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Centrifugo JWT
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
/// {@template jwt}
/// A JWT token consists of three parts: the header,
/// the payload, and the signature or encryption data.
/// The first two elements are JSON objects of a specific structure.
/// The third element is calculated based on the first two
/// and depends on the chosen algorithm
/// (in the case of using an unsigned JWT, it can be omitted).
/// Tokens can be re-encoded into a compact representation
/// (JWS/JWE Compact Serialization):
/// the header and payload are subjected to Base64-URL encoding,
/// after which the signature is added,
/// and all three elements are separated by periods (".").
/// {@endtemplate}
sealed class CentrifugoJWT {
/// {@macro jwt}
/// Creates JWT from [secret] (with HMAC-SHA256 algorithm)
const factory CentrifugoJWT({
required String sub,
int? exp,
int? iat,
String? jti,
String? aud,
String? iss,
Map<String, Object?>? info,
String? b64info,
List<String>? channels,
Map<String, Object?>? subs,
Map<String, Object?>? meta,
int? expireAt,
}) = _CentrifugoJWTImpl;
/// {@macro jwt}
/// Parses JWT, if [secret] is provided
/// then checks signature by HMAC-SHA256 algorithm.
factory CentrifugoJWT.decode(String jwt, [String? secret]) =
/// {@nodoc}
const CentrifugoJWT._();
/// This is a standard JWT claim which must contain
/// an ID of the current application user (as string).
/// If a user is not currently authenticated in an application,
/// but you want to let him connect anyway – you can use
/// an empty string as a user ID in sub claim.
/// This is called anonymous access.
abstract final String sub;
/// This is a UNIX timestamp seconds when the token will expire.
/// This is a standard JWT claim - all JWT libraries
/// for different languages provide an API to set it.
/// If exp claim is not provided then Centrifugo won't expire connection.
/// When provided special algorithm will find connections with exp in the past
/// and activate the connection refresh mechanism.
/// Refresh mechanism allows connection to survive and be prolonged.
/// In case of refresh failure, the client connection
/// will be eventually closed by Centrifugo
/// and won't be accepted until new valid and actual
/// credentials are provided in the connection token.
/// You can use the connection expiration mechanism in
/// cases when you don't want users of your app
/// to be subscribed on channels after being banned/deactivated in the application.
/// Or to protect your users from token leakage
/// (providing a reasonably short time of expiration).
/// Choose exp value wisely, you don't need small
/// values because the refresh mechanism
/// will hit your application often with refresh requests.
/// But setting this value too large can lead
/// to slow user connection deactivation. This is a trade-off.
/// Read more about connection expiration below.
abstract final int? exp;
/// This is a UNIX time when token was issued (seconds).
/// See [definition in RFC](
/// This claim is optional
abstract final int? iat;
/// This is a token unique ID. See [definition in RFC](
/// This claim is optional.
abstract final String? jti;
/// Audience.
/// [rfc7519 aud claim](
/// By default, Centrifugo does not check JWT audience.
/// But you can force this check by setting token_audience string option:
/// ```json
/// {
/// "token_audience": "centrifugo"
/// }
/// ```
/// Setting token_audience will also affect subscription tokens
/// (used for channel token authorization).
/// If you need to separate connection token configuration
/// and subscription token configuration
/// check out separate subscription token config feature.
/// This claim is optional.
abstract final String? aud;
/// Issuer.
/// The "iss" (issuer) claim identifies the principal that issued the JWT.
/// [rfc7519 iss claim](
/// By default, Centrifugo does not check JWT issuer (rfc7519 iss claim).
/// But you can force this check by setting token_issuer string option:
/// ```json
/// {
/// "token_issuer": "my_app"
/// }
/// ```
/// Setting token_issuer will also affect subscription tokens
/// (used for channel token authorization).
/// If you need to separate connection token configuration
/// and subscription token configuration
/// check out separate subscription token config feature.
/// This claim is optional.
abstract final String? iss;
/// This claim is optional - this is additional information
/// about client connection
/// that can be provided for Centrifugo.
/// This information will be included in presence information,
/// join/leave events, and channel publication if it was published from a client-side.
abstract final Map<String, Object?>? info;
/// If you are using binary Protobuf protocol you may want info
/// to be custom bytes. Use this field in this case.
/// This field contains a `base64` representation of your bytes.
/// After receiving Centrifugo will decode base64 back to bytes
/// and will embed the result into various places described above.
abstract final String? b64info;
/// An optional array of strings with server-side channels
/// to subscribe a client to.
/// See more details about [server-side subscriptions](
abstract final List<String>? channels;
/// Subscriptions
/// An optional map of channels with options. This is like a channels claim
/// but allows more control over server-side subscription since every channel
/// can be annotated with info, data, and so on using options.
/// The claim sub described above is a standart JWT claim to provide a user ID
/// (it's a shortcut from subject).
/// While claims have similar names they have
/// different purpose in a connection JWT.
/// Example:
/// ```json
/// {
/// ...
/// "subs": {
/// "channel1": {
/// "data": {"welcome": "welcome to channel1"}
/// },
/// "channel2": {
/// "data": {"welcome": "welcome to channel2"}
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// ```
/// Subscribe options:
/// - (optional) info - JSON object - Custom channel info
/// - (optional) b64info - string - Custom channel info in Base64
/// - (optional) data - JSON object - Custom JSON data
/// - (optional) b64data - string - Same as `data` but in Base64
/// - (optional) override - Override object - Override some channel options.
/// Override object:
/// - (optional) presence - BoolValue - Override presence
/// - (optional) join_leave - BoolValue - Override join_leave
/// - (optional) position - BoolValue - Override position
/// - (optional) recover - BoolValue - Override recover
/// BoolValue is an object like this:
/// ```json
/// {
/// "value": true
/// }
/// ```
abstract final Map<String, Object?>? subs;
/// Meta is an additional JSON object (ex. `{"key": "value"}`)
/// that will be attached to a connection.
/// Unlike `info` it's never exposed to clients inside presence
/// and join/leave payloads
/// and only accessible on a backend side. It may be included
/// in proxy calls from Centrifugo
/// to the application backend (see `proxy_include_connection_meta` option).
/// Also, there is a `connections` API method in Centrifugo PRO that returns
/// this data in the connection description object.
abstract final Map<String, Object?>? meta;
/// By default, Centrifugo looks on `exp` claim
/// to configure connection expiration.
/// In most cases this is fine, but there could be situations
/// where you wish to decouple token expiration
/// check with connection expiration time.
/// As soon as the `expire_at` claim is provided (set)
/// in JWT Centrifugo relies on it for setting
/// connection expiration time
/// (JWT expiration still checked over `exp` though).
/// `expire_at` is a UNIX timestamp seconds when the connection should expire.
/// Set it to the future time for expiring connection at some point
/// Set it to 0 to disable connection expiration
/// (but still check token exp claim).
abstract final int? expireAt;
/// Creates JWT from [secret] (with HMAC-SHA256 algorithm)
/// and current payload.
String encode(String secret);
final class _CentrifugoJWTImpl extends CentrifugoJWT {
const _CentrifugoJWTImpl({
required this.sub,
}) : super._();
factory _CentrifugoJWTImpl.decode(String jwt, [String? secret]) {
// Разделение токена на составляющие части
var parts = jwt.split('.');
if (parts.length != 3) {
throw const FormatException(
'Invalid token format, expected 3 parts separated by "."');
final <String>[encodedHeader, encodedPayload, encodedSignature] = parts;
if (secret != null) {
// Вычисление подписи
final key = utf8.encode(secret); // Your 256 bit secret key
final bytes = utf8.encode('$encodedHeader.$encodedPayload');
var hmacSha256 = Hmac(sha256, key); // HMAC-SHA256
var digest = hmacSha256.convert(bytes);
// Кодирование подписи
var computedSignature = base64Url.encode(digest.bytes);
// Сравнение подписи в токене с вычисленной подписью
if (computedSignature != encodedSignature) {
throw const FormatException('Invalid token signature');
Map<String, Object?> payload;
try {
payload = const Base64Decoder()
.fuse<String>(const Utf8Decoder())
.fuse<Map<String, Object?>>(
const JsonDecoder().cast<String, Map<String, Object?>>())
} on Object catch (_, stackTrace) {
const FormatException('Can\'t decode token payload'), stackTrace);
try {
return _CentrifugoJWTImpl(
sub: payload['sub'] as String,
exp: payload['exp'] as int?,
iat: payload['iat'] as int?,
jti: payload['jti'] as String?,
aud: payload['aud'] as String?,
iss: payload['iss'] as String?,
info: payload['info'] as Map<String, Object?>?,
b64info: payload['b64info'] as String?,
channels: (payload['channels'] as Iterable<Object?>?)
subs: payload['subs'] as Map<String, Object?>?,
meta: payload['meta'] as Map<String, Object?>?,
expireAt: payload['expire_at'] as int?,
} on Object catch (_, stackTrace) {
const FormatException('Invalid token payload data'), stackTrace);
static final Converter<Map<String, Object?>, String> _$encoder =
const JsonEncoder()
.cast<Map<String, Object?>, String>()
.fuse<List<int>>(const Utf8Encoder())
.fuse<String>(const Base64Encoder.urlSafe())
.fuse<String>(const _UnpaddedBase64Converter());
static final String _$headerHmacSha256 = _$encoder.convert(<String, Object?>{
'alg': 'HS256',
'typ': 'JWT',
final String sub;
final int? exp;
final int? iat;
final String? jti;
final String? aud;
final String? iss;
final Map<String, Object?>? info;
final String? b64info;
final List<String>? channels;
final Map<String, Object?>? subs;
final Map<String, Object?>? meta;
final int? expireAt;
String encode(String secret) {
// Encode header and payload
final encodedHeader = _$headerHmacSha256;
final encodedPayload = _$encoder.convert(<String, Object?>{
'sub': sub,
if (exp != null) 'exp': exp,
if (iat != null) 'iat': iat,
if (jti != null) 'jti': jti,
if (aud != null) 'aud': aud,
if (iss != null) 'iss': iss,
if (info != null) 'info': info,
if (b64info != null) 'b64info': b64info,
if (channels != null) 'channels': channels,
if (subs != null) 'subs': subs,
if (meta != null) 'meta': meta,
if (expireAt != null) 'expire_at': expireAt,
// Payload signature
final key = utf8.encode(secret); // Your 256 bit secret key
final bytes = utf8.encode('$encodedHeader.$encodedPayload');
final hmacSha256 = Hmac(sha256, key); // HMAC-SHA256
final digest = hmacSha256.convert(bytes);
// Encode signature
final encodedSignature = const Base64Encoder.urlSafe()
.fuse<String>(const _UnpaddedBase64Converter())
// Return JWT
return '$encodedHeader.$encodedPayload.$encodedSignature';
/// A converter that converts Base64-encoded strings
/// to unpadded Base64-encoded strings.
/// {@nodoc}
class _UnpaddedBase64Converter extends Converter<String, String> {
/// {@nodoc}
const _UnpaddedBase64Converter();
String convert(String input) {
final padding = input.indexOf('=', input.length - 2);
if (padding != -1) return input.substring(0, padding);
return input;
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