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Last active January 30, 2021 20:27
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// Everything from here to the --VARIADICS-- marker is valid Rust code right now:
use std::fmt::{Debug, DebugStruct};
struct StandardDebug;
struct Skip;
struct PlaceHolder(String);
struct CustomFormatter<T>(
fn(field: &T, field_name: &str, f: &mut DebugStruct),
trait DebugStructField<DebugFieldType> {
fn debug_struct_field(
field_name: &str,
additional_data: DebugFieldType,
f: &mut DebugStruct<'_, '_>,
impl<T: Debug> DebugStructField<StandardDebug> for T {
fn debug_struct_field(
field_name: &str,
_additional_data: StandardDebug,
f: &mut DebugStruct<'_, '_>,
f.field(field_name, &self);
impl<T> DebugStructField<Skip> for T {
fn debug_struct_field(
_field_name: &str,
_additional_data: Skip,
_f: &mut DebugStruct<'_, '_>,
impl<T> DebugStructField<PlaceHolder> for T {
fn debug_struct_field(
field_name: &str,
additional_data: PlaceHolder,
f: &mut DebugStruct<'_, '_>,
f.field(field_name, &additional_data.0);
impl<T> DebugStructField<CustomFormatter<T>> for T {
fn debug_struct_field(
field_name: &str,
additional_data: CustomFormatter<T>,
f: &mut DebugStruct<'_, '_>,
(additional_data.0)(&self, field_name, f);
// Reminder this is an example syntax;
// what's important is the information being treated
// and whether the compiler would have access to that info
field_attr=(DebugStructField; StandardDebug, PlaceHolder, CustomFormatter, Skip),
const STRUCT_NAME: String,
const ...FIELD_NAMES: String,
const ...FIELD_ATTRIBUTES: Attributes,
Struct: HasVariadicFields<FieldTypes=...Ts>,
> Debug for Struct
...Ts: ...DebugStructField<Attributes>
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result {
let mut f = f.debug_struct(&STRUCT_NAME);
for field, field_name, field_data self.get_fields(), FIELD_NAMES, FIELD_ATTRIBUTES {
field.debug_struct_field(&field_name, &field_data, &mut f);
// TODO - figure out how to adapt the generic bounds of the
// struct being derived
// --EXAMPLE--
struct FooBar {
foo: u8,
bar: SomeUnprintableType,
truc: SomeComplicatedType,
_machin: std::marker::PhantomData<SomeStuff>,
fn my_fmt(field: &SomeComplicatedType, field_name: &str, f: &mut DebugStruct) {
// ...
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