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Last active September 7, 2017 20:43
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dnaCopyScan - Takes output from varscan copynumber command (*.copynumber) and performs CBS segmentation.
#Usage: From command line
#Rscript dnaCopyScan.r <foo.copynumber>
#Author: Anand Mayakonda (Cancer Science Institute of Singapore; NUS)
tn = data.table::fread(copynumber_file, sep="\t", stringsAsFactors=FALSE, header=TRUE, check.names=FALSE)
colnames(tn)[1] = 'contig'
tn$contig = gsub(pattern = 'chr', replacement = '', x = tn$contig, fixed = T)
tnxy = tn[contig %in% c('X', 'Y')]
tn = tn[!contig %in% c('X', 'Y')]
#tn = tn[!contig == 'Y']
tn = tn[order(as.numeric(tn$contig)),]
tn = rbind(tn, tnxy)
tn = = colnames(tn)[5] = gsub(pattern = '.copynumber', replacement = '', x = copynumber_file)
cn = DNAcopy::CNA(genomdat = as.numeric(tn[,7]),chrom = as.character(tn[,1]),maploc = as.numeric(tn[,2]), data.type="logratio", sampleid= basename(, presorted = T)
cn = DNAcopy::smooth.CNA(cn)
cn = DNAcopy::segment(cn, alpha = 0.01, nperm = 10000, p.method = 'hybrid', min.width = 2, kmax = 25, nmin = 210,
eta = 0.05, trim = 0.025, undo.SD = 3, undo.prune = 0.05, undo.splits = 'none')
tiff(filename = paste(,"tiff",sep="."), width = 12, height = 4, pointsize = 9, units = 'in', bg = 'white', res = 100)
plot(cn, ylim = c(-5,5), pt.col = colors()[c(16,17)], segcol = 'midnightblue')
segs = cn$output
colnames(segs) = c("Sample",'Chromosome','Start','End','Num_Probes','Segment_Mean')
write.table(segs, paste(, '_cbs.seg', sep=''), quote = F, row.names = F, sep='\t')
save(cn, file = paste(, '_cbs.RData', sep=''))
args = commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
dnaCopy(copynumber_file = args[1])
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