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Last active February 5, 2024 17:24
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  • Save PlugFox/d8be4aba16ef3a37bd1dc572b46ebdbb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save PlugFox/d8be4aba16ef3a37bd1dc572b46ebdbb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
@dart-lang & @flutter Visual Studio Code snippets by @PlugFox
"Changelog unreleased": {
"scope": "md, markdown",
"prefix": "changelog_unreleased",
"description": "Changelog unreleased",
"body": [
"# Unreleased",
"+ added: ${0}",
"+ changed: ",
"+ deprecated: ",
"+ removed: ",
"+ fixed: ",
"+ security: ",
"+ refactor: ",
"+ docs: ",
" "
"Changelog version": {
"scope": "md, markdown",
"prefix": "changelog_version",
"description": "Changelog version section",
"body": [
"# ${1:0}.${2:0}.${3:0}",
"+ added: ${0}",
"+ changed: ",
"+ deprecated: ",
"+ removed: ",
"+ fixed: ",
"+ security: ",
"+ refactor: ",
"+ docs: ",
" "
"New dartdoc template": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": [
"description": "Creates a new dartdoc template with current file's name as its prefix",
"body": [
"/// {@template $TM_FILENAME_BASE.${1}}",
"/// $0",
"/// {@endtemplate}"
"Dartdoc macro": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": [
"description": "Uses existing dartdoc macro with current file's name as its prefix",
"body": "/// {@macro $TM_FILENAME_BASE.$0}"
"Comment": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": [
"description": "Comment block",
"body": "// --- ${1} --- //\n\n$0"
"Divider": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": [
"description": "Divider comment line",
"body": "// --- ${1} --- //\n\n$0"
"Create new class": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": "class",
"description": "Create new class",
"body": [
"/// {@template $TM_FILENAME_BASE.${2:$TM_FILENAME_BASE}}",
"/// ${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE/(.)(.*)/${1:/upcase}${2:/camelcase}/}} class",
"/// {@endtemplate}",
"class ${1} {",
" /// {@macro $TM_FILENAME_BASE.${2}}",
" const ${1}($0);",
" ",
"} // ${1}\n"
"Data class": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": [
"description": "Create new class",
"body": [
"import 'package:meta/meta.dart';\n\n",
"/// {@template $TM_FILENAME_BASE.${2:$TM_FILENAME_BASE}}",
"/// ${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE/(.)(.*)/${1:/upcase}${2:/camelcase}/}} entity",
"/// {@endtemplate}",
"// ignore: prefer_mixin",
"class ${1} with Comparable<${1}> {",
" /// {@macro $TM_FILENAME_BASE.${2}}",
" ${1}({",
" required,",
" required this.title,",
" this.description = '',",
" DateTime? updated,",
" DateTime? created,",
" }) : updated = updated ??,",
" created = created ?? updated ??;${0}",
" /// The unique identifier for this object.",
" final int id;",
" /// The title of this object.",
" final String title;",
" /// A short description of this object.",
" final String description;",
" /// The date this object was last updated.",
" final DateTime updated;",
" /// The date this object was created.",
" final DateTime created;",
" /// Generate Class from Map<String, Object?>",
" factory ${1}.fromJson(Map<String, Object?> json) => ${1}(",
" id: (json['id'] as int?)!,",
" title: (json['title'] as String?)!,",
" description: (json['description'] as String?)!,",
" updated: DateTime.parse((json['updated'] as String?)!).toLocal(),",
" created: DateTime.parse((json['created'] as String?)!).toLocal(),",
" );",
" /// Generate Map<String, Object?> from class",
" Map<String, Object?> toJson() => <String, Object?>{",
" 'id': id,",
" 'title': title,",
" 'description': description,",
" 'updated': updated.toUtc().toIso8601String(),",
" 'created': created.toUtc().toIso8601String(),",
" };",
" /// Create a copy of this object with the given values.",
" ${1} copyWith({",
" int? newId,",
" String? newTitle,",
" String? newDescription,",
" DateTime? newUpdated,",
" DateTime? newCreated,",
" }) =>",
" ${1}(",
" id: newId ?? id,",
" title: newTitle ?? title,",
" description: newDescription ?? description,",
" updated: newUpdated ??,",
" created: newCreated ?? created,",
" );",
" @override",
" int compareTo(${1} other) => id.compareTo(;",
" @override",
" int get hashCode => id;",
" @override",
" bool operator ==(Object other) =>",
" identical(this, other) ||",
" other is ${1} && runtimeType == other.runtimeType && id ==;",
" @override",
" String toString() => '${1}#\\$id';",
"} // ${1}\n"
"Part": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": "part",
"description": "Part of file",
"body": [
"part '${TM_FILENAME_BASE}.g.dart';$0"
"Mocks": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": "mocks",
"description": "Import mocks file",
"body": [
"import '${TM_FILENAME_BASE}.mocks.dart';$0"
"Sign": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": "sign",
"description": "Insert my sign",
"body": [
" * $0",
" * Matiunin Mikhail <>, ${CURRENT_DATE} ${CURRENT_MONTH_NAME} ${CURRENT_YEAR}",
"Dart Pad": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": [
"description": "Insert my sign for dart pad",
"body": [
" * $0",
" *${1}",
" *${1}",
" * Matiunin Mikhail <>, ${CURRENT_DATE} ${CURRENT_MONTH_NAME} ${CURRENT_YEAR}",
"ToDo": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": "todo",
"description": "ToDo block",
"body": [
"Hash Code": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": [
"description": "Hash Code and Equals override",
"body": [
"int get hashCode => id.hashCode;\n",
"bool operator ==(Object other) =>",
" identical(this, other) ||",
" other is ${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE/(.)(.*)/${1:/upcase}${2:/camelcase}/}} &&",
" runtimeType == other.runtimeType &&",
" id ==;${0}\n"
"BLoC": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": "bloc",
"description": "Buisness Logic Component",
"body": [
"import 'dart:async';\n",
"import 'package:bloc/bloc.dart';",
"import 'package:bloc_concurrency/bloc_concurrency.dart' as bloc_concurrency;",
"import 'package:freezed_annotation/freezed_annotation.dart';",
"import 'package:l/l.dart';\n",
"part '${TM_FILENAME_BASE}.freezed.dart';\n",
"/* ${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE/(^[a-zA-Z]{1})(.*)(bloc)/${1:/upcase}${2:/camelcase}/g}} Events */\n",
"class ${1}Event with _$${1}Event {",
" const ${1}Event._();\n",
" const factory ${1}Event.create() = Create${1}Event;\n",
" const factory ${1} = Read${1}Event;\n",
" const factory ${1}Event.update() = Update${1}Event;\n",
" const factory ${1}Event.delete() = Delete${1}Event;",
"/* ${1} States */\n",
"class ${1}State with _$${1}State {",
" const ${1}State._();\n",
" /// Is in idle state",
" bool get idling => !isProcessing;\n",
" /// Is in progress state",
" bool get isProcessing => maybeMap<bool>(",
" orElse: () => true,",
" idle: (_) => false,",
" );\n",
" /// If an error has occurred",
" bool get hasError => maybeMap<bool>(orElse: () => false, error: (_) => true);\n",
" /// Idling state",
" const factory ${1}State.idle({",
" required final ${1}Entity data,",
" @Default('Idle') final String message,",
" }) = Idle${1}State;\n",
" /// Processing",
" const factory ${1}State.processing({",
" required final ${1}Entity data,",
" @Default('Processing') final String message,",
" }) = Processing${1}State;\n",
" /// Successful",
" const factory ${1}State.successful({",
" required final ${1}Entity data,",
" @Default('Successful') final String message,",
" }) = Successful${1}State;\n",
" /// An error has occurred",
" const factory ${1}State.error({",
" required final ${1}Entity data,",
" @Default('An error has occurred') final String message,",
" }) = Error${1}State;",
"/// Buisiness Logic Component ${1}BLoC",
"class ${1}BLoC extends Bloc<${1}Event, ${1}State> implements EventSink<${1}Event> {",
" ${1}BLoC({",
" required final I${1}Repository repository,",
" final ${1}State? initialState,",
" }) : _repository = repository,",
" super(",
" initialState ??",
" ${1}State.idle(",
" data: ${1}Entity(),",
" message: 'Initial idle state',",
" ),",
" ) {",
" on<${1}Event>(",
" (event, emit) =><Future<void>>(",
" create: (event) => _create(event, emit),",
" read: (event) => _read(event, emit),",
" update: (event) => _update(event, emit),",
" delete: (event) => _delete(event, emit),",
" ),",
" transformer: bloc_concurrency.sequential(),",
" //transformer: bloc_concurrency.restartable(),",
" //transformer: bloc_concurrency.droppable(),",
" //transformer: bloc_concurrency.concurrent(),",
" );$0",
" }",
" ",
" final I${1}Repository _repository;",
" ",
" /// Create event handler",
" Future<void> _create(Create${1}Event event, Emitter<${1}State> emit) async {",
" try {",
" emit(${1}State.processing(data:;",
" //final newData = await _repository.();",
" emit(${1}State.successful(data: newData));",
" } on Object catch (err, stackTrace) {",
" l.e('В ${1}BLoC произошла ошибка: \\$err', stackTrace);",
" emit(${1}State.error(data:;",
" rethrow;",
" } finally {",
" emit(${1}State.idle(data:;",
" }",
" }",
" ",
" /// Read event handler",
" Future<void> _read(Read${1}Event event, Emitter<${1}State> emit) async {",
" try {",
" emit(${1}State.processing(data:;",
" //final newData = await _repository.();",
" emit(${1}State.successful(data: newData));",
" } on Object catch (err, stackTrace) {",
" l.e('В ${1}BLoC произошла ошибка: \\$err', stackTrace);",
" emit(${1}State.error(data:;",
" rethrow;",
" } finally {",
" emit(${1}State.idle(data:;",
" }",
" }",
" ",
" /// Update event handler",
" Future<void> _update(Update${1}Event event, Emitter<${1}State> emit) async {",
" try {",
" emit(${1}State.processing(data:;",
" //final newData = await _repository.();",
" emit(${1}State.successful(data: newData));",
" } on Object catch (err, stackTrace) {",
" l.e('В ${1}BLoC произошла ошибка: \\$err', stackTrace);",
" emit(${1}State.error(data:;",
" rethrow;",
" } finally {",
" emit(${1}State.idle(data:;",
" }",
" }",
" ",
" /// Delete event handler",
" Future<void> _delete(Delete${1}Event event, Emitter<${1}State> emit) async {",
" try {",
" emit(${1}State.processing(data:;",
" //final newData = await _repository.();",
" emit(${1}State.successful(data: newData));",
" } on Object catch (err, stackTrace) {",
" l.e('В ${1}BLoC произошла ошибка: \\$err', stackTrace);",
" emit(${1}State.error(data:;",
" rethrow;",
" } finally {",
" emit(${1}State.idle(data:;",
" }",
" }",
"BLoC Extended": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": "blocExtended",
"description": "Buisness Logic Component with mixins",
"body": [
"import 'dart:async';\n",
"import 'package:bloc/bloc.dart';",
"import 'package:bloc_concurrency/bloc_concurrency.dart' as bloc_concurrency;",
"import 'package:freezed_annotation/freezed_annotation.dart';",
"import 'package:l/l.dart';\n",
"part '${TM_FILENAME_BASE}.freezed.dart';\n",
"/* ${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE/(^[a-zA-Z]{1})(.*)(bloc)/${1:/upcase}${2:/camelcase}/g}} Events */\n",
"class ${1}Event with _$${1}Event {",
" const ${1}Event._();\n",
" @Implements<I${1}Event>()",
" @With<_ProcessingStateEmitter>()",
" @With<_SuccessfulStateEmitter>()",
" @With<_ErrorStateEmitter>()",
" @With<_IdleStateEmitter>()",
" const factory ${1}Event.create() = Create${1}Event;\n",
" @Implements<I${1}Event>()",
" @With<_ProcessingStateEmitter>()",
" @With<_SuccessfulStateEmitter>()",
" @With<_ErrorStateEmitter>()",
" @With<_IdleStateEmitter>()",
" const factory ${1} = Read${1}Event;\n",
" @Implements<I${1}Event>()",
" @With<_ProcessingStateEmitter>()",
" @With<_SuccessfulStateEmitter>()",
" @With<_ErrorStateEmitter>()",
" @With<_IdleStateEmitter>()",
" const factory ${1}Event.update() = Update${1}Event;\n",
" @Implements<I${1}Event>()",
" @With<_ProcessingStateEmitter>()",
" @With<_SuccessfulStateEmitter>()",
" @With<_ErrorStateEmitter>()",
" @With<_IdleStateEmitter>()",
" const factory ${1}Event.delete() = Delete${1}Event;",
"/* ${1} States */\n",
"class ${1}State with _$${1}State {",
" const ${1}State._();\n",
" /// Is in idle state",
" bool get idling => !isProcessing;\n",
" /// Is in progress state",
" bool get isProcessing => maybeMap<bool>(",
" orElse: () => true,",
" idle: (_) => false,",
" );\n",
" /// If an error has occurred",
" bool get hasError => maybeMap<bool>(orElse: () => false, error: (_) => true);\n",
" /// Idling state",
" const factory ${1}State.idle({",
" required final ${1}Entity data,",
" @Default('Idle') final String message,",
" }) = Idle${1}State;\n",
" /// Processing",
" const factory ${1}State.processing({",
" required final ${1}Entity data,",
" @Default('Processing') final String message,",
" }) = Processing${1}State;\n",
" /// Successful",
" const factory ${1}State.successful({",
" required final ${1}Entity data,",
" @Default('Successful') final String message,",
" }) = Successful${1}State;\n",
" /// An error has occurred",
" const factory ${1}State.error({",
" required final ${1}Entity data,",
" @Default('An error has occurred') final String message,",
" }) = Error${1}State;",
"/// Buisiness Logic Component ${1}BLoC",
"class ${1}BLoC extends Bloc<${1}Event, ${1}State> implements EventSink<${1}Event> {",
" ${1}BLoC({",
" required final I${1}Repository repository,",
" final ${1}State? initialState,",
" }) : _repository = repository,",
" super(",
" initialState ??",
" ${1}State.idle(",
" data: ${1}Entity(),",
" message: 'Initial idle state',",
" ),",
" ) {",
" on<${1}Event>(",
" (event, emit) =><Future<void>>(",
" create: (event) => _create(event, emit),",
" read: (event) => _read(event, emit),",
" update: (event) => _update(event, emit),",
" delete: (event) => _delete(event, emit),",
" ),",
" transformer: bloc_concurrency.sequential(),",
" //transformer: bloc_concurrency.restartable(),",
" //transformer: bloc_concurrency.droppable(),",
" //transformer: bloc_concurrency.concurrent(),",
" );$0",
" }",
" ",
" final I${1}Repository _repository;",
" ",
" /// Create event handler",
" Future<void> _create(Create${1}Event event, Emitter<${1}State> emit) async {",
" try {",
" emit(event.inProgress(state: state));",
" //final newData = await _repository.();",
" emit(event.successful(state: state, newData: newData));",
" } on Object catch (err, stackTrace) {",
" l.e('В ${1}BLoC произошла ошибка: \\$err', stackTrace);",
" emit(event.error(state: state, message: 'An error occurred'));",
" rethrow;",
" } finally {",
" emit(event.idle(state: state));",
" }",
" }",
" ",
" /// Read event handler",
" Future<void> _read(Read${1}Event event, Emitter<${1}State> emit) async {",
" try {",
" emit(event.inProgress(state: state));",
" //final newData = await _repository.();",
" emit(event.successful(state: state, newData: newData));",
" } on Object catch (err, stackTrace) {",
" l.e('В ${1}BLoC произошла ошибка: \\$err', stackTrace);",
" emit(event.error(state: state, message: 'An error occurred'));",
" rethrow;",
" } finally {",
" emit(event.idle(state: state));",
" }",
" }",
" ",
" /// Update event handler",
" Future<void> _update(Update${1}Event event, Emitter<${1}State> emit) async {",
" try {",
" emit(event.inProgress(state: state));",
" //final newData = await _repository.();",
" emit(event.successful(state: state, newData: newData));",
" } on Object catch (err, stackTrace) {",
" l.e('В ${1}BLoC произошла ошибка: \\$err', stackTrace);",
" emit(event.error(state: state, message: 'An error occurred'));",
" rethrow;",
" } finally {",
" emit(event.idle(state: state));",
" }",
" }",
" ",
" /// Delete event handler",
" Future<void> _delete(Delete${1}Event event, Emitter<${1}State> emit) async {",
" try {",
" emit(event.inProgress(state: state));",
" //final newData = await _repository.();",
" emit(event.successful(state: state, newData: newData));",
" } on Object catch (err, stackTrace) {",
" l.e('В ${1}BLoC произошла ошибка: \\$err', stackTrace);",
" emit(event.error(state: state, message: 'An error occurred'));",
" rethrow;",
" } finally {",
" emit(event.idle(state: state));",
" }",
" }",
"/* Интерфейсы для эвентов ${1}Event */",
"abstract class I${1}Event {}",
"/* Миксины для эвентов ${1}Event */",
"/// Создание состояний \"в обработке\"",
"mixin _ProcessingStateEmitter on ${1}Event {",
" /// Создание состояния \"в обработке\"",
" ${1}State inProgress({",
" required final ${1}State state,",
" final String? message,",
" }) =>",
" ${1}State.processing(",
" data:,",
" message: message ?? 'Processing',",
" );",
"/// Выпуск состояния успешной обработки",
"mixin _SuccessfulStateEmitter on ${1}Event {",
" /// Выпуск состояния успешной обработки",
" ${1}State successful({",
" required final ${1}State state,",
" final ${1}Entity? newData,",
" final String? message,",
" }) =>",
" ${1}State.successful(",
" data: newData ??,",
" message: message ?? 'Successful',",
" );",
"/// Выпуск состояния ошибки",
"mixin _ErrorStateEmitter on ${1}Event {",
" /// Произошла ошибка",
" ${1}State error({",
" required final ${1}State state,",
" final String? message,",
" }) =>",
" ${1}State.error(",
" data:,",
" message: message ?? 'An error has occurred',",
" );",
"/// Состояние ожидания действий пользователя",
"mixin _IdleStateEmitter on ${1}Event {",
" /// Состояние ожидания действий пользователя",
" /// Простаиваем до получения события",
" ${1}State idle({",
" required final ${1}State state,",
" final String? message,",
" }) =>",
" ${1}State.idle(",
" data:,",
" message: message ?? 'Idle',",
" );",
"BLoC Test": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": "blocTest",
"description": "Buisness Logic Component Test",
"body": [
"blocTest<${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE/(^[a-zA-Z]{1})(.*)(bloc)/${1:/upcase}${2:/camelcase}/g}}BLoC, ${1}State>(",
" '${1}BLoC',",
" setUp: () async {},",
" tearDown: null,",
" build: () => ${1}BLoC(),",
" seed: () => ${1}State.idle(),",
" act: (bloc) => bloc.add(${1}Event.event()),",
" wait: const Duration(milliseconds: 150),",
" skip: 0,",
" expect: () => <Object>[",
" ${1}State.processing(),",
" ${1}State.idle(),",
" ],",
" verify: null,",
" errors: null,",
"Freezed": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": [
"description": "Freezed data class",
"body": [
"// ignore_for_file: invalid_annotation_target",
"import 'package:freezed_annotation/freezed_annotation.dart';",
"part '${TM_FILENAME_BASE}.freezed.dart';",
"part '${TM_FILENAME_BASE}.g.dart';",
"/// ${1} data class",
"@Freezed(unionKey: 'type', unionValueCase: FreezedUnionCase.snake)",
"class ${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE/(^[a-zA-Z]{1})(.*)/${1:/upcase}${2:/camelcase}/g}} with _$${1} {",
" const ${1}._();",
" /// Other${1}",
" @FreezedUnionValue('OTHER')",
" const factory ${1}.other({",
" @JsonKey(name: 'value', required: true, disallowNullValue: true)",
" required final String value,",
" }) = Other${1};",
" ${0}",
" /// Generate ${1} class from Map<String, Object?>",
" factory ${1}.fromJson(Map<String, Object?> json) => _$${1}FromJson(json);",
"JSON": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": [
"description": "Generate JSON",
"body": [
"/// Generate Class from Map<String, Object?>",
"factory ${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE/(^[a-zA-Z]{1})(.*)/${1:/upcase}${2:/camelcase}/g}}.fromJson(Map<String, Object?> json) => _$${1}FromJson(json);",
"/// Generate Map<String, Object?> from class",
"Map<String, Object?> toJson() => _$${1}ToJson(this);"
"Fake": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": "fake",
"description": "Generate Fake class",
"body": [
"class Mock${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE/(^[a-zA-Z]{1})(.*)/${1:/upcase}${2:/camelcase}/g}} extends Fake implements ${1} {}"
"Singleton": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": "singleton",
"description": "Generate Fake class",
"body": [
"/// ${1} Singleton class",
"class ${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE/(^[a-zA-Z]{1})(.*)/${1:/upcase}${2:/camelcase}/g}} {",
" static final ${1} _internalSingleton = ${1}._internal();",
" factory ${1}() => _internalSingleton;",
" ${1}._internal();\n",
" ${0}",
"Transformers": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": "transformer",
"description": "StreamTransformer",
"body": [
"class ${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE/(^[a-zA-Z]{1})(.*)/${1:/upcase}${2:/camelcase}/g}}StreamTransformer<${2}, ${3}> extends StreamTransformerBase<${2}, ${3}> {",
" const ${1}StreamTransformer();",
" @override",
" Stream<${3}> bind(Stream<${2}> stream) {",
" StreamSubscription<${2}>? sub;",
" final sc = stream.isBroadcast",
" ? StreamController<${3}>.broadcast(",
" onCancel: () => sub?.cancel(),",
" sync: false,",
" )",
" : StreamController<${3}>(",
" onCancel: () => sub?.cancel(),",
" sync: false,",
" );",
" sub = stream.listen((value) {",
" ${0}",
" sc.add(value as ${3});",
" },",
" onDone: sc.close,",
" onError: sc.addError,",
" cancelOnError: false,",
" );",
" return;",
" }",
"/// sourceStream.${1/(.)(.*)/${1:/downcase}$2/g}<${3}>()",
"extension ${1}Extensions<${2}> on Stream<${2}> {",
" Stream<${3}> ${1/(.)(.*)/${1:/downcase}$2/g}<${3}>() =>",
" transform<${3}>(${1}StreamTransformer<${2}, ${3}>());",
"MIT License": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": "mit",
"description": "MIT License",
"body": [
" * MIT License",
" *",
" * Copyright (c) ${CURRENT_YEAR} Matiunin Mikhail <>",
" *",
" * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy",
" * of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal",
" * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights",
" * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell",
" * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is",
" * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:",
" *",
" * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in",
" * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.",
" * ",
" */\n"
"No Such Method": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": [
"description": "This method is invoked when a non-existent method or property is accessed.",
"body": [
"dynamic noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {",
" ${1:}",
"toString": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": "toString",
"description": "Returns a string representation of this object.",
"body": [
"String toString() => ${1:Error.safeToString(this)};${0}"
"Test": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": [
"body": [
" \"${1:test description}\",",
" () {",
" ${0}",
" },",
"description": "Create a test function"
"Stateless Widget": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": [
"description": "Snippet for Stateless Widget",
"body": [
"import 'package:flutter/material.dart';\n\n",
"/// {@template $TM_FILENAME_BASE.${2:$TM_FILENAME_BASE}}",
"/// ${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE/(.)(.*)/${1:/upcase}${2:/camelcase}/}} widget",
"/// {@endtemplate}",
"class $1 extends StatelessWidget {",
" /// {@macro $TM_FILENAME_BASE.$2}",
" const $1({",
" Key? key,",
" }) : super(key: key);",
" ",
" @override",
" Widget build(BuildContext context) =>",
" const Placeholder();${0}",
"} // $1\n"
"Stateless Widget with child": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": [
"description": "Snippet for Stateless Widget with child",
"body": [
"import 'package:flutter/material.dart';\n\n",
"/// {@template $TM_FILENAME_BASE.${2:$TM_FILENAME_BASE}}",
"/// ${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE/(.)(.*)/${1:/upcase}${2:/camelcase}/}} widget",
"/// {@endtemplate}",
"class $1 extends StatelessWidget {",
" /// {@macro $TM_FILENAME_BASE.$2}",
" const $1({",
" required this.child,",
" Key? key,",
" }) : super(key: key);",
" ",
" /// The widget below this widget in the tree.",
" final Widget child;",
" ",
" @override",
" Widget build(BuildContext context) =>",
" child;${0}",
"} // $1\n"
"Stateful Widget": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": [
"description": "Snippet for Stateful Widget",
"body": [
"import 'package:flutter/material.dart';",
"import 'package:meta/meta.dart';\n\n",
"/// {@template $TM_FILENAME_BASE.${2:$TM_FILENAME_BASE}}",
"/// ${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE/(.)(.*)/${1:/upcase}${2:/camelcase}/}} widget",
"/// {@endtemplate}",
"class ${1} extends StatefulWidget {",
" /// {@macro $TM_FILENAME_BASE.$2}",
" const ${1}({",
" Key? key,",
" }) : super(key: key);",
" ",
" /// The state from the closest instance of this class",
" /// that encloses the given context, if any.",
" @internal",
" static _${1}State? maybeOf(BuildContext context) =>",
" context.findAncestorStateOfType<_${1}State>();",
" ",
" @override",
" State<${1}> createState() => _${1}State();",
"} // $1",
"/// State for widget ${1}",
"class _${1}State extends State<${1}> {",
" /* #region Lifecycle */",
" @override",
" void initState() {",
" super.initState();",
" // Initial state initialization",
" }",
" ",
" @override",
" void didUpdateWidget(${1} oldWidget) {",
" super.didUpdateWidget(oldWidget);",
" // Widget configuration changed",
" }",
" ",
" @override",
" void didChangeDependencies() {",
" super.didChangeDependencies();",
" // The configuration of InheritedWidgets has changed",
" // Also called after initState but before build",
" }",
" ",
" @override",
" void dispose() {",
" // Permanent removal of a tree stent",
" super.dispose();",
" }",
" /* #endregion */",
" ",
" @override",
" Widget build(BuildContext context) =>",
" const Placeholder();${0}",
"} // _${1}State\n"
"Stateful Widget with child": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": [
"description": "Snippet for Stateful Widget with child",
"body": [
"import 'package:flutter/material.dart';",
"import 'package:meta/meta.dart';\n\n",
"/// {@template $TM_FILENAME_BASE.${2:$TM_FILENAME_BASE}}",
"/// ${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE/(.)(.*)/${1:/upcase}${2:/camelcase}/}} widget",
"/// {@endtemplate}",
"class ${1} extends StatefulWidget {",
" /// {@macro $TM_FILENAME_BASE.$2}",
" const $1({",
" required this.child,",
" Key? key,",
" }) : super(key: key);",
" ",
" /// The widget below this widget in the tree.",
" final Widget child;",
" ",
" /// The state from the closest instance of this class",
" /// that encloses the given context, if any.",
" static ${1}Controller? maybeOf(BuildContext context) =>",
" context.findAncestorStateOfType<_${1}State>();",
" ",
" @override",
" State<${1}> createState() => _${1}State();",
"} // $1",
"/// State for widget ${1}",
"class _${1}State extends State<${1}> with ${1}Controller {",
" /* #region Lifecycle */",
" @override",
" void initState() {",
" super.initState();",
" // Initial state initialization",
" }",
" ",
" @override",
" void didUpdateWidget(${1} oldWidget) {",
" super.didUpdateWidget(oldWidget);",
" // Widget configuration changed",
" }",
" ",
" @override",
" void didChangeDependencies() {",
" super.didChangeDependencies();",
" // The configuration of InheritedWidgets has changed",
" // Also called after initState but before build",
" }",
" ",
" @override",
" void dispose() {",
" // Permanent removal of a tree stent",
" super.dispose();",
" }",
" /* #endregion */",
" ",
" @override",
" Widget build(BuildContext context) =>",
" widget.child;",
"} // _${1}State\n",
"/// Controller for widget ${1}",
"mixin ${1}Controller {",
" ${0}",
"} // ${1}Controller\n",
"Stateful Widget with animation": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": [
"description": "Snippet for Stateful Widget with animation",
"body": [
"import 'package:flutter/material.dart';",
"import 'package:meta/meta.dart';\n\n",
"/// {@template $TM_FILENAME_BASE.${2:$TM_FILENAME_BASE}}",
"/// ${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE/(.)(.*)/${1:/upcase}${2:/camelcase}/}} widget",
"/// {@endtemplate}",
"class ${1} extends StatefulWidget {",
" /// {@macro $TM_FILENAME_BASE.$2}",
" const $1({",
" required this.child,",
" this.duration = const Duration(milliseconds: 250),",
" Key? key,",
" }) : super(key: key);",
" ",
" /// The widget below this widget in the tree.",
" final Widget child;",
" ",
" /// The duration of the animation.",
" final Duration duration;",
" ",
" /// The state from the closest instance of this class",
" /// that encloses the given context, if any.",
" static ${1}Controller? maybeOf(BuildContext context) =>",
" context.findAncestorStateOfType<_${1}State>();",
" ",
" @override",
" State<${1}> createState() => _${1}State();",
"} // $1",
"/// State for widget ${1}",
"class _${1}State extends State<${1}> with",
" SingleTickerProviderStateMixin, ${1}Controller {",
" late AnimationController _controller;",
" /* #region Lifecycle */",
" @override",
" void initState() {",
" super.initState();",
" _controller = AnimationController(",
" vsync: this,",
" duration: widget.duration,",
" value: 0,",
" );",
" }",
" ",
" @override",
" void didUpdateWidget(${1} oldWidget) {",
" super.didUpdateWidget(oldWidget);",
" if (widget.duration != _controller.duration) {",
" _controller.duration = widget.duration;",
" }",
" }",
" ",
" @override",
" void didChangeDependencies() {",
" super.didChangeDependencies();",
" // The configuration of InheritedWidgets has changed",
" // Also called after initState but before build",
" }",
" ",
" @override",
" void dispose() {",
" _controller.dispose();",
" super.dispose();",
" }",
" /* #endregion */",
" ",
" Future<void> forward() async {",
" if (_controller.isCompleted) return;",
" try {",
" await _controller.forward().orCancel;",
" } on TickerCanceled {",
" // the animation got canceled, probably because we were disposed",
" }",
" }",
" ",
" Future<void> reverse() async {",
" if (_controller.isDismissed) return;",
" try {",
" await _controller.reverse().orCancel;",
" } on TickerCanceled {",
" // the animation got canceled, probably because we were disposed",
" }",
" }",
" ",
" @override",
" Widget build(BuildContext context) =>",
" widget.child;",
"} // _${1}State\n",
"/// Controller for widget ${1}",
"mixin ${1}Controller {",
" ${0}",
"} // ${1}Controller\n",
"Inherited Widget": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": [
"description": "Inherited Widget",
"body": [
"import 'package:flutter/material.dart';\n\n",
"/// {@template $TM_FILENAME_BASE.${2:$TM_FILENAME_BASE}}",
"/// ${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE/(.)(.*)/${1:/upcase}${2:/camelcase}/}} widget",
"/// {@endtemplate}",
"class ${1} extends InheritedWidget {",
" /// {@macro $TM_FILENAME_BASE.$2}",
" const ${1}({",
" required Widget child,",
" Key? key,",
" }) : super(key: key, child: child);",
" ",
" @override",
" bool updateShouldNotify(${1} oldWidget) =>",
" false;${0}",
"} // ${1}\n"
"Inherited Notifier": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": [
"description": "Inherited Notifier",
"body": [
"import 'package:flutter/material.dart';\n\n",
"/// {@template $TM_FILENAME_BASE.${2:$TM_FILENAME_BASE}}",
"/// ${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE/(.)(.*)/${1:/upcase}${2:/camelcase}/}} widget",
"/// {@endtemplate}",
"class ${1} extends InheritedNotifier<ValueListenable<${2:int}>> {",
" /// {@macro $TM_FILENAME_BASE.$2}",
" const ${1}({",
" required Widget child,",
" required ValueListenable<${2:int}> notifier,",
" Key? key,",
" }) : super(key: key, child: child, notifier: notifier);",
" ",
" @override",
" bool updateShouldNotify(${1} oldWidget) =>",
" false;${0}",
"} // ${1}\n"
"Inherited Model": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": [
"description": "Inherited Model",
"body": [
"import 'package:collection/collection.dart';",
"import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';",
"import 'package:flutter/material.dart';\n\n",
"/// {@template $TM_FILENAME_BASE.${2:$TM_FILENAME_BASE}}",
"/// ${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE/(.)(.*)/${1:/upcase}${2:/camelcase}/}} widget",
"/// {@endtemplate}",
"class ${1} extends InheritedModel<int> {",
" /// {@macro ${1}.${1}}",
" const ${1}({",
" required Widget child,",
" required this.values,",
" Key? key,",
" }) : super(key: key, child: child);",
" final List<${2:Entity}> values;",
" static ${2}? getById(BuildContext context, int id) =>",
" InheritedModel.inheritFrom<${1}>(context, aspect: id)",
" ?.values",
" .firstWhereOrNull((e) => == id);",
" @override",
" bool updateShouldNotify(${1} oldWidget) =>",
" !listEquals(values, oldWidget.values);",
" @override",
" bool updateShouldNotifyDependent(${1} oldWidget, Set<int> aspects) {",
" for (final id in aspects) {",
" if (values.firstWhereOrNull((e) => == id) ==",
" oldWidget.values.firstWhereOrNull((e) => == id)) return true;",
" }",
" return false;",
" }",
"} // ${1}\n"
"Build Method": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": "build",
"description": "Describes the part of the user interface represented by this widget.",
"body": [
"Widget build(BuildContext context) =>",
" ${0};"
"Notification Listener": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": "notificationListener",
"description": "Notification Listener",
"body": [
" onNotification: (notification) {",
" // ...",
" // Return true to cancel the notification bubbling",
" return true;",
" },",
" child: child,${0}",
"Custom Painter": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": [
"description": "Used for creating custom paint",
"body": [
"/// {@template $TM_FILENAME_BASE.${2:$TM_FILENAME_BASE}}",
"/// ${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE/(.)(.*)/${1:/upcase}${2:/camelcase}/}}Painter",
"/// {@endtemplate}",
"class ${1}Painter extends CustomPainter {",
" const ${1}Painter({Listenable? repaint}) : super(repaint: repaint);",
" @override",
" void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {",
" ${0}",
" }",
" @override",
" bool shouldRepaint(${1}Painter oldDelegate) => false;",
" @override",
" bool shouldRebuildSemantics(${1}Painter oldDelegate) => false;",
"} // ${1}\n"
"Custom Clipper ": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": [
"description": "Used for creating custom shapes",
"body": [
"/// {@template $TM_FILENAME_BASE.${2:$TM_FILENAME_BASE}}",
"/// ${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE/(.)(.*)/${1:/upcase}${2:/camelcase}/}}Painter",
"/// {@endtemplate}",
"class ${1}Clipper extends CustomClipper<Path> {",
" const ${1}Clipper({Listenable? reclip}) : super(reclip: reclip);",
" @override",
" Path getClip(Size size) {",
" ${0}",
" }",
" @override",
" bool shouldReclip(${1}Clipper oldClipper) => false;",
"} // ${1}\n"
"of": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": [
"description": "InheritedWidget.of(BuildContext)",
"body": [
"/// The state from the closest instance of this class",
"/// that encloses the given context, if any.",
"/// e.g. `${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE/(.)(.*)/${1:/upcase}${2:/camelcase}/}}.maybeOf(context)`",
"static ${1}? maybeOf(BuildContext context, {bool listen = true}) {",
" if (listen) {",
" return context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType<${1}>();",
" } else {",
" final inhW = context.getElementForInheritedWidgetOfExactType<${1}>()?.widget;",
" return inhW is ${1} ? inhW : null;",
" }",
"static Never _notFoundInheritedWidgetOfExactType() =>",
" throw ArgumentError(",
" 'Out of scope, not found inherited widget '",
" 'a ${1} of the exact type',",
" 'out_of_scope',",
" );",
"/// The state from the closest instance of this class",
"/// that encloses the given context.",
"/// e.g. `${1}.of(context)`",
"static ${1}? of(BuildContext context, {bool listen = true}) =>",
" maybeOf(context, listen: listen) ?? _notFoundInheritedWidgetOfExactType();${0}\n"
"stateOf": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": "stateOf",
"description": "InheritedWidget.of(BuildContext)",
"body": [
"/// The state from the closest instance of this class",
"/// that encloses the given context, if any.",
"/// e.g. `${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE/(.)(.*)/${1:/upcase}${2:/camelcase}/}State}.maybeOf(context)`",
"static ${1}? maybeOf(BuildContext context) =>",
" context.findAncestorStateOfType<${1}>();",
"static Never _notFoundStateOfType() =>",
" throw ArgumentError(",
" 'Out of scope, not found state of type ${1}',",
" 'out_of_scope',",
" );",
"/// The state from the closest instance of this class",
"/// that encloses the given context.",
"/// e.g. `${1}.of(context)`",
"static ${1}? of(BuildContext context) =>",
" maybeOf(context) ?? _notFoundStateOfType();${0}\n"
"debugFillProperties": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": "debugFillProperties",
"description": "debugFillProperties",
"body": [
"void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) =>",
" super.debugFillProperties(",
" properties",
" ..add(",
" StringProperty(",
" 'description',",
" 'description',",
" ),",
" ),",
" );",
"InitState ": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": "initS",
"body": [
"void initState() {",
" super.initState();",
" ${0:}",
"description": "Called when this object is inserted into the tree. The framework will call this method exactly once for each State object it creates."
"Dispose": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": "dis",
"body": [
"void dispose() {",
" ${0:}",
" super.dispose();",
"description": "Called when this object is removed from the tree permanently. The framework calls this method when this State object will never build again."
"Reassemble": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": "reassemble",
"body": [
"void reassemble(){",
" super.reassemble();",
" ${0:}",
"description": "Called whenever the application is reassembled during debugging, for example during hot reload."
"didChangeDependencies": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": "didChangeD",
"body": [
"void didChangeDependencies() {",
" super.didChangeDependencies();",
" ${0:}",
"description": "Called when a dependency of this State object changes"
"didUpdateWidget": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": "didUpdateW",
"body": [
"void didUpdateWidget (${1:Type} ${2:oldWidget}) {",
" super.didUpdateWidget(${2:oldWidget});",
" ${0:}",
"description": "Called whenever the widget configuration changes."
"ListView.Builder": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": "listViewB",
"body": [
" itemCount: ${1:1},",
" itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {",
" return ${2:};",
" },",
"description": "Creates a scrollable, linear array of widgets that are created on demand.Providing a non-null `itemCount` improves the ability of the [ListView] to estimate the maximum scroll extent."
"ListView.Separated": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": "listViewS",
"body": [
" itemCount: ${1:1},",
" separatorBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {",
" return ${2:};",
" },",
" itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {",
" return ${3:};",
" },",
"description": "Creates a fixed-length scrollable linear array of list 'items' separated by list item 'separators'."
"GridView.Builder": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": "gridViewB",
"body": [
" gridDelegate: const SliverGridDelegateWithFixedCrossAxisCount(",
" crossAxisCount: ${1:2},",
" ),",
" itemCount: ${2:2},",
" itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {",
" return ${3:};",
" },",
"description": "Creates a scrollable, 2D array of widgets that are created on demand. Providing a non-null `itemCount` improves the ability of the [GridView] to estimate the maximum scroll extent."
"GridView.Count": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": "gridViewC",
"body": [
" crossAxisSpacing: ${1:1},",
" mainAxisSpacing: ${2:2},",
" crossAxisCount: ${3:2},",
" children: <Widget> [",
" ${4:}",
" ],",
"description": "Creates a scrollable, 2D array of widgets with a fixed number of tiles in the cross axis."
"GridView.Extent": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": "gridViewE",
"body": [
" maxCrossAxisExtent: ${1:2},",
" children: <Widget> [",
" ${2:}",
" ],",
"description": "Creates a scrollable, 2D array of widgets with tiles that each have a maximum cross-axis extent."
"Custom Scroll View": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": "customScrollV",
"body": [
" slivers: <Widget>[",
" ${0:}",
" ],",
"description": "Creates a `ScrollView` that creates custom scroll effects using slivers. If the `primary` argument is true, the `controller` must be null."
"Stream Builder": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": "streamBldr",
"body": [
" initialData: ${2:initialData},",
" stream: ${3:stream},",
" builder: (context, snapshot) {",
" return const Placeholder();",
" },",
"description": "Creates a new `StreamBuilder` that builds itself based on the latest snapshot of interaction with the specified `stream`"
"Animated Builder": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": "animatedBldr",
"body": [
" animation: ${1:animation},",
" builder: (context, child) =>",
" ${2:const Placeholder()},",
" child: ${3:child},",
"description": "Creates an Animated Builder. The widget specified to `child` is passed to the `builder`"
"Value Listenable Builder": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": "valueListenableBuilder",
"description": "Given a ValueListenable<T> and a builder which builds widgets from concrete values of T, this class will automatically register itself as a listener of the ValueListenable and call the builder with updated values when the value changes.",
"body": [
" valueListenable: ${2: null},",
" builder: (context, value, child) =>",
" ${2:const Placeholder()},",
" child: ${3:child},",
"Stateful Builder": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": "statefulBldr",
"body": [
" builder: (BuildContext context, setState) {",
" return ${0:};",
" },",
"description": "Creates a widget that both has state and delegates its build to a callback. Useful for rebuilding specific sections of the widget tree."
"Orientation Builder": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": "orientationBldr",
"body": [
" builder: (BuildContext context, Orientation orientation) {",
" return Container(",
" child: ${3:child},",
" );",
" },",
"description": "Creates a builder which allows for the orientation of the device to be specified and referenced"
"Layout Builder": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": "layoutBldr",
"body": [
" builder: (BuildContext context, BoxConstraints constraints) {",
" return ${0:};",
" },",
"description": "Similar to the Builder widget except that the framework calls the builder function at layout time and provides the parent widget's constraints."
"Single Child ScrollView": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": "singleChildSV",
"body": [
" controller: ${1:controller,}",
" child: Column(",
" ${0:}",
" ),",
"description": "Creates a scroll view with a single child"
"Future Builder": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": "futureBldr",
"body": [
" future: ${1:Future},",
" initialData: ${2:InitialData},",
" builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot snapshot) {",
" return ${3:};",
" },",
"description": "Creates a Future Builder. This builds itself based on the latest snapshot of interaction with a Future."
"debugPrint": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": "debugP",
"description": "Prints a message to the console, which you can access using the flutter tool's `logs` command (flutter logs).",
"body": [
"Material App": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": "mateapp",
"description": "Create a MaterialApp",
"body": [
"import 'package:flutter/material.dart';",
"void main() => runApp(const MyApp());",
"class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {",
" const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);",
" @override",
" Widget build(BuildContext context) {",
" return MaterialApp(",
" title: 'Material App',",
" home: Scaffold(",
" appBar: AppBar(",
" title: const Text('Material App Bar'),",
" ),",
" body: const Center(",
" child: Text('Hello World'),",
" ),",
" ),",
" );",
" }",
"Cupertino App": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": "cupeapp",
"description": "Create a CupertinoApp",
"body": [
"import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';",
"void main() => runApp(const MyApp());",
"class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {",
" const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);",
" @override",
" Widget build(BuildContext context) {",
" return const CupertinoApp(",
" title: 'Cupertino App',",
" home: CupertinoPageScaffold(",
" navigationBar: CupertinoNavigationBar(",
" middle: Text('Cupertino App Bar'),",
" ),",
" child: Center(",
" child: Text('Hello World'),",
" ),",
" ),",
" );",
" }",
"Tween Animation Builder": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": "tweenAnimationBuilder",
"body": [
" duration: ${1:const Duration(),}",
" tween: ${2:Tween(),}",
" builder: (BuildContext context, ${3:dynamic} value, Widget? child) {",
" return ${4:Container();}",
" },",
"description": "Widget builder that animates a property of a Widget to a target value whenever the target value changes."
"Test Widgets": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": [
"body": [
" \"${1:test description}\",",
" (tester) async {",
" ${0}",
" },",
"description": "Create a testWidgets function"
"Material Package": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": "import_material",
"body": "import 'package:flutter/material.dart';",
"description": "Import flutter material package"
"Cupertino Package": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": "import_cupertino",
"body": "import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';",
"description": "Import Flutter Cupertino package"
"flutter_test Package": {
"scope": "flutter, dart",
"prefix": "import_flutter_test",
"body": "import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';",
"description": "Import flutter_test package"
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PlugFox commented Apr 28, 2022

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