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Created March 27, 2021 17:37
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// Taken from raiblock's openclwork.cpp
enum blake2b_constant
typedef struct __blake2b_param
uchar digest_length; // 1
uchar key_length; // 2
uchar fanout; // 3
uchar depth; // 4
uint leaf_length; // 8
ulong node_offset; // 16
uchar node_depth; // 17
uchar inner_length; // 18
uchar reserved[14]; // 32
uchar salt[BLAKE2B_SALTBYTES]; // 48
uchar personal[BLAKE2B_PERSONALBYTES]; // 64
} blake2b_param;
typedef struct __blake2b_state
ulong h[8];
ulong t[2];
ulong f[2];
uchar buf[2 * BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES];
size_t buflen;
uchar last_node;
} blake2b_state;
__constant static ulong blake2b_IV[8] =
0x6a09e667f3bcc908UL, 0xbb67ae8584caa73bUL,
0x3c6ef372fe94f82bUL, 0xa54ff53a5f1d36f1UL,
0x510e527fade682d1UL, 0x9b05688c2b3e6c1fUL,
0x1f83d9abfb41bd6bUL, 0x5be0cd19137e2179UL
__constant static uchar blake2b_sigma[12][16] =
{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 } ,
{ 14, 10, 4, 8, 9, 15, 13, 6, 1, 12, 0, 2, 11, 7, 5, 3 } ,
{ 11, 8, 12, 0, 5, 2, 15, 13, 10, 14, 3, 6, 7, 1, 9, 4 } ,
{ 7, 9, 3, 1, 13, 12, 11, 14, 2, 6, 5, 10, 4, 0, 15, 8 } ,
{ 9, 0, 5, 7, 2, 4, 10, 15, 14, 1, 11, 12, 6, 8, 3, 13 } ,
{ 2, 12, 6, 10, 0, 11, 8, 3, 4, 13, 7, 5, 15, 14, 1, 9 } ,
{ 12, 5, 1, 15, 14, 13, 4, 10, 0, 7, 6, 3, 9, 2, 8, 11 } ,
{ 13, 11, 7, 14, 12, 1, 3, 9, 5, 0, 15, 4, 8, 6, 2, 10 } ,
{ 6, 15, 14, 9, 11, 3, 0, 8, 12, 2, 13, 7, 1, 4, 10, 5 } ,
{ 10, 2, 8, 4, 7, 6, 1, 5, 15, 11, 9, 14, 3, 12, 13 , 0 } ,
{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 } ,
{ 14, 10, 4, 8, 9, 15, 13, 6, 1, 12, 0, 2, 11, 7, 5, 3 }
static inline int blake2b_set_lastnode( blake2b_state *S )
S->f[1] = ~0UL;
return 0;
/* Some helper functions, not necessarily useful */
static inline int blake2b_set_lastblock( blake2b_state *S )
if( S->last_node ) blake2b_set_lastnode( S );
S->f[0] = ~0UL;
return 0;
static inline int blake2b_increment_counter( blake2b_state *S, const ulong inc )
S->t[0] += inc;
S->t[1] += ( S->t[0] < inc );
return 0;
static inline uint load32( const uchar *src )
return *( const uint * )( src );
const uchar *p = ( const uchar * )src;
uint w = *p++;
w |= ( uint )( *p++ ) << 8;
w |= ( uint )( *p++ ) << 16;
w |= ( uint )( *p++ ) << 24;
return w;
static inline ulong load64( const uchar *src )
return *( const ulong * )( src );
const uchar *p = ( const uchar * )src;
ulong w = *p++;
w |= ( ulong )( *p++ ) << 8;
w |= ( ulong )( *p++ ) << 16;
w |= ( ulong )( *p++ ) << 24;
w |= ( ulong )( *p++ ) << 32;
w |= ( ulong )( *p++ ) << 40;
w |= ( ulong )( *p++ ) << 48;
w |= ( ulong )( *p++ ) << 56;
return w;
static inline void store32( uchar *dst, uint w )
#if defined(__ENDIAN_LITTLE__)
*( uint * )( dst ) = w;
uchar *p = ( uchar * )dst;
*p++ = ( uchar )w; w >>= 8;
*p++ = ( uchar )w; w >>= 8;
*p++ = ( uchar )w; w >>= 8;
*p++ = ( uchar )w;
static inline void store64( uchar *dst, ulong w )
#if defined(__ENDIAN_LITTLE__)
*( ulong * )( dst ) = w;
uchar *p = ( uchar * )dst;
*p++ = ( uchar )w; w >>= 8;
*p++ = ( uchar )w; w >>= 8;
*p++ = ( uchar )w; w >>= 8;
*p++ = ( uchar )w; w >>= 8;
*p++ = ( uchar )w; w >>= 8;
*p++ = ( uchar )w; w >>= 8;
*p++ = ( uchar )w; w >>= 8;
*p++ = ( uchar )w;
static inline ulong rotr64( const ulong w, const unsigned c )
return ( w >> c ) | ( w << ( 64 - c ) );
static void ucharset (uchar * dest_a, int val, size_t count)
uchar * dest = dest_a;
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i)
*dest++ = val;
/* init xors IV with input parameter block */
static inline int blake2b_init_param( blake2b_state *S, const blake2b_param *P )
uchar *p, *h;
__constant uchar *v;
v = ( __constant uchar * )( blake2b_IV );
h = ( uchar * )( S->h );
p = ( uchar * )( P );
/* IV XOR ParamBlock */
ucharset( S, 0, sizeof( blake2b_state ) );
for( int i = 0; i < BLAKE2B_OUTBYTES; ++i ) h[i] = v[i] ^ p[i];
return 0;
static inline int blake2b_init( blake2b_state *S, const uchar outlen )
blake2b_param P[1];
if ( ( !outlen ) || ( outlen > BLAKE2B_OUTBYTES ) ) return -1;
P->digest_length = outlen;
P->key_length = 0;
P->fanout = 1;
P->depth = 1;
store32( &P->leaf_length, 0 );
store64( &P->node_offset, 0 );
P->node_depth = 0;
P->inner_length = 0;
ucharset( P->reserved, 0, sizeof( P->reserved ) );
ucharset( P->salt, 0, sizeof( P->salt ) );
ucharset( P->personal, 0, sizeof( P->personal ) );
return blake2b_init_param( S, P );
static int blake2b_compress( blake2b_state *S, __private const uchar block[BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES] )
ulong m[16];
ulong v[16];
int i;
for( i = 0; i < 16; ++i )
m[i] = load64( block + i * sizeof( m[i] ) );
for( i = 0; i < 8; ++i )
v[i] = S->h[i];
v[ 8] = blake2b_IV[0];
v[ 9] = blake2b_IV[1];
v[10] = blake2b_IV[2];
v[11] = blake2b_IV[3];
v[12] = S->t[0] ^ blake2b_IV[4];
v[13] = S->t[1] ^ blake2b_IV[5];
v[14] = S->f[0] ^ blake2b_IV[6];
v[15] = S->f[1] ^ blake2b_IV[7];
#define G(r,i,a,b,c,d) \
do { \
a = a + b + m[blake2b_sigma[r][2*i+0]]; \
d = rotr64(d ^ a, 32); \
c = c + d; \
b = rotr64(b ^ c, 24); \
a = a + b + m[blake2b_sigma[r][2*i+1]]; \
d = rotr64(d ^ a, 16); \
c = c + d; \
b = rotr64(b ^ c, 63); \
} while(0)
#define ROUND(r) \
do { \
G(r,0,v[ 0],v[ 4],v[ 8],v[12]); \
G(r,1,v[ 1],v[ 5],v[ 9],v[13]); \
G(r,2,v[ 2],v[ 6],v[10],v[14]); \
G(r,3,v[ 3],v[ 7],v[11],v[15]); \
G(r,4,v[ 0],v[ 5],v[10],v[15]); \
G(r,5,v[ 1],v[ 6],v[11],v[12]); \
G(r,6,v[ 2],v[ 7],v[ 8],v[13]); \
G(r,7,v[ 3],v[ 4],v[ 9],v[14]); \
} while(0)
ROUND( 0 );
ROUND( 1 );
ROUND( 2 );
ROUND( 3 );
ROUND( 4 );
ROUND( 5 );
ROUND( 6 );
ROUND( 7 );
ROUND( 8 );
ROUND( 9 );
ROUND( 10 );
ROUND( 11 );
for( i = 0; i < 8; ++i )
S->h[i] = S->h[i] ^ v[i] ^ v[i + 8];
#undef G
#undef ROUND
return 0;
static void ucharcpy (uchar * dst, uchar const * src, size_t count)
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i)
*dst++ = *src++;
void printstate (blake2b_state * S)
printf ("%lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu ", S->h[0], S->h[1], S->h[2], S->h[3], S->h[4], S->h[5], S->h[6], S->h[7], S->t[0], S->t[1], S->f[0], S->f[1]);
for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i)
printf ("%02x", S->buf[i]);
printf (" %lu %02x\n", S->buflen, S->last_node);
/* inlen now in bytes */
static int blake2b_update( blake2b_state *S, const uchar *in, ulong inlen )
while( inlen > 0 )
size_t left = S->buflen;
size_t fill = 2 * BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES - left;
if( inlen > fill )
ucharcpy( S->buf + left, in, fill ); // Fill buffer
S->buflen += fill;
blake2b_increment_counter( S, BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES );
blake2b_compress( S, S->buf ); // Compress
ucharcpy( S->buf, S->buf + BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES, BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES ); // Shift buffer left
in += fill;
inlen -= fill;
else // inlen <= fill
ucharcpy( S->buf + left, in, inlen );
S->buflen += inlen; // Be lazy, do not compress
in += inlen;
inlen -= inlen;
return 0;
static int blake2b_final( blake2b_state *S, uchar *out, uchar outlen )
uchar buffer[BLAKE2B_OUTBYTES];
if( S->buflen > BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES )
blake2b_increment_counter( S, BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES );
blake2b_compress( S, S->buf );
ucharcpy( S->buf, S->buf + BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES, S->buflen );
//blake2b_increment_counter( S, S->buflen );
ulong inc = (ulong)S->buflen;
S->t[0] += inc;
// if ( S->t[0] < inc )
// S->t[1] += 1;
// This seems to crash the opencl compiler though fortunately this is calculating size and we don't do things bigger than 2^32
blake2b_set_lastblock( S );
ucharset( S->buf + S->buflen, 0, 2 * BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES - S->buflen ); /* Padding */
blake2b_compress( S, S->buf );
for( int i = 0; i < 8; ++i ) /* Output full hash to temp buffer */
store64( buffer + sizeof( S->h[i] ) * i, S->h[i] );
ucharcpy( out, buffer, outlen );
return 0;
static void ucharcpyglb (uchar * dst, __global uchar const * src, size_t count)
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i)
*dst = *src;
typedef uchar uint8_t;
typedef uint uint32_t;
typedef ulong uint64_t;
#define ALIGN(x) __attribute__((aligned(x)))
/* multiples of the base point in packed {ysubx, xaddy, t2d} form */
__constant uint8_t ALIGN(16) ge25519_niels_base_multiples[256][96] = {
#define ALIGN(x) __attribute__((aligned(x)))
typedef uint32_t bignum25519[10];
typedef uint32_t bignum25519align16[12];
typedef struct ge25519_t {
bignum25519 x, y, z, t;
} ge25519;
typedef struct ge25519_p1p1_t {
bignum25519 x, y, z, t;
} ge25519_p1p1;
typedef struct ge25519_niels_t {
bignum25519 ysubx, xaddy, t2d;
} ge25519_niels;
typedef struct ge25519_pniels_t {
bignum25519 ysubx, xaddy, z, t2d;
} ge25519_pniels;
__constant ge25519 ALIGN(16) ge25519_basepoint = {
__constant bignum25519 ALIGN(16) ge25519_ecd = {
__constant bignum25519 ALIGN(16) ge25519_ec2d = {
__constant bignum25519 ALIGN(16) ge25519_sqrtneg1 = {
__constant ge25519_niels ALIGN(16) ge25519_niels_sliding_multiples[32] = {
// Cobbled together from the ed25519 reference implementation.
typedef short uint16_t;
typedef int int32_t;
#define mul32x32_64(a,b) (((uint64_t)(a))*(b))
#define DONNA_NOINLINE __attribute__((noinline))
#define ALIGN(x) __attribute__((aligned(x)))
#define ROTL32(a,b) (((a) << (b)) | ((a) >> (32 - b)))
typedef unsigned char curved25519_key[32];
#define bignum256modm_bits_per_limb 30
#define bignum256modm_limb_size 9
typedef uint32_t bignum256modm_element_t;
typedef bignum256modm_element_t bignum256modm[9];
#define U8TO32_LE(p) ( \
((uint32_t)(((uchar*) (p))[0]) ) | \
((uint32_t)(((uchar*) (p))[1]) << 8) | \
((uint32_t)(((uchar*) (p))[2]) << 16) | \
((uint32_t)(((uchar*) (p))[3]) << 24) \
static inline void U32TO8_LE(unsigned char *p, const uint32_t v) {
p[0] = (unsigned char)(v );
p[1] = (unsigned char)(v >> 8);
p[2] = (unsigned char)(v >> 16);
p[3] = (unsigned char)(v >> 24);
__constant bignum256modm modm_m = {
0x1cf5d3ed, 0x20498c69, 0x2f79cd65, 0x37be77a8,
0x00000014, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
__constant bignum256modm modm_mu = {
0x0a2c131b, 0x3673968c, 0x06329a7e, 0x01885742,
0x3fffeb21, 0x3fffffff, 0x3fffffff, 0x3fffffff,
static bignum256modm_element_t
lt_modm(bignum256modm_element_t a, bignum256modm_element_t b) {
return (a - b) >> 31;
/* see HAC, Alg. 14.42 Step 4 */
static void
reduce256_modm(bignum256modm r) {
bignum256modm t;
bignum256modm_element_t b = 0, pb, mask;
/* t = r - m */
pb = 0;
pb += modm_m[0]; b = lt_modm(r[0], pb); t[0] = (r[0] - pb + (b << 30)); pb = b;
pb += modm_m[1]; b = lt_modm(r[1], pb); t[1] = (r[1] - pb + (b << 30)); pb = b;
pb += modm_m[2]; b = lt_modm(r[2], pb); t[2] = (r[2] - pb + (b << 30)); pb = b;
pb += modm_m[3]; b = lt_modm(r[3], pb); t[3] = (r[3] - pb + (b << 30)); pb = b;
pb += modm_m[4]; b = lt_modm(r[4], pb); t[4] = (r[4] - pb + (b << 30)); pb = b;
pb += modm_m[5]; b = lt_modm(r[5], pb); t[5] = (r[5] - pb + (b << 30)); pb = b;
pb += modm_m[6]; b = lt_modm(r[6], pb); t[6] = (r[6] - pb + (b << 30)); pb = b;
pb += modm_m[7]; b = lt_modm(r[7], pb); t[7] = (r[7] - pb + (b << 30)); pb = b;
pb += modm_m[8]; b = lt_modm(r[8], pb); t[8] = (r[8] - pb + (b << 16));
/* keep r if r was smaller than m */
mask = b - 1;
r[0] ^= mask & (r[0] ^ t[0]);
r[1] ^= mask & (r[1] ^ t[1]);
r[2] ^= mask & (r[2] ^ t[2]);
r[3] ^= mask & (r[3] ^ t[3]);
r[4] ^= mask & (r[4] ^ t[4]);
r[5] ^= mask & (r[5] ^ t[5]);
r[6] ^= mask & (r[6] ^ t[6]);
r[7] ^= mask & (r[7] ^ t[7]);
r[8] ^= mask & (r[8] ^ t[8]);
Barrett reduction, see HAC, Alg. 14.42
Instead of passing in x, pre-process in to q1 and r1 for efficiency
static void
barrett_reduce256_modm(bignum256modm r, const bignum256modm q1, const bignum256modm r1) {
bignum256modm q3, r2;
uint64_t c;
bignum256modm_element_t f, b, pb;
/* q1 = x >> 248 = 264 bits = 9 30 bit elements
q2 = mu * q1
q3 = (q2 / 256(32+1)) = q2 / (2^8)^(32+1) = q2 >> 264 */
c = mul32x32_64(modm_mu[0], q1[7]) + mul32x32_64(modm_mu[1], q1[6]) + mul32x32_64(modm_mu[2], q1[5]) + mul32x32_64(modm_mu[3], q1[4]) + mul32x32_64(modm_mu[4], q1[3]) + mul32x32_64(modm_mu[5], q1[2]) + mul32x32_64(modm_mu[6], q1[1]) + mul32x32_64(modm_mu[7], q1[0]);
c >>= 30;
c += mul32x32_64(modm_mu[0], q1[8]) + mul32x32_64(modm_mu[1], q1[7]) + mul32x32_64(modm_mu[2], q1[6]) + mul32x32_64(modm_mu[3], q1[5]) + mul32x32_64(modm_mu[4], q1[4]) + mul32x32_64(modm_mu[5], q1[3]) + mul32x32_64(modm_mu[6], q1[2]) + mul32x32_64(modm_mu[7], q1[1]) + mul32x32_64(modm_mu[8], q1[0]);
f = (bignum256modm_element_t)c; q3[0] = (f >> 24) & 0x3f; c >>= 30;
c += mul32x32_64(modm_mu[1], q1[8]) + mul32x32_64(modm_mu[2], q1[7]) + mul32x32_64(modm_mu[3], q1[6]) + mul32x32_64(modm_mu[4], q1[5]) + mul32x32_64(modm_mu[5], q1[4]) + mul32x32_64(modm_mu[6], q1[3]) + mul32x32_64(modm_mu[7], q1[2]) + mul32x32_64(modm_mu[8], q1[1]);
f = (bignum256modm_element_t)c; q3[0] |= (f << 6) & 0x3fffffff; q3[1] = (f >> 24) & 0x3f; c >>= 30;
c += mul32x32_64(modm_mu[2], q1[8]) + mul32x32_64(modm_mu[3], q1[7]) + mul32x32_64(modm_mu[4], q1[6]) + mul32x32_64(modm_mu[5], q1[5]) + mul32x32_64(modm_mu[6], q1[4]) + mul32x32_64(modm_mu[7], q1[3]) + mul32x32_64(modm_mu[8], q1[2]);
f = (bignum256modm_element_t)c; q3[1] |= (f << 6) & 0x3fffffff; q3[2] = (f >> 24) & 0x3f; c >>= 30;
c += mul32x32_64(modm_mu[3], q1[8]) + mul32x32_64(modm_mu[4], q1[7]) + mul32x32_64(modm_mu[5], q1[6]) + mul32x32_64(modm_mu[6], q1[5]) + mul32x32_64(modm_mu[7], q1[4]) + mul32x32_64(modm_mu[8], q1[3]);
f = (bignum256modm_element_t)c; q3[2] |= (f << 6) & 0x3fffffff; q3[3] = (f >> 24) & 0x3f; c >>= 30;
c += mul32x32_64(modm_mu[4], q1[8]) + mul32x32_64(modm_mu[5], q1[7]) + mul32x32_64(modm_mu[6], q1[6]) + mul32x32_64(modm_mu[7], q1[5]) + mul32x32_64(modm_mu[8], q1[4]);
f = (bignum256modm_element_t)c; q3[3] |= (f << 6) & 0x3fffffff; q3[4] = (f >> 24) & 0x3f; c >>= 30;
c += mul32x32_64(modm_mu[5], q1[8]) + mul32x32_64(modm_mu[6], q1[7]) + mul32x32_64(modm_mu[7], q1[6]) + mul32x32_64(modm_mu[8], q1[5]);
f = (bignum256modm_element_t)c; q3[4] |= (f << 6) & 0x3fffffff; q3[5] = (f >> 24) & 0x3f; c >>= 30;
c += mul32x32_64(modm_mu[6], q1[8]) + mul32x32_64(modm_mu[7], q1[7]) + mul32x32_64(modm_mu[8], q1[6]);
f = (bignum256modm_element_t)c; q3[5] |= (f << 6) & 0x3fffffff; q3[6] = (f >> 24) & 0x3f; c >>= 30;
c += mul32x32_64(modm_mu[7], q1[8]) + mul32x32_64(modm_mu[8], q1[7]);
f = (bignum256modm_element_t)c; q3[6] |= (f << 6) & 0x3fffffff; q3[7] = (f >> 24) & 0x3f; c >>= 30;
c += mul32x32_64(modm_mu[8], q1[8]);
f = (bignum256modm_element_t)c; q3[7] |= (f << 6) & 0x3fffffff; q3[8] = (bignum256modm_element_t)(c >> 24);
/* r1 = (x mod 256^(32+1)) = x mod (2^8)(31+1) = x & ((1 << 264) - 1)
r2 = (q3 * m) mod (256^(32+1)) = (q3 * m) & ((1 << 264) - 1) */
c = mul32x32_64(modm_m[0], q3[0]);
r2[0] = (bignum256modm_element_t)(c & 0x3fffffff); c >>= 30;
c += mul32x32_64(modm_m[0], q3[1]) + mul32x32_64(modm_m[1], q3[0]);
r2[1] = (bignum256modm_element_t)(c & 0x3fffffff); c >>= 30;
c += mul32x32_64(modm_m[0], q3[2]) + mul32x32_64(modm_m[1], q3[1]) + mul32x32_64(modm_m[2], q3[0]);
r2[2] = (bignum256modm_element_t)(c & 0x3fffffff); c >>= 30;
c += mul32x32_64(modm_m[0], q3[3]) + mul32x32_64(modm_m[1], q3[2]) + mul32x32_64(modm_m[2], q3[1]) + mul32x32_64(modm_m[3], q3[0]);
r2[3] = (bignum256modm_element_t)(c & 0x3fffffff); c >>= 30;
c += mul32x32_64(modm_m[0], q3[4]) + mul32x32_64(modm_m[1], q3[3]) + mul32x32_64(modm_m[2], q3[2]) + mul32x32_64(modm_m[3], q3[1]) + mul32x32_64(modm_m[4], q3[0]);
r2[4] = (bignum256modm_element_t)(c & 0x3fffffff); c >>= 30;
c += mul32x32_64(modm_m[0], q3[5]) + mul32x32_64(modm_m[1], q3[4]) + mul32x32_64(modm_m[2], q3[3]) + mul32x32_64(modm_m[3], q3[2]) + mul32x32_64(modm_m[4], q3[1]) + mul32x32_64(modm_m[5], q3[0]);
r2[5] = (bignum256modm_element_t)(c & 0x3fffffff); c >>= 30;
c += mul32x32_64(modm_m[0], q3[6]) + mul32x32_64(modm_m[1], q3[5]) + mul32x32_64(modm_m[2], q3[4]) + mul32x32_64(modm_m[3], q3[3]) + mul32x32_64(modm_m[4], q3[2]) + mul32x32_64(modm_m[5], q3[1]) + mul32x32_64(modm_m[6], q3[0]);
r2[6] = (bignum256modm_element_t)(c & 0x3fffffff); c >>= 30;
c += mul32x32_64(modm_m[0], q3[7]) + mul32x32_64(modm_m[1], q3[6]) + mul32x32_64(modm_m[2], q3[5]) + mul32x32_64(modm_m[3], q3[4]) + mul32x32_64(modm_m[4], q3[3]) + mul32x32_64(modm_m[5], q3[2]) + mul32x32_64(modm_m[6], q3[1]) + mul32x32_64(modm_m[7], q3[0]);
r2[7] = (bignum256modm_element_t)(c & 0x3fffffff); c >>= 30;
c += mul32x32_64(modm_m[0], q3[8]) + mul32x32_64(modm_m[1], q3[7]) + mul32x32_64(modm_m[2], q3[6]) + mul32x32_64(modm_m[3], q3[5]) + mul32x32_64(modm_m[4], q3[4]) + mul32x32_64(modm_m[5], q3[3]) + mul32x32_64(modm_m[6], q3[2]) + mul32x32_64(modm_m[7], q3[1]) + mul32x32_64(modm_m[8], q3[0]);
r2[8] = (bignum256modm_element_t)(c & 0xffffff);
/* r = r1 - r2
if (r < 0) r += (1 << 264) */
pb = 0;
pb += r2[0]; b = lt_modm(r1[0], pb); r[0] = (r1[0] - pb + (b << 30)); pb = b;
pb += r2[1]; b = lt_modm(r1[1], pb); r[1] = (r1[1] - pb + (b << 30)); pb = b;
pb += r2[2]; b = lt_modm(r1[2], pb); r[2] = (r1[2] - pb + (b << 30)); pb = b;
pb += r2[3]; b = lt_modm(r1[3], pb); r[3] = (r1[3] - pb + (b << 30)); pb = b;
pb += r2[4]; b = lt_modm(r1[4], pb); r[4] = (r1[4] - pb + (b << 30)); pb = b;
pb += r2[5]; b = lt_modm(r1[5], pb); r[5] = (r1[5] - pb + (b << 30)); pb = b;
pb += r2[6]; b = lt_modm(r1[6], pb); r[6] = (r1[6] - pb + (b << 30)); pb = b;
pb += r2[7]; b = lt_modm(r1[7], pb); r[7] = (r1[7] - pb + (b << 30)); pb = b;
pb += r2[8]; b = lt_modm(r1[8], pb); r[8] = (r1[8] - pb + (b << 24));
/* addition modulo m */
static void
add256_modm(bignum256modm r, const bignum256modm x, const bignum256modm y) {
bignum256modm_element_t c;
c = x[0] + y[0]; r[0] = c & 0x3fffffff; c >>= 30;
c += x[1] + y[1]; r[1] = c & 0x3fffffff; c >>= 30;
c += x[2] + y[2]; r[2] = c & 0x3fffffff; c >>= 30;
c += x[3] + y[3]; r[3] = c & 0x3fffffff; c >>= 30;
c += x[4] + y[4]; r[4] = c & 0x3fffffff; c >>= 30;
c += x[5] + y[5]; r[5] = c & 0x3fffffff; c >>= 30;
c += x[6] + y[6]; r[6] = c & 0x3fffffff; c >>= 30;
c += x[7] + y[7]; r[7] = c & 0x3fffffff; c >>= 30;
c += x[8] + y[8]; r[8] = c;
/* multiplication modulo m */
static void
mul256_modm(bignum256modm r, const bignum256modm x, const bignum256modm y) {
bignum256modm r1, q1;
uint64_t c;
bignum256modm_element_t f;
/* r1 = (x mod 256^(32+1)) = x mod (2^8)(31+1) = x & ((1 << 264) - 1)
q1 = x >> 248 = 264 bits = 9 30 bit elements */
c = mul32x32_64(x[0], y[0]);
f = (bignum256modm_element_t)c; r1[0] = (f & 0x3fffffff); c >>= 30;
c += mul32x32_64(x[0], y[1]) + mul32x32_64(x[1], y[0]);
f = (bignum256modm_element_t)c; r1[1] = (f & 0x3fffffff); c >>= 30;
c += mul32x32_64(x[0], y[2]) + mul32x32_64(x[1], y[1]) + mul32x32_64(x[2], y[0]);
f = (bignum256modm_element_t)c; r1[2] = (f & 0x3fffffff); c >>= 30;
c += mul32x32_64(x[0], y[3]) + mul32x32_64(x[1], y[2]) + mul32x32_64(x[2], y[1]) + mul32x32_64(x[3], y[0]);
f = (bignum256modm_element_t)c; r1[3] = (f & 0x3fffffff); c >>= 30;
c += mul32x32_64(x[0], y[4]) + mul32x32_64(x[1], y[3]) + mul32x32_64(x[2], y[2]) + mul32x32_64(x[3], y[1]) + mul32x32_64(x[4], y[0]);
f = (bignum256modm_element_t)c; r1[4] = (f & 0x3fffffff); c >>= 30;
c += mul32x32_64(x[0], y[5]) + mul32x32_64(x[1], y[4]) + mul32x32_64(x[2], y[3]) + mul32x32_64(x[3], y[2]) + mul32x32_64(x[4], y[1]) + mul32x32_64(x[5], y[0]);
f = (bignum256modm_element_t)c; r1[5] = (f & 0x3fffffff); c >>= 30;
c += mul32x32_64(x[0], y[6]) + mul32x32_64(x[1], y[5]) + mul32x32_64(x[2], y[4]) + mul32x32_64(x[3], y[3]) + mul32x32_64(x[4], y[2]) + mul32x32_64(x[5], y[1]) + mul32x32_64(x[6], y[0]);
f = (bignum256modm_element_t)c; r1[6] = (f & 0x3fffffff); c >>= 30;
c += mul32x32_64(x[0], y[7]) + mul32x32_64(x[1], y[6]) + mul32x32_64(x[2], y[5]) + mul32x32_64(x[3], y[4]) + mul32x32_64(x[4], y[3]) + mul32x32_64(x[5], y[2]) + mul32x32_64(x[6], y[1]) + mul32x32_64(x[7], y[0]);
f = (bignum256modm_element_t)c; r1[7] = (f & 0x3fffffff); c >>= 30;
c += mul32x32_64(x[0], y[8]) + mul32x32_64(x[1], y[7]) + mul32x32_64(x[2], y[6]) + mul32x32_64(x[3], y[5]) + mul32x32_64(x[4], y[4]) + mul32x32_64(x[5], y[3]) + mul32x32_64(x[6], y[2]) + mul32x32_64(x[7], y[1]) + mul32x32_64(x[8], y[0]);
f = (bignum256modm_element_t)c; r1[8] = (f & 0x00ffffff); q1[0] = (f >> 8) & 0x3fffff; c >>= 30;
c += mul32x32_64(x[1], y[8]) + mul32x32_64(x[2], y[7]) + mul32x32_64(x[3], y[6]) + mul32x32_64(x[4], y[5]) + mul32x32_64(x[5], y[4]) + mul32x32_64(x[6], y[3]) + mul32x32_64(x[7], y[2]) + mul32x32_64(x[8], y[1]);
f = (bignum256modm_element_t)c; q1[0] = (q1[0] | (f << 22)) & 0x3fffffff; q1[1] = (f >> 8) & 0x3fffff; c >>= 30;
c += mul32x32_64(x[2], y[8]) + mul32x32_64(x[3], y[7]) + mul32x32_64(x[4], y[6]) + mul32x32_64(x[5], y[5]) + mul32x32_64(x[6], y[4]) + mul32x32_64(x[7], y[3]) + mul32x32_64(x[8], y[2]);
f = (bignum256modm_element_t)c; q1[1] = (q1[1] | (f << 22)) & 0x3fffffff; q1[2] = (f >> 8) & 0x3fffff; c >>= 30;
c += mul32x32_64(x[3], y[8]) + mul32x32_64(x[4], y[7]) + mul32x32_64(x[5], y[6]) + mul32x32_64(x[6], y[5]) + mul32x32_64(x[7], y[4]) + mul32x32_64(x[8], y[3]);
f = (bignum256modm_element_t)c; q1[2] = (q1[2] | (f << 22)) & 0x3fffffff; q1[3] = (f >> 8) & 0x3fffff; c >>= 30;
c += mul32x32_64(x[4], y[8]) + mul32x32_64(x[5], y[7]) + mul32x32_64(x[6], y[6]) + mul32x32_64(x[7], y[5]) + mul32x32_64(x[8], y[4]);
f = (bignum256modm_element_t)c; q1[3] = (q1[3] | (f << 22)) & 0x3fffffff; q1[4] = (f >> 8) & 0x3fffff; c >>= 30;
c += mul32x32_64(x[5], y[8]) + mul32x32_64(x[6], y[7]) + mul32x32_64(x[7], y[6]) + mul32x32_64(x[8], y[5]);
f = (bignum256modm_element_t)c; q1[4] = (q1[4] | (f << 22)) & 0x3fffffff; q1[5] = (f >> 8) & 0x3fffff; c >>= 30;
c += mul32x32_64(x[6], y[8]) + mul32x32_64(x[7], y[7]) + mul32x32_64(x[8], y[6]);
f = (bignum256modm_element_t)c; q1[5] = (q1[5] | (f << 22)) & 0x3fffffff; q1[6] = (f >> 8) & 0x3fffff; c >>= 30;
c += mul32x32_64(x[7], y[8]) + mul32x32_64(x[8], y[7]);
f = (bignum256modm_element_t)c; q1[6] = (q1[6] | (f << 22)) & 0x3fffffff; q1[7] = (f >> 8) & 0x3fffff; c >>= 30;
c += mul32x32_64(x[8], y[8]);
f = (bignum256modm_element_t)c; q1[7] = (q1[7] | (f << 22)) & 0x3fffffff; q1[8] = (f >> 8) & 0x3fffff;
barrett_reduce256_modm(r, q1, r1);
static void
expand256_modm(bignum256modm out, const unsigned char *in, size_t len) {
unsigned char work[64];
bignum256modm_element_t x[16];
bignum256modm q1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) work[i] = in[i];
for (size_t i = len; i < 64; i++) work[i] = 0;
x[0] = U8TO32_LE(work + 0);
x[1] = U8TO32_LE(work + 4);
x[2] = U8TO32_LE(work + 8);
x[3] = U8TO32_LE(work + 12);
x[4] = U8TO32_LE(work + 16);
x[5] = U8TO32_LE(work + 20);
x[6] = U8TO32_LE(work + 24);
x[7] = U8TO32_LE(work + 28);
x[8] = U8TO32_LE(work + 32);
x[9] = U8TO32_LE(work + 36);
x[10] = U8TO32_LE(work + 40);
x[11] = U8TO32_LE(work + 44);
x[12] = U8TO32_LE(work + 48);
x[13] = U8TO32_LE(work + 52);
x[14] = U8TO32_LE(work + 56);
x[15] = U8TO32_LE(work + 60);
/* r1 = (x mod 256^(32+1)) = x mod (2^8)(31+1) = x & ((1 << 264) - 1) */
out[0] = ( x[0]) & 0x3fffffff;
out[1] = ((x[ 0] >> 30) | (x[ 1] << 2)) & 0x3fffffff;
out[2] = ((x[ 1] >> 28) | (x[ 2] << 4)) & 0x3fffffff;
out[3] = ((x[ 2] >> 26) | (x[ 3] << 6)) & 0x3fffffff;
out[4] = ((x[ 3] >> 24) | (x[ 4] << 8)) & 0x3fffffff;
out[5] = ((x[ 4] >> 22) | (x[ 5] << 10)) & 0x3fffffff;
out[6] = ((x[ 5] >> 20) | (x[ 6] << 12)) & 0x3fffffff;
out[7] = ((x[ 6] >> 18) | (x[ 7] << 14)) & 0x3fffffff;
out[8] = ((x[ 7] >> 16) | (x[ 8] << 16)) & 0x00ffffff;
/* 8*31 = 248 bits, no need to reduce */
if (len < 32)
/* q1 = x >> 248 = 264 bits = 9 30 bit elements */
q1[0] = ((x[ 7] >> 24) | (x[ 8] << 8)) & 0x3fffffff;
q1[1] = ((x[ 8] >> 22) | (x[ 9] << 10)) & 0x3fffffff;
q1[2] = ((x[ 9] >> 20) | (x[10] << 12)) & 0x3fffffff;
q1[3] = ((x[10] >> 18) | (x[11] << 14)) & 0x3fffffff;
q1[4] = ((x[11] >> 16) | (x[12] << 16)) & 0x3fffffff;
q1[5] = ((x[12] >> 14) | (x[13] << 18)) & 0x3fffffff;
q1[6] = ((x[13] >> 12) | (x[14] << 20)) & 0x3fffffff;
q1[7] = ((x[14] >> 10) | (x[15] << 22)) & 0x3fffffff;
q1[8] = ((x[15] >> 8) );
barrett_reduce256_modm(out, q1, out);
static void
expand_raw256_modm(bignum256modm out, const unsigned char in[32]) {
bignum256modm_element_t x[8];
x[0] = U8TO32_LE(in + 0);
x[1] = U8TO32_LE(in + 4);
x[2] = U8TO32_LE(in + 8);
x[3] = U8TO32_LE(in + 12);
x[4] = U8TO32_LE(in + 16);
x[5] = U8TO32_LE(in + 20);
x[6] = U8TO32_LE(in + 24);
x[7] = U8TO32_LE(in + 28);
out[0] = ( x[0]) & 0x3fffffff;
out[1] = ((x[ 0] >> 30) | (x[ 1] << 2)) & 0x3fffffff;
out[2] = ((x[ 1] >> 28) | (x[ 2] << 4)) & 0x3fffffff;
out[3] = ((x[ 2] >> 26) | (x[ 3] << 6)) & 0x3fffffff;
out[4] = ((x[ 3] >> 24) | (x[ 4] << 8)) & 0x3fffffff;
out[5] = ((x[ 4] >> 22) | (x[ 5] << 10)) & 0x3fffffff;
out[6] = ((x[ 5] >> 20) | (x[ 6] << 12)) & 0x3fffffff;
out[7] = ((x[ 6] >> 18) | (x[ 7] << 14)) & 0x3fffffff;
out[8] = ((x[ 7] >> 16) ) & 0x0000ffff;
static void
contract256_window4_modm(signed char r[64], const bignum256modm in) {
char carry;
signed char *quads = (__private signed char *) r;
bignum256modm_element_t i, j, v;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i += 2) {
v = in[i];
for (j = 0; j < 7; j++) {
*quads++ = (v & 15);
v >>= 4;
v |= (in[i+1] << 2);
for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
*quads++ = (v & 15);
v >>= 4;
v = in[8];
*quads++ = (v & 15); v >>= 4;
*quads++ = (v & 15); v >>= 4;
*quads++ = (v & 15); v >>= 4;
*quads++ = (v & 15); v >>= 4;
/* making it signed */
carry = 0;
for(i = 0; i < 63; i++) {
r[i] += carry;
r[i+1] += (r[i] >> 4);
r[i] &= 15;
carry = (r[i] >> 3);
r[i] -= (carry << 4);
r[63] += carry;
static void
contract256_slidingwindow_modm(signed char r[256], const bignum256modm s, int windowsize) {
int i,j,k,b;
int m = (1 << (windowsize - 1)) - 1, soplen = 256;
bignum256modm_element_t v;
/* first put the binary expansion into r */
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
v = s[i];
for (j = 0; j < 30; j++, v >>= 1)
*r++ = (v & 1);
v = s[8];
for (j = 0; j < 16; j++, v >>= 1)
*r++ = (v & 1);
/* Making it sliding window */
for (j = 0; j < soplen; j++) {
if (!r[j])
for (b = 1; (b < (soplen - j)) && (b <= 6); b++) {
if ((r[j] + (r[j + b] << b)) <= m) {
r[j] += r[j + b] << b;
r[j + b] = 0;
} else if ((r[j] - (r[j + b] << b)) >= -m) {
r[j] -= r[j + b] << b;
for (k = j + b; k < soplen; k++) {
if (!r[k]) {
r[k] = 1;
r[k] = 0;
} else if (r[j + b]) {
helpers for batch verifcation, are allowed to be vartime
/* out = a - b, a must be larger than b */
static void
sub256_modm_batch(bignum256modm out, const bignum256modm a, const bignum256modm b, size_t limbsize) {
size_t i = 0;
bignum256modm_element_t carry = 0;
switch (limbsize) {
case 8: out[i] = (a[i] - b[i]) - carry; carry = (out[i] >> 31); out[i] &= 0x3fffffff; i++;
case 7: out[i] = (a[i] - b[i]) - carry; carry = (out[i] >> 31); out[i] &= 0x3fffffff; i++;
case 6: out[i] = (a[i] - b[i]) - carry; carry = (out[i] >> 31); out[i] &= 0x3fffffff; i++;
case 5: out[i] = (a[i] - b[i]) - carry; carry = (out[i] >> 31); out[i] &= 0x3fffffff; i++;
case 4: out[i] = (a[i] - b[i]) - carry; carry = (out[i] >> 31); out[i] &= 0x3fffffff; i++;
case 3: out[i] = (a[i] - b[i]) - carry; carry = (out[i] >> 31); out[i] &= 0x3fffffff; i++;
case 2: out[i] = (a[i] - b[i]) - carry; carry = (out[i] >> 31); out[i] &= 0x3fffffff; i++;
case 1: out[i] = (a[i] - b[i]) - carry; carry = (out[i] >> 31); out[i] &= 0x3fffffff; i++;
case 0:
default: out[i] = (a[i] - b[i]) - carry;
/* is a < b */
static int
lt256_modm_batch(const bignum256modm a, const bignum256modm b, size_t limbsize) {
switch (limbsize) {
case 8: if (a[8] > b[8]) return 0; if (a[8] < b[8]) return 1;
case 7: if (a[7] > b[7]) return 0; if (a[7] < b[7]) return 1;
case 6: if (a[6] > b[6]) return 0; if (a[6] < b[6]) return 1;
case 5: if (a[5] > b[5]) return 0; if (a[5] < b[5]) return 1;
case 4: if (a[4] > b[4]) return 0; if (a[4] < b[4]) return 1;
case 3: if (a[3] > b[3]) return 0; if (a[3] < b[3]) return 1;
case 2: if (a[2] > b[2]) return 0; if (a[2] < b[2]) return 1;
case 1: if (a[1] > b[1]) return 0; if (a[1] < b[1]) return 1;
case 0: if (a[0] > b[0]) return 0; if (a[0] < b[0]) return 1;
return 0;
/* is a <= b */
static int
lte256_modm_batch(const bignum256modm a, const bignum256modm b, size_t limbsize) {
switch (limbsize) {
case 8: if (a[8] > b[8]) return 0; if (a[8] < b[8]) return 1;
case 7: if (a[7] > b[7]) return 0; if (a[7] < b[7]) return 1;
case 6: if (a[6] > b[6]) return 0; if (a[6] < b[6]) return 1;
case 5: if (a[5] > b[5]) return 0; if (a[5] < b[5]) return 1;
case 4: if (a[4] > b[4]) return 0; if (a[4] < b[4]) return 1;
case 3: if (a[3] > b[3]) return 0; if (a[3] < b[3]) return 1;
case 2: if (a[2] > b[2]) return 0; if (a[2] < b[2]) return 1;
case 1: if (a[1] > b[1]) return 0; if (a[1] < b[1]) return 1;
case 0: if (a[0] > b[0]) return 0; if (a[0] < b[0]) return 1;
return 1;
/* is a == 0 */
static int
iszero256_modm_batch(const bignum256modm a) {
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
if (a[i])
return 0;
return 1;
/* is a == 1 */
static int
isone256_modm_batch(const bignum256modm a) {
size_t i;
if (a[0] != 1)
return 0;
for (i = 1; i < 9; i++)
if (a[i])
return 0;
return 1;
/* can a fit in to (at most) 128 bits */
static int
isatmost128bits256_modm_batch(const bignum256modm a) {
uint32_t mask =
((a[8] ) | /* 16 */
(a[7] ) | /* 46 */
(a[6] ) | /* 76 */
(a[5] ) | /* 106 */
(a[4] & 0x3fffff00)); /* 128 */
return (mask == 0);
__constant uint32_t reduce_mask_25 = (1 << 25) - 1;
__constant uint32_t reduce_mask_26 = (1 << 26) - 1;
/* out = in */
__inline void
curve25519_copy(bignum25519 out, const bignum25519 in) {
out[0] = in[0];
out[1] = in[1];
out[2] = in[2];
out[3] = in[3];
out[4] = in[4];
out[5] = in[5];
out[6] = in[6];
out[7] = in[7];
out[8] = in[8];
out[9] = in[9];
/* out = a + b */
__inline void
curve25519_add(bignum25519 out, const bignum25519 a, const bignum25519 b) {
out[0] = a[0] + b[0];
out[1] = a[1] + b[1];
out[2] = a[2] + b[2];
out[3] = a[3] + b[3];
out[4] = a[4] + b[4];
out[5] = a[5] + b[5];
out[6] = a[6] + b[6];
out[7] = a[7] + b[7];
out[8] = a[8] + b[8];
out[9] = a[9] + b[9];
__inline void
curve25519_add_after_basic(bignum25519 out, const bignum25519 a, const bignum25519 b) {
uint32_t c;
out[0] = a[0] + b[0] ; c = (out[0] >> 26); out[0] &= reduce_mask_26;
out[1] = a[1] + b[1] + c; c = (out[1] >> 25); out[1] &= reduce_mask_25;
out[2] = a[2] + b[2] + c; c = (out[2] >> 26); out[2] &= reduce_mask_26;
out[3] = a[3] + b[3] + c; c = (out[3] >> 25); out[3] &= reduce_mask_25;
out[4] = a[4] + b[4] + c; c = (out[4] >> 26); out[4] &= reduce_mask_26;
out[5] = a[5] + b[5] + c; c = (out[5] >> 25); out[5] &= reduce_mask_25;
out[6] = a[6] + b[6] + c; c = (out[6] >> 26); out[6] &= reduce_mask_26;
out[7] = a[7] + b[7] + c; c = (out[7] >> 25); out[7] &= reduce_mask_25;
out[8] = a[8] + b[8] + c; c = (out[8] >> 26); out[8] &= reduce_mask_26;
out[9] = a[9] + b[9] + c; c = (out[9] >> 25); out[9] &= reduce_mask_25;
out[0] += 19 * c;
__inline void
curve25519_add_reduce(bignum25519 out, const bignum25519 a, const bignum25519 b) {
uint32_t c;
out[0] = a[0] + b[0] ; c = (out[0] >> 26); out[0] &= reduce_mask_26;
out[1] = a[1] + b[1] + c; c = (out[1] >> 25); out[1] &= reduce_mask_25;
out[2] = a[2] + b[2] + c; c = (out[2] >> 26); out[2] &= reduce_mask_26;
out[3] = a[3] + b[3] + c; c = (out[3] >> 25); out[3] &= reduce_mask_25;
out[4] = a[4] + b[4] + c; c = (out[4] >> 26); out[4] &= reduce_mask_26;
out[5] = a[5] + b[5] + c; c = (out[5] >> 25); out[5] &= reduce_mask_25;
out[6] = a[6] + b[6] + c; c = (out[6] >> 26); out[6] &= reduce_mask_26;
out[7] = a[7] + b[7] + c; c = (out[7] >> 25); out[7] &= reduce_mask_25;
out[8] = a[8] + b[8] + c; c = (out[8] >> 26); out[8] &= reduce_mask_26;
out[9] = a[9] + b[9] + c; c = (out[9] >> 25); out[9] &= reduce_mask_25;
out[0] += 19 * c;
/* multiples of p */
__constant uint32_t twoP0 = 0x07ffffda;
__constant uint32_t twoP13579 = 0x03fffffe;
__constant uint32_t twoP2468 = 0x07fffffe;
__constant uint32_t fourP0 = 0x0fffffb4;
__constant uint32_t fourP13579 = 0x07fffffc;
__constant uint32_t fourP2468 = 0x0ffffffc;
/* out = a - b */
__inline void
curve25519_sub(bignum25519 out, const bignum25519 a, const bignum25519 b) {
uint32_t c;
out[0] = twoP0 + a[0] - b[0] ; c = (out[0] >> 26); out[0] &= reduce_mask_26;
out[1] = twoP13579 + a[1] - b[1] + c; c = (out[1] >> 25); out[1] &= reduce_mask_25;
out[2] = twoP2468 + a[2] - b[2] + c; c = (out[2] >> 26); out[2] &= reduce_mask_26;
out[3] = twoP13579 + a[3] - b[3] + c; c = (out[3] >> 25); out[3] &= reduce_mask_25;
out[4] = twoP2468 + a[4] - b[4] + c;
out[5] = twoP13579 + a[5] - b[5] ;
out[6] = twoP2468 + a[6] - b[6] ;
out[7] = twoP13579 + a[7] - b[7] ;
out[8] = twoP2468 + a[8] - b[8] ;
out[9] = twoP13579 + a[9] - b[9] ;
/* out = a - b, where a is the result of a basic op (add,sub) */
__inline void
curve25519_sub_after_basic(bignum25519 out, const bignum25519 a, const bignum25519 b) {
uint32_t c;
out[0] = fourP0 + a[0] - b[0] ; c = (out[0] >> 26); out[0] &= reduce_mask_26;
out[1] = fourP13579 + a[1] - b[1] + c; c = (out[1] >> 25); out[1] &= reduce_mask_25;
out[2] = fourP2468 + a[2] - b[2] + c; c = (out[2] >> 26); out[2] &= reduce_mask_26;
out[3] = fourP13579 + a[3] - b[3] + c; c = (out[3] >> 25); out[3] &= reduce_mask_25;
out[4] = fourP2468 + a[4] - b[4] + c; c = (out[4] >> 26); out[4] &= reduce_mask_26;
out[5] = fourP13579 + a[5] - b[5] + c; c = (out[5] >> 25); out[5] &= reduce_mask_25;
out[6] = fourP2468 + a[6] - b[6] + c; c = (out[6] >> 26); out[6] &= reduce_mask_26;
out[7] = fourP13579 + a[7] - b[7] + c; c = (out[7] >> 25); out[7] &= reduce_mask_25;
out[8] = fourP2468 + a[8] - b[8] + c; c = (out[8] >> 26); out[8] &= reduce_mask_26;
out[9] = fourP13579 + a[9] - b[9] + c; c = (out[9] >> 25); out[9] &= reduce_mask_25;
out[0] += 19 * c;
__inline void
curve25519_sub_reduce(bignum25519 out, const bignum25519 a, const bignum25519 b) {
uint32_t c;
out[0] = fourP0 + a[0] - b[0] ; c = (out[0] >> 26); out[0] &= reduce_mask_26;
out[1] = fourP13579 + a[1] - b[1] + c; c = (out[1] >> 25); out[1] &= reduce_mask_25;
out[2] = fourP2468 + a[2] - b[2] + c; c = (out[2] >> 26); out[2] &= reduce_mask_26;
out[3] = fourP13579 + a[3] - b[3] + c; c = (out[3] >> 25); out[3] &= reduce_mask_25;
out[4] = fourP2468 + a[4] - b[4] + c; c = (out[4] >> 26); out[4] &= reduce_mask_26;
out[5] = fourP13579 + a[5] - b[5] + c; c = (out[5] >> 25); out[5] &= reduce_mask_25;
out[6] = fourP2468 + a[6] - b[6] + c; c = (out[6] >> 26); out[6] &= reduce_mask_26;
out[7] = fourP13579 + a[7] - b[7] + c; c = (out[7] >> 25); out[7] &= reduce_mask_25;
out[8] = fourP2468 + a[8] - b[8] + c; c = (out[8] >> 26); out[8] &= reduce_mask_26;
out[9] = fourP13579 + a[9] - b[9] + c; c = (out[9] >> 25); out[9] &= reduce_mask_25;
out[0] += 19 * c;
/* out = -a */
__inline void
curve25519_neg(bignum25519 out, const bignum25519 a) {
uint32_t c;
out[0] = twoP0 - a[0] ; c = (out[0] >> 26); out[0] &= reduce_mask_26;
out[1] = twoP13579 - a[1] + c; c = (out[1] >> 25); out[1] &= reduce_mask_25;
out[2] = twoP2468 - a[2] + c; c = (out[2] >> 26); out[2] &= reduce_mask_26;
out[3] = twoP13579 - a[3] + c; c = (out[3] >> 25); out[3] &= reduce_mask_25;
out[4] = twoP2468 - a[4] + c; c = (out[4] >> 26); out[4] &= reduce_mask_26;
out[5] = twoP13579 - a[5] + c; c = (out[5] >> 25); out[5] &= reduce_mask_25;
out[6] = twoP2468 - a[6] + c; c = (out[6] >> 26); out[6] &= reduce_mask_26;
out[7] = twoP13579 - a[7] + c; c = (out[7] >> 25); out[7] &= reduce_mask_25;
out[8] = twoP2468 - a[8] + c; c = (out[8] >> 26); out[8] &= reduce_mask_26;
out[9] = twoP13579 - a[9] + c; c = (out[9] >> 25); out[9] &= reduce_mask_25;
out[0] += 19 * c;
/* out = a * b */
#define curve25519_mul_noinline curve25519_mul
static void
curve25519_mul(bignum25519 out, const bignum25519 a, const bignum25519 b) {
uint32_t r0,r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,r7,r8,r9;
uint32_t s0,s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9;
uint64_t m0,m1,m2,m3,m4,m5,m6,m7,m8,m9,c;
uint32_t p;
r0 = b[0];
r1 = b[1];
r2 = b[2];
r3 = b[3];
r4 = b[4];
r5 = b[5];
r6 = b[6];
r7 = b[7];
r8 = b[8];
r9 = b[9];
s0 = a[0];
s1 = a[1];
s2 = a[2];
s3 = a[3];
s4 = a[4];
s5 = a[5];
s6 = a[6];
s7 = a[7];
s8 = a[8];
s9 = a[9];
m1 = mul32x32_64(r0, s1) + mul32x32_64(r1, s0);
m3 = mul32x32_64(r0, s3) + mul32x32_64(r1, s2) + mul32x32_64(r2, s1) + mul32x32_64(r3, s0);
m5 = mul32x32_64(r0, s5) + mul32x32_64(r1, s4) + mul32x32_64(r2, s3) + mul32x32_64(r3, s2) + mul32x32_64(r4, s1) + mul32x32_64(r5, s0);
m7 = mul32x32_64(r0, s7) + mul32x32_64(r1, s6) + mul32x32_64(r2, s5) + mul32x32_64(r3, s4) + mul32x32_64(r4, s3) + mul32x32_64(r5, s2) + mul32x32_64(r6, s1) + mul32x32_64(r7, s0);
m9 = mul32x32_64(r0, s9) + mul32x32_64(r1, s8) + mul32x32_64(r2, s7) + mul32x32_64(r3, s6) + mul32x32_64(r4, s5) + mul32x32_64(r5, s4) + mul32x32_64(r6, s3) + mul32x32_64(r7, s2) + mul32x32_64(r8, s1) + mul32x32_64(r9, s0);
r1 *= 2;
r3 *= 2;
r5 *= 2;
r7 *= 2;
m0 = mul32x32_64(r0, s0);
m2 = mul32x32_64(r0, s2) + mul32x32_64(r1, s1) + mul32x32_64(r2, s0);
m4 = mul32x32_64(r0, s4) + mul32x32_64(r1, s3) + mul32x32_64(r2, s2) + mul32x32_64(r3, s1) + mul32x32_64(r4, s0);
m6 = mul32x32_64(r0, s6) + mul32x32_64(r1, s5) + mul32x32_64(r2, s4) + mul32x32_64(r3, s3) + mul32x32_64(r4, s2) + mul32x32_64(r5, s1) + mul32x32_64(r6, s0);
m8 = mul32x32_64(r0, s8) + mul32x32_64(r1, s7) + mul32x32_64(r2, s6) + mul32x32_64(r3, s5) + mul32x32_64(r4, s4) + mul32x32_64(r5, s3) + mul32x32_64(r6, s2) + mul32x32_64(r7, s1) + mul32x32_64(r8, s0);
r1 *= 19;
r2 *= 19;
r3 = (r3 / 2) * 19;
r4 *= 19;
r5 = (r5 / 2) * 19;
r6 *= 19;
r7 = (r7 / 2) * 19;
r8 *= 19;
r9 *= 19;
m1 += (mul32x32_64(r9, s2) + mul32x32_64(r8, s3) + mul32x32_64(r7, s4) + mul32x32_64(r6, s5) + mul32x32_64(r5, s6) + mul32x32_64(r4, s7) + mul32x32_64(r3, s8) + mul32x32_64(r2, s9));
m3 += (mul32x32_64(r9, s4) + mul32x32_64(r8, s5) + mul32x32_64(r7, s6) + mul32x32_64(r6, s7) + mul32x32_64(r5, s8) + mul32x32_64(r4, s9));
m5 += (mul32x32_64(r9, s6) + mul32x32_64(r8, s7) + mul32x32_64(r7, s8) + mul32x32_64(r6, s9));
m7 += (mul32x32_64(r9, s8) + mul32x32_64(r8, s9));
r3 *= 2;
r5 *= 2;
r7 *= 2;
r9 *= 2;
m0 += (mul32x32_64(r9, s1) + mul32x32_64(r8, s2) + mul32x32_64(r7, s3) + mul32x32_64(r6, s4) + mul32x32_64(r5, s5) + mul32x32_64(r4, s6) + mul32x32_64(r3, s7) + mul32x32_64(r2, s8) + mul32x32_64(r1, s9));
m2 += (mul32x32_64(r9, s3) + mul32x32_64(r8, s4) + mul32x32_64(r7, s5) + mul32x32_64(r6, s6) + mul32x32_64(r5, s7) + mul32x32_64(r4, s8) + mul32x32_64(r3, s9));
m4 += (mul32x32_64(r9, s5) + mul32x32_64(r8, s6) + mul32x32_64(r7, s7) + mul32x32_64(r6, s8) + mul32x32_64(r5, s9));
m6 += (mul32x32_64(r9, s7) + mul32x32_64(r8, s8) + mul32x32_64(r7, s9));
m8 += (mul32x32_64(r9, s9));
r0 = (uint32_t)m0 & reduce_mask_26; c = (m0 >> 26);
m1 += c; r1 = (uint32_t)m1 & reduce_mask_25; c = (m1 >> 25);
m2 += c; r2 = (uint32_t)m2 & reduce_mask_26; c = (m2 >> 26);
m3 += c; r3 = (uint32_t)m3 & reduce_mask_25; c = (m3 >> 25);
m4 += c; r4 = (uint32_t)m4 & reduce_mask_26; c = (m4 >> 26);
m5 += c; r5 = (uint32_t)m5 & reduce_mask_25; c = (m5 >> 25);
m6 += c; r6 = (uint32_t)m6 & reduce_mask_26; c = (m6 >> 26);
m7 += c; r7 = (uint32_t)m7 & reduce_mask_25; c = (m7 >> 25);
m8 += c; r8 = (uint32_t)m8 & reduce_mask_26; c = (m8 >> 26);
m9 += c; r9 = (uint32_t)m9 & reduce_mask_25; p = (uint32_t)(m9 >> 25);
m0 = r0 + mul32x32_64(p,19); r0 = (uint32_t)m0 & reduce_mask_26; p = (uint32_t)(m0 >> 26);
r1 += p;
out[0] = r0;
out[1] = r1;
out[2] = r2;
out[3] = r3;
out[4] = r4;
out[5] = r5;
out[6] = r6;
out[7] = r7;
out[8] = r8;
out[9] = r9;
static void
curve25519_mul_const(bignum25519 out, const bignum25519 a, constant uint32_t *b) {
uint32_t r0,r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,r7,r8,r9;
uint32_t s0,s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9;
uint64_t m0,m1,m2,m3,m4,m5,m6,m7,m8,m9,c;
uint32_t p;
r0 = b[0];
r1 = b[1];
r2 = b[2];
r3 = b[3];
r4 = b[4];
r5 = b[5];
r6 = b[6];
r7 = b[7];
r8 = b[8];
r9 = b[9];
s0 = a[0];
s1 = a[1];
s2 = a[2];
s3 = a[3];
s4 = a[4];
s5 = a[5];
s6 = a[6];
s7 = a[7];
s8 = a[8];
s9 = a[9];
m1 = mul32x32_64(r0, s1) + mul32x32_64(r1, s0);
m3 = mul32x32_64(r0, s3) + mul32x32_64(r1, s2) + mul32x32_64(r2, s1) + mul32x32_64(r3, s0);
m5 = mul32x32_64(r0, s5) + mul32x32_64(r1, s4) + mul32x32_64(r2, s3) + mul32x32_64(r3, s2) + mul32x32_64(r4, s1) + mul32x32_64(r5, s0);
m7 = mul32x32_64(r0, s7) + mul32x32_64(r1, s6) + mul32x32_64(r2, s5) + mul32x32_64(r3, s4) + mul32x32_64(r4, s3) + mul32x32_64(r5, s2) + mul32x32_64(r6, s1) + mul32x32_64(r7, s0);
m9 = mul32x32_64(r0, s9) + mul32x32_64(r1, s8) + mul32x32_64(r2, s7) + mul32x32_64(r3, s6) + mul32x32_64(r4, s5) + mul32x32_64(r5, s4) + mul32x32_64(r6, s3) + mul32x32_64(r7, s2) + mul32x32_64(r8, s1) + mul32x32_64(r9, s0);
r1 *= 2;
r3 *= 2;
r5 *= 2;
r7 *= 2;
m0 = mul32x32_64(r0, s0);
m2 = mul32x32_64(r0, s2) + mul32x32_64(r1, s1) + mul32x32_64(r2, s0);
m4 = mul32x32_64(r0, s4) + mul32x32_64(r1, s3) + mul32x32_64(r2, s2) + mul32x32_64(r3, s1) + mul32x32_64(r4, s0);
m6 = mul32x32_64(r0, s6) + mul32x32_64(r1, s5) + mul32x32_64(r2, s4) + mul32x32_64(r3, s3) + mul32x32_64(r4, s2) + mul32x32_64(r5, s1) + mul32x32_64(r6, s0);
m8 = mul32x32_64(r0, s8) + mul32x32_64(r1, s7) + mul32x32_64(r2, s6) + mul32x32_64(r3, s5) + mul32x32_64(r4, s4) + mul32x32_64(r5, s3) + mul32x32_64(r6, s2) + mul32x32_64(r7, s1) + mul32x32_64(r8, s0);
r1 *= 19;
r2 *= 19;
r3 = (r3 / 2) * 19;
r4 *= 19;
r5 = (r5 / 2) * 19;
r6 *= 19;
r7 = (r7 / 2) * 19;
r8 *= 19;
r9 *= 19;
m1 += (mul32x32_64(r9, s2) + mul32x32_64(r8, s3) + mul32x32_64(r7, s4) + mul32x32_64(r6, s5) + mul32x32_64(r5, s6) + mul32x32_64(r4, s7) + mul32x32_64(r3, s8) + mul32x32_64(r2, s9));
m3 += (mul32x32_64(r9, s4) + mul32x32_64(r8, s5) + mul32x32_64(r7, s6) + mul32x32_64(r6, s7) + mul32x32_64(r5, s8) + mul32x32_64(r4, s9));
m5 += (mul32x32_64(r9, s6) + mul32x32_64(r8, s7) + mul32x32_64(r7, s8) + mul32x32_64(r6, s9));
m7 += (mul32x32_64(r9, s8) + mul32x32_64(r8, s9));
r3 *= 2;
r5 *= 2;
r7 *= 2;
r9 *= 2;
m0 += (mul32x32_64(r9, s1) + mul32x32_64(r8, s2) + mul32x32_64(r7, s3) + mul32x32_64(r6, s4) + mul32x32_64(r5, s5) + mul32x32_64(r4, s6) + mul32x32_64(r3, s7) + mul32x32_64(r2, s8) + mul32x32_64(r1, s9));
m2 += (mul32x32_64(r9, s3) + mul32x32_64(r8, s4) + mul32x32_64(r7, s5) + mul32x32_64(r6, s6) + mul32x32_64(r5, s7) + mul32x32_64(r4, s8) + mul32x32_64(r3, s9));
m4 += (mul32x32_64(r9, s5) + mul32x32_64(r8, s6) + mul32x32_64(r7, s7) + mul32x32_64(r6, s8) + mul32x32_64(r5, s9));
m6 += (mul32x32_64(r9, s7) + mul32x32_64(r8, s8) + mul32x32_64(r7, s9));
m8 += (mul32x32_64(r9, s9));
r0 = (uint32_t)m0 & reduce_mask_26; c = (m0 >> 26);
m1 += c; r1 = (uint32_t)m1 & reduce_mask_25; c = (m1 >> 25);
m2 += c; r2 = (uint32_t)m2 & reduce_mask_26; c = (m2 >> 26);
m3 += c; r3 = (uint32_t)m3 & reduce_mask_25; c = (m3 >> 25);
m4 += c; r4 = (uint32_t)m4 & reduce_mask_26; c = (m4 >> 26);
m5 += c; r5 = (uint32_t)m5 & reduce_mask_25; c = (m5 >> 25);
m6 += c; r6 = (uint32_t)m6 & reduce_mask_26; c = (m6 >> 26);
m7 += c; r7 = (uint32_t)m7 & reduce_mask_25; c = (m7 >> 25);
m8 += c; r8 = (uint32_t)m8 & reduce_mask_26; c = (m8 >> 26);
m9 += c; r9 = (uint32_t)m9 & reduce_mask_25; p = (uint32_t)(m9 >> 25);
m0 = r0 + mul32x32_64(p,19); r0 = (uint32_t)m0 & reduce_mask_26; p = (uint32_t)(m0 >> 26);
r1 += p;
out[0] = r0;
out[1] = r1;
out[2] = r2;
out[3] = r3;
out[4] = r4;
out[5] = r5;
out[6] = r6;
out[7] = r7;
out[8] = r8;
out[9] = r9;
/* out = in*in */
static void
curve25519_square(bignum25519 out, const bignum25519 in) {
uint32_t r0,r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,r7,r8,r9;
uint32_t d6,d7,d8,d9;
uint64_t m0,m1,m2,m3,m4,m5,m6,m7,m8,m9,c;
uint32_t p;
r0 = in[0];
r1 = in[1];
r2 = in[2];
r3 = in[3];
r4 = in[4];
r5 = in[5];
r6 = in[6];
r7 = in[7];
r8 = in[8];
r9 = in[9];
m0 = mul32x32_64(r0, r0);
r0 *= 2;
m1 = mul32x32_64(r0, r1);
m2 = mul32x32_64(r0, r2) + mul32x32_64(r1, r1 * 2);
r1 *= 2;
m3 = mul32x32_64(r0, r3) + mul32x32_64(r1, r2 );
m4 = mul32x32_64(r0, r4) + mul32x32_64(r1, r3 * 2) + mul32x32_64(r2, r2);
r2 *= 2;
m5 = mul32x32_64(r0, r5) + mul32x32_64(r1, r4 ) + mul32x32_64(r2, r3);
m6 = mul32x32_64(r0, r6) + mul32x32_64(r1, r5 * 2) + mul32x32_64(r2, r4) + mul32x32_64(r3, r3 * 2);
r3 *= 2;
m7 = mul32x32_64(r0, r7) + mul32x32_64(r1, r6 ) + mul32x32_64(r2, r5) + mul32x32_64(r3, r4 );
m8 = mul32x32_64(r0, r8) + mul32x32_64(r1, r7 * 2) + mul32x32_64(r2, r6) + mul32x32_64(r3, r5 * 2) + mul32x32_64(r4, r4 );
m9 = mul32x32_64(r0, r9) + mul32x32_64(r1, r8 ) + mul32x32_64(r2, r7) + mul32x32_64(r3, r6 ) + mul32x32_64(r4, r5 * 2);
d6 = r6 * 19;
d7 = r7 * 2 * 19;
d8 = r8 * 19;
d9 = r9 * 2 * 19;
m0 += (mul32x32_64(d9, r1 ) + mul32x32_64(d8, r2 ) + mul32x32_64(d7, r3 ) + mul32x32_64(d6, r4 * 2) + mul32x32_64(r5, r5 * 2 * 19));
m1 += (mul32x32_64(d9, r2 / 2) + mul32x32_64(d8, r3 ) + mul32x32_64(d7, r4 ) + mul32x32_64(d6, r5 * 2));
m2 += (mul32x32_64(d9, r3 ) + mul32x32_64(d8, r4 * 2) + mul32x32_64(d7, r5 * 2) + mul32x32_64(d6, r6 ));
m3 += (mul32x32_64(d9, r4 ) + mul32x32_64(d8, r5 * 2) + mul32x32_64(d7, r6 ));
m4 += (mul32x32_64(d9, r5 * 2) + mul32x32_64(d8, r6 * 2) + mul32x32_64(d7, r7 ));
m5 += (mul32x32_64(d9, r6 ) + mul32x32_64(d8, r7 * 2));
m6 += (mul32x32_64(d9, r7 * 2) + mul32x32_64(d8, r8 ));
m7 += (mul32x32_64(d9, r8 ));
m8 += (mul32x32_64(d9, r9 ));
r0 = (uint32_t)m0 & reduce_mask_26; c = (m0 >> 26);
m1 += c; r1 = (uint32_t)m1 & reduce_mask_25; c = (m1 >> 25);
m2 += c; r2 = (uint32_t)m2 & reduce_mask_26; c = (m2 >> 26);
m3 += c; r3 = (uint32_t)m3 & reduce_mask_25; c = (m3 >> 25);
m4 += c; r4 = (uint32_t)m4 & reduce_mask_26; c = (m4 >> 26);
m5 += c; r5 = (uint32_t)m5 & reduce_mask_25; c = (m5 >> 25);
m6 += c; r6 = (uint32_t)m6 & reduce_mask_26; c = (m6 >> 26);
m7 += c; r7 = (uint32_t)m7 & reduce_mask_25; c = (m7 >> 25);
m8 += c; r8 = (uint32_t)m8 & reduce_mask_26; c = (m8 >> 26);
m9 += c; r9 = (uint32_t)m9 & reduce_mask_25; p = (uint32_t)(m9 >> 25);
m0 = r0 + mul32x32_64(p,19); r0 = (uint32_t)m0 & reduce_mask_26; p = (uint32_t)(m0 >> 26);
r1 += p;
out[0] = r0;
out[1] = r1;
out[2] = r2;
out[3] = r3;
out[4] = r4;
out[5] = r5;
out[6] = r6;
out[7] = r7;
out[8] = r8;
out[9] = r9;
/* out = in ^ (2 * count) */
static void
curve25519_square_times(bignum25519 out, const bignum25519 in, int count) {
uint32_t r0,r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,r7,r8,r9;
uint32_t d6,d7,d8,d9;
uint64_t m0,m1,m2,m3,m4,m5,m6,m7,m8,m9,c;
uint32_t p;
r0 = in[0];
r1 = in[1];
r2 = in[2];
r3 = in[3];
r4 = in[4];
r5 = in[5];
r6 = in[6];
r7 = in[7];
r8 = in[8];
r9 = in[9];
do {
m0 = mul32x32_64(r0, r0);
r0 *= 2;
m1 = mul32x32_64(r0, r1);
m2 = mul32x32_64(r0, r2) + mul32x32_64(r1, r1 * 2);
r1 *= 2;
m3 = mul32x32_64(r0, r3) + mul32x32_64(r1, r2 );
m4 = mul32x32_64(r0, r4) + mul32x32_64(r1, r3 * 2) + mul32x32_64(r2, r2);
r2 *= 2;
m5 = mul32x32_64(r0, r5) + mul32x32_64(r1, r4 ) + mul32x32_64(r2, r3);
m6 = mul32x32_64(r0, r6) + mul32x32_64(r1, r5 * 2) + mul32x32_64(r2, r4) + mul32x32_64(r3, r3 * 2);
r3 *= 2;
m7 = mul32x32_64(r0, r7) + mul32x32_64(r1, r6 ) + mul32x32_64(r2, r5) + mul32x32_64(r3, r4 );
m8 = mul32x32_64(r0, r8) + mul32x32_64(r1, r7 * 2) + mul32x32_64(r2, r6) + mul32x32_64(r3, r5 * 2) + mul32x32_64(r4, r4 );
m9 = mul32x32_64(r0, r9) + mul32x32_64(r1, r8 ) + mul32x32_64(r2, r7) + mul32x32_64(r3, r6 ) + mul32x32_64(r4, r5 * 2);
d6 = r6 * 19;
d7 = r7 * 2 * 19;
d8 = r8 * 19;
d9 = r9 * 2 * 19;
m0 += (mul32x32_64(d9, r1 ) + mul32x32_64(d8, r2 ) + mul32x32_64(d7, r3 ) + mul32x32_64(d6, r4 * 2) + mul32x32_64(r5, r5 * 2 * 19));
m1 += (mul32x32_64(d9, r2 / 2) + mul32x32_64(d8, r3 ) + mul32x32_64(d7, r4 ) + mul32x32_64(d6, r5 * 2));
m2 += (mul32x32_64(d9, r3 ) + mul32x32_64(d8, r4 * 2) + mul32x32_64(d7, r5 * 2) + mul32x32_64(d6, r6 ));
m3 += (mul32x32_64(d9, r4 ) + mul32x32_64(d8, r5 * 2) + mul32x32_64(d7, r6 ));
m4 += (mul32x32_64(d9, r5 * 2) + mul32x32_64(d8, r6 * 2) + mul32x32_64(d7, r7 ));
m5 += (mul32x32_64(d9, r6 ) + mul32x32_64(d8, r7 * 2));
m6 += (mul32x32_64(d9, r7 * 2) + mul32x32_64(d8, r8 ));
m7 += (mul32x32_64(d9, r8 ));
m8 += (mul32x32_64(d9, r9 ));
r0 = (uint32_t)m0 & reduce_mask_26; c = (m0 >> 26);
m1 += c; r1 = (uint32_t)m1 & reduce_mask_25; c = (m1 >> 25);
m2 += c; r2 = (uint32_t)m2 & reduce_mask_26; c = (m2 >> 26);
m3 += c; r3 = (uint32_t)m3 & reduce_mask_25; c = (m3 >> 25);
m4 += c; r4 = (uint32_t)m4 & reduce_mask_26; c = (m4 >> 26);
m5 += c; r5 = (uint32_t)m5 & reduce_mask_25; c = (m5 >> 25);
m6 += c; r6 = (uint32_t)m6 & reduce_mask_26; c = (m6 >> 26);
m7 += c; r7 = (uint32_t)m7 & reduce_mask_25; c = (m7 >> 25);
m8 += c; r8 = (uint32_t)m8 & reduce_mask_26; c = (m8 >> 26);
m9 += c; r9 = (uint32_t)m9 & reduce_mask_25; p = (uint32_t)(m9 >> 25);
m0 = r0 + mul32x32_64(p,19); r0 = (uint32_t)m0 & reduce_mask_26; p = (uint32_t)(m0 >> 26);
r1 += p;
} while (--count);
out[0] = r0;
out[1] = r1;
out[2] = r2;
out[3] = r3;
out[4] = r4;
out[5] = r5;
out[6] = r6;
out[7] = r7;
out[8] = r8;
out[9] = r9;
/* Take a little-endian, 32-byte number and expand it into polynomial form */
static void
curve25519_expand(bignum25519 out, const unsigned char in[32]) {
uint32_t x0,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7;
#if defined(__ENDIAN_LITTLE__)
x0 = *(uint32_t *)(in + 0);
x1 = *(uint32_t *)(in + 4);
x2 = *(uint32_t *)(in + 8);
x3 = *(uint32_t *)(in + 12);
x4 = *(uint32_t *)(in + 16);
x5 = *(uint32_t *)(in + 20);
x6 = *(uint32_t *)(in + 24);
x7 = *(uint32_t *)(in + 28);
#define F(s) \
((((uint32_t)in[s + 0]) ) | \
(((uint32_t)in[s + 1]) << 8) | \
(((uint32_t)in[s + 2]) << 16) | \
(((uint32_t)in[s + 3]) << 24))
x0 = F(0);
x1 = F(4);
x2 = F(8);
x3 = F(12);
x4 = F(16);
x5 = F(20);
x6 = F(24);
x7 = F(28);
#undef F
out[0] = ( x0 ) & 0x3ffffff;
out[1] = ((((uint64_t)x1 << 32) | x0) >> 26) & 0x1ffffff;
out[2] = ((((uint64_t)x2 << 32) | x1) >> 19) & 0x3ffffff;
out[3] = ((((uint64_t)x3 << 32) | x2) >> 13) & 0x1ffffff;
out[4] = (( x3) >> 6) & 0x3ffffff;
out[5] = ( x4 ) & 0x1ffffff;
out[6] = ((((uint64_t)x5 << 32) | x4) >> 25) & 0x3ffffff;
out[7] = ((((uint64_t)x6 << 32) | x5) >> 19) & 0x1ffffff;
out[8] = ((((uint64_t)x7 << 32) | x6) >> 12) & 0x3ffffff;
out[9] = (( x7) >> 6) & 0x1ffffff;
/* Take a fully reduced polynomial form number and contract it into a
* little-endian, 32-byte array
static void
curve25519_contract(unsigned char out[32], const bignum25519 in) {
bignum25519 f;
curve25519_copy(f, in);
#define carry_pass() \
f[1] += f[0] >> 26; f[0] &= reduce_mask_26; \
f[2] += f[1] >> 25; f[1] &= reduce_mask_25; \
f[3] += f[2] >> 26; f[2] &= reduce_mask_26; \
f[4] += f[3] >> 25; f[3] &= reduce_mask_25; \
f[5] += f[4] >> 26; f[4] &= reduce_mask_26; \
f[6] += f[5] >> 25; f[5] &= reduce_mask_25; \
f[7] += f[6] >> 26; f[6] &= reduce_mask_26; \
f[8] += f[7] >> 25; f[7] &= reduce_mask_25; \
f[9] += f[8] >> 26; f[8] &= reduce_mask_26;
#define carry_pass_full() \
carry_pass() \
f[0] += 19 * (f[9] >> 25); f[9] &= reduce_mask_25;
#define carry_pass_final() \
carry_pass() \
f[9] &= reduce_mask_25;
/* now t is between 0 and 2^255-1, properly carried. */
/* case 1: between 0 and 2^255-20. case 2: between 2^255-19 and 2^255-1. */
f[0] += 19;
/* now between 19 and 2^255-1 in both cases, and offset by 19. */
f[0] += (reduce_mask_26 + 1) - 19;
f[1] += (reduce_mask_25 + 1) - 1;
f[2] += (reduce_mask_26 + 1) - 1;
f[3] += (reduce_mask_25 + 1) - 1;
f[4] += (reduce_mask_26 + 1) - 1;
f[5] += (reduce_mask_25 + 1) - 1;
f[6] += (reduce_mask_26 + 1) - 1;
f[7] += (reduce_mask_25 + 1) - 1;
f[8] += (reduce_mask_26 + 1) - 1;
f[9] += (reduce_mask_25 + 1) - 1;
/* now between 2^255 and 2^256-20, and offset by 2^255. */
#undef carry_pass
#undef carry_full
#undef carry_final
f[1] <<= 2;
f[2] <<= 3;
f[3] <<= 5;
f[4] <<= 6;
f[6] <<= 1;
f[7] <<= 3;
f[8] <<= 4;
f[9] <<= 6;
#define F(i, s) \
out[s+0] |= (unsigned char )(f[i] & 0xff); \
out[s+1] = (unsigned char )((f[i] >> 8) & 0xff); \
out[s+2] = (unsigned char )((f[i] >> 16) & 0xff); \
out[s+3] = (unsigned char )((f[i] >> 24) & 0xff);
out[0] = 0;
out[16] = 0;
#undef F
/* out = (flag) ? in : out */
__inline void
curve25519_move_conditional_bytes(uint8_t out[96], constant uint8_t *in, uint32_t flag) {
const uint32_t nb = flag - 1, b = ~nb;
constant uint32_t *inl = (constant uint32_t *)in;
uint32_t *outl = (uint32_t *)out;
outl[0] = (outl[0] & nb) | (inl[0] & b);
outl[1] = (outl[1] & nb) | (inl[1] & b);
outl[2] = (outl[2] & nb) | (inl[2] & b);
outl[3] = (outl[3] & nb) | (inl[3] & b);
outl[4] = (outl[4] & nb) | (inl[4] & b);
outl[5] = (outl[5] & nb) | (inl[5] & b);
outl[6] = (outl[6] & nb) | (inl[6] & b);
outl[7] = (outl[7] & nb) | (inl[7] & b);
outl[8] = (outl[8] & nb) | (inl[8] & b);
outl[9] = (outl[9] & nb) | (inl[9] & b);
outl[10] = (outl[10] & nb) | (inl[10] & b);
outl[11] = (outl[11] & nb) | (inl[11] & b);
outl[12] = (outl[12] & nb) | (inl[12] & b);
outl[13] = (outl[13] & nb) | (inl[13] & b);
outl[14] = (outl[14] & nb) | (inl[14] & b);
outl[15] = (outl[15] & nb) | (inl[15] & b);
outl[16] = (outl[16] & nb) | (inl[16] & b);
outl[17] = (outl[17] & nb) | (inl[17] & b);
outl[18] = (outl[18] & nb) | (inl[18] & b);
outl[19] = (outl[19] & nb) | (inl[19] & b);
outl[20] = (outl[20] & nb) | (inl[20] & b);
outl[21] = (outl[21] & nb) | (inl[21] & b);
outl[22] = (outl[22] & nb) | (inl[22] & b);
outl[23] = (outl[23] & nb) | (inl[23] & b);
/* if (iswap) swap(a, b) */
__inline void
curve25519_swap_conditional(bignum25519 a, bignum25519 b, uint32_t iswap) {
const uint32_t swap = (uint32_t)(-(int32_t)iswap);
uint32_t x0,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9;
x0 = swap & (a[0] ^ b[0]); a[0] ^= x0; b[0] ^= x0;
x1 = swap & (a[1] ^ b[1]); a[1] ^= x1; b[1] ^= x1;
x2 = swap & (a[2] ^ b[2]); a[2] ^= x2; b[2] ^= x2;
x3 = swap & (a[3] ^ b[3]); a[3] ^= x3; b[3] ^= x3;
x4 = swap & (a[4] ^ b[4]); a[4] ^= x4; b[4] ^= x4;
x5 = swap & (a[5] ^ b[5]); a[5] ^= x5; b[5] ^= x5;
x6 = swap & (a[6] ^ b[6]); a[6] ^= x6; b[6] ^= x6;
x7 = swap & (a[7] ^ b[7]); a[7] ^= x7; b[7] ^= x7;
x8 = swap & (a[8] ^ b[8]); a[8] ^= x8; b[8] ^= x8;
x9 = swap & (a[9] ^ b[9]); a[9] ^= x9; b[9] ^= x9;
__inline void
ge25519_p1p1_to_partial(ge25519 *r, const ge25519_p1p1 *p) {
curve25519_mul(r->x, p->x, p->t);
curve25519_mul(r->y, p->y, p->z);
curve25519_mul(r->z, p->z, p->t);
__inline void
ge25519_p1p1_to_full(ge25519 *r, const ge25519_p1p1 *p) {
curve25519_mul(r->x, p->x, p->t);
curve25519_mul(r->y, p->y, p->z);
curve25519_mul(r->z, p->z, p->t);
curve25519_mul(r->t, p->x, p->y);
static void
ge25519_full_to_pniels(ge25519_pniels *p, const ge25519 *r) {
curve25519_sub(p->ysubx, r->y, r->x);
curve25519_add(p->xaddy, r->y, r->x);
curve25519_copy(p->z, r->z);
curve25519_mul_const(p->t2d, r->t, ge25519_ec2d);
adding & doubling
static void
ge25519_add_p1p1(ge25519_p1p1 *r, const ge25519 *p, const ge25519 *q) {
bignum25519 a,b,c,d,t,u;
curve25519_sub(a, p->y, p->x);
curve25519_add(b, p->y, p->x);
curve25519_sub(t, q->y, q->x);
curve25519_add(u, q->y, q->x);
curve25519_mul(a, a, t);
curve25519_mul(b, b, u);
curve25519_mul(c, p->t, q->t);
curve25519_mul_const(c, c, ge25519_ec2d);
curve25519_mul(d, p->z, q->z);
curve25519_add(d, d, d);
curve25519_sub(r->x, b, a);
curve25519_add(r->y, b, a);
curve25519_add_after_basic(r->z, d, c);
curve25519_sub_after_basic(r->t, d, c);
static void
ge25519_double_p1p1(ge25519_p1p1 *r, const ge25519 *p) {
bignum25519 a,b,c;
curve25519_square(a, p->x);
curve25519_square(b, p->y);
curve25519_square(c, p->z);
curve25519_add_reduce(c, c, c);
curve25519_add(r->x, p->x, p->y);
curve25519_square(r->x, r->x);
curve25519_add(r->y, b, a);
curve25519_sub(r->z, b, a);
curve25519_sub_after_basic(r->x, r->x, r->y);
curve25519_sub_after_basic(r->t, c, r->z);
static void
ge25519_nielsadd2_p1p1(ge25519_p1p1 *r, const ge25519 *p, const ge25519_niels *q, unsigned char signbit) {
const bignum25519 *qb = (const bignum25519 *)q;
bignum25519 *rb = (bignum25519 *)r;
bignum25519 a,b,c;
curve25519_sub(a, p->y, p->x);
curve25519_add(b, p->y, p->x);
curve25519_mul(a, a, qb[signbit]); /* x for +, y for - */
curve25519_mul(r->x, b, qb[signbit^1]); /* y for +, x for - */
curve25519_add(r->y, r->x, a);
curve25519_sub(r->x, r->x, a);
curve25519_mul(c, p->t, q->t2d);
curve25519_add_reduce(r->t, p->z, p->z);
curve25519_copy(r->z, r->t);
curve25519_add(rb[2+signbit], rb[2+signbit], c); /* z for +, t for - */
curve25519_sub(rb[2+(signbit^1)], rb[2+(signbit^1)], c); /* t for +, z for - */
static void
ge25519_pnielsadd_p1p1(ge25519_p1p1 *r, const ge25519 *p, const ge25519_pniels *q, unsigned char signbit) {
const bignum25519 *qb = (const bignum25519 *)q;
bignum25519 *rb = (bignum25519 *)r;
bignum25519 a,b,c;
curve25519_sub(a, p->y, p->x);
curve25519_add(b, p->y, p->x);
curve25519_mul(a, a, qb[signbit]); /* ysubx for +, xaddy for - */
curve25519_mul(r->x, b, qb[signbit^1]); /* xaddy for +, ysubx for - */
curve25519_add(r->y, r->x, a);
curve25519_sub(r->x, r->x, a);
curve25519_mul(c, p->t, q->t2d);
curve25519_mul(r->t, p->z, q->z);
curve25519_add_reduce(r->t, r->t, r->t);
curve25519_copy(r->z, r->t);
curve25519_add(rb[2+signbit], rb[2+signbit], c); /* z for +, t for - */
curve25519_sub(rb[2+(signbit^1)], rb[2+(signbit^1)], c); /* t for +, z for - */
static void
ge25519_double_partial(ge25519 *r, const ge25519 *p) {
ge25519_p1p1 t;
ge25519_double_p1p1(&t, p);
ge25519_p1p1_to_partial(r, &t);
static void
ge25519_double(ge25519 *r, const ge25519 *p) {
ge25519_p1p1 t;
ge25519_double_p1p1(&t, p);
ge25519_p1p1_to_full(r, &t);
static void
ge25519_add(ge25519 *r, const ge25519 *p, const ge25519 *q) {
ge25519_p1p1 t;
ge25519_add_p1p1(&t, p, q);
ge25519_p1p1_to_full(r, &t);
static void
ge25519_nielsadd2(ge25519 *r, const ge25519_niels *q) {
bignum25519 a,b,c,e,f,g,h;
curve25519_sub(a, r->y, r->x);
curve25519_add(b, r->y, r->x);
curve25519_mul(a, a, q->ysubx);
curve25519_mul(e, b, q->xaddy);
curve25519_add(h, e, a);
curve25519_sub(e, e, a);
curve25519_mul(c, r->t, q->t2d);
curve25519_add(f, r->z, r->z);
curve25519_add_after_basic(g, f, c);
curve25519_sub_after_basic(f, f, c);
curve25519_mul(r->x, e, f);
curve25519_mul(r->y, h, g);
curve25519_mul(r->z, g, f);
curve25519_mul(r->t, e, h);
static void
ge25519_pnielsadd(ge25519_pniels *r, const ge25519 *p, const ge25519_pniels *q) {
bignum25519 a,b,c,x,y,z,t;
curve25519_sub(a, p->y, p->x);
curve25519_add(b, p->y, p->x);
curve25519_mul(a, a, q->ysubx);
curve25519_mul(x, b, q->xaddy);
curve25519_add(y, x, a);
curve25519_sub(x, x, a);
curve25519_mul(c, p->t, q->t2d);
curve25519_mul(t, p->z, q->z);
curve25519_add(t, t, t);
curve25519_add_after_basic(z, t, c);
curve25519_sub_after_basic(t, t, c);
curve25519_mul(r->xaddy, x, t);
curve25519_mul(r->ysubx, y, z);
curve25519_mul(r->z, z, t);
curve25519_mul(r->t2d, x, y);
curve25519_copy(y, r->ysubx);
curve25519_sub(r->ysubx, r->ysubx, r->xaddy);
curve25519_add(r->xaddy, r->xaddy, y);
curve25519_mul_const(r->t2d, r->t2d, ge25519_ec2d);
* In: b = 2^5 - 2^0
* Out: b = 2^250 - 2^0
static void
curve25519_pow_two5mtwo0_two250mtwo0(bignum25519 b) {
bignum25519 ALIGN(16) t0,c;
/* 2^5 - 2^0 */ /* b */
/* 2^10 - 2^5 */ curve25519_square_times(t0, b, 5);
/* 2^10 - 2^0 */ curve25519_mul_noinline(b, t0, b);
/* 2^20 - 2^10 */ curve25519_square_times(t0, b, 10);
/* 2^20 - 2^0 */ curve25519_mul_noinline(c, t0, b);
/* 2^40 - 2^20 */ curve25519_square_times(t0, c, 20);
/* 2^40 - 2^0 */ curve25519_mul_noinline(t0, t0, c);
/* 2^50 - 2^10 */ curve25519_square_times(t0, t0, 10);
/* 2^50 - 2^0 */ curve25519_mul_noinline(b, t0, b);
/* 2^100 - 2^50 */ curve25519_square_times(t0, b, 50);
/* 2^100 - 2^0 */ curve25519_mul_noinline(c, t0, b);
/* 2^200 - 2^100 */ curve25519_square_times(t0, c, 100);
/* 2^200 - 2^0 */ curve25519_mul_noinline(t0, t0, c);
/* 2^250 - 2^50 */ curve25519_square_times(t0, t0, 50);
/* 2^250 - 2^0 */ curve25519_mul_noinline(b, t0, b);
* z^(p - 2) = z(2^255 - 21)
static void
curve25519_recip(bignum25519 out, const bignum25519 z) {
bignum25519 ALIGN(16) a,t0,b;
/* 2 */ curve25519_square_times(a, z, 1); /* a = 2 */
/* 8 */ curve25519_square_times(t0, a, 2);
/* 9 */ curve25519_mul_noinline(b, t0, z); /* b = 9 */
/* 11 */ curve25519_mul_noinline(a, b, a); /* a = 11 */
/* 22 */ curve25519_square_times(t0, a, 1);
/* 2^5 - 2^0 = 31 */ curve25519_mul_noinline(b, t0, b);
/* 2^250 - 2^0 */ curve25519_pow_two5mtwo0_two250mtwo0(b);
/* 2^255 - 2^5 */ curve25519_square_times(b, b, 5);
/* 2^255 - 21 */ curve25519_mul_noinline(out, b, a);
* z^((p-5)/8) = z^(2^252 - 3)
static void
curve25519_pow_two252m3(bignum25519 two252m3, const bignum25519 z) {
bignum25519 ALIGN(16) b,c,t0;
/* 2 */ curve25519_square_times(c, z, 1); /* c = 2 */
/* 8 */ curve25519_square_times(t0, c, 2); /* t0 = 8 */
/* 9 */ curve25519_mul_noinline(b, t0, z); /* b = 9 */
/* 11 */ curve25519_mul_noinline(c, b, c); /* c = 11 */
/* 22 */ curve25519_square_times(t0, c, 1);
/* 2^5 - 2^0 = 31 */ curve25519_mul_noinline(b, t0, b);
/* 2^250 - 2^0 */ curve25519_pow_two5mtwo0_two250mtwo0(b);
/* 2^252 - 2^2 */ curve25519_square_times(b, b, 2);
/* 2^252 - 3 */ curve25519_mul_noinline(two252m3, b, z);
pack & unpack
static void
ge25519_pack(unsigned char r[32], const ge25519 *p) {
bignum25519 tx, ty, zi;
unsigned char parity[32];
curve25519_recip(zi, p->z);
curve25519_mul(tx, p->x, zi);
curve25519_mul(ty, p->y, zi);
curve25519_contract(r, ty);
curve25519_contract(parity, tx);
r[31] ^= ((parity[0] & 1) << 7);
Timing safe memory compare
static int
ed25519_verify(const unsigned char *x, const unsigned char *y, size_t len) {
size_t differentbits = 0;
while (len--)
differentbits |= (*x++ ^ *y++);
return (int) (1 & ((differentbits - 1) >> 8));
static int
ge25519_unpack_vartime(ge25519 *r, const unsigned char p[32]) {
const unsigned char zero[32] = {0};
const bignum25519 one = {1};
unsigned char parity = p[31] >> 7;
unsigned char check[32];
bignum25519 t, root, num, den, d3;
curve25519_expand(r->y, p);
curve25519_copy(r->z, one);
curve25519_square(num, r->y); /* x = y^2 */
curve25519_mul_const(den, num, ge25519_ecd); /* den = dy^2 */
curve25519_sub_reduce(num, num, r->z); /* x = y^1 - 1 */
curve25519_add(den, den, r->z); /* den = dy^2 + 1 */
/* Computation of sqrt(num/den) */
/* 1.: computation of num^((p-5)/8)*den^((7p-35)/8) = (num*den^7)^((p-5)/8) */
curve25519_square(t, den);
curve25519_mul(d3, t, den);
curve25519_square(r->x, d3);
curve25519_mul(r->x, r->x, den);
curve25519_mul(r->x, r->x, num);
curve25519_pow_two252m3(r->x, r->x);
/* 2. computation of r->x = num * den^3 * (num*den^7)^((p-5)/8) */
curve25519_mul(r->x, r->x, d3);
curve25519_mul(r->x, r->x, num);
/* 3. Check if either of the roots works: */
curve25519_square(t, r->x);
curve25519_mul(t, t, den);
curve25519_sub_reduce(root, t, num);
curve25519_contract(check, root);
if (!ed25519_verify(check, zero, 32)) {
curve25519_add_reduce(t, t, num);
curve25519_contract(check, t);
if (!ed25519_verify(check, zero, 32))
return 0;
curve25519_mul_const(r->x, r->x, ge25519_sqrtneg1);
curve25519_contract(check, r->x);
// Inverted from ge25519_unpack_negative_vartime
if ((check[0] & 1) != parity) {
curve25519_copy(t, r->x);
curve25519_neg(r->x, t);
curve25519_mul(r->t, r->x, r->y);
return 1;
#define S1_SWINDOWSIZE 5
#define S1_TABLE_SIZE (1<<(S1_SWINDOWSIZE-2))
#define S2_SWINDOWSIZE 7
#define S2_TABLE_SIZE (1<<(S2_SWINDOWSIZE-2))
static uint32_t
ge25519_windowb_equal(uint32_t b, uint32_t c) {
return ((b ^ c) - 1) >> 31;
// modified to remove basepoint table argument
static void
ge25519_scalarmult_base_choose_niels(ge25519_niels *t, uint32_t pos, signed char b) {
bignum25519 neg;
uint32_t sign = (uint32_t)((unsigned char)b >> 7);
uint32_t mask = ~(sign - 1);
uint32_t u = (b + mask) ^ mask;
uint32_t i;
/* ysubx, xaddy, t2d in packed form. initialize to ysubx = 1, xaddy = 1, t2d = 0 */
uint8_t packed[96] = {0};
packed[0] = 1;
packed[32] = 1;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
curve25519_move_conditional_bytes(packed, ge25519_niels_base_multiples[(pos * 8) + i], ge25519_windowb_equal(u, i + 1));
/* expand in to t */
curve25519_expand(t->ysubx, packed + 0);
curve25519_expand(t->xaddy, packed + 32);
curve25519_expand(t->t2d , packed + 64);
/* adjust for sign */
curve25519_swap_conditional(t->ysubx, t->xaddy, sign);
curve25519_neg(neg, t->t2d);
curve25519_swap_conditional(t->t2d, neg, sign);
/* computes [s]basepoint */
// modified to remove basepoint table argument
// and to work around the missing memset function
static void
ge25519_scalarmult_base_niels(ge25519 *r, const bignum256modm s) {
signed char b[64];
uint32_t i;
ge25519_niels t;
contract256_window4_modm(b, s);
ge25519_scalarmult_base_choose_niels(&t, 0, b[1]);
curve25519_sub_reduce(r->x, t.xaddy, t.ysubx);
curve25519_add_reduce(r->y, t.xaddy, t.ysubx);
// Original code: memset(r->z, 0, sizeof(bignum25519));
// r->z is a bignum25519, i.e. a 10 element array
for (size_t n = 0; n < 10; n++) r->z[n] = 0;
curve25519_copy(r->t, t.t2d);
r->z[0] = 2;
for (i = 3; i < 64; i += 2) {
ge25519_scalarmult_base_choose_niels(&t, i / 2, b[i]);
ge25519_nielsadd2(r, &t);
ge25519_double_partial(r, r);
ge25519_double_partial(r, r);
ge25519_double_partial(r, r);
ge25519_double(r, r);
ge25519_scalarmult_base_choose_niels(&t, 0, b[0]);
curve25519_mul_const(t.t2d, t.t2d, ge25519_ecd);
ge25519_nielsadd2(r, &t);
for(i = 2; i < 64; i += 2) {
ge25519_scalarmult_base_choose_niels(&t, i / 2, b[i]);
ge25519_nielsadd2(r, &t);
inline void generate_checksum (uchar checksum[5], const uchar pubkey[32]) {
// For some reason, this doesn't work when put in generate_pubkey.
blake2b_state state;
blake2b_init (&state, 5);
blake2b_update (&state, (__private uchar *) pubkey, 32);
blake2b_final (&state, (__private uchar *) checksum, 5);
__kernel void generate_pubkey (__global unsigned long *result, __global uchar *key_root, __global uchar *pub_req, __global uchar *pub_mask, uchar prefix_len, uchar generate_key_type, __global uchar *public_offset) {
size_t const thread = get_global_id (0);
uchar key[32];
for (size_t i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
key[i] = key_root[i];
*((size_t *) key) += thread;
if (generate_key_type == 1) {
// seed
blake2b_state keystate;
blake2b_init (&keystate, sizeof (key));
blake2b_update (&keystate, key, sizeof (key));
uint32_t idx = 0;
blake2b_update (&keystate, (uchar *) &idx, 4);
blake2b_final (&keystate, key, sizeof (key));
blake2b_state state;
bignum256modm a;
ge25519 ALIGN(16) A;
if (generate_key_type != 2) {
// key is an ed25519 private key
uchar hash[64];
blake2b_init (&state, sizeof (hash));
blake2b_update (&state, key, 32);
blake2b_final (&state, hash, sizeof (hash));
hash[0] &= 248;
hash[31] &= 127;
hash[31] |= 64;
expand256_modm(a, hash, 32);
} else {
// key is a scalar
expand256_modm(a, key, 32);
ge25519_scalarmult_base_niels(&A, a);
if (generate_key_type == 2) {
uchar public_offset_copy[32];
for (size_t i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
public_offset_copy[i] = public_offset[i];
ge25519 ALIGN(16) public_offset_curvepoint;
ge25519_unpack_vartime(&public_offset_curvepoint, public_offset_copy);
ge25519_add(&A, &A, &public_offset_curvepoint);
uchar pubkey[32];
ge25519_pack(pubkey, &A);
uchar pubkey_prefix_len = prefix_len;
if (pubkey_prefix_len > 32) {
pubkey_prefix_len = 32;
for (uchar i = 0; i < pubkey_prefix_len; i++) {
if ((pubkey[i] & pub_mask[i]) != pub_req[i]) {
if (prefix_len > 32) {
uchar checksum[5];
generate_checksum (checksum, pubkey);
for (uchar i = 32; i < prefix_len; i++) {
if ((checksum[4 - (i - 32)] & pub_mask[i]) != pub_req[i]) {
*result = thread;
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