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Created September 4, 2012 00:48
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Splay tree implementation in Python
"""Splay tree
Logan Ingalls <>
Sept 3, 2012
Note that I only implemented insert and find. Delete is trivial,
and isn't the interesting part of splay trees. Some of these
algorithms would be simpler, but I chose to do this without parent
links from the tree nodes.
Example output on my desktop computer:
Building trees
Done building
Searched for 20 items 20000x in splay tree: 4.1 sec
Searched for 20 items 20000x in binary tree: 11.1 sec
from random import shuffle
import time
class BinaryTreeNode:
"""A node in a binary tree. Each node has a val attribute,
as well as left and right descendents. No parent links because
I'm a masochist."""
def __init__(self, val):
self.val = val
self.left = None
self.right = None
def __str__(self):
return ("node[%s]" % self.val)
class BinaryTree:
"""A basic binary tree."""
def __init__(self):
self.root = None
def insert(self, val, parent=None):
"""Insert a new value in the tree. Takes one argument
(the value to insert). Recursive binary search."""
if (parent == None):
parent = self.root
if (parent == None):
# root is null, make this the new root, done
self.root = BinaryTreeNode(val)
elif (val < parent.val):
if (parent.left == None):
# insert to the left of the parent
parent.left = BinaryTreeNode(val)
# search under the left
self.insert(val, parent.left)
if (parent.right == None):
# insert to the right of the parent
parent.right = BinaryTreeNode(val)
# search under the right
self.insert(val, parent.right)
def find(self, val, node=None):
"""Find if a value is in the tree. Takes one argument
(the value to find). If the value is in the tree, returns
the node object. Otherwise returns None."""
if (node == None):
node = self.root
if (node == None):
# obviously it's not in an empty tree
return None
elif (val == node.val):
return node
elif (val < node.val):
# Search left
if (node.left != None):
leftrv = self.find(val, node.left)
if leftrv != None:
return leftrv
elif (val > node.val):
if (node.right != None):
rightrv = self.find(val, node.right)
if rightrv != None:
return rightrv
return None
class SplayTree(BinaryTree):
"""Implementation of a splay tree. Splay trees are self-organizing.
They look identical to binary trees, but when nodes are found, they
are moved towards the root (one or two levels closer). Still
O(lg n), but a shallower search on average when not all values are
searched for equally."""
def find(self, val, node=None, p=None, g=None, gg=None):
"""Find if a value is in the tree. Takes one argument
(the value to find). If the value is in the tree, returns
the node object. Otherwise returns None."""
if (node == None):
node = self.root
if (node == None):
# obviously it's not in an empty tree
return None
elif (val == node.val):
# If it's found, we need to move things around
if (p != None):
if (g == None):
# Zig: swap node with its parent
self.rotateup(node, p, g)
elif ((g.left == p and p.left == node) or
(g.right == p and p.right == node)):
# Zig-zig: swap parent with grandparent
self.rotateup(p, g, gg)
# Then swap node with parent
self.rotateup(node, p, gg)
# Zig-zag: swap node with parent
self.rotateup(node, p, g)
# Then swap node with grandparent
self.rotateup(node, g, gg)
return node
elif (val < node.val):
# Search left
if (node.left != None):
leftrv = self.find(val, node.left, node, p, g)
if leftrv != None:
return leftrv
elif (val > node.val):
if (node.right != None):
rightrv = self.find(val, node.right, node, p, g)
if rightrv != None:
return rightrv
return None
def rotateup(self, node, parent, gp=None):
"""Swap a node with its parent, keeping all child nodes
(and grandparent node) in order."""
if node == parent.left:
parent.left = node.right
node.right = parent
if (self.root == parent):
self.root = node
elif node == parent.right:
parent.right = node.left
node.left = parent
if (self.root == parent):
self.root = node
print("This is impossible")
if (gp != None):
if (gp.right == parent):
gp.right = node
elif (gp.left == parent):
gp.left = node
def test_splay_tree(treesize=100000, iters=20000):
"""Just a simple test harness to demonstrate the speed of
splay trees when a few items are searched for very frequently."""
# Build a binary tree and a splay tree
print("Building trees")
bintree = BinaryTree()
spltree = SplayTree()
x = [i for i in range(0, treesize)]
for n in x:
print("Done building")
searches = x[-20:]
# Search the splay tree 1000 times
t1 = time.time()
for i in range(0, iters):
for n in searches:
node = spltree.find(n)
if (node == None):
print("ERROR: %d" % n)
t2 = time.time()
print("Searched for 20 items %dx in splay tree: %.1f sec" % (iters, t2-t1))
# Search the binary tree 1000 times
t1 = time.time()
for i in range(0, iters):
for n in searches:
node = bintree.find(n)
if (node == None):
print("ERROR: %d" % n)
t2 = time.time()
print("Searched for 20 items %dx in binary tree: %.1f sec" % (iters, t2-t1))
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very nce code implementation

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