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Last active September 17, 2019 15:59
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Repository with local provider
import 'dart:html'; // for _LocalProviderStorage
abstract class Repository {
static final RepositoryProvider _repository = RepositoryProvider();
static String get token => _repository.localProvider.token;
static set token(dynamic value) => _repository.localProvider.token = value;
static Map<String,String> get userInfo => _repository.localProvider.userInfo;
static set userInfo(Map<String,String> value) => _repository.localProvider.userInfo = value;
// Это класс возможно использовать только для миксинов, а также дергать его методы напрямую
factory Repository._() => null;
// Эмуляция задержки
static Future<void> emulateDelay({int milliseconds = 500}) async => await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: milliseconds));
// Репозиторий
class RepositoryProvider {
final LocalProvider localProvider = LocalProvider();
static final RepositoryProvider _repository = RepositoryProvider._internal();
factory RepositoryProvider() => _repository;
RepositoryProvider._internal() {
print('Создаем синглтон RepositoryProvider');
class LocalProvider {
final _LocalProviderStorage _store = _LocalProviderStorage();
String get token => this._store['token'];
set token(dynamic value) => this._store['token'] = value;
Map<String,String> get userInfo =>
<String, String>{}
..['token'] = this._store['token']
..['name'] = this._store['name']
..['email'] = this._store['email']
..['avatar'] = this._store['avatar'];
set userInfo(Map<String,String> value) =>
value.forEach((String key, String value) => this._store[key] = value);
class _LocalProviderStorage {
Storage get _lcl => window.localStorage;
final Map<String,String> _mem = <String,String>{};
String _get(String key) => key?.isEmpty ?? true ? '' : this._mem[key] ?? (this._lcl[key] ?? '');
void _set(String key, dynamic value) {
if (key?.isEmpty ?? true) return;
value = this._map(value);
this._lcl[key] = value;
this._mem[key] = value;
String _map(dynamic value) => value is String ? value : value?.toString() ?? '';
String operator [](String key) => _get(key);
void operator []=(String key, dynamic value) => _set(key, value);
void main() {
Repository.token = '<sample>';
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