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Created August 26, 2017 12:51
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#[macro_use] extern crate unixbar;
extern crate systemstat;
use unixbar::*;
use systemstat::{System, Platform, ByteSize};
const BGS: &'static [&'static str] = &["#111111", "#1F4B17", "#111111", "#497933"];
const BGS_c: &'static [&'static str] = &["#111111", "#"];
// Colors for center
const FG_WINGS: &'static str = "#ffaacc";
const BG_WINGS: &'static str = "#00000000";
const BG_INACTIVE: &'static str = "#111111";
const BG_ACTIVE: &'static str = "#99aa11";
const GREEK_BIG: [char; 24] = ['Α', 'Β', 'Γ', 'Δ', 'Ε', 'Ζ', 'Η', 'Θ', 'Ι', 'Κ', 'Λ', 'Μ', 'Ν', 'Ξ', 'Ο', 'Π', 'Ρ', 'Σ', 'Τ', 'Υ', 'Φ', 'Χ', 'Ψ', 'Ω'];
const GREEK_SMALL: [char; 24] = ['α', 'β', 'γ', 'δ', 'ε', 'ζ', 'η', 'θ', 'ι', 'κ', 'λ', 'μ', 'ν', 'ξ', 'ο', 'π', 'ρ', 'σ', 'τ', 'υ', 'φ', 'χ', 'ψ', 'ω'];
fn main() {
let mut sep = Separator::new("#770000", "#00000000");
|volume| {
match volume.muted {
false => bfmt![fmt["⮞ {}", (volume.volume * 100.0) as i32]],
true => bfmt![fmt["⮝ {}", (volume.volume * 100.0) as i32]]
.add(Text::new(sep.right("#ffffff", BGS[3])))
move || {
match (System::new().battery_life(), System::new().on_ac_power()) {
(Ok(battery_life), Ok(true)) => bfmt![fg["#ffffff"] bg["#000000"] fmt[" {} {} ", "⮒", battery_life.remaining_capacity]],
(Ok(battery_life), Ok(false)) => {
let battery_life = battery_life.remaining_capacity;
if battery_life > 0.5 {
bfmt![fg["#ffffff"] bg["#000000"] fmt[" {} {} ", "⮏", battery_life]]
} else if battery_life > 0.2 {
bfmt![fg["#ffffff"] bg["#000000"] fmt[" {} {} ", "⮑", battery_life]]
} else {
bfmt![fg["#ffffff"] bg["#000000"] fmt[" {} {} ", "⮐", battery_life]]
_ => bfmt![text[""]],
|mpd| {
if let Some(true) =|playback| playback.playing) {
if mpd.title == "" {
bfmt![fmt["{}", mpd.filename]]
} else if mpd.artist == "" {
bfmt![fmt["{}", mpd.title]]
} else {
bfmt![fmt["{} by {}", mpd.title, mpd.artist ]]
} else {
/* Center */
move |state| {
let mut sep = sep.clone();
let mut formats = Vec::new();
let window_mode = match state.window_mode {
WindowMode::Tiled => "tiled ",
WindowMode::PseudoTiled => "pseudo",
WindowMode::Floating => "float ",
WindowMode::FullScreen => "full ",
WindowMode::None => "none "
let layout = if state.monocle { "monocle" } else { " tile" };
bfmt![ fg[FG_WINGS] bg[BG_WINGS] fmt[" {} ", window_mode]]
formats.push(Box::new(sep.left("#ffffff", BGS[0])));
for (i, d) in state.desktops.iter().enumerate() {
let index =<usize>().unwrap();
let (fg, bg, name) = match (d.focused, d.occupied) {
(true, _) => ("#ffffff", BG_ACTIVE, GREEK_BIG[index]),
(_, true) => (BG_ACTIVE, BG_INACTIVE, GREEK_BIG[index]),
_ => ("#555544", BG_INACTIVE, GREEK_SMALL[index])
bfmt![ fg[fg] bg[bg] fmt[" {} ", name] ]
if i % 3 == 2 && i != 8 {
bfmt![ fg["#ffffff"] bg["#111111"] text["|"] ]
formats.push(Box::new(sep.right(FG_WINGS, BG_WINGS)));
bfmt![ fg[FG_WINGS] bg[BG_WINGS] fmt[" {} ", layout]]
/* Right */
.add(Text::new(sep.left("#ffffff", BGS[3])))
move || match System::new().memory() {
Ok(mem) => bfmt![fg[sep.fg] bg[] fmt[" {}/{} RAM ", as_string_gb( -,]],
Err(_) => bfmt![fg["#bb1155"] bg[] text["error"]],
|| System::new().cpu_load_aggregate().unwrap(),
|res| match res {
Ok(cpu) => bfmt![fg["#99aaff"] fmt[" {:.1}% CPU ", (1.0 - cpu.idle) * 100.0]],
Err(_) => bfmt![fg["#bb1155"] text["error"]],
.add(Text::new(sep.left("#ffffff", BGS[2])))
move |f| bfmt![fg[sep.fg] bg[] f],
DateTime::new(" %H:%M:%S "))
.add(Text::new(sep.left("#ffffff", BGS[1])))
move |f| bfmt![fg[sep.fg] bg[] f],
DateTime::new(" %W. %A ")) // week, day
.add(Text::new(sep.left("#ffffff", BGS[0])))
move |f| bfmt![fg[sep.fg] bg[] f],
DateTime::new(" %d. %B ")) // date, month
fn as_string_gb(bytes: ByteSize) -> String {
format!("{}", (bytes.as_usize()/1000000) as f32 / 1000.0)
#[derive(Copy,Clone)] // Copy,Clone to be used within closures
struct Separator {
fg: &'static str,
bg: &'static str,
impl Separator {
pub fn new(fg: &'static str, bg: &'static str) -> Separator {
Separator {
fg: fg,
bg: bg,
pub fn left(&mut self, fg: &'static str, bg: &'static str) -> Format {
let ret = bfmt![
fg[bg] bg[] text[" ⮃⮂"]
self.fg = fg; = bg;
pub fn right(&mut self, fg: &'static str, bg: &'static str) -> Format {
let ret = bfmt![
fg[] bg[bg] text["⮀⮁ "]
self.fg = fg; = bg;

Its not working for me. Any solution ? :(

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