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Created November 4, 2017 17:16
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# Assorted
# ------------------------------------
# Linux alias commands for general use.
alias sites='cd ~/sites/' # opens the sites folder
alias sb='cd ~/sandbox/' # opens the sandbox folder
alias folder='nemo .' # opens the current directory in nemo file browser
alias xt='exit' # closes the terminal
alias sen='sensors' # shows cpu and gpu temps
alias ..='cd ../' # change directory to parent
alias ...='cd ../../' # change directory to parent of parent
alias andex='&& exit' # closes terminal after task
# Google Search
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Linux alias commands for launching Google via the command line.
# - Searching for single words can be done like this: g foobar
# - Searching for strings can be done like this: g 'foo bar'
# Standard Google search => g foobar
function g() {
xdg-open"$1" && exit
# Feeling Lucky => gl foobar (takes you straight to the first result)
function gl() {
xdg-open "$1&btnI" && exit
# Youtube => tube foobar (searches youtube)
function tube() {
xdg-open"$1" && exit
# Ruby on rails
# ------------------------------
# Linux alias for Ruby on Rails.
alias rs='rails s' # starts the rails server
alias rgm='rails g migration' # generates migration
alias rgc='rails g controller' # generates controller
alias rgs='rails g scaffold' # generates scaffold
alias rrdm='rake db:migrate' # migrates the database
# Opening localhost in your browser (lh3 => localhost:3000, lh4 => localhost:4000)
function lh() {
xdg-open http://localhost:"$1"000 && exit
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