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Last active November 11, 2015 22:18
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Access rails console through the terminal

heroku run rails console --app APPNAME

Rake your database through the terminal

heroku run rake db:migrate --app APPNAME

Access PSQL databases through the terminal

heroku pg:psql --app yourappname DATABASE

Empty the database

heroku pg:reset DATABASE --app appnamehere

Push local database up to heroku

Note that you'll have to do a pg:reset before you're able to push data into a Heroku database. If you are asked for a password which you don't remember setting up when you installed psql don't worry, you didn't forget anything. PSQL will need a password set for whatever role you're using. Check out the PSQL cheat sheet for both of these.

heroku pg:push alancharles_co_development HEROKU_DATABASE_NAME --app appnamehere

Can't find the database? Try using DATABASE_URL instead of the name of the database. You don't have to get an actualy URL, just literally put DATABASE_URL.

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