
        [bool (b) b]
        [num (n) n]
        [binop (op lhs rhs)
               (if (equal? op 'div)
                   (/ (typecheck-num (eval-ast lhs)) (check-non-zero (eval-ast rhs)))
                   ((op-interpretation op) (typecheck-num (eval-ast lhs))
                                           (typecheck-num (eval-ast rhs)))
        [ifte (condition if-true-exp if-false-exp)
              (if (typecheck-bool (eval-ast condition))
                  (eval-ast if-true-exp)
                  (eval-ast if-false-exp))

Testing eval-ast

Routine test cases

(define ts-evaluation
    (test-case "num" (check-equal? (eval-ast (num 10)) 10))
    (test-case "add" (check-equal? (eval-ast (binop 'add (num 10) (num 20))) 30))
    (test-case "sub" (check-equal? (eval-ast (binop 'sub (num 10) (num 20))) -10))
    (test-case "mul" (check-equal? (eval-ast (binop 'mul (num 10) (num 20))) 200))
    (test-case "lt" (check-equal? (eval-ast (binop 'lt? (num 10) (num 20))) #t))
    (test-case "eq" (check-equal? (eval-ast (binop 'eq? (num 10) (num 10))) #t))
    (test-case "div-success" (check-equal? (eval-ast (binop 'div (num 20) (num 10))) 2))
    ;; raise an exception, so use the correct `raise' function!
    (test-case "div-failure"
               (check-exn exn:exec-div-by-zero?
                          (lambda () (eval-ast (binop 'div (num 20) (num 0))) 2)))
    (test-case "bool-t" (check-equal? (eval-ast (bool #t)) #t))
    (test-case "bool-f" (check-equal? (eval-ast (bool #f)) #f))
    (test-case "if-true" (check-equal? (eval-ast (ifte (bool #t) (num 10) (num 20))) 10))
    (test-case "if-false" (check-equal? (eval-ast (ifte (bool #f) (num 10) (num 20))) 20))
    (test-case "if-type-mismatch"  (check-exn exn:exec-type-mismatch?
               (lambda () (eval-ast (ifte (num 42) (num 10) (num 20))))))))

Testing Incorrect rand1 type

(define ts-numop-incorrect-param-rand1
   "wrongly typed rand1 parameters"
   (for/list ([numerical-op '(add sub mul div lt? eq?)])
     (test-case (string-append (symbol->string numerical-op) "-type-mismatch-rand1")
       (check-exn exn:exec-type-mismatch?
                  (lambda () 
                    (eval-ast (binop numerical-op
                                     (binop 'lt? (num 10) (num 20)) ; boolean
                                     (num 10)))))))))

Testing Incorrect rand2 type

(define ts-numop-incorrect-param-rand2
   "wrongly typed rand2 parameters"
   (for/list ([numerical-op '(add sub mul div)])
     (test-case (string-append (symbol->string numerical-op) "-type-mismatch-rand1")
       (check-exn exn:exec-type-mismatch?
                  (lambda () 
                    (eval-ast (binop numerical-op (num 10)
                                     (binop 'lt? (num 10) (num 20))))))))))

Test Runners

These run the tests that have been written in this file. When submitting, please ensure that all these tests pass.

(define run-all-tests 
  (lambda ()
    (run-tests ts-parsing)
    (run-tests ts-evaluation)
    (run-tests ts-numop-incorrect-param-rand1)
    (run-tests ts-numop-incorrect-param-rand2)))

Running the test suite

We will use raco command line utility to run the tests.

raco test test.rkt will run the test suite.

(module+ test


#lang racket
(require eopl)
(require rackunit)
(require racket/match)
(provide (all-defined-out))

#lang racket
(require eopl)
(require rackunit)
(require racket/match)
(require rackunit/text-ui)
(require "main.rkt")

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