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Created November 18, 2019 21:50
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Generated by XState Viz:
"use strict";
const InitialState = '@Initial';
const FetchingState = '@Data/Request';
const FailureState = '@Data/Failure';
const PostFetchState = '@Data/Post';
const IdleState = '@Idle';
const TabsModeState = '@TabsMode';
const SinglePaneModeState = '@SinglePaneModeState';
const AlbumsTabState = '@Albums';
const AlbumsIdleState = '@Albums/Idle';
const AlbumsTabEmptyState = '@Albums/Empty';
const TracksTabState = '@Tracks';
const TracksIdleState = '@Tracks/Idle';
const TracksEmptyState = '@Tracks/Empty';
const FetchDataEvent = 'FETCH_DATA';
const FetchSuccessEvent = 'FETCH_SUCCESS';
const FetchFailureEvent = 'FETCH_FAILURE';
const RetryEvent = 'RETRY';
const SetAlbumsTabEvent = 'ALBUMS_TAB_SET';
const SetTracksTabEvent = 'TRACKS_TAB_SET';
const SetTabsModeEvent = 'TABS_MODE_SET';
const SetSinglePaneModeEvent = 'SINGLE_PANE_MODE_SET';
const setFetchErrorAction = 'setFetchError';
const setFetchResultAction = 'setFetchResult';
const cacheFetchFunctionAction = 'cacheFetchFunctionAction';
const clearFetchFunctionAction = 'clearFetchFunction';
const clearFetchErrorAction = 'clearFetchError';
const noAlbumsFetchedGuard = 'noAlbumsFetched';
const noTracksFetchedGuard = 'noTracksFetched';
const isOnExtraLargeResolutionGuard = 'isOnExtraLargeMode';
const hottestTunesMachines = Machine({
id: 'Hottest Tunes Machine',
initial: InitialState,
context: {
fetchData: null,
fetchError: null,
fetchFn: null
states: {
[InitialState]: {
on: {
[FetchDataEvent]: FetchingState
[FetchingState]: {
entry: cacheFetchFunctionAction,
invoke: {
id: 'Fetching',
src: (ctx) => {
let { fetchFn } = ctx;
// @ts-ignore
return fetchFn();
onDone: {
target: PostFetchState,
actions: [setFetchResultAction, clearFetchFunctionAction]
onError: {
target: FailureState,
actions: [setFetchErrorAction]
[FailureState]: {
on: {
[RetryEvent]: {
target: FetchingState,
actions: [clearFetchErrorAction]
[PostFetchState]: {
on: {
'': [
{ target: `${IdleState}.${SinglePaneModeState}`, cond: isOnExtraLargeResolutionGuard },
{ target: `${IdleState}.${TabsModeState}` }
[IdleState]: {
initial: SinglePaneModeState,
on: {
[SetTabsModeEvent]: `.${TabsModeState}`,
[SetSinglePaneModeEvent]: `.${SinglePaneModeState}`,
states: {
[TabsModeState]: {
on: {
[SetAlbumsTabEvent]: `.${AlbumsTabState}`,
[SetTracksTabEvent]: `.${TracksTabState}`
invoke: {
id: 'Tabs Mode Window Subscription',
src: () => (callback) => {
function onResize() {
if (window.innerWidth >= 1440) {
window.addEventListener('resize', onResize);
return () => window.removeEventListener('resize', onResize);
initial: AlbumsTabState,
states: {
[AlbumsTabState]: {
on: {
'': { target: `.${AlbumsTabEmptyState}`, cond: noAlbumsFetchedGuard }
initial: AlbumsIdleState,
states: {
[AlbumsTabEmptyState]: {},
[AlbumsIdleState]: {}
[TracksTabState]: {
on: {
'': { target: `.${TracksEmptyState}`, cond: noTracksFetchedGuard }
initial: TracksIdleState,
states: {
[TracksEmptyState]: {},
[TracksIdleState]: {}
[SinglePaneModeState]: {
type: 'parallel',
invoke: {
id: 'Extra Large Mode Window Subscription',
src: () => (callback) => {
function onResize() {
if (window.innerWidth < 1440) {
window.addEventListener('resize', onResize);
return () => window.removeEventListener('resize', onResize);
on: {},
states: {
[AlbumsTabState]: {
on: {
'': { target: `.${AlbumsTabEmptyState}`, cond: noAlbumsFetchedGuard }
initial: AlbumsIdleState,
states: {
[AlbumsTabEmptyState]: {},
[AlbumsIdleState]: {}
[TracksTabState]: {
on: {
'': { target: `.${TracksEmptyState}`, cond: noTracksFetchedGuard }
initial: TracksIdleState,
states: {
[TracksEmptyState]: {},
[TracksIdleState]: {}
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