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Created June 28, 2016 20:04
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  • Save Pokechu22/b189b4791ba350882b791f07025d8584 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Pokechu22/b189b4791ba350882b791f07025d8584 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
[12:42:51.755] [Client thread/INFO]: Setting user: pokechu22
[12:42:51.789] [Client thread/DEBUG]: (Session ID is <manually censored>)
[12:42:58.416] [Client thread/INFO]: LWJGL Version: 2.9.4
[12:43:00.287] [Client thread/INFO]: Reloading ResourceManager: Default
[12:43:20.512] [Sound Library Loader/INFO]: Starting up SoundSystem...
[12:43:20.756] [Thread-5/INFO]: Initializing LWJGL OpenAL
[12:43:20.758] [Thread-5/INFO]: (The LWJGL binding of OpenAL. For more information, see
[12:43:20.915] [Thread-5/INFO]: OpenAL initialized.
[12:43:21.129] [Sound Library Loader/INFO]: Sound engine started
[12:43:30.794] [Client thread/INFO]: Created: 1024x512 textures-atlas
[12:44:18.145] [Server Pinger #0/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@2f67a7bc to bls$1@10addbc7
[12:44:18.363] [Netty Client IO #2/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:44:18.364] [Server Pinger #0/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:44:18.366] [Netty Client IO #2/DEBUG]: OUT: [HANDSHAKING:0] jm
[12:44:18.382] [Netty Client IO #2/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:44:18.383] [Netty Client IO #2/DEBUG]: OUT: [STATUS:0] kf
[12:44:18.599] [Netty Client IO #2/DEBUG]: IN: [STATUS:0] kb
[12:44:18.614] [Netty Client IO #2/DEBUG]: OUT: [STATUS:1] ke
[12:44:18.787] [Netty Client IO #2/DEBUG]: IN: [STATUS:1] ka
[12:44:23.260] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting integrated minecraft server version 1.10.2
[12:44:23.262] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
[12:44:25.925] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 0
[12:44:28.727] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[12:44:29.731] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 3%
[12:44:30.733] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 15%
[12:44:31.740] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 30%
[12:44:32.741] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 47%
[12:44:33.780] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 62%
[12:44:33.834] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Chicken that already exists with UUID 9038c743-1ca8-4e3e-9404-1a3f92dec7fd
[12:44:34.786] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 73%
[12:44:35.037] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Squid that already exists with UUID 988a1fb7-7b00-4ecd-a4c5-6e18cdbdb08b
[12:44:35.354] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartHopper that already exists with UUID 01834675-db6c-4ef2-a265-385324c84cc6
[12:44:35.357] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartRideable that already exists with UUID 62e85bc4-09d4-4956-8d51-7ee7bd85d17b
[12:44:35.363] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Villager that already exists with UUID dea9e43e-b48a-44b0-a835-60c5e581f2d8
[12:44:35.790] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 85%
[12:44:36.604] [Server thread/INFO]: Changing view distance to 6, from 10
[12:44:39.592] [Netty Local Client IO #0/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:44:39.598] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 2918ms behind, skipping 58 tick(s)
[12:44:39.617] [Netty Server IO #1/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@d2a3967 to mc@3d11f0e3
[12:44:39.671] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@57e35236 to blk@7c9015c6
[12:44:39.684] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:44:39.685] [Netty Server IO #1/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:44:39.694] [Netty Server IO #1/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:44:39.701] [Netty Server IO #1/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@d2a3967 to mg@4c30edea
[12:44:39.705] [Netty Local Client IO #0/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:44:39.720] [Netty Local Client IO #0/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:44:39.839] [Netty Local Client IO #0/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@57e35236 to bll@4931e7d9
[12:44:40.108] [Server thread/DEBUG]: loading single player
[12:44:40.111] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22[local:E:9966f7c3] logged in with entity id 289 at (90.07587274380032, 69.0, 154.92102662907922)
[12:44:40.140] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@d2a3967 to me@6f9d1085
[12:44:40.145] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:44:40.153] [Netty Server IO #1/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:44:40.190] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 joined the game
[12:44:45.760] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
[12:44:45.900] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:44:47.167] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:44:47.168] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:44:49.005] [pool-2-thread-1/DEBUG]: Opening connection to
[12:44:49.005] [pool-2-thread-1/DEBUG]: Reading data from
[12:44:49.281] [pool-2-thread-1/DEBUG]: Successful read, server response was 200
[12:44:49.282] [pool-2-thread-1/DEBUG]: Response: {"id":"6c8976e399a94d8ba98ed4c0c09b305b","name":"pokechu22","properties":[{"name":"textures","value":"eyJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOjE0NjcxNDMwODkxMTAsInByb2ZpbGVJZCI6IjZjODk3NmUzOTlhOTRkOGJhOThlZDRjMGMwOWIzMDViIiwicHJvZmlsZU5hbWUiOiJwb2tlY2h1MjIiLCJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvN2NhNGQyMThkZjlkMzJjZDQ3ZDljMWQyOTQ4NzcxMjJiZTU5MTliNDE4YTZjYzNkMDg5MTYyYjEzM2YyZGIifX19"}],"legacy":true}
[12:44:49.332] [pool-2-thread-1/DEBUG]: Successfully fetched profile properties for com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@25e773b0[id=6c8976e3-99a9-4d8b-a98e-d4c0c09b305b,name=pokechu22,properties={textures=[]},legacy=false]
[12:44:49.540] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Loading http texture from local cache (C:\Users\Pokechu22\AppData\Roaming\.pokechu22\ModChoser\pre\.minecraft\assets\skins\7c\7ca4d218df9d32cd47d9c1d294877122be5919b418a6cc3d089162b133f2db)
[12:45:10.435] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 7009ms behind, skipping 140 tick(s)
[12:45:21.736] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (6 packets since last tick)
[12:45:27.774] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (6 packets since last tick)
[12:45:27.774] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (7 packets since last tick)
[12:45:27.774] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (8 packets since last tick)
[12:45:27.775] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (9 packets since last tick)
[12:45:27.775] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (10 packets since last tick)
[12:45:28.350] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (6 packets since last tick)
[12:45:28.350] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (7 packets since last tick)
[12:45:28.351] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (8 packets since last tick)
[12:45:28.351] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (9 packets since last tick)
[12:45:28.351] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (10 packets since last tick)
[12:45:32.268] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (6 packets since last tick)
[12:45:32.431] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (6 packets since last tick)
[12:45:32.747] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (6 packets since last tick)
[12:45:40.367] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (6 packets since last tick)
[12:45:40.368] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (7 packets since last tick)
[12:46:26.623] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
[12:46:26.675] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:46:27.052] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:46:27.052] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:46:30.894] [Client thread/INFO]: Using default channel type
[12:46:31.141] [Client thread/INFO]: Started on 65356
[12:46:31.153] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Local game hosted on port 65356
[12:46:32.455] [Chunk Batcher 0/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:46:32.471] [Chunk Batcher 1/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:46:32.472] [Chunk Batcher 2/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:46:32.473] [Chunk Batcher 3/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:46:33.771] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 lost connection: TextComponent{text='Disconnected', siblings=[], style=Style{hasParent=false, color=null, bold=null, italic=null, underlined=null, obfuscated=null, clickEvent=null, hoverEvent=null, insertion=null}}
[12:46:33.774] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 left the game
[12:46:33.790] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping singleplayer server as player logged out
[12:46:33.826] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping server
[12:46:33.828] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving players
[12:46:33.829] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving worlds
[12:46:33.829] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:46:34.051] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:46:34.051] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:46:36.497] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting integrated minecraft server version 1.10.2
[12:46:36.497] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
[12:46:37.078] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 0
[12:46:38.715] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[12:46:39.720] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 6%
[12:46:40.801] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 21%
[12:46:41.804] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 37%
[12:46:42.806] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 56%
[12:46:43.097] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Chicken that already exists with UUID 9038c743-1ca8-4e3e-9404-1a3f92dec7fd
[12:46:43.814] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 77%
[12:46:43.923] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartHopper that already exists with UUID 01834675-db6c-4ef2-a265-385324c84cc6
[12:46:43.924] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartRideable that already exists with UUID 62e85bc4-09d4-4956-8d51-7ee7bd85d17b
[12:46:43.924] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Villager that already exists with UUID dea9e43e-b48a-44b0-a835-60c5e581f2d8
[12:46:44.650] [Server thread/INFO]: Changing view distance to 6, from 10
[12:46:44.714] [Netty Server IO #4/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@1d363360 to mc@1909b41e
[12:46:44.715] [Netty Local Client IO #1/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:46:44.716] [Netty Server IO #4/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:46:44.717] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@63bb52ea to blk@6f5df147
[12:46:44.718] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:46:44.719] [Netty Local Client IO #1/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:46:44.719] [Netty Server IO #4/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:46:44.720] [Netty Server IO #4/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@1d363360 to mg@5c0b395b
[12:46:44.771] [Netty Local Client IO #1/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:46:44.771] [Netty Local Client IO #1/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@63bb52ea to bll@4125625c
[12:46:44.813] [Server thread/DEBUG]: loading single player
[12:46:44.814] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22[local:E:2a0a0635] logged in with entity id 14416 at (63.76681210627177, 92.0, 199.71243155220253)
[12:46:44.814] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@1d363360 to me@1e326372
[12:46:44.814] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:46:44.815] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:46:44.815] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:46:44.815] [Netty Server IO #4/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:46:44.815] [Netty Server IO #4/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:46:44.815] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 joined the game
[12:46:44.816] [Netty Server IO #4/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:46:46.114] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
[12:46:46.173] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:46:46.707] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:46:46.707] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:46:47.338] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
[12:46:47.363] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:46:47.691] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:46:47.691] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:46:47.716] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 2453ms behind, skipping 49 tick(s)
[12:46:49.473] [Client thread/INFO]: Using default channel type
[12:46:49.478] [Client thread/INFO]: Started on 65360
[12:46:49.480] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Local game hosted on port 65360
[12:46:50.545] [Chunk Batcher 4/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:46:50.548] [Chunk Batcher 5/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:46:50.548] [Chunk Batcher 6/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:46:50.549] [Chunk Batcher 7/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:46:51.221] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 lost connection: TextComponent{text='Disconnected', siblings=[], style=Style{hasParent=false, color=null, bold=null, italic=null, underlined=null, obfuscated=null, clickEvent=null, hoverEvent=null, insertion=null}}
[12:46:51.221] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 left the game
[12:46:51.247] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping singleplayer server as player logged out
[12:46:51.291] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping server
[12:46:51.293] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving players
[12:46:51.294] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving worlds
[12:46:51.294] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:46:51.491] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:46:51.491] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:46:53.084] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting integrated minecraft server version 1.10.2
[12:46:53.085] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
[12:46:53.777] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 0
[12:46:54.785] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 6%
[12:46:55.787] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 22%
[12:46:56.788] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 36%
[12:46:57.794] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 55%
[12:46:58.133] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Chicken that already exists with UUID 9038c743-1ca8-4e3e-9404-1a3f92dec7fd
[12:46:58.799] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 76%
[12:46:58.933] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartHopper that already exists with UUID 01834675-db6c-4ef2-a265-385324c84cc6
[12:46:58.934] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartRideable that already exists with UUID 62e85bc4-09d4-4956-8d51-7ee7bd85d17b
[12:46:58.934] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Villager that already exists with UUID dea9e43e-b48a-44b0-a835-60c5e581f2d8
[12:46:59.549] [Server thread/INFO]: Changing view distance to 6, from 10
[12:46:59.633] [Netty Server IO #7/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@4ffd23bf to mc@4bc2ae98
[12:46:59.634] [Netty Local Client IO #2/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:46:59.634] [Netty Server IO #7/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:46:59.635] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@38c7ad43 to blk@1ee04ff6
[12:46:59.635] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:46:59.636] [Netty Local Client IO #2/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:46:59.636] [Netty Server IO #7/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:46:59.637] [Netty Server IO #7/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@4ffd23bf to mg@ec02984
[12:46:59.670] [Netty Local Client IO #2/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:46:59.670] [Netty Local Client IO #2/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@38c7ad43 to bll@149ad733
[12:46:59.708] [Server thread/DEBUG]: loading single player
[12:46:59.709] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22[local:E:01d95fcd] logged in with entity id 14933 at (63.76681210627177, 92.0, 199.71243155220253)
[12:46:59.709] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@4ffd23bf to me@4f6a566e
[12:46:59.709] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:46:59.709] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:46:59.710] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:46:59.710] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:46:59.710] [Netty Server IO #7/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:46:59.710] [Netty Server IO #7/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:46:59.710] [Netty Server IO #7/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:46:59.710] [Netty Server IO #7/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:46:59.711] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 joined the game
[12:47:01.141] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
[12:47:01.250] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:47:01.858] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:47:01.858] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:47:02.170] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
[12:47:02.233] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:47:02.612] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:47:02.612] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:47:02.634] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 2515ms behind, skipping 50 tick(s)
[12:47:03.898] [Client thread/INFO]: Using default channel type
[12:47:03.902] [Client thread/INFO]: Started on 65363
[12:47:03.904] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Local game hosted on port 65363
[12:47:04.957] [Chunk Batcher 8/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:47:04.964] [Chunk Batcher 9/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:47:04.965] [Chunk Batcher 10/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:47:04.966] [Chunk Batcher 11/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:47:05.749] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 lost connection: TextComponent{text='Disconnected', siblings=[], style=Style{hasParent=false, color=null, bold=null, italic=null, underlined=null, obfuscated=null, clickEvent=null, hoverEvent=null, insertion=null}}
[12:47:05.749] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 left the game
[12:47:05.767] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping singleplayer server as player logged out
[12:47:05.925] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping server
[12:47:05.927] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving players
[12:47:05.927] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving worlds
[12:47:05.927] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:47:06.091] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:47:06.092] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:47:06.636] [Netty Client IO #4/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:47:06.637] [Server Pinger #3/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@359bf831 to bls$1@3b5c00f2
[12:47:06.638] [Server Pinger #3/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:47:06.639] [Netty Client IO #4/DEBUG]: OUT: [HANDSHAKING:0] jm
[12:47:06.641] [Netty Client IO #4/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:47:06.642] [Netty Client IO #4/DEBUG]: OUT: [STATUS:0] kf
[12:47:06.901] [Netty Client IO #4/DEBUG]: IN: [STATUS:0] kb
[12:47:06.902] [Netty Client IO #4/DEBUG]: OUT: [STATUS:1] ke
[12:47:07.098] [Netty Client IO #4/DEBUG]: IN: [STATUS:1] ka
[12:47:09.369] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting integrated minecraft server version 1.10.2
[12:47:09.369] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
[12:47:09.687] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 0
[12:47:10.690] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 6%
[12:47:11.693] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 24%
[12:47:12.695] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 45%
[12:47:13.627] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Chicken that already exists with UUID 9038c743-1ca8-4e3e-9404-1a3f92dec7fd
[12:47:13.697] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 64%
[12:47:14.440] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartHopper that already exists with UUID 01834675-db6c-4ef2-a265-385324c84cc6
[12:47:14.441] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartRideable that already exists with UUID 62e85bc4-09d4-4956-8d51-7ee7bd85d17b
[12:47:14.441] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Villager that already exists with UUID dea9e43e-b48a-44b0-a835-60c5e581f2d8
[12:47:14.700] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 87%
[12:47:15.049] [Server thread/INFO]: Changing view distance to 6, from 10
[12:47:15.093] [Netty Server IO #2/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@3510fc94 to mc@70126452
[12:47:15.093] [Netty Local Client IO #3/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:47:15.095] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@2f95ce11 to blk@2f349170
[12:47:15.095] [Netty Server IO #2/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:47:15.096] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:47:15.096] [Netty Local Client IO #3/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:47:15.097] [Netty Server IO #2/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:47:15.097] [Netty Server IO #2/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@3510fc94 to mg@b3e9a03
[12:47:15.111] [Netty Local Client IO #3/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:47:15.111] [Netty Local Client IO #3/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@2f95ce11 to bll@68563c1f
[12:47:15.125] [Server thread/DEBUG]: loading single player
[12:47:15.126] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22[local:E:fa2204ed] logged in with entity id 15444 at (63.76681210627177, 92.0, 199.71243155220253)
[12:47:15.126] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@3510fc94 to me@5fc92c26
[12:47:15.126] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:47:15.126] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:47:15.127] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:47:15.127] [Netty Server IO #2/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:47:15.127] [Netty Server IO #2/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:47:15.127] [Netty Server IO #2/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:47:15.127] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 joined the game
[12:47:16.598] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
[12:47:16.796] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:47:17.297] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:47:17.297] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:47:17.303] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (6 packets since last tick)
[12:47:17.345] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (7 packets since last tick)
[12:47:18.197] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
[12:47:18.244] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:47:18.550] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:47:18.551] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:47:19.501] [Client thread/INFO]: Using default channel type
[12:47:19.504] [Client thread/INFO]: Started on 65370
[12:47:19.506] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Local game hosted on port 65370
[12:47:21.184] [Chunk Batcher 12/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:47:21.185] [Chunk Batcher 13/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:47:21.186] [Chunk Batcher 14/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:47:21.186] [Chunk Batcher 15/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:47:21.195] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): Stream Closed
[12:47:21.195] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at Method)
[12:47:21.196] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at Source)
[12:47:21.196] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at ath.a(SourceFile:320)
[12:47:21.196] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at ath.a(SourceFile:260)
[12:47:21.196] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at ath$a.close(SourceFile:241)
[12:47:21.197] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at Source)
[12:47:21.197] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at Source)
[12:47:21.197] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at Source)
[12:47:21.198] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at atj.b(SourceFile:148)
[12:47:21.198] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at atj.c(SourceFile:133)
[12:47:21.198] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at bbu.c(SourceFile:37)
[12:47:21.198] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at
[12:47:21.198] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at Source)
[12:47:21.850] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 lost connection: TextComponent{text='Disconnected', siblings=[], style=Style{hasParent=false, color=null, bold=null, italic=null, underlined=null, obfuscated=null, clickEvent=null, hoverEvent=null, insertion=null}}
[12:47:21.851] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 left the game
[12:47:21.868] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping singleplayer server as player logged out
[12:47:21.906] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping server
[12:47:21.909] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving players
[12:47:21.909] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving worlds
[12:47:21.909] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:47:22.071] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:47:22.072] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:47:24.266] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting integrated minecraft server version 1.10.2
[12:47:24.266] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
[12:47:24.755] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 0
[12:47:25.758] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 7%
[12:47:26.765] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 23%
[12:47:27.770] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 43%
[12:47:28.772] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Chicken that already exists with UUID 9038c743-1ca8-4e3e-9404-1a3f92dec7fd
[12:47:28.772] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 62%
[12:47:29.704] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartHopper that already exists with UUID 01834675-db6c-4ef2-a265-385324c84cc6
[12:47:29.704] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartRideable that already exists with UUID 62e85bc4-09d4-4956-8d51-7ee7bd85d17b
[12:47:29.704] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Villager that already exists with UUID dea9e43e-b48a-44b0-a835-60c5e581f2d8
[12:47:29.780] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 81%
[12:47:30.325] [Server thread/INFO]: Changing view distance to 6, from 10
[12:47:30.399] [Netty Local Client IO #4/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:47:30.400] [Netty Server IO #5/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@6ba3782e to mc@2ea1eb3e
[12:47:30.401] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@1bfc6e50 to blk@4f74edbf
[12:47:30.401] [Netty Server IO #5/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:47:30.402] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:47:30.403] [Netty Local Client IO #4/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:47:30.404] [Netty Server IO #5/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:47:30.404] [Netty Server IO #5/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@6ba3782e to mg@17d9dc57
[12:47:30.432] [Netty Local Client IO #4/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:47:30.432] [Netty Local Client IO #4/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@1bfc6e50 to bll@47eda837
[12:47:30.460] [Server thread/DEBUG]: loading single player
[12:47:30.460] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22[local:E:cbad5d47] logged in with entity id 16111 at (63.76681210627177, 92.0, 199.71243155220253)
[12:47:30.460] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@6ba3782e to me@ccb68d
[12:47:30.460] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:47:30.462] [Netty Server IO #5/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:47:30.461] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:47:30.463] [Netty Server IO #5/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:47:30.463] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 joined the game
[12:47:31.807] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
[12:47:31.926] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:47:32.388] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:47:32.389] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:47:33.293] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 2370ms behind, skipping 47 tick(s)
[12:47:34.479] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
[12:47:34.529] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:47:34.903] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:47:34.903] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:47:36.532] [Client thread/INFO]: Using default channel type
[12:47:36.536] [Client thread/INFO]: Started on 65373
[12:47:36.537] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Local game hosted on port 65373
[12:47:41.576] [Chunk Batcher 16/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:47:41.577] [Chunk Batcher 17/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:47:41.578] [Chunk Batcher 18/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:47:41.578] [Chunk Batcher 19/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:47:42.303] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 lost connection: TextComponent{text='Disconnected', siblings=[], style=Style{hasParent=false, color=null, bold=null, italic=null, underlined=null, obfuscated=null, clickEvent=null, hoverEvent=null, insertion=null}}
[12:47:42.305] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 left the game
[12:47:42.325] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping singleplayer server as player logged out
[12:47:42.370] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping server
[12:47:42.372] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving players
[12:47:42.372] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving worlds
[12:47:42.372] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:47:42.598] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:47:42.598] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:47:43.373] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): Stream Closed
[12:47:43.381] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at Method)
[12:47:43.382] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at Source)
[12:47:43.382] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at ath.a(SourceFile:320)
[12:47:43.383] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at ath.a(SourceFile:260)
[12:47:43.384] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at ath$a.close(SourceFile:241)
[12:47:43.385] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at Source)
[12:47:43.388] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at Source)
[12:47:43.388] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at Source)
[12:47:43.389] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at atj.b(SourceFile:148)
[12:47:43.389] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at atj.c(SourceFile:133)
[12:47:43.390] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at bbu.c(SourceFile:37)
[12:47:43.391] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at
[12:47:43.395] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at Source)
[12:47:44.260] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting integrated minecraft server version 1.10.2
[12:47:44.260] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
[12:47:44.623] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 0
[12:47:45.672] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 6%
[12:47:46.686] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 19%
[12:47:47.689] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 35%
[12:47:48.690] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 52%
[12:47:49.217] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Chicken that already exists with UUID 9038c743-1ca8-4e3e-9404-1a3f92dec7fd
[12:47:49.691] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 72%
[12:47:50.031] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartHopper that already exists with UUID 01834675-db6c-4ef2-a265-385324c84cc6
[12:47:50.031] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartRideable that already exists with UUID 62e85bc4-09d4-4956-8d51-7ee7bd85d17b
[12:47:50.031] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Villager that already exists with UUID dea9e43e-b48a-44b0-a835-60c5e581f2d8
[12:47:50.739] [Server thread/INFO]: Changing view distance to 6, from 10
[12:47:50.816] [Netty Local Client IO #5/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:47:50.816] [Netty Server IO #0/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@3cb3457f to mc@63cf4945
[12:47:50.818] [Netty Server IO #0/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:47:50.821] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@405d123c to blk@298f7b0a
[12:47:50.822] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:47:50.825] [Netty Server IO #0/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:47:50.825] [Netty Server IO #0/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@3cb3457f to mg@13585a42
[12:47:50.827] [Netty Local Client IO #5/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:47:50.852] [Netty Local Client IO #5/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:47:50.855] [Netty Local Client IO #5/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@405d123c to bll@6546306e
[12:47:50.869] [Server thread/DEBUG]: loading single player
[12:47:50.870] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22[local:E:fc92f5d3] logged in with entity id 17620 at (20.814426654058867, 90.53292827534491, 206.81027405255176)
[12:47:50.870] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@3cb3457f to me@2cffda36
[12:47:50.870] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:47:50.871] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:47:50.871] [Netty Server IO #0/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:47:50.871] [Netty Server IO #0/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:47:50.872] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 joined the game
[12:47:52.125] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
[12:47:52.156] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:47:52.372] [Client thread/WARN]: Received passengers for unknown entity
[12:47:52.687] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:47:52.697] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:47:53.486] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 2218ms behind, skipping 44 tick(s)
[12:48:02.457] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
[12:48:02.483] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:48:02.858] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:48:02.858] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:48:05.936] [Client thread/INFO]: Using default channel type
[12:48:05.939] [Client thread/INFO]: Started on 65382
[12:48:05.940] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Local game hosted on port 65382
[12:48:07.196] [Chunk Batcher 20/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:48:07.197] [Chunk Batcher 21/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:48:07.197] [Chunk Batcher 22/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:48:07.198] [Chunk Batcher 23/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:48:07.203] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): Stream Closed
[12:48:07.206] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at Method)
[12:48:07.208] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at Source)
[12:48:07.208] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at ath.a(SourceFile:320)
[12:48:07.209] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at ath.a(SourceFile:260)
[12:48:07.209] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at ath$a.close(SourceFile:241)
[12:48:07.209] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at Source)
[12:48:07.210] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at Source)
[12:48:07.210] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at Source)
[12:48:07.211] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at atj.b(SourceFile:148)
[12:48:07.213] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at atj.c(SourceFile:133)
[12:48:07.214] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at bbu.c(SourceFile:37)
[12:48:07.214] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at
[12:48:07.214] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at Source)
[12:48:07.744] [Client thread/FATAL]: Error executing task
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.NullPointerException
at Source) ~[?:1.8.0_72]
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.get(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_72]
at h.a(SourceFile:46) [1.10.2.jar:?]
at bcx.av(SourceFile:960) [1.10.2.jar:?]
at bcx.a(SourceFile:396) [1.10.2.jar:?]
at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:124) [1.10.2.jar:?]
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at bll.a(SourceFile:476) ~[1.10.2.jar:?]
at ig.a(SourceFile:55) ~[1.10.2.jar:?]
at ig.a(SourceFile:9) ~[1.10.2.jar:?]
at fl$ ~[1.10.2.jar:?]
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ Source) ~[?:1.8.0_72]
at Source) ~[?:1.8.0_72]
at h.a(SourceFile:45) ~[1.10.2.jar:?]
... 3 more
[12:48:07.764] [Client thread/FATAL]: Error executing task
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.NullPointerException
at Source) ~[?:1.8.0_72]
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.get(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_72]
at h.a(SourceFile:46) [1.10.2.jar:?]
at bcx.av(SourceFile:960) [1.10.2.jar:?]
at bcx.a(SourceFile:396) [1.10.2.jar:?]
at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:124) [1.10.2.jar:?]
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at hk.a(SourceFile:42) ~[1.10.2.jar:?]
at bll.a(SourceFile:530) ~[1.10.2.jar:?]
at hk.a(SourceFile:38) ~[1.10.2.jar:?]
at hk.a(SourceFile:11) ~[1.10.2.jar:?]
at fl$ ~[1.10.2.jar:?]
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ Source) ~[?:1.8.0_72]
at Source) ~[?:1.8.0_72]
at h.a(SourceFile:45) ~[1.10.2.jar:?]
... 3 more
[12:48:07.766] [Client thread/FATAL]: Error executing task
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.NullPointerException
at Source) ~[?:1.8.0_72]
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.get(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_72]
at h.a(SourceFile:46) [1.10.2.jar:?]
at bcx.av(SourceFile:960) [1.10.2.jar:?]
at bcx.a(SourceFile:396) [1.10.2.jar:?]
at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:124) [1.10.2.jar:?]
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at gy.a(SourceFile:161) ~[1.10.2.jar:?]
at bll.a(SourceFile:508) ~[1.10.2.jar:?]
at gy.a(SourceFile:152) ~[1.10.2.jar:?]
at gy$a.a(SourceFile:67) ~[1.10.2.jar:?]
at fl$ ~[1.10.2.jar:?]
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ Source) ~[?:1.8.0_72]
at Source) ~[?:1.8.0_72]
at h.a(SourceFile:45) ~[1.10.2.jar:?]
... 3 more
[12:48:07.899] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 lost connection: TextComponent{text='Disconnected', siblings=[], style=Style{hasParent=false, color=null, bold=null, italic=null, underlined=null, obfuscated=null, clickEvent=null, hoverEvent=null, insertion=null}}
[12:48:07.900] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 left the game
[12:48:07.943] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping singleplayer server as player logged out
[12:48:07.982] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping server
[12:48:07.984] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving players
[12:48:07.984] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving worlds
[12:48:07.984] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:48:08.175] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:48:08.176] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:48:10.436] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting integrated minecraft server version 1.10.2
[12:48:10.437] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
[12:48:10.776] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 0
[12:48:11.858] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 5%
[12:48:12.863] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 15%
[12:48:13.869] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 30%
[12:48:14.880] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 44%
[12:48:15.887] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 61%
[12:48:15.987] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Chicken that already exists with UUID 9038c743-1ca8-4e3e-9404-1a3f92dec7fd
[12:48:16.880] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartHopper that already exists with UUID 01834675-db6c-4ef2-a265-385324c84cc6
[12:48:16.880] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartRideable that already exists with UUID 62e85bc4-09d4-4956-8d51-7ee7bd85d17b
[12:48:16.881] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Villager that already exists with UUID dea9e43e-b48a-44b0-a835-60c5e581f2d8
[12:48:16.891] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 79%
[12:48:17.558] [Server thread/INFO]: Changing view distance to 6, from 10
[12:48:17.750] [Netty Server IO #3/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@137fd3d3 to mc@66ef48d8
[12:48:17.750] [Netty Local Client IO #6/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:17.752] [Netty Server IO #3/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:17.752] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@17da6e45 to blk@6af10aa7
[12:48:17.752] [Netty Server IO #3/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:17.752] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:48:17.753] [Netty Server IO #3/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@137fd3d3 to mg@22a64074
[12:48:17.754] [Netty Local Client IO #6/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:17.769] [Netty Local Client IO #6/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:17.770] [Netty Local Client IO #6/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@17da6e45 to bll@2d9bc66b
[12:48:17.785] [Server thread/DEBUG]: loading single player
[12:48:17.785] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22[local:E:527aab6e] logged in with entity id 19760 at (20.814426654058867, 90.53292827534491, 206.81027405255176)
[12:48:17.785] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@137fd3d3 to me@141ee8da
[12:48:17.785] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:48:17.786] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:48:17.786] [Netty Server IO #3/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:17.787] [Netty Server IO #3/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:17.787] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 joined the game
[12:48:19.460] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
[12:48:19.531] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:48:19.793] [Client thread/WARN]: Received passengers for unknown entity
[12:48:20.381] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:48:20.381] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:48:20.428] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 2173ms behind, skipping 43 tick(s)
[12:48:21.542] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
[12:48:21.563] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:48:21.939] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:48:21.939] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:48:23.991] [Client thread/INFO]: Using default channel type
[12:48:23.995] [Client thread/INFO]: Started on 65393
[12:48:23.996] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Local game hosted on port 65393
[12:48:24.921] [Chunk Batcher 24/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:48:24.921] [Chunk Batcher 25/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:48:24.921] [Chunk Batcher 26/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:48:24.922] [Chunk Batcher 27/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:48:25.650] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 lost connection: TextComponent{text='Disconnected', siblings=[], style=Style{hasParent=false, color=null, bold=null, italic=null, underlined=null, obfuscated=null, clickEvent=null, hoverEvent=null, insertion=null}}
[12:48:25.650] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 left the game
[12:48:25.659] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping singleplayer server as player logged out
[12:48:25.700] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping server
[12:48:25.702] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving players
[12:48:25.702] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving worlds
[12:48:25.702] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:48:25.888] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:48:25.890] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:48:28.157] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting integrated minecraft server version 1.10.2
[12:48:28.157] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
[12:48:28.431] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 0
[12:48:29.440] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 5%
[12:48:30.448] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 22%
[12:48:31.456] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 41%
[12:48:32.459] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 57%
[12:48:32.743] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Chicken that already exists with UUID 9038c743-1ca8-4e3e-9404-1a3f92dec7fd
[12:48:33.466] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 76%
[12:48:33.608] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartHopper that already exists with UUID 01834675-db6c-4ef2-a265-385324c84cc6
[12:48:33.608] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartRideable that already exists with UUID 62e85bc4-09d4-4956-8d51-7ee7bd85d17b
[12:48:33.608] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Villager that already exists with UUID dea9e43e-b48a-44b0-a835-60c5e581f2d8
[12:48:34.529] [Server thread/INFO]: Changing view distance to 6, from 10
[12:48:34.642] [Netty Server IO #6/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@5266906b to mc@2c38d54b
[12:48:34.643] [Netty Server IO #6/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:34.644] [Netty Local Client IO #7/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:34.645] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@50479c2b to blk@554a4d18
[12:48:34.645] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:48:34.646] [Netty Server IO #6/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:34.646] [Netty Server IO #6/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@5266906b to mg@63fe4386
[12:48:34.648] [Netty Local Client IO #7/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:34.690] [Netty Local Client IO #7/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:34.692] [Netty Local Client IO #7/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@50479c2b to bll@1196faaf
[12:48:34.716] [Server thread/DEBUG]: loading single player
[12:48:34.716] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22[local:E:65ee0cf3] logged in with entity id 20294 at (20.814426654058867, 90.53292827534491, 206.81027405255176)
[12:48:34.716] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@5266906b to me@35d2f8de
[12:48:34.717] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:48:34.717] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:48:34.717] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:48:34.717] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:48:34.717] [Netty Server IO #6/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:34.718] [Netty Server IO #6/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:34.718] [Netty Server IO #6/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:34.718] [Netty Server IO #6/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:34.723] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 joined the game
[12:48:36.024] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
[12:48:36.054] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:48:36.436] [Client thread/WARN]: Received passengers for unknown entity
[12:48:36.628] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:48:36.631] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:48:37.679] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
[12:48:37.719] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:48:38.029] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:48:38.029] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:48:38.036] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 2777ms behind, skipping 55 tick(s)
[12:48:40.204] [Client thread/INFO]: Using default channel type
[12:48:40.208] [Client thread/INFO]: Started on 65396
[12:48:40.209] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Local game hosted on port 65396
[12:48:41.136] [Chunk Batcher 28/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:48:41.139] [Chunk Batcher 29/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:48:41.139] [Chunk Batcher 30/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:48:41.140] [Chunk Batcher 31/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:48:41.812] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 lost connection: TextComponent{text='Disconnected', siblings=[], style=Style{hasParent=false, color=null, bold=null, italic=null, underlined=null, obfuscated=null, clickEvent=null, hoverEvent=null, insertion=null}}
[12:48:41.812] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 left the game
[12:48:41.822] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping singleplayer server as player logged out
[12:48:41.865] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping server
[12:48:41.866] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving players
[12:48:41.866] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving worlds
[12:48:41.866] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:48:42.032] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:48:42.033] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:48:44.385] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting integrated minecraft server version 1.10.2
[12:48:44.385] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
[12:48:44.874] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 0
[12:48:45.885] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 5%
[12:48:46.981] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 23%
[12:48:47.982] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 40%
[12:48:48.983] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 55%
[12:48:49.306] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Chicken that already exists with UUID 9038c743-1ca8-4e3e-9404-1a3f92dec7fd
[12:48:49.987] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 74%
[12:48:50.290] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartHopper that already exists with UUID 01834675-db6c-4ef2-a265-385324c84cc6
[12:48:50.291] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartRideable that already exists with UUID 62e85bc4-09d4-4956-8d51-7ee7bd85d17b
[12:48:50.292] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Villager that already exists with UUID dea9e43e-b48a-44b0-a835-60c5e581f2d8
[12:48:51.011] [Server thread/INFO]: Changing view distance to 6, from 10
[12:48:51.112] [Netty Server IO #1/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@262f37 to mc@778bc8de
[12:48:51.116] [Netty Server IO #1/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:51.116] [Netty Local Client IO #0/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:51.117] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@7b3db079 to blk@6ef5e46a
[12:48:51.117] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:48:51.119] [Netty Server IO #1/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:51.119] [Netty Server IO #1/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@262f37 to mg@6ca6dd8c
[12:48:51.119] [Netty Local Client IO #0/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:51.131] [Netty Local Client IO #0/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:51.131] [Netty Local Client IO #0/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@7b3db079 to bll@582e98c7
[12:48:51.200] [Server thread/DEBUG]: loading single player
[12:48:51.201] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22[local:E:45236b2f] logged in with entity id 20804 at (20.814426654058867, 90.53292827534491, 206.81027405255176)
[12:48:51.201] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@262f37 to me@84ecd18
[12:48:51.201] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:48:51.201] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:48:51.201] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:48:51.201] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:48:51.201] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:48:51.202] [Netty Server IO #1/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:51.202] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:48:51.203] [Netty Server IO #1/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:51.203] [Netty Server IO #1/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:51.203] [Netty Server IO #1/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:51.203] [Netty Server IO #1/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:51.203] [Netty Server IO #1/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:51.211] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 joined the game
[12:48:52.293] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
[12:48:52.315] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:48:52.473] [Client thread/WARN]: Received passengers for unknown entity
[12:48:52.786] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:48:52.786] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:49:08.109] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
[12:49:08.130] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:49:08.463] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:49:08.463] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:49:10.971] [Client thread/INFO]: Using default channel type
[12:49:10.974] [Client thread/INFO]: Started on 65400
[12:49:10.975] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Local game hosted on port 65400
[12:49:14.164] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (6 packets since last tick)
[12:49:26.796] [Chunk Batcher 32/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:49:26.798] [Chunk Batcher 33/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:49:26.799] [Chunk Batcher 34/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:49:26.799] [Chunk Batcher 35/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:49:27.445] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 lost connection: TextComponent{text='Disconnected', siblings=[], style=Style{hasParent=false, color=null, bold=null, italic=null, underlined=null, obfuscated=null, clickEvent=null, hoverEvent=null, insertion=null}}
[12:49:27.446] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 left the game
[12:49:27.459] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping singleplayer server as player logged out
[12:49:27.503] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping server
[12:49:27.507] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving players
[12:49:27.508] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving worlds
[12:49:27.508] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:49:27.903] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:49:27.910] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:49:29.287] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting integrated minecraft server version 1.10.2
[12:49:29.288] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
[12:49:29.523] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 0
[12:49:30.526] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 4%
[12:49:31.527] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 18%
[12:49:32.531] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 28%
[12:49:33.544] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 40%
[12:49:34.559] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 51%
[12:49:35.084] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Chicken that already exists with UUID 9038c743-1ca8-4e3e-9404-1a3f92dec7fd
[12:49:35.566] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 72%
[12:49:35.896] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartHopper that already exists with UUID 01834675-db6c-4ef2-a265-385324c84cc6
[12:49:35.896] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartRideable that already exists with UUID 62e85bc4-09d4-4956-8d51-7ee7bd85d17b
[12:49:35.896] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Villager that already exists with UUID dea9e43e-b48a-44b0-a835-60c5e581f2d8
[12:49:36.512] [Server thread/INFO]: Changing view distance to 6, from 10
[12:49:36.584] [Netty Server IO #4/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@3c24c614 to mc@19253ac4
[12:49:36.584] [Netty Local Client IO #1/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:49:36.586] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@744d0cfb to blk@7c943143
[12:49:36.586] [Netty Server IO #4/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:49:36.586] [Netty Server IO #4/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:49:36.586] [Netty Server IO #4/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@3c24c614 to mg@1c3676d2
[12:49:36.586] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:49:36.587] [Netty Local Client IO #1/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:49:36.617] [Netty Local Client IO #1/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:49:36.618] [Netty Local Client IO #1/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@744d0cfb to bll@186867
[12:49:36.704] [Server thread/DEBUG]: loading single player
[12:49:36.704] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22[local:E:8fd4f9a0] logged in with entity id 25060 at (85.59148535620919, 98.01985372181083, 277.36219162638207)
[12:49:36.704] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@3c24c614 to me@73a32278
[12:49:36.704] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:49:36.705] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:49:36.705] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:49:36.705] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:49:36.705] [Netty Server IO #4/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:49:36.705] [Netty Server IO #4/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:49:36.705] [Netty Server IO #4/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:49:36.705] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 joined the game
[12:49:36.705] [Netty Server IO #4/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:49:39.305] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
[12:49:39.338] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:49:39.829] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:49:39.830] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:49:41.341] [Client thread/INFO]: Using default channel type
[12:49:41.347] [Client thread/INFO]: Started on 65441
[12:49:41.348] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Local game hosted on port 65441
[12:49:42.144] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (6 packets since last tick)
[12:49:42.144] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (7 packets since last tick)
[12:49:42.144] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (8 packets since last tick)
[12:49:49.290] [Client thread/WARN]: Received passengers for unknown entity
[12:50:05.335] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartRideable that already exists with UUID 62e85bc4-09d4-4956-8d51-7ee7bd85d17b
[12:50:05.335] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Villager that already exists with UUID dea9e43e-b48a-44b0-a835-60c5e581f2d8
[12:50:09.306] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartHopper that already exists with UUID 01834675-db6c-4ef2-a265-385324c84cc6
[12:50:24.297] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (6 packets since last tick)
[12:50:24.297] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (7 packets since last tick)
[12:50:24.297] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (8 packets since last tick)
[12:50:24.298] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (9 packets since last tick)
[12:50:24.298] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (10 packets since last tick)
[12:50:24.298] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (11 packets since last tick)
[12:50:24.298] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (12 packets since last tick)
[12:50:24.298] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (13 packets since last tick)
[12:50:30.030] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartRideable that already exists with UUID 62e85bc4-09d4-4956-8d51-7ee7bd85d17b
[12:50:30.031] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Villager that already exists with UUID dea9e43e-b48a-44b0-a835-60c5e581f2d8
[12:50:52.019] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (6 packets since last tick)
[12:50:54.721] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 lost connection: TextComponent{text='Disconnected', siblings=[], style=Style{hasParent=false, color=null, bold=null, italic=null, underlined=null, obfuscated=null, clickEvent=null, hoverEvent=null, insertion=null}}
[12:50:54.721] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 left the game
[12:50:54.756] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping singleplayer server as player logged out
[12:50:54.763] [Chunk Batcher 36/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:50:54.764] [Chunk Batcher 37/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:50:54.764] [Chunk Batcher 38/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:50:54.765] [Chunk Batcher 39/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:50:55.508] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping server
[12:50:55.511] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving players
[12:50:55.512] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving worlds
[12:50:55.512] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:50:55.830] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:50:55.830] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:50:58.113] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting integrated minecraft server version 1.10.2
[12:50:58.120] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
[12:50:58.859] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 0
[12:50:59.888] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 3%
[12:51:00.894] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 14%
[12:51:01.905] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 30%
[12:51:02.905] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 49%
[12:51:03.656] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Chicken that already exists with UUID 9038c743-1ca8-4e3e-9404-1a3f92dec7fd
[12:51:03.906] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 67%
[12:51:04.462] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartHopper that already exists with UUID 01834675-db6c-4ef2-a265-385324c84cc6
[12:51:04.462] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartRideable that already exists with UUID 62e85bc4-09d4-4956-8d51-7ee7bd85d17b
[12:51:04.462] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Villager that already exists with UUID dea9e43e-b48a-44b0-a835-60c5e581f2d8
[12:51:04.909] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 95%
[12:51:05.088] [Server thread/INFO]: Changing view distance to 6, from 10
[12:51:05.203] [Netty Server IO #7/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@6eefd6cb to mc@62e0f817
[12:51:05.203] [Netty Local Client IO #2/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:51:05.205] [Netty Server IO #7/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:51:05.206] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@43b1fdb7 to blk@7bdbf06f
[12:51:05.210] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:51:05.212] [Netty Server IO #7/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:51:05.212] [Netty Server IO #7/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@6eefd6cb to mg@79fc8bce
[12:51:05.212] [Netty Local Client IO #2/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:51:05.239] [Netty Local Client IO #2/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:51:05.239] [Netty Local Client IO #2/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@43b1fdb7 to bll@55a7dd08
[12:51:05.252] [Server thread/DEBUG]: loading single player
[12:51:05.253] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22[local:E:b825da02] logged in with entity id 32296 at (-67.39766680260362, 66.72156250157889, 270.9894553853909)
[12:51:05.253] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@6eefd6cb to me@2db60cc3
[12:51:05.253] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:51:05.254] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:51:05.254] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:51:05.254] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:51:05.254] [Netty Server IO #7/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:51:05.255] [Netty Server IO #7/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:51:05.255] [Netty Server IO #7/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:51:05.255] [Netty Server IO #7/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:51:05.256] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 joined the game
[12:51:20.186] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (6 packets since last tick)
[12:51:20.187] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (7 packets since last tick)
[12:51:20.308] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
[12:51:20.338] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:51:20.892] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:51:20.892] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:51:22.008] [Client thread/INFO]: Using default channel type
[12:51:22.011] [Client thread/INFO]: Started on 65454
[12:51:22.013] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Local game hosted on port 65454
[12:51:22.502] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (6 packets since last tick)
[12:51:22.503] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (7 packets since last tick)
[12:51:22.503] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (8 packets since last tick)
[12:51:22.889] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (6 packets since last tick)
[12:51:22.890] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (7 packets since last tick)
[12:51:22.890] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (8 packets since last tick)
[12:51:23.445] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (6 packets since last tick)
[12:51:23.445] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (7 packets since last tick)
[12:51:23.446] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (8 packets since last tick)
[12:51:23.446] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (9 packets since last tick)
[12:51:23.446] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (10 packets since last tick)
[12:51:23.446] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (11 packets since last tick)
[12:51:30.428] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 lost connection: TextComponent{text='Disconnected', siblings=[], style=Style{hasParent=false, color=null, bold=null, italic=null, underlined=null, obfuscated=null, clickEvent=null, hoverEvent=null, insertion=null}}
[12:51:30.428] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 left the game
[12:51:30.470] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping singleplayer server as player logged out
[12:51:30.504] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping server
[12:51:30.505] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving players
[12:51:30.505] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving worlds
[12:51:30.506] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:51:30.955] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:51:30.955] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:42:51.755] [Client thread/INFO]: Setting user: pokechu22
[12:42:51.789] [Client thread/DEBUG]: (Session ID is <manually censored>)
[12:42:58.416] [Client thread/INFO]: LWJGL Version: 2.9.4
[12:43:00.287] [Client thread/INFO]: Reloading ResourceManager: Default
[12:43:20.512] [Sound Library Loader/INFO]: Starting up SoundSystem...
[12:43:20.756] [Thread-5/INFO]: Initializing LWJGL OpenAL
[12:43:20.758] [Thread-5/INFO]: (The LWJGL binding of OpenAL. For more information, see
[12:43:20.915] [Thread-5/INFO]: OpenAL initialized.
[12:43:21.129] [Sound Library Loader/INFO]: Sound engine started
[12:43:30.794] [Client thread/INFO]: Created: 1024x512 textures-atlas
[12:43:42.535] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Skipped playing sound minecraft:music/menu/menu1, volume was zero.
[12:44:01.661] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Skipped playing sound minecraft:music/menu/menu2, volume was zero.
[12:44:11.175] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel ba399883-1d12-49f4-875a-f888e692c3e0
[12:44:12.323] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel ba399883-1d12-49f4-875a-f888e692c3e0 because it's not playing anymore
[12:44:16.111] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Skipped playing sound minecraft:music/menu/menu2, volume was zero.
[12:44:17.911] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel a3be96bb-0df7-4b29-999a-7b30af3aa771
[12:44:18.145] [Server Pinger #0/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@2f67a7bc to bls$1@10addbc7
[12:44:18.363] [Netty Client IO #2/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:44:18.364] [Server Pinger #0/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:44:18.366] [Netty Client IO #2/DEBUG]: OUT: [HANDSHAKING:0] jm
[12:44:18.382] [Netty Client IO #2/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:44:18.383] [Netty Client IO #2/DEBUG]: OUT: [STATUS:0] kf
[12:44:18.599] [Netty Client IO #2/DEBUG]: IN: [STATUS:0] kb
[12:44:18.614] [Netty Client IO #2/DEBUG]: OUT: [STATUS:1] ke
[12:44:18.787] [Netty Client IO #2/DEBUG]: IN: [STATUS:1] ka
[12:44:18.846] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel a3be96bb-0df7-4b29-999a-7b30af3aa771 because it's not playing anymore
[12:44:20.366] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel 863f4a5c-5260-4581-9e80-d978a6170e23
[12:44:21.467] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 863f4a5c-5260-4581-9e80-d978a6170e23 because it's not playing anymore
[12:44:21.868] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel 0563622b-27bf-4ad8-b585-eb39e4c21c33
[12:44:23.260] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting integrated minecraft server version 1.10.2
[12:44:23.262] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
[12:44:25.925] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 0
[12:44:28.727] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[12:44:29.731] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 3%
[12:44:30.733] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 15%
[12:44:31.740] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 30%
[12:44:32.741] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 47%
[12:44:33.780] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 62%
[12:44:33.834] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Chicken that already exists with UUID 9038c743-1ca8-4e3e-9404-1a3f92dec7fd
[12:44:34.786] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 73%
[12:44:35.037] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Squid that already exists with UUID 988a1fb7-7b00-4ecd-a4c5-6e18cdbdb08b
[12:44:35.354] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartHopper that already exists with UUID 01834675-db6c-4ef2-a265-385324c84cc6
[12:44:35.357] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartRideable that already exists with UUID 62e85bc4-09d4-4956-8d51-7ee7bd85d17b
[12:44:35.363] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Villager that already exists with UUID dea9e43e-b48a-44b0-a835-60c5e581f2d8
[12:44:35.790] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 85%
[12:44:36.604] [Server thread/INFO]: Changing view distance to 6, from 10
[12:44:39.592] [Netty Local Client IO #0/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:44:39.598] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 2918ms behind, skipping 58 tick(s)
[12:44:39.617] [Netty Server IO #1/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@d2a3967 to mc@3d11f0e3
[12:44:39.671] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@57e35236 to blk@7c9015c6
[12:44:39.684] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:44:39.685] [Netty Server IO #1/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:44:39.694] [Netty Server IO #1/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:44:39.701] [Netty Server IO #1/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@d2a3967 to mg@4c30edea
[12:44:39.705] [Netty Local Client IO #0/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:44:39.720] [Netty Local Client IO #0/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:44:39.839] [Netty Local Client IO #0/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@57e35236 to bll@4931e7d9
[12:44:40.108] [Server thread/DEBUG]: loading single player
[12:44:40.111] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22[local:E:9966f7c3] logged in with entity id 289 at (90.07587274380032, 69.0, 154.92102662907922)
[12:44:40.140] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@d2a3967 to me@6f9d1085
[12:44:40.145] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:44:40.153] [Netty Server IO #1/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:44:40.190] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 joined the game
[12:44:45.760] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
[12:44:45.900] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:44:46.594] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 5bc3091b-661f-4c26-9e19-cce2d5543bca
[12:44:47.167] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:44:47.168] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:44:47.743] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 49bcd6ad-58fa-41cb-8793-93d9cb4e264b
[12:44:47.746] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 28d91352-b792-4f30-af9a-8dae8f18f5c9
[12:44:47.839] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel b8aa80d0-f251-405e-b087-5571224729f9
[12:44:47.846] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 14e8af3b-8dfd-4fe5-93b2-5c65a2de9bb9
[12:44:47.864] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 923067e0-43e0-41ec-860c-a9983222a041
[12:44:47.870] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 29a56264-5391-4c89-8c06-8d918400ab97
[12:44:47.879] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 7f17a82c-1057-4153-9247-4e6a8d802648
[12:44:47.909] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel ba9149fe-7ee6-4c34-9f65-1003016d6a54
[12:44:47.913] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 05574be6-90dd-4b83-a7fc-7c8bf1831b69
[12:44:47.916] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel b5b2eb5f-7fb3-4551-be7b-f14c2ed44e54
[12:44:47.919] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel b286a3aa-d946-4e02-b2ee-339fc96d33b4
[12:44:47.920] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 9a049481-b2f0-441f-a14c-f2432c4739f0
[12:44:47.922] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel e4122ef2-f57b-456b-96a3-96cfd308da6a
[12:44:47.929] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel db3f4c84-ea50-4133-92cf-2b84f9d885f4
[12:44:47.932] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 8cf5149e-d1b7-4bea-b630-5949200d6482
[12:44:47.935] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 0ce35429-d852-47f4-9c70-c1eeebffdc21
[12:44:47.938] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel cef92b73-d86b-47c2-bfcd-3abc4be71328
[12:44:47.943] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel c8a03656-df64-4d1e-876a-ab2664cfe1ac
[12:44:47.952] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 3bbf9299-f1ee-49c7-9f53-93dd808ce638
[12:44:47.954] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel e67e6896-57d0-4540-b618-82102d46b1bd
[12:44:47.961] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 1813da1c-3b44-4be4-8aed-f2e8d04e3ec7
[12:44:47.965] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 476c7b96-5d6c-4b3e-abc6-6b59294327f1
[12:44:47.967] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 0a4bbb6c-5aa5-4f97-b58f-c81a7dc2519b
[12:44:47.968] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 2511dba7-9b48-46cf-b5a7-09f027e8fad9
[12:44:47.972] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 32b561db-d195-4c70-9306-2231064369ae
[12:44:47.976] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 94092143-58d6-42ff-8be3-8387417da679
[12:44:47.977] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel cb564325-0da8-4e96-81b3-7af4269ffaaf
[12:44:47.980] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel a7e3f180-4145-44af-adf7-95158b0826ca
[12:44:47.982] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 127c87e4-424f-4541-9e48-93ab9ceb8380
[12:44:47.984] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 729a6e9d-fb04-4110-b1cb-b757e73d8238
[12:44:48.031] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 71e50418-4746-4141-be0c-61a51d9940b9
[12:44:48.034] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel eb48387e-aab2-442c-b93f-534c63842424
[12:44:48.037] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 8a77bfa5-d07d-4375-8c85-0ab2cd4aaf24
[12:44:48.039] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel a258fd29-e9e7-475d-8615-06b4df180763
[12:44:48.042] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 0add0ed5-5596-4b55-9193-f1a793fbde3f
[12:44:48.048] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 0b869946-8f9b-47d4-b072-f89ab199b0bd
[12:44:48.053] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel fd6d3ad1-e853-456a-b556-d2dec97792bd
[12:44:48.055] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 104ac8a5-e525-4d13-9869-3dc7a591f96f
[12:44:48.057] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 883cba2d-0a8d-49d0-af5f-f0b40e3d3905
[12:44:48.061] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 8fa666b7-8800-4f73-8730-4d4be2b4a9a9
[12:44:48.063] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel f046f95b-4d90-4aba-af17-50099f42a7b1
[12:44:48.065] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 6a603f14-45de-4e9f-9911-84fa52ebe311
[12:44:48.067] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 0ef9b332-25f1-42ee-b357-04c3163bb211
[12:44:48.070] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel bd1d6df3-b5c0-4817-b52b-bde7a4765b3f
[12:44:48.073] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 4fa2d96e-e83a-4445-b794-8e4b53518aa6
[12:44:48.090] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel f3f550b5-2dff-4daf-8c85-f0f34aa2663f
[12:44:48.094] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel b8830d33-5412-462d-9529-440e4073f5a7
[12:44:48.102] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 7563065a-fc99-4c0d-9621-eb38c5efd112
[12:44:48.104] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 7986a782-6ca1-4427-b78b-d1fe39ae4b7f
[12:44:48.107] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel bcb6800a-7426-412e-8201-129d0ba28c2c
[12:44:48.114] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel f8e751c2-9e66-4c49-8a8c-c50e292a4b4c
[12:44:48.173] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel de67218e-7537-42e1-a94d-3a461c1025f7
[12:44:48.180] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 5c382e43-5bc4-4dbc-99e8-27b8d0cabd62
[12:44:48.183] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 9ae9f1d3-9922-454a-9617-871fb632154f
[12:44:48.184] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 1a9e90b2-6aed-473f-b1be-2e7b4e87e5c6
[12:44:48.186] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 56ed5b6f-085d-4161-995f-64589e46d405
[12:44:48.189] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 3b3946a4-1900-45a2-afc4-f456a3f7c6b4
[12:44:48.196] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 8a1c7d14-5402-4b71-8a53-87e51c8bc95d
[12:44:48.203] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 80f87011-6770-424c-9d45-474fecac331a
[12:44:48.207] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 77cc0a1e-5f1a-4999-b5ff-06fb305a048f
[12:44:48.212] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel eb67e7d5-121a-41b6-9a34-84eefa50b11a
[12:44:48.217] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 4f32bb09-81b8-4a4e-bad4-7a97732fc749
[12:44:48.224] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel a22e3c30-fd92-41ee-99fd-86c340b22c8c
[12:44:48.226] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 230f4dfb-951b-4ad7-87c9-33f5ce70e02b
[12:44:48.255] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 97423748-3698-4915-b2ca-9edd571a7979
[12:44:48.269] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 82de1738-8550-4dd0-baf2-811bf5e7d54a
[12:44:48.274] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel ea18f7a3-2cb3-43e1-8862-a44fd7a9a6a1
[12:44:49.005] [pool-2-thread-1/DEBUG]: Opening connection to
[12:44:49.005] [pool-2-thread-1/DEBUG]: Reading data from
[12:44:49.281] [pool-2-thread-1/DEBUG]: Successful read, server response was 200
[12:44:49.282] [pool-2-thread-1/DEBUG]: Response: {"id":"6c8976e399a94d8ba98ed4c0c09b305b","name":"pokechu22","properties":[{"name":"textures","value":"eyJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOjE0NjcxNDMwODkxMTAsInByb2ZpbGVJZCI6IjZjODk3NmUzOTlhOTRkOGJhOThlZDRjMGMwOWIzMDViIiwicHJvZmlsZU5hbWUiOiJwb2tlY2h1MjIiLCJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvN2NhNGQyMThkZjlkMzJjZDQ3ZDljMWQyOTQ4NzcxMjJiZTU5MTliNDE4YTZjYzNkMDg5MTYyYjEzM2YyZGIifX19"}],"legacy":true}
[12:44:49.332] [pool-2-thread-1/DEBUG]: Successfully fetched profile properties for com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@25e773b0[id=6c8976e3-99a9-4d8b-a98e-d4c0c09b305b,name=pokechu22,properties={textures=[]},legacy=false]
[12:44:49.540] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Loading http texture from local cache (C:\Users\Pokechu22\AppData\Roaming\.pokechu22\ModChoser\pre\.minecraft\assets\skins\7c\7ca4d218df9d32cd47d9c1d294877122be5919b418a6cc3d089162b133f2db)
[12:44:51.803] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 5bc3091b-661f-4c26-9e19-cce2d5543bca because it's not playing anymore
[12:44:51.808] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 8a77bfa5-d07d-4375-8c85-0ab2cd4aaf24 because it's not playing anymore
[12:44:51.810] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel fd6d3ad1-e853-456a-b556-d2dec97792bd because it's not playing anymore
[12:44:51.811] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 104ac8a5-e525-4d13-9869-3dc7a591f96f because it's not playing anymore
[12:44:51.812] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 29a56264-5391-4c89-8c06-8d918400ab97 because it's not playing anymore
[12:44:51.812] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel cef92b73-d86b-47c2-bfcd-3abc4be71328 because it's not playing anymore
[12:44:51.813] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel e67e6896-57d0-4540-b618-82102d46b1bd because it's not playing anymore
[12:44:51.813] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel cb564325-0da8-4e96-81b3-7af4269ffaaf because it's not playing anymore
[12:44:51.814] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel b8aa80d0-f251-405e-b087-5571224729f9 because it's not playing anymore
[12:44:51.814] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel a258fd29-e9e7-475d-8615-06b4df180763 because it's not playing anymore
[12:44:51.815] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 0ce35429-d852-47f4-9c70-c1eeebffdc21 because it's not playing anymore
[12:44:51.816] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 127c87e4-424f-4541-9e48-93ab9ceb8380 because it's not playing anymore
[12:44:51.816] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 8cf5149e-d1b7-4bea-b630-5949200d6482 because it's not playing anymore
[12:44:51.819] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel eb48387e-aab2-442c-b93f-534c63842424 because it's not playing anymore
[12:44:51.821] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 0a4bbb6c-5aa5-4f97-b58f-c81a7dc2519b because it's not playing anymore
[12:44:51.823] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 14e8af3b-8dfd-4fe5-93b2-5c65a2de9bb9 because it's not playing anymore
[12:44:51.825] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 729a6e9d-fb04-4110-b1cb-b757e73d8238 because it's not playing anymore
[12:44:51.826] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 32b561db-d195-4c70-9306-2231064369ae because it's not playing anymore
[12:44:51.827] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 05574be6-90dd-4b83-a7fc-7c8bf1831b69 because it's not playing anymore
[12:44:51.835] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel b5b2eb5f-7fb3-4551-be7b-f14c2ed44e54 because it's not playing anymore
[12:44:51.837] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 0add0ed5-5596-4b55-9193-f1a793fbde3f because it's not playing anymore
[12:44:51.838] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 94092143-58d6-42ff-8be3-8387417da679 because it's not playing anymore
[12:44:51.839] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 28d91352-b792-4f30-af9a-8dae8f18f5c9 because it's not playing anymore
[12:44:51.840] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 49bcd6ad-58fa-41cb-8793-93d9cb4e264b because it's not playing anymore
[12:44:51.842] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 9a049481-b2f0-441f-a14c-f2432c4739f0 because it's not playing anymore
[12:44:51.872] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 0b869946-8f9b-47d4-b072-f89ab199b0bd because it's not playing anymore
[12:44:51.874] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel e4122ef2-f57b-456b-96a3-96cfd308da6a because it's not playing anymore
[12:44:51.874] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 923067e0-43e0-41ec-860c-a9983222a041 because it's not playing anymore
[12:44:51.876] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel db3f4c84-ea50-4133-92cf-2b84f9d885f4 because it's not playing anymore
[12:44:51.878] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel b286a3aa-d946-4e02-b2ee-339fc96d33b4 because it's not playing anymore
[12:44:51.883] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 71e50418-4746-4141-be0c-61a51d9940b9 because it's not playing anymore
[12:44:51.885] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 2511dba7-9b48-46cf-b5a7-09f027e8fad9 because it's not playing anymore
[12:44:51.888] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 7f17a82c-1057-4153-9247-4e6a8d802648 because it's not playing anymore
[12:44:51.890] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel a7e3f180-4145-44af-adf7-95158b0826ca because it's not playing anymore
[12:44:51.891] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel c8a03656-df64-4d1e-876a-ab2664cfe1ac because it's not playing anymore
[12:44:51.891] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel ba9149fe-7ee6-4c34-9f65-1003016d6a54 because it's not playing anymore
[12:44:51.894] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 3bbf9299-f1ee-49c7-9f53-93dd808ce638 because it's not playing anymore
[12:44:51.894] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 476c7b96-5d6c-4b3e-abc6-6b59294327f1 because it's not playing anymore
[12:44:51.898] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 883cba2d-0a8d-49d0-af5f-f0b40e3d3905 because it's not playing anymore
[12:44:51.899] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 1813da1c-3b44-4be4-8aed-f2e8d04e3ec7 because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:00.414] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Skipped playing sound minecraft:music/game/calm2, volume was zero.
[12:45:10.435] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 7009ms behind, skipping 140 tick(s)
[12:45:20.674] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:dig/stone4 for event minecraft:sounds/dig/stone4.ogg as channel e20021ab-5a0c-41a8-a7d7-01511051dead
[12:45:20.854] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 8fa666b7-8800-4f73-8730-4d4be2b4a9a9 because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:21.347] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/grass1 for event minecraft:sounds/step/grass1.ogg as channel 5c4e98ad-3b6e-441c-abeb-0fb710971ff6
[12:45:21.714] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel e20021ab-5a0c-41a8-a7d7-01511051dead because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:21.736] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (6 packets since last tick)
[12:45:22.367] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 5c4e98ad-3b6e-441c-abeb-0fb710971ff6 because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:22.652] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/grass3 for event minecraft:sounds/step/grass3.ogg as channel 6375df60-65be-4722-a1e6-099f167fb0d3
[12:45:22.992] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/grass3 for event minecraft:sounds/step/grass3.ogg as channel f68b6b37-e6aa-4f23-a221-27aece84a11f
[12:45:23.041] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel f046f95b-4d90-4aba-af17-50099f42a7b1 because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:23.248] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/grass1 for event minecraft:sounds/step/grass1.ogg as channel 130f6a0b-6f0c-47d8-83c7-195638d5172c
[12:45:23.259] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 6a603f14-45de-4e9f-9911-84fa52ebe311 because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:23.609] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 6375df60-65be-4722-a1e6-099f167fb0d3 because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:23.944] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel f68b6b37-e6aa-4f23-a221-27aece84a11f because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:23.996] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/grass2 for event minecraft:sounds/step/grass2.ogg as channel 52a7bdf7-6805-4c67-a1dc-3d57824cf7f6
[12:45:24.210] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/grass5 for event minecraft:sounds/step/grass5.ogg as channel 0f345382-363c-4cb3-9073-5e890a315e9b
[12:45:24.335] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 130f6a0b-6f0c-47d8-83c7-195638d5172c because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:24.695] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/grass6 for event minecraft:sounds/step/grass6.ogg as channel de503602-4c53-43ef-84ea-f8d827f8970a
[12:45:25.020] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 52a7bdf7-6805-4c67-a1dc-3d57824cf7f6 because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:25.047] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 0f345382-363c-4cb3-9073-5e890a315e9b because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:25.312] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/grass4 for event minecraft:sounds/step/grass4.ogg as channel a8a5063d-ad39-4474-b74b-4a8f468a8ffb
[12:45:25.609] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel de503602-4c53-43ef-84ea-f8d827f8970a because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:25.860] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/grass2 for event minecraft:sounds/step/grass2.ogg as channel cfacb754-e990-4cd5-959d-b5d79fc1f81e
[12:45:26.220] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel a8a5063d-ad39-4474-b74b-4a8f468a8ffb because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:26.369] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/grass1 for event minecraft:sounds/step/grass1.ogg as channel 07d7b5dd-963e-4a2f-b89a-3681cac57a96
[12:45:26.519] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:dig/grass1 for event minecraft:sounds/dig/grass1.ogg as channel 73cbdd50-66eb-4bc4-9b8f-f0049d53cea8
[12:45:26.813] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel cfacb754-e990-4cd5-959d-b5d79fc1f81e because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:27.404] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 07d7b5dd-963e-4a2f-b89a-3681cac57a96 because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:27.665] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 73cbdd50-66eb-4bc4-9b8f-f0049d53cea8 because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:27.774] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (6 packets since last tick)
[12:45:27.774] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (7 packets since last tick)
[12:45:27.774] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (8 packets since last tick)
[12:45:27.775] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (9 packets since last tick)
[12:45:27.775] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (10 packets since last tick)
[12:45:28.350] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (6 packets since last tick)
[12:45:28.350] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (7 packets since last tick)
[12:45:28.351] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (8 packets since last tick)
[12:45:28.351] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (9 packets since last tick)
[12:45:28.351] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (10 packets since last tick)
[12:45:32.268] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (6 packets since last tick)
[12:45:32.270] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 79d2dfa4-024d-4bcb-a43a-17c2ba948eaf
[12:45:32.431] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (6 packets since last tick)
[12:45:32.747] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (6 packets since last tick)
[12:45:33.581] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 79d2dfa4-024d-4bcb-a43a-17c2ba948eaf because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:35.420] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel f4d50337-e9b4-4181-8a82-bf8fecab0a53
[12:45:37.608] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:dig/grass1 for event minecraft:sounds/dig/grass1.ogg as channel 20a75af6-55fc-4083-b049-4473e06787fa
[12:45:37.621] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/snow4 for event minecraft:sounds/step/snow4.ogg as channel b442dcb5-3b4e-495f-be5a-65ae8f46a97d
[12:45:37.785] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/snow1 for event minecraft:sounds/step/snow1.ogg as channel 65ebf9de-104e-4f67-b224-47fc0ab5e81f
[12:45:37.898] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel f4d50337-e9b4-4181-8a82-bf8fecab0a53 because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:38.532] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 20a75af6-55fc-4083-b049-4473e06787fa because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:38.542] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel b442dcb5-3b4e-495f-be5a-65ae8f46a97d because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:38.667] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 65ebf9de-104e-4f67-b224-47fc0ab5e81f because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:38.953] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/snow4 for event minecraft:sounds/step/snow4.ogg as channel dba89e51-e58b-47c9-bf90-e91a1f8f5bba
[12:45:39.996] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/snow2 for event minecraft:sounds/step/snow2.ogg as channel 37dcb98a-8c8a-45dc-9815-c786892e413a
[12:45:40.109] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel dba89e51-e58b-47c9-bf90-e91a1f8f5bba because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:40.210] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/snow4 for event minecraft:sounds/step/snow4.ogg as channel d4c3b601-53f5-48bc-a3af-c28dfba0f44f
[12:45:40.367] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (6 packets since last tick)
[12:45:40.368] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (7 packets since last tick)
[12:45:40.586] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/snow1 for event minecraft:sounds/step/snow1.ogg as channel cbff82ce-5d57-4e18-9e6e-7683f394505e
[12:45:40.858] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/say2 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/say2.ogg as channel efdc1394-01f4-4e4a-bda2-994cf3dfacb8
[12:45:41.017] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 37dcb98a-8c8a-45dc-9815-c786892e413a because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:41.072] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel d4c3b601-53f5-48bc-a3af-c28dfba0f44f because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:41.271] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/grass3 for event minecraft:sounds/step/grass3.ogg as channel 5c707a9d-ac8c-45a7-9ef7-1b251357e80d
[12:45:41.520] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel cbff82ce-5d57-4e18-9e6e-7683f394505e because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:41.719] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/say2 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/say2.ogg as channel 9db50145-1edb-4f18-b9f5-0f9b9d033722
[12:45:41.933] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel efdc1394-01f4-4e4a-bda2-994cf3dfacb8 because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:42.200] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 5c707a9d-ac8c-45a7-9ef7-1b251357e80d because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:42.459] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/step3 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/step3.ogg as channel 1737e294-4071-43e9-85ee-a2e2202eaac2
[12:45:42.615] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/grass4 for event minecraft:sounds/step/grass4.ogg as channel 48908c2f-5a3d-44e0-b34d-9f43f081a0f1
[12:45:42.721] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 9db50145-1edb-4f18-b9f5-0f9b9d033722 because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:43.224] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/step5 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/step5.ogg as channel 414b8970-6475-4091-ac06-46f67f3a9567
[12:45:43.417] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 1737e294-4071-43e9-85ee-a2e2202eaac2 because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:43.503] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 48908c2f-5a3d-44e0-b34d-9f43f081a0f1 because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:43.720] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/grass5 for event minecraft:sounds/step/grass5.ogg as channel 06077cd1-bc29-4af0-83b7-86129984053c
[12:45:44.051] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/say1 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/say1.ogg as channel 611dcb91-f87e-4a27-910d-c0e0db8759df
[12:45:44.302] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 414b8970-6475-4091-ac06-46f67f3a9567 because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:44.355] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/step2 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/step2.ogg as channel 11b7df92-8619-4caa-978d-c25827cf0f4c
[12:45:44.704] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 06077cd1-bc29-4af0-83b7-86129984053c because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:45.018] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/step1 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/step1.ogg as channel 1edc2381-5764-4c87-b741-8ee3bde8897d
[12:45:45.163] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 611dcb91-f87e-4a27-910d-c0e0db8759df because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:45.387] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 11b7df92-8619-4caa-978d-c25827cf0f4c because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:46.188] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 1edc2381-5764-4c87-b741-8ee3bde8897d because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:46.353] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/step3 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/step3.ogg as channel 3f0c1d39-1abe-4402-8f19-1f6965494d21
[12:45:46.679] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/step4 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/step4.ogg as channel 6abf4a67-9a3e-4761-ab6d-4887c1828f8b
[12:45:47.129] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 3f0c1d39-1abe-4402-8f19-1f6965494d21 because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:47.574] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/say2 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/say2.ogg as channel 569ca370-d3f4-4803-8c33-5220360951ed
[12:45:47.590] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 6abf4a67-9a3e-4761-ab6d-4887c1828f8b because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:48.602] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 569ca370-d3f4-4803-8c33-5220360951ed because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:49.130] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/say1 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/say1.ogg as channel 640ee893-fb8c-44b7-9a54-031721887bc5
[12:45:50.195] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 640ee893-fb8c-44b7-9a54-031721887bc5 because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:50.554] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/step5 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/step5.ogg as channel a1ee1d4c-7f86-4b4a-a181-2559be15a896
[12:45:51.516] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel a1ee1d4c-7f86-4b4a-a181-2559be15a896 because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:51.770] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/step2 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/step2.ogg as channel 6dbad5f6-c265-4f61-b010-c620a3f89cdb
[12:45:52.804] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 6dbad5f6-c265-4f61-b010-c620a3f89cdb because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:52.915] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/say3 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/say3.ogg as channel be8e3bbb-f491-4a89-b915-b67703409638
[12:45:53.515] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/step2 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/step2.ogg as channel d7abeaa8-2b36-498c-a261-0ff8d461eaf2
[12:45:54.145] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel be8e3bbb-f491-4a89-b915-b67703409638 because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:54.475] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel d7abeaa8-2b36-498c-a261-0ff8d461eaf2 because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:54.768] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/step4 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/step4.ogg as channel 2fd10e19-d4a6-4b06-b090-c1dce4c9aca1
[12:45:55.396] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/step5 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/step5.ogg as channel 862e5f61-38c1-4337-b30b-6a3618fc4224
[12:45:55.515] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/say2 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/say2.ogg as channel 0cb0eaa3-1504-4919-9909-ff750daf2cd4
[12:45:55.596] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/step5 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/step5.ogg as channel 0b17be00-3554-40b4-abd4-0e326b9d6cfb
[12:45:55.719] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 2fd10e19-d4a6-4b06-b090-c1dce4c9aca1 because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:56.182] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/say3 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/say3.ogg as channel 9592e6f6-5d81-46b1-815b-8f2c79d93987
[12:45:56.314] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 862e5f61-38c1-4337-b30b-6a3618fc4224 because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:56.496] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/step2 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/step2.ogg as channel b68a6205-f17c-412d-91b1-998e6754fefa
[12:45:56.508] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 0cb0eaa3-1504-4919-9909-ff750daf2cd4 because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:56.594] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 0b17be00-3554-40b4-abd4-0e326b9d6cfb because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:56.821] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/step2 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/step2.ogg as channel 73f1e097-a3fe-49d0-b19d-75744188d9a4
[12:45:57.221] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 9592e6f6-5d81-46b1-815b-8f2c79d93987 because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:57.460] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel b68a6205-f17c-412d-91b1-998e6754fefa because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:57.817] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 73f1e097-a3fe-49d0-b19d-75744188d9a4 because it's not playing anymore
[12:45:59.084] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/say2 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/say2.ogg as channel 3f78891b-7aa7-451d-9133-d2abeab8ff14
[12:45:59.945] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 3f78891b-7aa7-451d-9133-d2abeab8ff14 because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:03.770] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/say3 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/say3.ogg as channel e432156f-ac86-4b0a-86e4-27bfa1b4cacb
[12:46:04.781] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel e432156f-ac86-4b0a-86e4-27bfa1b4cacb because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:06.999] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/step2 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/step2.ogg as channel c648f388-196d-44d3-b24e-7d33c62d6233
[12:46:07.733] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/step1 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/step1.ogg as channel 101f4c4b-3f65-440a-ae94-290aa33e23cf
[12:46:07.801] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/say1 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/say1.ogg as channel 1e3f14ba-e47f-46f3-b5fa-3e8fccb055b2
[12:46:07.989] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel c648f388-196d-44d3-b24e-7d33c62d6233 because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:08.512] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/step1 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/step1.ogg as channel 6ed78d58-f7df-4e0e-98dc-b6525626c735
[12:46:08.676] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 101f4c4b-3f65-440a-ae94-290aa33e23cf because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:09.095] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 1e3f14ba-e47f-46f3-b5fa-3e8fccb055b2 because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:09.217] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/step1 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/step1.ogg as channel 7c88d3c7-1a7a-46f4-9c5d-926f24f559e4
[12:46:09.486] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 6ed78d58-f7df-4e0e-98dc-b6525626c735 because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:09.718] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/step2 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/step2.ogg as channel 15246aad-8751-4066-9a2b-83155133a5b8
[12:46:10.185] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 7c88d3c7-1a7a-46f4-9c5d-926f24f559e4 because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:10.341] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/step1 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/step1.ogg as channel e613dbe0-c207-4ba2-b66f-cf45e7d92c8b
[12:46:10.406] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/step2 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/step2.ogg as channel 7f84d8c2-29ec-4ef8-9bab-85da09a4d0c7
[12:46:10.687] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 15246aad-8751-4066-9a2b-83155133a5b8 because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:10.749] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/step5 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/step5.ogg as channel f78c7ce3-c517-4d9d-9248-3ac9f0788361
[12:46:11.152] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/say2 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/say2.ogg as channel 856996f0-d34a-48bf-ab20-d4a9a1ed5d05
[12:46:11.315] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel e613dbe0-c207-4ba2-b66f-cf45e7d92c8b because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:11.374] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 7f84d8c2-29ec-4ef8-9bab-85da09a4d0c7 because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:11.714] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel f78c7ce3-c517-4d9d-9248-3ac9f0788361 because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:12.114] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 856996f0-d34a-48bf-ab20-d4a9a1ed5d05 because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:14.949] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/say1 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/say1.ogg as channel ed281bcd-d92a-4dd9-858b-2e7741739692
[12:46:15.935] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel ed281bcd-d92a-4dd9-858b-2e7741739692 because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:18.610] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/say1 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/say1.ogg as channel d36627fc-4a91-4648-b2b3-9193019514c9
[12:46:19.568] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel d36627fc-4a91-4648-b2b3-9193019514c9 because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:23.157] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/say1 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/say1.ogg as channel 221d3341-0bd3-4c1d-95a7-4c0b8a287b40
[12:46:24.135] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 221d3341-0bd3-4c1d-95a7-4c0b8a287b40 because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:24.284] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:dig/grass3 for event minecraft:sounds/dig/grass3.ogg as channel 80585a87-06e7-4833-a17b-e72463adfa9c
[12:46:25.234] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 80585a87-06e7-4833-a17b-e72463adfa9c because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:25.503] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/step4 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/step4.ogg as channel 99eae402-b80b-4d84-81d4-c20d25ee4dfe
[12:46:26.156] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/step5 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/step5.ogg as channel 0fc86199-1e60-45b8-95e1-14f30c879bbd
[12:46:26.494] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 99eae402-b80b-4d84-81d4-c20d25ee4dfe because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:26.562] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 97423748-3698-4915-b2ca-9edd571a7979
[12:46:26.562] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 7563065a-fc99-4c0d-9621-eb38c5efd112
[12:46:26.562] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 9ae9f1d3-9922-454a-9617-871fb632154f
[12:46:26.563] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 56ed5b6f-085d-4161-995f-64589e46d405
[12:46:26.564] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 5c382e43-5bc4-4dbc-99e8-27b8d0cabd62
[12:46:26.565] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel eb67e7d5-121a-41b6-9a34-84eefa50b11a
[12:46:26.566] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel f3f550b5-2dff-4daf-8c85-f0f34aa2663f
[12:46:26.566] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 0ef9b332-25f1-42ee-b357-04c3163bb211
[12:46:26.566] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 77cc0a1e-5f1a-4999-b5ff-06fb305a048f
[12:46:26.567] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 80f87011-6770-424c-9d45-474fecac331a
[12:46:26.567] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel b8830d33-5412-462d-9529-440e4073f5a7
[12:46:26.567] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 82de1738-8550-4dd0-baf2-811bf5e7d54a
[12:46:26.567] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel ea18f7a3-2cb3-43e1-8862-a44fd7a9a6a1
[12:46:26.568] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel a22e3c30-fd92-41ee-99fd-86c340b22c8c
[12:46:26.568] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel bd1d6df3-b5c0-4817-b52b-bde7a4765b3f
[12:46:26.568] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel de67218e-7537-42e1-a94d-3a461c1025f7
[12:46:26.568] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 4fa2d96e-e83a-4445-b794-8e4b53518aa6
[12:46:26.568] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 1a9e90b2-6aed-473f-b1be-2e7b4e87e5c6
[12:46:26.568] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 3b3946a4-1900-45a2-afc4-f456a3f7c6b4
[12:46:26.569] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 4f32bb09-81b8-4a4e-bad4-7a97732fc749
[12:46:26.569] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel bcb6800a-7426-412e-8201-129d0ba28c2c
[12:46:26.569] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel f8e751c2-9e66-4c49-8a8c-c50e292a4b4c
[12:46:26.569] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 7986a782-6ca1-4427-b78b-d1fe39ae4b7f
[12:46:26.569] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 230f4dfb-951b-4ad7-87c9-33f5ce70e02b
[12:46:26.570] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 8a1c7d14-5402-4b71-8a53-87e51c8bc95d
[12:46:26.623] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
[12:46:26.675] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:46:27.052] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:46:27.052] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:46:27.297] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel 87d2157d-fdf5-42fe-bf08-a040669b2d56
[12:46:28.514] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel 7a037d1e-02bc-4b1f-ab1d-8c1a828a32a0
[12:46:28.866] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel 3322263f-9413-4fd0-8a4e-3c301adf0443
[12:46:29.074] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel a0b33268-188c-4847-a37a-1bb67963996a
[12:46:29.634] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel 093b2c7b-ee37-4010-9238-a5ad083d24b7
[12:46:30.880] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel ecf314aa-6e9c-4f20-8912-2d6799f00c77
[12:46:30.881] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 97423748-3698-4915-b2ca-9edd571a7979
[12:46:30.881] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 7563065a-fc99-4c0d-9621-eb38c5efd112
[12:46:30.881] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 9ae9f1d3-9922-454a-9617-871fb632154f
[12:46:30.881] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 56ed5b6f-085d-4161-995f-64589e46d405
[12:46:30.882] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 5c382e43-5bc4-4dbc-99e8-27b8d0cabd62
[12:46:30.882] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel eb67e7d5-121a-41b6-9a34-84eefa50b11a
[12:46:30.882] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel f3f550b5-2dff-4daf-8c85-f0f34aa2663f
[12:46:30.882] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 0ef9b332-25f1-42ee-b357-04c3163bb211
[12:46:30.882] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 77cc0a1e-5f1a-4999-b5ff-06fb305a048f
[12:46:30.883] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 80f87011-6770-424c-9d45-474fecac331a
[12:46:30.883] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel b8830d33-5412-462d-9529-440e4073f5a7
[12:46:30.883] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 82de1738-8550-4dd0-baf2-811bf5e7d54a
[12:46:30.883] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel ea18f7a3-2cb3-43e1-8862-a44fd7a9a6a1
[12:46:30.884] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel a22e3c30-fd92-41ee-99fd-86c340b22c8c
[12:46:30.884] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel bd1d6df3-b5c0-4817-b52b-bde7a4765b3f
[12:46:30.884] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel de67218e-7537-42e1-a94d-3a461c1025f7
[12:46:30.884] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 4fa2d96e-e83a-4445-b794-8e4b53518aa6
[12:46:30.884] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 1a9e90b2-6aed-473f-b1be-2e7b4e87e5c6
[12:46:30.885] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 3b3946a4-1900-45a2-afc4-f456a3f7c6b4
[12:46:30.885] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 4f32bb09-81b8-4a4e-bad4-7a97732fc749
[12:46:30.885] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel bcb6800a-7426-412e-8201-129d0ba28c2c
[12:46:30.885] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel f8e751c2-9e66-4c49-8a8c-c50e292a4b4c
[12:46:30.886] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 7986a782-6ca1-4427-b78b-d1fe39ae4b7f
[12:46:30.886] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 230f4dfb-951b-4ad7-87c9-33f5ce70e02b
[12:46:30.886] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 8a1c7d14-5402-4b71-8a53-87e51c8bc95d
[12:46:30.894] [Client thread/INFO]: Using default channel type
[12:46:31.141] [Client thread/INFO]: Started on 65356
[12:46:31.153] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Local game hosted on port 65356
[12:46:31.405] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 0fc86199-1e60-45b8-95e1-14f30c879bbd because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:31.854] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/step5 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/step5.ogg as channel 5c5e2b4a-7fae-4217-b227-1d7bfcbaf231
[12:46:31.937] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 7a037d1e-02bc-4b1f-ab1d-8c1a828a32a0 because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:31.938] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 3322263f-9413-4fd0-8a4e-3c301adf0443 because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:31.938] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 87d2157d-fdf5-42fe-bf08-a040669b2d56 because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:31.939] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 093b2c7b-ee37-4010-9238-a5ad083d24b7 because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:31.939] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel ecf314aa-6e9c-4f20-8912-2d6799f00c77 because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:31.940] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel a0b33268-188c-4847-a37a-1bb67963996a because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:31.996] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/say3 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/say3.ogg as channel 473311d4-7488-4cd5-b0f0-7b5cf28f1e5e
[12:46:32.353] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel b80feede-4b37-4bba-9714-9559da33c312
[12:46:32.455] [Chunk Batcher 0/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:46:32.471] [Chunk Batcher 1/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:46:32.472] [Chunk Batcher 2/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:46:32.473] [Chunk Batcher 3/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:46:33.771] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 lost connection: TextComponent{text='Disconnected', siblings=[], style=Style{hasParent=false, color=null, bold=null, italic=null, underlined=null, obfuscated=null, clickEvent=null, hoverEvent=null, insertion=null}}
[12:46:33.774] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 left the game
[12:46:33.790] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping singleplayer server as player logged out
[12:46:33.826] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping server
[12:46:33.828] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving players
[12:46:33.829] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving worlds
[12:46:33.829] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:46:34.051] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:46:34.051] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:46:34.297] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel aea85d24-36a2-42c6-b40a-ab1a1ed93b3f
[12:46:35.191] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel 43bf8a03-f1f9-476d-b4ff-8c24cda2d0f3
[12:46:36.497] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting integrated minecraft server version 1.10.2
[12:46:36.497] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
[12:46:37.078] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 0
[12:46:38.715] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[12:46:39.720] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 6%
[12:46:40.801] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 21%
[12:46:41.804] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 37%
[12:46:42.806] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 56%
[12:46:43.097] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Chicken that already exists with UUID 9038c743-1ca8-4e3e-9404-1a3f92dec7fd
[12:46:43.814] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 77%
[12:46:43.923] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartHopper that already exists with UUID 01834675-db6c-4ef2-a265-385324c84cc6
[12:46:43.924] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartRideable that already exists with UUID 62e85bc4-09d4-4956-8d51-7ee7bd85d17b
[12:46:43.924] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Villager that already exists with UUID dea9e43e-b48a-44b0-a835-60c5e581f2d8
[12:46:44.650] [Server thread/INFO]: Changing view distance to 6, from 10
[12:46:44.714] [Netty Server IO #4/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@1d363360 to mc@1909b41e
[12:46:44.715] [Netty Local Client IO #1/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:46:44.716] [Netty Server IO #4/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:46:44.717] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@63bb52ea to blk@6f5df147
[12:46:44.718] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:46:44.719] [Netty Local Client IO #1/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:46:44.719] [Netty Server IO #4/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:46:44.720] [Netty Server IO #4/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@1d363360 to mg@5c0b395b
[12:46:44.771] [Netty Local Client IO #1/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:46:44.771] [Netty Local Client IO #1/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@63bb52ea to bll@4125625c
[12:46:44.813] [Server thread/DEBUG]: loading single player
[12:46:44.814] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22[local:E:2a0a0635] logged in with entity id 14416 at (63.76681210627177, 92.0, 199.71243155220253)
[12:46:44.814] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@1d363360 to me@1e326372
[12:46:44.814] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:46:44.815] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:46:44.815] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:46:44.815] [Netty Server IO #4/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:46:44.815] [Netty Server IO #4/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:46:44.815] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 joined the game
[12:46:44.816] [Netty Server IO #4/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:46:46.114] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
[12:46:46.173] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:46:46.185] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel c6c4c29a-b78c-4bf1-92ce-e1a070ed1714
[12:46:46.225] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 134b65a7-ce27-4373-b753-cc78d63b08fc
[12:46:46.240] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel a5754f45-caa5-4b7c-a078-ddf3e580db4b
[12:46:46.241] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 0a55bd43-7afb-4936-9c5e-108a75c0ad23
[12:46:46.241] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel c1c0abeb-ce5f-4e34-9d3a-5a2bbe34ec81
[12:46:46.242] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 3021d98d-b0ad-4fa1-b22f-4563892ee28e
[12:46:46.242] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 6ec1fe39-48a4-4cb7-a15a-78ba55613135
[12:46:46.243] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 81c13bc6-afe6-4877-a56d-d05791dc15f5
[12:46:46.243] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel f9fa0a1b-8781-4a96-9a7c-edf03f0a85f7
[12:46:46.244] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 227023ae-7a60-4bb6-b739-62dcac5c7762
[12:46:46.244] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 31233647-3e7a-40d5-a7c4-d887e83bebee
[12:46:46.245] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 32555c09-1a44-4a0a-bfd2-db0cbbaf90b7
[12:46:46.245] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 77d1a0b2-741d-486d-a94a-2a1cbde70753
[12:46:46.246] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel abbf1720-c936-4f57-bd2f-b4248b1a2c26
[12:46:46.246] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 74514319-5764-44cb-84a3-9fb066e5edf4
[12:46:46.247] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 136edb44-3d1f-4533-895b-070951e68ab7
[12:46:46.248] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 17742779-3ba9-4e4e-9687-4a22b5f845b2
[12:46:46.248] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 08c67f41-3c30-4568-aec6-1abd7184eac5
[12:46:46.248] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel c742ac97-4941-4ccc-87c3-a6c0f9d5b303
[12:46:46.249] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel cae836ee-9cc5-4c77-b2ea-84ed1bc65e81
[12:46:46.250] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel c0bfda79-67ff-420e-8213-47b43aaf9770
[12:46:46.250] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 981bafa6-0109-4c10-99df-da65cc2bf26e
[12:46:46.251] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 5933c6e9-8829-444f-8f8d-0c8dc5bc2018
[12:46:46.251] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 650a3cc2-f195-4d9c-97c6-ef9a248423e3
[12:46:46.252] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel a3ae09f9-b5b4-48c1-85b2-eac120a4a42c
[12:46:46.253] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel c9a41429-7561-44b3-9f2c-a920ca50a78c
[12:46:46.254] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 23b2427c-50bc-4e08-bb61-46271ff15371
[12:46:46.255] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 29c09aba-e8c3-41a6-bdc6-5c3357ae7fea
[12:46:46.255] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel a240aa87-5d9d-46bc-af20-d97a64cc34c1
[12:46:46.256] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 0fcbc0e2-a058-43f6-8329-bf2e4fba63ce
[12:46:46.257] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel eeacbbf6-1e1e-43ec-b19d-2edcf7b5748a
[12:46:46.279] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 68126f0d-d809-4cda-bf62-6a164bab74e2
[12:46:46.280] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 50f3e4e8-0c88-4f96-9e41-a8510f03034d
[12:46:46.280] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel cb80022d-8999-41be-8186-e710431e4620
[12:46:46.281] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel b7864c3f-e0ae-4730-aa3f-184151458420
[12:46:46.281] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 50ded837-0955-4ebf-a0af-52e5e74a3258
[12:46:46.281] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 36b3a626-7e2b-4622-987b-e9f70cec8b2d
[12:46:46.288] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 6bedeca1-b2e6-492f-83ef-8d85861b02af
[12:46:46.291] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 442e1883-8a6c-4049-af30-da23efc42c31
[12:46:46.300] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 39dd84eb-8361-4217-9036-fa82cf68e51b
[12:46:46.301] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 35552f88-f045-4c76-a234-3f5bc225d8fe
[12:46:46.301] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 3b04ed18-3905-48b0-9d37-d19223c8b2e8
[12:46:46.301] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel eb3ae229-c61b-4eed-8335-e2968af68ff9
[12:46:46.305] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel e1e34429-744a-4ce9-94b7-ff0ec9ae8736
[12:46:46.306] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 4394a69b-e2f9-43e7-af6d-67b24acc5a9c
[12:46:46.306] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 8fbd58a9-6135-41e5-a9ed-947582dca578
[12:46:46.307] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel da0a96da-ee0a-4a10-a07d-45ec2dd51bf5
[12:46:46.307] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 8f6a9525-a312-407a-a8c8-c8e88158aff6
[12:46:46.308] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel e196a526-db52-4d09-bc8c-5068ad58af25
[12:46:46.308] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 5f22fcae-9804-49b2-b74d-89b0a8612e4c
[12:46:46.308] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 61e5e081-979d-4fe7-bfd7-ceb29af055e3
[12:46:46.308] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 2260375a-8d17-494d-855e-9ab55b1d63e9
[12:46:46.309] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel f0edc933-1d05-47b2-a040-253378cd76f7
[12:46:46.363] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 6523aec2-26ac-483e-919c-4703d8017691
[12:46:46.365] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 1527b545-4883-45e7-9992-0dbbd3a9acbf
[12:46:46.366] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 7233ba82-1487-4f2a-9c38-a1524520e4dc
[12:46:46.387] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel d9244508-9064-42f7-a78e-60008c3a23ad
[12:46:46.387] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 5e21dcbb-23d0-48ec-9ae3-54721ee94cb4
[12:46:46.388] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel bd68e78f-2aa5-48c6-90f2-6a1a1f4048c6
[12:46:46.399] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 912c0e92-e4bb-4514-832f-03e0afff81db
[12:46:46.400] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 21c96f31-4982-4d2c-8d02-d9040491c824
[12:46:46.405] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 0a4b1cb4-64c1-4a63-8b12-3c3a9638f463
[12:46:46.406] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 73afb608-d3c3-4c77-bb5b-311d2eb1db76
[12:46:46.406] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel ce0013c8-f191-4950-9165-f3c31deb6733
[12:46:46.407] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel eb035276-658d-43e8-9c03-d6ab8dd5e87b
[12:46:46.407] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel f3b2bd04-7428-4e86-ba83-9ae06a0cf689
[12:46:46.432] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 63a35b9b-75c9-4c31-b410-a6573a6f6f8b
[12:46:46.432] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 8cb32a9a-b6b1-4564-af64-bc99f4de6e73
[12:46:46.433] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel eda43de0-3360-43fd-914a-1da994954a0e
[12:46:46.707] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:46:46.707] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:46:47.213] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 912c0e92-e4bb-4514-832f-03e0afff81db
[12:46:47.216] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 63a35b9b-75c9-4c31-b410-a6573a6f6f8b
[12:46:47.217] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel eb3ae229-c61b-4eed-8335-e2968af68ff9
[12:46:47.219] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 5f22fcae-9804-49b2-b74d-89b0a8612e4c
[12:46:47.220] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 8cb32a9a-b6b1-4564-af64-bc99f4de6e73
[12:46:47.220] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel eda43de0-3360-43fd-914a-1da994954a0e
[12:46:47.232] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel f3b2bd04-7428-4e86-ba83-9ae06a0cf689
[12:46:47.232] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel bd68e78f-2aa5-48c6-90f2-6a1a1f4048c6
[12:46:47.233] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 8f6a9525-a312-407a-a8c8-c8e88158aff6
[12:46:47.234] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel da0a96da-ee0a-4a10-a07d-45ec2dd51bf5
[12:46:47.234] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 21c96f31-4982-4d2c-8d02-d9040491c824
[12:46:47.235] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 8fbd58a9-6135-41e5-a9ed-947582dca578
[12:46:47.236] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel e1e34429-744a-4ce9-94b7-ff0ec9ae8736
[12:46:47.237] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel e196a526-db52-4d09-bc8c-5068ad58af25
[12:46:47.240] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel d9244508-9064-42f7-a78e-60008c3a23ad
[12:46:47.241] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 61e5e081-979d-4fe7-bfd7-ceb29af055e3
[12:46:47.241] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 1527b545-4883-45e7-9992-0dbbd3a9acbf
[12:46:47.242] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 2260375a-8d17-494d-855e-9ab55b1d63e9
[12:46:47.242] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 6523aec2-26ac-483e-919c-4703d8017691
[12:46:47.243] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 3b04ed18-3905-48b0-9d37-d19223c8b2e8
[12:46:47.244] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 0a4b1cb4-64c1-4a63-8b12-3c3a9638f463
[12:46:47.244] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel eb035276-658d-43e8-9c03-d6ab8dd5e87b
[12:46:47.245] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 4394a69b-e2f9-43e7-af6d-67b24acc5a9c
[12:46:47.246] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 73afb608-d3c3-4c77-bb5b-311d2eb1db76
[12:46:47.247] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel f0edc933-1d05-47b2-a040-253378cd76f7
[12:46:47.249] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 5e21dcbb-23d0-48ec-9ae3-54721ee94cb4
[12:46:47.255] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 7233ba82-1487-4f2a-9c38-a1524520e4dc
[12:46:47.257] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel ce0013c8-f191-4950-9165-f3c31deb6733
[12:46:47.338] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
[12:46:47.363] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:46:47.691] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:46:47.691] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:46:47.716] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 2453ms behind, skipping 49 tick(s)
[12:46:47.956] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel 30305445-d327-4a7b-97e6-2f20f219f154
[12:46:49.407] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel 02c39f6f-0cdc-4a68-ada3-139736e63902
[12:46:49.412] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 912c0e92-e4bb-4514-832f-03e0afff81db
[12:46:49.414] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 63a35b9b-75c9-4c31-b410-a6573a6f6f8b
[12:46:49.416] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel eb3ae229-c61b-4eed-8335-e2968af68ff9
[12:46:49.419] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 5f22fcae-9804-49b2-b74d-89b0a8612e4c
[12:46:49.419] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 8cb32a9a-b6b1-4564-af64-bc99f4de6e73
[12:46:49.420] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel eda43de0-3360-43fd-914a-1da994954a0e
[12:46:49.420] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel f3b2bd04-7428-4e86-ba83-9ae06a0cf689
[12:46:49.421] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel bd68e78f-2aa5-48c6-90f2-6a1a1f4048c6
[12:46:49.421] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 8f6a9525-a312-407a-a8c8-c8e88158aff6
[12:46:49.422] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel da0a96da-ee0a-4a10-a07d-45ec2dd51bf5
[12:46:49.423] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 21c96f31-4982-4d2c-8d02-d9040491c824
[12:46:49.423] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 8fbd58a9-6135-41e5-a9ed-947582dca578
[12:46:49.424] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel e1e34429-744a-4ce9-94b7-ff0ec9ae8736
[12:46:49.427] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel e196a526-db52-4d09-bc8c-5068ad58af25
[12:46:49.429] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel d9244508-9064-42f7-a78e-60008c3a23ad
[12:46:49.431] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 61e5e081-979d-4fe7-bfd7-ceb29af055e3
[12:46:49.435] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 1527b545-4883-45e7-9992-0dbbd3a9acbf
[12:46:49.445] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 2260375a-8d17-494d-855e-9ab55b1d63e9
[12:46:49.447] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 6523aec2-26ac-483e-919c-4703d8017691
[12:46:49.447] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 3b04ed18-3905-48b0-9d37-d19223c8b2e8
[12:46:49.449] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 0a4b1cb4-64c1-4a63-8b12-3c3a9638f463
[12:46:49.449] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel eb035276-658d-43e8-9c03-d6ab8dd5e87b
[12:46:49.450] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 4394a69b-e2f9-43e7-af6d-67b24acc5a9c
[12:46:49.452] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 73afb608-d3c3-4c77-bb5b-311d2eb1db76
[12:46:49.460] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel f0edc933-1d05-47b2-a040-253378cd76f7
[12:46:49.462] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 5e21dcbb-23d0-48ec-9ae3-54721ee94cb4
[12:46:49.464] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 7233ba82-1487-4f2a-9c38-a1524520e4dc
[12:46:49.467] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel ce0013c8-f191-4950-9165-f3c31deb6733
[12:46:49.473] [Client thread/INFO]: Using default channel type
[12:46:49.478] [Client thread/INFO]: Started on 65360
[12:46:49.480] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Local game hosted on port 65360
[12:46:49.590] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel f9fa0a1b-8781-4a96-9a7c-edf03f0a85f7 because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:49.590] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel abbf1720-c936-4f57-bd2f-b4248b1a2c26 because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:49.590] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 3021d98d-b0ad-4fa1-b22f-4563892ee28e because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:49.591] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 50ded837-0955-4ebf-a0af-52e5e74a3258 because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:49.591] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel cb80022d-8999-41be-8186-e710431e4620 because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:49.591] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 81c13bc6-afe6-4877-a56d-d05791dc15f5 because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:49.591] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 50f3e4e8-0c88-4f96-9e41-a8510f03034d because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:49.591] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel c9a41429-7561-44b3-9f2c-a920ca50a78c because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:49.591] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel b7864c3f-e0ae-4730-aa3f-184151458420 because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:49.591] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel a240aa87-5d9d-46bc-af20-d97a64cc34c1 because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:49.591] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 74514319-5764-44cb-84a3-9fb066e5edf4 because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:49.592] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel c1c0abeb-ce5f-4e34-9d3a-5a2bbe34ec81 because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:49.592] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 5933c6e9-8829-444f-8f8d-0c8dc5bc2018 because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:49.592] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 77d1a0b2-741d-486d-a94a-2a1cbde70753 because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:49.592] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 227023ae-7a60-4bb6-b739-62dcac5c7762 because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:49.592] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 442e1883-8a6c-4049-af30-da23efc42c31 because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:49.592] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 08c67f41-3c30-4568-aec6-1abd7184eac5 because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:49.592] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 134b65a7-ce27-4373-b753-cc78d63b08fc because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:49.592] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 36b3a626-7e2b-4622-987b-e9f70cec8b2d because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:49.593] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 68126f0d-d809-4cda-bf62-6a164bab74e2 because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:49.593] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 136edb44-3d1f-4533-895b-070951e68ab7 because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:49.593] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 0a55bd43-7afb-4936-9c5e-108a75c0ad23 because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:49.593] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel a3ae09f9-b5b4-48c1-85b2-eac120a4a42c because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:49.593] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 17742779-3ba9-4e4e-9687-4a22b5f845b2 because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:49.593] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 981bafa6-0109-4c10-99df-da65cc2bf26e because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:49.593] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 6bedeca1-b2e6-492f-83ef-8d85861b02af because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:49.593] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel c6c4c29a-b78c-4bf1-92ce-e1a070ed1714 because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:49.594] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 32555c09-1a44-4a0a-bfd2-db0cbbaf90b7 because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:49.594] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel a5754f45-caa5-4b7c-a078-ddf3e580db4b because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:49.594] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel eeacbbf6-1e1e-43ec-b19d-2edcf7b5748a because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:49.594] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 0fcbc0e2-a058-43f6-8329-bf2e4fba63ce because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:49.594] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 23b2427c-50bc-4e08-bb61-46271ff15371 because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:49.594] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 31233647-3e7a-40d5-a7c4-d887e83bebee because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:49.594] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 6ec1fe39-48a4-4cb7-a15a-78ba55613135 because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:49.595] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 39dd84eb-8361-4217-9036-fa82cf68e51b because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:49.595] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 35552f88-f045-4c76-a234-3f5bc225d8fe because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:49.595] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 29c09aba-e8c3-41a6-bdc6-5c3357ae7fea because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:49.595] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel c742ac97-4941-4ccc-87c3-a6c0f9d5b303 because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:49.595] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 650a3cc2-f195-4d9c-97c6-ef9a248423e3 because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:49.595] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel c0bfda79-67ff-420e-8213-47b43aaf9770 because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:49.596] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel cae836ee-9cc5-4c77-b2ea-84ed1bc65e81 because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:50.175] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/say2 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/say2.ogg as channel 9b10d446-80df-4e66-abc4-54b7dc40e983
[12:46:50.185] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel eb3ae229-c61b-4eed-8335-e2968af68ff9 because it's not playing anymore
[12:46:50.319] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel 097d00f1-14be-4379-9802-515309f966a8
[12:46:50.545] [Chunk Batcher 4/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:46:50.548] [Chunk Batcher 5/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:46:50.548] [Chunk Batcher 6/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:46:50.549] [Chunk Batcher 7/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:46:51.221] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 lost connection: TextComponent{text='Disconnected', siblings=[], style=Style{hasParent=false, color=null, bold=null, italic=null, underlined=null, obfuscated=null, clickEvent=null, hoverEvent=null, insertion=null}}
[12:46:51.221] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 left the game
[12:46:51.247] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping singleplayer server as player logged out
[12:46:51.291] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping server
[12:46:51.293] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving players
[12:46:51.294] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving worlds
[12:46:51.294] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:46:51.491] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:46:51.491] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:46:51.589] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel ea89ea01-68dc-4832-84a4-64ed600f80d2
[12:46:52.323] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel 31fcd8ef-7cdc-4518-8a49-f03a22d30365
[12:46:53.084] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting integrated minecraft server version 1.10.2
[12:46:53.085] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
[12:46:53.777] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 0
[12:46:54.785] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 6%
[12:46:55.787] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 22%
[12:46:56.788] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 36%
[12:46:57.794] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 55%
[12:46:58.133] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Chicken that already exists with UUID 9038c743-1ca8-4e3e-9404-1a3f92dec7fd
[12:46:58.799] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 76%
[12:46:58.933] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartHopper that already exists with UUID 01834675-db6c-4ef2-a265-385324c84cc6
[12:46:58.934] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartRideable that already exists with UUID 62e85bc4-09d4-4956-8d51-7ee7bd85d17b
[12:46:58.934] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Villager that already exists with UUID dea9e43e-b48a-44b0-a835-60c5e581f2d8
[12:46:59.549] [Server thread/INFO]: Changing view distance to 6, from 10
[12:46:59.633] [Netty Server IO #7/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@4ffd23bf to mc@4bc2ae98
[12:46:59.634] [Netty Local Client IO #2/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:46:59.634] [Netty Server IO #7/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:46:59.635] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@38c7ad43 to blk@1ee04ff6
[12:46:59.635] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:46:59.636] [Netty Local Client IO #2/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:46:59.636] [Netty Server IO #7/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:46:59.637] [Netty Server IO #7/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@4ffd23bf to mg@ec02984
[12:46:59.670] [Netty Local Client IO #2/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:46:59.670] [Netty Local Client IO #2/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@38c7ad43 to bll@149ad733
[12:46:59.708] [Server thread/DEBUG]: loading single player
[12:46:59.709] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22[local:E:01d95fcd] logged in with entity id 14933 at (63.76681210627177, 92.0, 199.71243155220253)
[12:46:59.709] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@4ffd23bf to me@4f6a566e
[12:46:59.709] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:46:59.709] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:46:59.710] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:46:59.710] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:46:59.710] [Netty Server IO #7/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:46:59.710] [Netty Server IO #7/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:46:59.710] [Netty Server IO #7/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:46:59.710] [Netty Server IO #7/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:46:59.711] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 joined the game
[12:47:01.141] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
[12:47:01.250] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:47:01.281] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel cef271b0-02c8-4c9a-aa34-8b424cf3beb0
[12:47:01.302] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel c210febf-0e5c-43cf-952d-3bbee9d87062
[12:47:01.309] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 02147cb0-82a1-4a4b-952b-f138c50e709d
[12:47:01.314] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 48fbfae3-6c9e-45da-9075-17160660f171
[12:47:01.315] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel d7930f57-8c28-4e8e-97ca-d16dbb0c2179
[12:47:01.315] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel f484f2dc-c386-4217-a1dc-efccfd33a14f
[12:47:01.316] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 0642bb6c-8315-4858-9e7e-c837a4465c41
[12:47:01.316] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 402858d5-dc39-4d36-ba31-3e6df3fab844
[12:47:01.316] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 83e2379a-ac28-43b2-aeaf-7b6f7ac95128
[12:47:01.317] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 0bcfae1c-6b14-4639-bb11-1940bc7bb30d
[12:47:01.319] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel c03c97f4-2f7c-483a-adfc-c6f174c7c815
[12:47:01.320] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 720ec3a1-c5b7-4cf9-aa92-a8d83847ed5a
[12:47:01.321] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 302a1669-d202-47a2-9d65-f91f3aaae322
[12:47:01.321] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 43988a7c-9d11-48a1-9651-ac83b6f60c51
[12:47:01.321] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 2fb16b56-c932-4c30-966c-1f5d4567b11e
[12:47:01.321] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 214d7467-f635-4e31-831a-0edca92e3909
[12:47:01.322] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 28cbb5f5-955b-473d-8881-6294da04900c
[12:47:01.322] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 38856441-79ea-46fc-baa0-8a3d42132b10
[12:47:01.322] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 5a8cf4e7-4024-4fb6-ad57-73b40a785fa2
[12:47:01.324] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel b7772e8a-7828-472a-84fb-5d4487d202e6
[12:47:01.326] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 92b30eae-b60f-409e-aadf-082c3f4d83cb
[12:47:01.326] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 29dfa9e8-aa16-4437-9fcd-0f57e362f480
[12:47:01.327] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel a9dd6a36-332d-478a-a20a-667110b2b726
[12:47:01.327] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 104a4fa7-d226-4b72-9153-451b76c4c1c6
[12:47:01.327] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 98ef1746-e44b-4323-b9a5-027ba0e3ad84
[12:47:01.328] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 2e9d6c34-d755-487f-89cb-a4fc603d0514
[12:47:01.328] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 8c5d8712-ef39-41a8-8cd2-2a4b3d13866d
[12:47:01.329] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 40cbdfa2-ddd4-4bd6-a1e0-cba698674bbd
[12:47:01.329] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 706dd4ae-0e04-4f69-8504-c25ec5430f9c
[12:47:01.333] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel fece6e28-2c7c-4141-a911-5092481d0083
[12:47:01.333] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 0fa29d90-ca41-454d-8f82-123c3eacd77f
[12:47:01.333] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 9b46a09d-63dd-4662-a342-da724a802621
[12:47:01.333] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 02dc6a16-2ebb-474d-8ec1-a0ebffb10fb8
[12:47:01.334] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 326d3500-a8d9-412a-88f3-43c40eb2e1c2
[12:47:01.334] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 60eea5ff-7723-42f7-a03c-217d176b3f9e
[12:47:01.334] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel f12e1ef5-e9fe-4663-99b9-cf463405d586
[12:47:01.336] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 51ab28ef-de9b-4dec-8f7b-6f7dee5bc6bd
[12:47:01.341] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 16941842-542d-4028-950a-6c7a0aa74b04
[12:47:01.343] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 66a64ef0-2f3d-4462-977d-9b85a0cf2f51
[12:47:01.346] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 53e5c150-602c-4468-b96d-0c299a1d2dc3
[12:47:01.347] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel e235a0ec-1de6-47a2-a3bd-07ad3eed50cf
[12:47:01.348] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 7a1651ac-a038-4b66-be9b-04ddee13d5bf
[12:47:01.348] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel e36b0d33-cef0-4c8b-9a6f-9410f19a425d
[12:47:01.349] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel d56bd88a-99c3-463b-9b34-8768314ba1eb
[12:47:01.349] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel c40eaffc-19b5-4a0d-99ce-db52fe931d55
[12:47:01.350] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 127d0d40-84d7-4553-8b00-23588daf62a9
[12:47:01.350] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel d3d92bdd-41e4-47af-ba7b-7f16c9708fc6
[12:47:01.351] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 09e8afc7-bfd9-4eec-b6e6-5b88dfdd9453
[12:47:01.351] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 02709250-e716-4c0a-994d-84883a793ef3
[12:47:01.351] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 5a687940-23b6-459a-941b-4a930bae69b6
[12:47:01.352] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel f7e9dc39-dc2e-4b4c-a323-c0d1676df9d2
[12:47:01.352] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 4b219c69-2994-4ec6-8c28-57562680a692
[12:47:01.352] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 91d0f25b-716e-45b6-9d84-55a4f5b9bb8d
[12:47:01.355] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 0a54d62a-009f-492a-83c7-f974bb574a1b
[12:47:01.356] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel b8f945dd-7d43-461e-af20-3db770af7e05
[12:47:01.356] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel fed00e0e-479e-4356-a2c5-8dd82412097b
[12:47:01.357] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 0a98f8cc-1940-406e-bb8b-e942b9bfdc4a
[12:47:01.357] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 8cc386c2-1b4c-422f-9353-3b29524a9a4d
[12:47:01.358] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel dd709697-99c2-4023-bdbe-ea83cbd08524
[12:47:01.365] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 60dc9e98-8fae-476a-8b87-e65869a0cd24
[12:47:01.366] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel c2015c94-c039-46cf-ad2c-b23b461f7d8e
[12:47:01.376] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 0ec82008-77e0-4815-97f7-37183c7f7802
[12:47:01.376] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel bb14127a-890e-4a97-a188-5c2e965c3335
[12:47:01.376] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 927e2229-951d-430f-8a95-ac5f13a430e1
[12:47:01.377] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 121272e6-3f9c-44b5-9985-8ba724e05efd
[12:47:01.377] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 0df9793b-e2e5-478b-a55a-c0ea27f3d82e
[12:47:01.394] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel d8f523d6-b3c3-4ff7-8128-57f19932b77c
[12:47:01.394] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel ef3cb721-bb97-4b91-9453-1fb5dd65f348
[12:47:01.394] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel e1c83f30-85fa-473e-9476-48df283d737d
[12:47:01.858] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:47:01.858] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:47:01.986] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 121272e6-3f9c-44b5-9985-8ba724e05efd
[12:47:01.986] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 7a1651ac-a038-4b66-be9b-04ddee13d5bf
[12:47:01.986] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 0ec82008-77e0-4815-97f7-37183c7f7802
[12:47:01.986] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 60dc9e98-8fae-476a-8b87-e65869a0cd24
[12:47:01.987] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 0df9793b-e2e5-478b-a55a-c0ea27f3d82e
[12:47:01.987] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel dd709697-99c2-4023-bdbe-ea83cbd08524
[12:47:01.987] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 5a687940-23b6-459a-941b-4a930bae69b6
[12:47:01.987] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel e1c83f30-85fa-473e-9476-48df283d737d
[12:47:01.987] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 0a54d62a-009f-492a-83c7-f974bb574a1b
[12:47:01.987] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel c40eaffc-19b5-4a0d-99ce-db52fe931d55
[12:47:01.987] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 8cc386c2-1b4c-422f-9353-3b29524a9a4d
[12:47:01.988] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel e36b0d33-cef0-4c8b-9a6f-9410f19a425d
[12:47:01.988] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 09e8afc7-bfd9-4eec-b6e6-5b88dfdd9453
[12:47:01.988] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel d3d92bdd-41e4-47af-ba7b-7f16c9708fc6
[12:47:01.988] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 927e2229-951d-430f-8a95-ac5f13a430e1
[12:47:01.988] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel ef3cb721-bb97-4b91-9453-1fb5dd65f348
[12:47:01.988] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 0a98f8cc-1940-406e-bb8b-e942b9bfdc4a
[12:47:01.988] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 127d0d40-84d7-4553-8b00-23588daf62a9
[12:47:01.989] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel f7e9dc39-dc2e-4b4c-a323-c0d1676df9d2
[12:47:01.989] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel c2015c94-c039-46cf-ad2c-b23b461f7d8e
[12:47:01.989] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel fed00e0e-479e-4356-a2c5-8dd82412097b
[12:47:01.989] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 91d0f25b-716e-45b6-9d84-55a4f5b9bb8d
[12:47:01.989] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel bb14127a-890e-4a97-a188-5c2e965c3335
[12:47:01.989] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 4b219c69-2994-4ec6-8c28-57562680a692
[12:47:01.989] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 02709250-e716-4c0a-994d-84883a793ef3
[12:47:01.989] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel b8f945dd-7d43-461e-af20-3db770af7e05
[12:47:01.989] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel d56bd88a-99c3-463b-9b34-8768314ba1eb
[12:47:01.990] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel d8f523d6-b3c3-4ff7-8128-57f19932b77c
[12:47:02.170] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
[12:47:02.233] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:47:02.487] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel 84c6bbe0-fde4-427d-8f14-e8881d10d706
[12:47:02.612] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:47:02.612] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:47:02.634] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 2515ms behind, skipping 50 tick(s)
[12:47:03.893] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel 32086b3d-7ff7-4400-839a-6344e0e29c7f
[12:47:03.893] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 121272e6-3f9c-44b5-9985-8ba724e05efd
[12:47:03.893] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 7a1651ac-a038-4b66-be9b-04ddee13d5bf
[12:47:03.894] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 0ec82008-77e0-4815-97f7-37183c7f7802
[12:47:03.894] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 60dc9e98-8fae-476a-8b87-e65869a0cd24
[12:47:03.894] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 0df9793b-e2e5-478b-a55a-c0ea27f3d82e
[12:47:03.894] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel dd709697-99c2-4023-bdbe-ea83cbd08524
[12:47:03.894] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 5a687940-23b6-459a-941b-4a930bae69b6
[12:47:03.894] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel e1c83f30-85fa-473e-9476-48df283d737d
[12:47:03.894] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 0a54d62a-009f-492a-83c7-f974bb574a1b
[12:47:03.894] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel c40eaffc-19b5-4a0d-99ce-db52fe931d55
[12:47:03.894] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 8cc386c2-1b4c-422f-9353-3b29524a9a4d
[12:47:03.894] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel e36b0d33-cef0-4c8b-9a6f-9410f19a425d
[12:47:03.895] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 09e8afc7-bfd9-4eec-b6e6-5b88dfdd9453
[12:47:03.895] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel d3d92bdd-41e4-47af-ba7b-7f16c9708fc6
[12:47:03.895] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 927e2229-951d-430f-8a95-ac5f13a430e1
[12:47:03.895] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel ef3cb721-bb97-4b91-9453-1fb5dd65f348
[12:47:03.895] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 0a98f8cc-1940-406e-bb8b-e942b9bfdc4a
[12:47:03.895] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 127d0d40-84d7-4553-8b00-23588daf62a9
[12:47:03.895] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel f7e9dc39-dc2e-4b4c-a323-c0d1676df9d2
[12:47:03.896] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel c2015c94-c039-46cf-ad2c-b23b461f7d8e
[12:47:03.896] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel fed00e0e-479e-4356-a2c5-8dd82412097b
[12:47:03.896] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 91d0f25b-716e-45b6-9d84-55a4f5b9bb8d
[12:47:03.896] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel bb14127a-890e-4a97-a188-5c2e965c3335
[12:47:03.896] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 4b219c69-2994-4ec6-8c28-57562680a692
[12:47:03.896] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 02709250-e716-4c0a-994d-84883a793ef3
[12:47:03.896] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel b8f945dd-7d43-461e-af20-3db770af7e05
[12:47:03.896] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel d56bd88a-99c3-463b-9b34-8768314ba1eb
[12:47:03.896] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel d8f523d6-b3c3-4ff7-8128-57f19932b77c
[12:47:03.898] [Client thread/INFO]: Using default channel type
[12:47:03.902] [Client thread/INFO]: Started on 65363
[12:47:03.904] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Local game hosted on port 65363
[12:47:04.288] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 9b46a09d-63dd-4662-a342-da724a802621 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:04.289] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 16941842-542d-4028-950a-6c7a0aa74b04 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:04.289] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 51ab28ef-de9b-4dec-8f7b-6f7dee5bc6bd because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:04.289] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 0642bb6c-8315-4858-9e7e-c837a4465c41 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:04.289] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel b7772e8a-7828-472a-84fb-5d4487d202e6 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:04.289] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 98ef1746-e44b-4323-b9a5-027ba0e3ad84 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:04.289] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 214d7467-f635-4e31-831a-0edca92e3909 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:04.289] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 83e2379a-ac28-43b2-aeaf-7b6f7ac95128 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:04.289] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 48fbfae3-6c9e-45da-9075-17160660f171 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:04.289] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 5a8cf4e7-4024-4fb6-ad57-73b40a785fa2 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:04.289] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 302a1669-d202-47a2-9d65-f91f3aaae322 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:04.290] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel c03c97f4-2f7c-483a-adfc-c6f174c7c815 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:04.290] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 326d3500-a8d9-412a-88f3-43c40eb2e1c2 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:04.290] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 60eea5ff-7723-42f7-a03c-217d176b3f9e because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:04.290] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 66a64ef0-2f3d-4462-977d-9b85a0cf2f51 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:04.290] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 29dfa9e8-aa16-4437-9fcd-0f57e362f480 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:04.290] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel c210febf-0e5c-43cf-952d-3bbee9d87062 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:04.290] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 28cbb5f5-955b-473d-8881-6294da04900c because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:04.290] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 2fb16b56-c932-4c30-966c-1f5d4567b11e because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:04.290] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 53e5c150-602c-4468-b96d-0c299a1d2dc3 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:04.290] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 0fa29d90-ca41-454d-8f82-123c3eacd77f because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:04.291] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 43988a7c-9d11-48a1-9651-ac83b6f60c51 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:04.291] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 02dc6a16-2ebb-474d-8ec1-a0ebffb10fb8 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:04.291] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 40cbdfa2-ddd4-4bd6-a1e0-cba698674bbd because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:04.291] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 706dd4ae-0e04-4f69-8504-c25ec5430f9c because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:04.291] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 8c5d8712-ef39-41a8-8cd2-2a4b3d13866d because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:04.291] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 104a4fa7-d226-4b72-9153-451b76c4c1c6 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:04.291] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel cef271b0-02c8-4c9a-aa34-8b424cf3beb0 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:04.291] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel f12e1ef5-e9fe-4663-99b9-cf463405d586 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:04.291] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 02147cb0-82a1-4a4b-952b-f138c50e709d because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:04.291] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel fece6e28-2c7c-4141-a911-5092481d0083 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:04.292] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 0bcfae1c-6b14-4639-bb11-1940bc7bb30d because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:04.292] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel e235a0ec-1de6-47a2-a3bd-07ad3eed50cf because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:04.292] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 402858d5-dc39-4d36-ba31-3e6df3fab844 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:04.292] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel d7930f57-8c28-4e8e-97ca-d16dbb0c2179 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:04.293] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 38856441-79ea-46fc-baa0-8a3d42132b10 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:04.293] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel f484f2dc-c386-4217-a1dc-efccfd33a14f because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:04.293] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel a9dd6a36-332d-478a-a20a-667110b2b726 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:04.293] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 2e9d6c34-d755-487f-89cb-a4fc603d0514 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:04.293] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 92b30eae-b60f-409e-aadf-082c3f4d83cb because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:04.293] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 720ec3a1-c5b7-4cf9-aa92-a8d83847ed5a because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:04.897] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel c5c80466-23a0-422e-be5a-8325d9422cc7
[12:47:04.957] [Chunk Batcher 8/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:47:04.964] [Chunk Batcher 9/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:47:04.965] [Chunk Batcher 10/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:47:04.966] [Chunk Batcher 11/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:47:05.749] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 lost connection: TextComponent{text='Disconnected', siblings=[], style=Style{hasParent=false, color=null, bold=null, italic=null, underlined=null, obfuscated=null, clickEvent=null, hoverEvent=null, insertion=null}}
[12:47:05.749] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 left the game
[12:47:05.767] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping singleplayer server as player logged out
[12:47:05.925] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping server
[12:47:05.927] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving players
[12:47:05.927] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving worlds
[12:47:05.927] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:47:06.091] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:47:06.092] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:47:06.400] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel 0dce457d-16d8-4134-9630-73b5e1969018
[12:47:06.636] [Netty Client IO #4/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:47:06.637] [Server Pinger #3/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@359bf831 to bls$1@3b5c00f2
[12:47:06.638] [Server Pinger #3/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:47:06.639] [Netty Client IO #4/DEBUG]: OUT: [HANDSHAKING:0] jm
[12:47:06.641] [Netty Client IO #4/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:47:06.642] [Netty Client IO #4/DEBUG]: OUT: [STATUS:0] kf
[12:47:06.901] [Netty Client IO #4/DEBUG]: IN: [STATUS:0] kb
[12:47:06.902] [Netty Client IO #4/DEBUG]: OUT: [STATUS:1] ke
[12:47:07.098] [Netty Client IO #4/DEBUG]: IN: [STATUS:1] ka
[12:47:07.478] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 0dce457d-16d8-4134-9630-73b5e1969018 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:07.845] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel d2348a1b-b8c3-47ff-895f-cf7e1855d3b0
[12:47:08.511] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel a09a53e3-5ef6-4802-ab16-620d1a98faa3
[12:47:09.369] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting integrated minecraft server version 1.10.2
[12:47:09.369] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
[12:47:09.687] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 0
[12:47:10.690] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 6%
[12:47:11.693] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 24%
[12:47:12.695] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 45%
[12:47:13.627] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Chicken that already exists with UUID 9038c743-1ca8-4e3e-9404-1a3f92dec7fd
[12:47:13.697] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 64%
[12:47:14.440] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartHopper that already exists with UUID 01834675-db6c-4ef2-a265-385324c84cc6
[12:47:14.441] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartRideable that already exists with UUID 62e85bc4-09d4-4956-8d51-7ee7bd85d17b
[12:47:14.441] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Villager that already exists with UUID dea9e43e-b48a-44b0-a835-60c5e581f2d8
[12:47:14.700] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 87%
[12:47:15.049] [Server thread/INFO]: Changing view distance to 6, from 10
[12:47:15.093] [Netty Server IO #2/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@3510fc94 to mc@70126452
[12:47:15.093] [Netty Local Client IO #3/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:47:15.095] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@2f95ce11 to blk@2f349170
[12:47:15.095] [Netty Server IO #2/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:47:15.096] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:47:15.096] [Netty Local Client IO #3/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:47:15.097] [Netty Server IO #2/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:47:15.097] [Netty Server IO #2/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@3510fc94 to mg@b3e9a03
[12:47:15.111] [Netty Local Client IO #3/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:47:15.111] [Netty Local Client IO #3/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@2f95ce11 to bll@68563c1f
[12:47:15.125] [Server thread/DEBUG]: loading single player
[12:47:15.126] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22[local:E:fa2204ed] logged in with entity id 15444 at (63.76681210627177, 92.0, 199.71243155220253)
[12:47:15.126] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@3510fc94 to me@5fc92c26
[12:47:15.126] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:47:15.126] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:47:15.127] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:47:15.127] [Netty Server IO #2/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:47:15.127] [Netty Server IO #2/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:47:15.127] [Netty Server IO #2/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:47:15.127] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 joined the game
[12:47:16.598] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
[12:47:16.756] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel a93ef558-0b5f-4185-99e5-9ebce29d4cc9
[12:47:16.777] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 6fcbde0f-5d46-45ce-8108-8dab6b0ae543
[12:47:16.788] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 2e58dfc2-b934-4b0b-886b-b8012546ce0c
[12:47:16.788] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel da262736-41c0-490a-a9ca-901525c0108d
[12:47:16.789] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel f812748b-4cac-4116-a9c4-bd3745dc1a3e
[12:47:16.789] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 41800909-6ea8-4269-a48d-4915fd84e837
[12:47:16.796] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:47:16.799] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 85742d1d-abd6-41de-b094-bf60e135d806
[12:47:16.799] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 331a92a7-0ab8-48ea-b9c3-23b132c431c3
[12:47:16.800] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel cda6176d-a350-4fcd-91c0-e1a4f15dbf62
[12:47:16.800] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel d11cabf3-eff9-4704-981c-1b4e72090548
[12:47:16.801] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 5434626e-a3b2-4401-b209-f9cd9a97f020
[12:47:16.802] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 4143ea14-91f5-451d-9359-e43b46b70bee
[12:47:16.802] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 27a8fa9b-7196-40cd-832a-c0c866d09863
[12:47:16.802] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel fc2b73f8-1636-4413-9d50-a425dc1c0e73
[12:47:16.802] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 3a0c366e-7556-4438-875b-932699a7eb24
[12:47:16.803] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 93daf6c9-b4c9-47b7-bc16-3aa4e0b4d3a9
[12:47:16.803] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 231e92e9-12ff-4a7c-ac5d-c1a0949666af
[12:47:16.803] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel ec8faa7d-a5e6-414e-9ea2-19ae40bf4ef5
[12:47:16.804] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel c45d8013-5618-4088-b170-718ef7e36b22
[12:47:16.805] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 8ef1664c-b8ef-4a0f-975f-ae1f36741ed2
[12:47:16.806] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 77253d73-4828-467f-95d1-0d714a6820f1
[12:47:16.806] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel af25c530-3068-4da7-b275-5836df815b4c
[12:47:16.807] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 6581c698-7c23-4237-9fa9-45677758af65
[12:47:16.808] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel c0735a67-a59a-44b7-93c1-f41b20a0b486
[12:47:16.808] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 6e80cf90-b42e-41bb-a58c-9fb85e8dc318
[12:47:16.809] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel f166f5f6-85fc-4f55-86d2-f2522162e134
[12:47:16.809] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 7f16d175-0a65-4dca-a6e7-994f0908647a
[12:47:16.809] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel b8acf924-33ac-4f87-b155-0049138a5d21
[12:47:16.810] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 98e926dc-b07d-4c55-aa02-5638d0aa1e4f
[12:47:16.811] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel af10bafa-f173-43cb-a6c1-40d14a8f77ab
[12:47:16.812] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel d88f3865-2d86-4304-8878-e227ef5b742f
[12:47:16.812] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 4f53fcca-8a30-4192-b249-149be127b242
[12:47:16.813] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel ad1cb92d-fc1b-49b2-8d4b-00f3771aa905
[12:47:16.813] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel d8d06ea6-12a5-4fc0-8a42-72c34bea6eed
[12:47:16.813] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 1b06f35e-8ec4-4ced-89e5-8f13a9acd591
[12:47:16.814] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 7e1543e4-3bfc-412e-8696-d143416ceec4
[12:47:16.815] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 54b7249f-0b60-4077-91c7-722803eb4ee6
[12:47:16.824] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 3cf2d7a0-6c89-4f29-a1f6-9d7b516fa077
[12:47:16.826] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 2b5bea9c-81cb-41c8-9ea4-197315e75cec
[12:47:16.834] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 39a66139-3b8c-43f0-83d3-44af5df6bec5
[12:47:16.835] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel dacbbf88-fd28-4a89-b925-8e596e5e40df
[12:47:16.835] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 3b17b8d2-fc0e-4539-8f61-cc87ea683f06
[12:47:16.835] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 7b8a8697-927b-431a-a4b0-14e675378bce
[12:47:16.835] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel f25b2bd3-ba10-4eac-ba27-fb91de090fa2
[12:47:16.835] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel f6442883-7a75-450d-b6c9-5c470e07c51d
[12:47:16.836] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 0be96167-6ca4-4c67-bad6-11bce873a698
[12:47:16.838] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel ac4e4008-57a9-4da8-b505-3f4f40d16103
[12:47:16.839] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel a53f4efc-26b0-4578-b76f-10dd2fe1dff8
[12:47:16.839] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 2902d668-0586-4067-8e9a-14f2f47e070d
[12:47:16.840] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel a5d83cc5-bf73-4666-b801-952a52642c69
[12:47:16.840] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 18062fe7-afce-4979-88fe-90cdfbca2899
[12:47:16.841] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel a6b3da3a-c301-4ba9-8973-3dc10c600fa4
[12:47:16.841] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 6cc9a850-7d65-403e-8133-339e529ce75c
[12:47:16.847] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 87da6298-7a53-4c2d-aa20-a52007efeef6
[12:47:16.848] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 1fdd9f6e-ccae-49cf-b599-4bc56f064bdd
[12:47:16.848] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 8f90d15a-81af-43d4-9053-e9ae71fe2fc2
[12:47:16.851] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 26e47593-dae1-4b76-a679-85c8f65dcbf7
[12:47:16.852] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel f32f26c6-b36a-4df0-98d3-c630f335a5fd
[12:47:16.855] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 54389815-b2f0-4d31-bd9c-0cd3fc3b215b
[12:47:16.877] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel f5cabc63-245c-4fcd-b20d-3a54942152b1
[12:47:16.884] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 9b979dce-6c06-4c33-9794-3b342e43700c
[12:47:16.889] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 5d26a97a-8e85-4325-a699-c32be515727a
[12:47:16.890] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel d1647398-12aa-4d64-bba1-dadbf504bce1
[12:47:16.891] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel d99c379d-cdb1-40aa-8024-23a97bbbdc0c
[12:47:16.892] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 5a5298d6-1305-4fdc-8949-f5e19f59b406
[12:47:16.893] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 21ed671e-0128-4a7f-99ed-bd24795daeab
[12:47:16.916] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 698c6beb-9de7-4f6c-a509-36ff230fbf7b
[12:47:16.917] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel f0338393-7ca9-46bf-a076-77d9564450b1
[12:47:16.918] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 5ba686c5-4d89-4715-b7c1-da11dac96d93
[12:47:17.297] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:47:17.297] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:47:17.303] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (6 packets since last tick)
[12:47:17.345] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (7 packets since last tick)
[12:47:18.008] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 231e92e9-12ff-4a7c-ac5d-c1a0949666af because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:18.008] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 1b06f35e-8ec4-4ced-89e5-8f13a9acd591 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:18.009] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel cda6176d-a350-4fcd-91c0-e1a4f15dbf62 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:18.009] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 8ef1664c-b8ef-4a0f-975f-ae1f36741ed2 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:18.009] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel a93ef558-0b5f-4185-99e5-9ebce29d4cc9 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:18.009] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 3cf2d7a0-6c89-4f29-a1f6-9d7b516fa077 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:18.009] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 6581c698-7c23-4237-9fa9-45677758af65 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:18.009] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 77253d73-4828-467f-95d1-0d714a6820f1 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:18.009] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel c0735a67-a59a-44b7-93c1-f41b20a0b486 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:18.009] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel f166f5f6-85fc-4f55-86d2-f2522162e134 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:18.009] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 7f16d175-0a65-4dca-a6e7-994f0908647a because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:18.010] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel d88f3865-2d86-4304-8878-e227ef5b742f because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:18.010] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel d8d06ea6-12a5-4fc0-8a42-72c34bea6eed because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:18.010] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 331a92a7-0ab8-48ea-b9c3-23b132c431c3 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:18.010] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel ad1cb92d-fc1b-49b2-8d4b-00f3771aa905 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:18.010] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 2e58dfc2-b934-4b0b-886b-b8012546ce0c because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:18.010] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 2b5bea9c-81cb-41c8-9ea4-197315e75cec because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:18.010] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel af25c530-3068-4da7-b275-5836df815b4c because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:18.010] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 5434626e-a3b2-4401-b209-f9cd9a97f020 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:18.010] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 54b7249f-0b60-4077-91c7-722803eb4ee6 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:18.010] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel b8acf924-33ac-4f87-b155-0049138a5d21 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:18.010] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 93daf6c9-b4c9-47b7-bc16-3aa4e0b4d3a9 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:18.011] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel af10bafa-f173-43cb-a6c1-40d14a8f77ab because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:18.011] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel fc2b73f8-1636-4413-9d50-a425dc1c0e73 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:18.011] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel dacbbf88-fd28-4a89-b925-8e596e5e40df because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:18.011] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 85742d1d-abd6-41de-b094-bf60e135d806 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:18.011] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 6e80cf90-b42e-41bb-a58c-9fb85e8dc318 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:18.011] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 41800909-6ea8-4269-a48d-4915fd84e837 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:18.011] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel f812748b-4cac-4116-a9c4-bd3745dc1a3e because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:18.011] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 39a66139-3b8c-43f0-83d3-44af5df6bec5 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:18.011] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 4143ea14-91f5-451d-9359-e43b46b70bee because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:18.011] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 27a8fa9b-7196-40cd-832a-c0c866d09863 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:18.011] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 7e1543e4-3bfc-412e-8696-d143416ceec4 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:18.012] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel c45d8013-5618-4088-b170-718ef7e36b22 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:18.012] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel da262736-41c0-490a-a9ca-901525c0108d because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:18.012] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 4f53fcca-8a30-4192-b249-149be127b242 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:18.012] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel ec8faa7d-a5e6-414e-9ea2-19ae40bf4ef5 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:18.012] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel d11cabf3-eff9-4704-981c-1b4e72090548 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:18.012] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 6fcbde0f-5d46-45ce-8108-8dab6b0ae543 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:18.012] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 98e926dc-b07d-4c55-aa02-5638d0aa1e4f because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:18.012] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 3a0c366e-7556-4438-875b-932699a7eb24 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:18.069] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 5a5298d6-1305-4fdc-8949-f5e19f59b406
[12:47:18.070] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 18062fe7-afce-4979-88fe-90cdfbca2899
[12:47:18.071] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel d99c379d-cdb1-40aa-8024-23a97bbbdc0c
[12:47:18.071] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 1fdd9f6e-ccae-49cf-b599-4bc56f064bdd
[12:47:18.071] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel f32f26c6-b36a-4df0-98d3-c630f335a5fd
[12:47:18.071] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 21ed671e-0128-4a7f-99ed-bd24795daeab
[12:47:18.072] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 54389815-b2f0-4d31-bd9c-0cd3fc3b215b
[12:47:18.072] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 5d26a97a-8e85-4325-a699-c32be515727a
[12:47:18.072] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 6cc9a850-7d65-403e-8133-339e529ce75c
[12:47:18.072] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel f25b2bd3-ba10-4eac-ba27-fb91de090fa2
[12:47:18.072] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 3b17b8d2-fc0e-4539-8f61-cc87ea683f06
[12:47:18.072] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 698c6beb-9de7-4f6c-a509-36ff230fbf7b
[12:47:18.072] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 87da6298-7a53-4c2d-aa20-a52007efeef6
[12:47:18.072] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel a5d83cc5-bf73-4666-b801-952a52642c69
[12:47:18.072] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel f5cabc63-245c-4fcd-b20d-3a54942152b1
[12:47:18.073] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel a6b3da3a-c301-4ba9-8973-3dc10c600fa4
[12:47:18.073] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 2902d668-0586-4067-8e9a-14f2f47e070d
[12:47:18.073] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 7b8a8697-927b-431a-a4b0-14e675378bce
[12:47:18.073] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel a53f4efc-26b0-4578-b76f-10dd2fe1dff8
[12:47:18.073] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 0be96167-6ca4-4c67-bad6-11bce873a698
[12:47:18.073] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel d1647398-12aa-4d64-bba1-dadbf504bce1
[12:47:18.073] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 8f90d15a-81af-43d4-9053-e9ae71fe2fc2
[12:47:18.073] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel f6442883-7a75-450d-b6c9-5c470e07c51d
[12:47:18.073] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel f0338393-7ca9-46bf-a076-77d9564450b1
[12:47:18.073] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel ac4e4008-57a9-4da8-b505-3f4f40d16103
[12:47:18.073] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 9b979dce-6c06-4c33-9794-3b342e43700c
[12:47:18.074] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 26e47593-dae1-4b76-a679-85c8f65dcbf7
[12:47:18.074] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 5ba686c5-4d89-4715-b7c1-da11dac96d93
[12:47:18.197] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
[12:47:18.244] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:47:18.550] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:47:18.551] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:47:18.805] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel c15bc857-f24b-49f5-aa09-3b679fcbbe0b
[12:47:19.490] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel 74f22b4d-4217-438e-a6c7-2c9cee572777
[12:47:19.491] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 5a5298d6-1305-4fdc-8949-f5e19f59b406
[12:47:19.492] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 18062fe7-afce-4979-88fe-90cdfbca2899
[12:47:19.493] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel d99c379d-cdb1-40aa-8024-23a97bbbdc0c
[12:47:19.493] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 1fdd9f6e-ccae-49cf-b599-4bc56f064bdd
[12:47:19.494] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel f32f26c6-b36a-4df0-98d3-c630f335a5fd
[12:47:19.494] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 21ed671e-0128-4a7f-99ed-bd24795daeab
[12:47:19.494] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 54389815-b2f0-4d31-bd9c-0cd3fc3b215b
[12:47:19.495] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 5d26a97a-8e85-4325-a699-c32be515727a
[12:47:19.495] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 6cc9a850-7d65-403e-8133-339e529ce75c
[12:47:19.495] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel f25b2bd3-ba10-4eac-ba27-fb91de090fa2
[12:47:19.495] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 3b17b8d2-fc0e-4539-8f61-cc87ea683f06
[12:47:19.495] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 698c6beb-9de7-4f6c-a509-36ff230fbf7b
[12:47:19.495] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 87da6298-7a53-4c2d-aa20-a52007efeef6
[12:47:19.495] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel a5d83cc5-bf73-4666-b801-952a52642c69
[12:47:19.495] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel f5cabc63-245c-4fcd-b20d-3a54942152b1
[12:47:19.496] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel a6b3da3a-c301-4ba9-8973-3dc10c600fa4
[12:47:19.496] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 2902d668-0586-4067-8e9a-14f2f47e070d
[12:47:19.496] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 7b8a8697-927b-431a-a4b0-14e675378bce
[12:47:19.496] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel a53f4efc-26b0-4578-b76f-10dd2fe1dff8
[12:47:19.497] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 0be96167-6ca4-4c67-bad6-11bce873a698
[12:47:19.498] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel d1647398-12aa-4d64-bba1-dadbf504bce1
[12:47:19.498] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 8f90d15a-81af-43d4-9053-e9ae71fe2fc2
[12:47:19.498] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel f6442883-7a75-450d-b6c9-5c470e07c51d
[12:47:19.498] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel f0338393-7ca9-46bf-a076-77d9564450b1
[12:47:19.499] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel ac4e4008-57a9-4da8-b505-3f4f40d16103
[12:47:19.499] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 9b979dce-6c06-4c33-9794-3b342e43700c
[12:47:19.499] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 26e47593-dae1-4b76-a679-85c8f65dcbf7
[12:47:19.499] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 5ba686c5-4d89-4715-b7c1-da11dac96d93
[12:47:19.501] [Client thread/INFO]: Using default channel type
[12:47:19.504] [Client thread/INFO]: Started on 65370
[12:47:19.506] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Local game hosted on port 65370
[12:47:20.295] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/say2 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/say2.ogg as channel 8a2ef756-b000-46bd-8a00-bff4098e55c2
[12:47:20.302] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel f25b2bd3-ba10-4eac-ba27-fb91de090fa2 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:20.645] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel c15bc857-f24b-49f5-aa09-3b679fcbbe0b because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:20.646] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 74f22b4d-4217-438e-a6c7-2c9cee572777 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:20.903] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/step3 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/step3.ogg as channel c4a89e45-c000-47a1-aec9-b2130ad1bebb
[12:47:20.937] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 3b17b8d2-fc0e-4539-8f61-cc87ea683f06 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:21.147] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel c04a3b8a-a6e0-4d5a-a16a-5c30e97bf550
[12:47:21.184] [Chunk Batcher 12/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:47:21.185] [Chunk Batcher 13/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:47:21.186] [Chunk Batcher 14/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:47:21.186] [Chunk Batcher 15/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:47:21.195] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): Stream Closed
[12:47:21.195] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at Method)
[12:47:21.196] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at Source)
[12:47:21.196] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at ath.a(SourceFile:320)
[12:47:21.196] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at ath.a(SourceFile:260)
[12:47:21.196] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at ath$a.close(SourceFile:241)
[12:47:21.197] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at Source)
[12:47:21.197] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at Source)
[12:47:21.197] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at Source)
[12:47:21.198] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at atj.b(SourceFile:148)
[12:47:21.198] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at atj.c(SourceFile:133)
[12:47:21.198] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at bbu.c(SourceFile:37)
[12:47:21.198] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at
[12:47:21.198] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at Source)
[12:47:21.850] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 lost connection: TextComponent{text='Disconnected', siblings=[], style=Style{hasParent=false, color=null, bold=null, italic=null, underlined=null, obfuscated=null, clickEvent=null, hoverEvent=null, insertion=null}}
[12:47:21.851] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 left the game
[12:47:21.868] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping singleplayer server as player logged out
[12:47:21.906] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping server
[12:47:21.909] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving players
[12:47:21.909] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving worlds
[12:47:21.909] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:47:22.071] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:47:22.072] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:47:22.481] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel dd1e6157-ce76-4061-a9dc-251360f8c028
[12:47:23.247] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel 27dd60d3-16a2-458c-ae29-64fc8c9ef30a
[12:47:24.266] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting integrated minecraft server version 1.10.2
[12:47:24.266] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
[12:47:24.755] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 0
[12:47:25.758] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 7%
[12:47:26.765] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 23%
[12:47:27.770] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 43%
[12:47:28.772] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Chicken that already exists with UUID 9038c743-1ca8-4e3e-9404-1a3f92dec7fd
[12:47:28.772] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 62%
[12:47:29.704] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartHopper that already exists with UUID 01834675-db6c-4ef2-a265-385324c84cc6
[12:47:29.704] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartRideable that already exists with UUID 62e85bc4-09d4-4956-8d51-7ee7bd85d17b
[12:47:29.704] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Villager that already exists with UUID dea9e43e-b48a-44b0-a835-60c5e581f2d8
[12:47:29.780] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 81%
[12:47:30.325] [Server thread/INFO]: Changing view distance to 6, from 10
[12:47:30.399] [Netty Local Client IO #4/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:47:30.400] [Netty Server IO #5/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@6ba3782e to mc@2ea1eb3e
[12:47:30.401] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@1bfc6e50 to blk@4f74edbf
[12:47:30.401] [Netty Server IO #5/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:47:30.402] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:47:30.403] [Netty Local Client IO #4/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:47:30.404] [Netty Server IO #5/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:47:30.404] [Netty Server IO #5/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@6ba3782e to mg@17d9dc57
[12:47:30.432] [Netty Local Client IO #4/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:47:30.432] [Netty Local Client IO #4/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@1bfc6e50 to bll@47eda837
[12:47:30.460] [Server thread/DEBUG]: loading single player
[12:47:30.460] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22[local:E:cbad5d47] logged in with entity id 16111 at (63.76681210627177, 92.0, 199.71243155220253)
[12:47:30.460] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@6ba3782e to me@ccb68d
[12:47:30.460] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:47:30.462] [Netty Server IO #5/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:47:30.461] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:47:30.463] [Netty Server IO #5/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:47:30.463] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 joined the game
[12:47:31.807] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
[12:47:31.926] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:47:31.989] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 1f3d415c-e58a-4292-9a1d-3953a983ab76
[12:47:31.990] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 273a250e-f40d-4307-b15e-40efdc1b3066
[12:47:31.990] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel efb2813e-e13f-45bd-b885-eeb7f28ec950
[12:47:32.026] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 19abdbfe-19cc-4330-ae92-7fedbec0514c
[12:47:32.032] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 604b66ef-60a1-4cf2-a08b-1dac831d5806
[12:47:32.042] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 57ad81e6-573f-4576-a87e-da2b0f6c0fb1
[12:47:32.042] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel c2e043cb-1a91-412b-a01f-be3e08a4a63a
[12:47:32.043] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel c5832dc4-3c12-44cc-b5c2-ab20d76a7dc1
[12:47:32.043] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel f90c6c93-0935-44f6-afd5-147719fbf844
[12:47:32.044] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 42d64c3b-9838-4afa-ac65-d68ee0a6ca9d
[12:47:32.044] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 251dc1e9-ca97-42f4-906e-ace78a3a0aae
[12:47:32.044] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 44453012-0fde-471c-a960-0cf857ce6cd9
[12:47:32.045] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 793cc8d8-70b8-4c5b-8349-692907d064b6
[12:47:32.045] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 2c2432b2-5ed8-4421-b314-20232ebf1cff
[12:47:32.045] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel dd4f534a-1c7d-4775-9ee7-9c5003ce7acf
[12:47:32.045] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel e11264a8-c286-4f4d-bb31-679bcfc9a00b
[12:47:32.045] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel f257b891-0ff3-4e1f-9934-377bb076a120
[12:47:32.046] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 9343ce29-2662-4eb7-a0ad-3532799361ee
[12:47:32.046] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 50529ddf-1de7-4c4b-814f-064de18ece03
[12:47:32.047] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 1ba33f89-3cb9-47cc-b6c6-59770aa0e00c
[12:47:32.048] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel b9d54ecd-7dd2-4e7e-8af3-fb6abc172c87
[12:47:32.049] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel e22db1c2-a247-45ca-8244-b8431ad2e3bd
[12:47:32.049] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 66eea5d8-1481-4052-bdcf-8cfb6e507eef
[12:47:32.049] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel c32936f4-88af-4046-9266-ed3200608ccf
[12:47:32.049] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 770c84df-3309-4af5-9352-212c9c3c5131
[12:47:32.049] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel fd197ae0-2907-41a6-9730-0020c5182c02
[12:47:32.050] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 0fe7dda6-a6ee-43a9-8dd4-8ab0c800fb78
[12:47:32.051] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel cb93d36c-6cf7-4da8-9b07-29b51ff0ed8b
[12:47:32.051] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel adb94a56-b786-4a42-9c1f-953bc0db74a3
[12:47:32.051] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel f554e121-d220-47da-91db-a7d43e375392
[12:47:32.051] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel af3835fc-5604-47ab-aca8-a2080e88f4c3
[12:47:32.056] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 3e39bfaf-88cc-4a1f-843e-a22886de80b4
[12:47:32.057] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 36269506-56b7-4c61-ac15-5451625267a1
[12:47:32.057] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 5ffec669-3414-4b30-b925-1ea389c05281
[12:47:32.058] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 0b6b2dc9-0360-4ef6-8ad8-4dd95223af35
[12:47:32.058] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel e6e5d8c2-7f09-4518-a544-05f7fbd64bff
[12:47:32.059] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 53fc70fd-b7af-4a8f-8df8-fb640558b630
[12:47:32.059] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 11a646d6-ef84-4bb7-9338-381bf8b55025
[12:47:32.060] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 8a1de23e-824e-4d67-9f58-713d062a5273
[12:47:32.060] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 9e483de2-fcac-4341-abec-b0cac0d62c61
[12:47:32.060] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 5cb2108d-f60d-474a-8a05-57b01de4f796
[12:47:32.060] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 3fcdc8cb-745c-46bc-82f0-bc02d374f313
[12:47:32.061] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel cca31ece-7003-481b-8f70-e78dfd533962
[12:47:32.061] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 52cb6093-a7ed-4e85-8eb0-3a899211260f
[12:47:32.061] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 1ea3dc49-18c9-4e4e-8a96-f6ac76061e57
[12:47:32.061] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 49520ce8-ae18-46cc-80bf-f66392d8b11f
[12:47:32.061] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel fdcb6d27-d029-456e-a66b-146334654227
[12:47:32.062] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 30cd1496-44eb-4613-86b0-075e6687b47f
[12:47:32.062] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 79cd82fe-03c9-4498-851c-b6123db0c839
[12:47:32.062] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel a6b53e0e-8415-43b3-9816-4786dd871f5f
[12:47:32.062] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 61d1253e-2ac7-4cfe-9604-7396f05f1e27
[12:47:32.063] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 8b3b9fe9-9ceb-4e56-9ac2-d7b0c7541a65
[12:47:32.063] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel db2809c0-414c-4866-804c-53d9e8808e40
[12:47:32.063] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel c34e0160-5aff-427e-9250-b3f4be7a4228
[12:47:32.064] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel f9687d40-2874-47a9-b8a5-2942f512a207
[12:47:32.081] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 6596cad0-f52a-40fd-8484-582bd2aab1b6
[12:47:32.082] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 8babdbdf-402f-4134-909a-fe3f3e6d54b2
[12:47:32.082] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel c05a863d-044e-457b-b82a-7475c9b9dd0f
[12:47:32.084] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 48f3999f-e9e3-4f8a-8e5a-91bdd93415ac
[12:47:32.085] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel c054efcb-224a-4cf4-b868-b1b73f8e3ba7
[12:47:32.085] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 03f6daeb-e3ff-4fbf-a3f9-e3b844749b13
[12:47:32.085] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 62f79644-c8d7-4c37-92b2-86152449c2e8
[12:47:32.086] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 94da9d0e-97c2-4fff-ad95-d1a2bcdd843a
[12:47:32.087] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 08ac0b99-8549-4668-99d4-197bf73830ae
[12:47:32.088] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel b5966eb7-83e3-4e05-b5d6-c2fee236cc28
[12:47:32.088] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel adfba55c-7b71-437e-94c5-3a19a44c25c9
[12:47:32.091] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 2407b87c-e7eb-45a4-a0ae-65cae7860c18
[12:47:32.103] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 4cbecd40-7f12-46c6-a436-60e31935107e
[12:47:32.104] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel faf59554-b559-4f42-8460-7b0c69888df7
[12:47:32.388] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:47:32.389] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:47:32.986] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 44453012-0fde-471c-a960-0cf857ce6cd9 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:32.986] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 8a1de23e-824e-4d67-9f58-713d062a5273 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:32.986] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 36269506-56b7-4c61-ac15-5451625267a1 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:32.986] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel efb2813e-e13f-45bd-b885-eeb7f28ec950 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:32.987] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel f554e121-d220-47da-91db-a7d43e375392 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:32.987] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel e6e5d8c2-7f09-4518-a544-05f7fbd64bff because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:32.987] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 9e483de2-fcac-4341-abec-b0cac0d62c61 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:32.987] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel f257b891-0ff3-4e1f-9934-377bb076a120 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:32.988] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 0fe7dda6-a6ee-43a9-8dd4-8ab0c800fb78 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:32.988] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 50529ddf-1de7-4c4b-814f-064de18ece03 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:32.988] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 2c2432b2-5ed8-4421-b314-20232ebf1cff because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:32.988] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel b9d54ecd-7dd2-4e7e-8af3-fb6abc172c87 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:32.989] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel af3835fc-5604-47ab-aca8-a2080e88f4c3 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:32.989] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 1ba33f89-3cb9-47cc-b6c6-59770aa0e00c because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:32.989] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 53fc70fd-b7af-4a8f-8df8-fb640558b630 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:32.989] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 11a646d6-ef84-4bb7-9338-381bf8b55025 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:32.989] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel e11264a8-c286-4f4d-bb31-679bcfc9a00b because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:32.989] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel f90c6c93-0935-44f6-afd5-147719fbf844 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:32.989] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 793cc8d8-70b8-4c5b-8349-692907d064b6 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:32.989] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel cb93d36c-6cf7-4da8-9b07-29b51ff0ed8b because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:32.989] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel c2e043cb-1a91-412b-a01f-be3e08a4a63a because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:32.990] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 19abdbfe-19cc-4330-ae92-7fedbec0514c because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:32.990] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 0b6b2dc9-0360-4ef6-8ad8-4dd95223af35 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:32.990] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 42d64c3b-9838-4afa-ac65-d68ee0a6ca9d because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:32.990] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 5ffec669-3414-4b30-b925-1ea389c05281 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:32.990] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 9343ce29-2662-4eb7-a0ad-3532799361ee because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:32.990] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel dd4f534a-1c7d-4775-9ee7-9c5003ce7acf because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:32.990] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 3e39bfaf-88cc-4a1f-843e-a22886de80b4 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:32.990] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel e22db1c2-a247-45ca-8244-b8431ad2e3bd because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:32.990] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 604b66ef-60a1-4cf2-a08b-1dac831d5806 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:32.991] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 66eea5d8-1481-4052-bdcf-8cfb6e507eef because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:32.991] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel adb94a56-b786-4a42-9c1f-953bc0db74a3 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:32.991] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 5cb2108d-f60d-474a-8a05-57b01de4f796 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:32.991] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel c5832dc4-3c12-44cc-b5c2-ab20d76a7dc1 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:32.991] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 273a250e-f40d-4307-b15e-40efdc1b3066 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:32.991] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel c32936f4-88af-4046-9266-ed3200608ccf because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:32.991] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel fd197ae0-2907-41a6-9730-0020c5182c02 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:32.996] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 251dc1e9-ca97-42f4-906e-ace78a3a0aae because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:32.996] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 770c84df-3309-4af5-9352-212c9c3c5131 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:32.996] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 57ad81e6-573f-4576-a87e-da2b0f6c0fb1 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:32.997] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 1f3d415c-e58a-4292-9a1d-3953a983ab76 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:33.293] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 2370ms behind, skipping 47 tick(s)
[12:47:33.544] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/say2 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/say2.ogg as channel e8b5e19f-c0af-455e-9609-c60e7e57e706
[12:47:33.587] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 3fcdc8cb-745c-46bc-82f0-bc02d374f313 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:34.002] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/say1 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/say1.ogg as channel 59873b1b-94f0-4e58-a928-b34d126d2ee9
[12:47:34.026] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel cca31ece-7003-481b-8f70-e78dfd533962 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:34.326] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 52cb6093-a7ed-4e85-8eb0-3a899211260f
[12:47:34.328] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel b5966eb7-83e3-4e05-b5d6-c2fee236cc28
[12:47:34.329] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel adfba55c-7b71-437e-94c5-3a19a44c25c9
[12:47:34.331] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 1ea3dc49-18c9-4e4e-8a96-f6ac76061e57
[12:47:34.332] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel c34e0160-5aff-427e-9250-b3f4be7a4228
[12:47:34.332] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 8babdbdf-402f-4134-909a-fe3f3e6d54b2
[12:47:34.333] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 94da9d0e-97c2-4fff-ad95-d1a2bcdd843a
[12:47:34.333] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 62f79644-c8d7-4c37-92b2-86152449c2e8
[12:47:34.334] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel e8b5e19f-c0af-455e-9609-c60e7e57e706
[12:47:34.335] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel c05a863d-044e-457b-b82a-7475c9b9dd0f
[12:47:34.336] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 08ac0b99-8549-4668-99d4-197bf73830ae
[12:47:34.336] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 2407b87c-e7eb-45a4-a0ae-65cae7860c18
[12:47:34.336] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel db2809c0-414c-4866-804c-53d9e8808e40
[12:47:34.338] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 4cbecd40-7f12-46c6-a436-60e31935107e
[12:47:34.339] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 59873b1b-94f0-4e58-a928-b34d126d2ee9
[12:47:34.343] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel faf59554-b559-4f42-8460-7b0c69888df7
[12:47:34.344] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 8b3b9fe9-9ceb-4e56-9ac2-d7b0c7541a65
[12:47:34.345] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 61d1253e-2ac7-4cfe-9604-7396f05f1e27
[12:47:34.345] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel fdcb6d27-d029-456e-a66b-146334654227
[12:47:34.346] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 79cd82fe-03c9-4498-851c-b6123db0c839
[12:47:34.362] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 03f6daeb-e3ff-4fbf-a3f9-e3b844749b13
[12:47:34.365] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 49520ce8-ae18-46cc-80bf-f66392d8b11f
[12:47:34.367] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 48f3999f-e9e3-4f8a-8e5a-91bdd93415ac
[12:47:34.368] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel a6b53e0e-8415-43b3-9816-4786dd871f5f
[12:47:34.369] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 30cd1496-44eb-4613-86b0-075e6687b47f
[12:47:34.369] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel f9687d40-2874-47a9-b8a5-2942f512a207
[12:47:34.370] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel c054efcb-224a-4cf4-b868-b1b73f8e3ba7
[12:47:34.370] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 6596cad0-f52a-40fd-8484-582bd2aab1b6
[12:47:34.479] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
[12:47:34.529] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:47:34.903] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:47:34.903] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:47:35.084] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel 152da5fc-27a1-4cbb-922a-85957f34b20e
[12:47:36.526] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel 1eeef312-7fc6-4ff3-a00f-9b1a64f811c5
[12:47:36.526] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 52cb6093-a7ed-4e85-8eb0-3a899211260f
[12:47:36.527] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel b5966eb7-83e3-4e05-b5d6-c2fee236cc28
[12:47:36.527] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel adfba55c-7b71-437e-94c5-3a19a44c25c9
[12:47:36.528] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 1ea3dc49-18c9-4e4e-8a96-f6ac76061e57
[12:47:36.528] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel c34e0160-5aff-427e-9250-b3f4be7a4228
[12:47:36.528] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 8babdbdf-402f-4134-909a-fe3f3e6d54b2
[12:47:36.528] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 94da9d0e-97c2-4fff-ad95-d1a2bcdd843a
[12:47:36.528] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 62f79644-c8d7-4c37-92b2-86152449c2e8
[12:47:36.528] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel e8b5e19f-c0af-455e-9609-c60e7e57e706
[12:47:36.529] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel c05a863d-044e-457b-b82a-7475c9b9dd0f
[12:47:36.529] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 08ac0b99-8549-4668-99d4-197bf73830ae
[12:47:36.529] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 2407b87c-e7eb-45a4-a0ae-65cae7860c18
[12:47:36.529] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel db2809c0-414c-4866-804c-53d9e8808e40
[12:47:36.529] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 4cbecd40-7f12-46c6-a436-60e31935107e
[12:47:36.529] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 59873b1b-94f0-4e58-a928-b34d126d2ee9
[12:47:36.529] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel faf59554-b559-4f42-8460-7b0c69888df7
[12:47:36.529] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 8b3b9fe9-9ceb-4e56-9ac2-d7b0c7541a65
[12:47:36.529] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 61d1253e-2ac7-4cfe-9604-7396f05f1e27
[12:47:36.529] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel fdcb6d27-d029-456e-a66b-146334654227
[12:47:36.529] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 79cd82fe-03c9-4498-851c-b6123db0c839
[12:47:36.530] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 03f6daeb-e3ff-4fbf-a3f9-e3b844749b13
[12:47:36.530] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 49520ce8-ae18-46cc-80bf-f66392d8b11f
[12:47:36.530] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 48f3999f-e9e3-4f8a-8e5a-91bdd93415ac
[12:47:36.530] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel a6b53e0e-8415-43b3-9816-4786dd871f5f
[12:47:36.530] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 30cd1496-44eb-4613-86b0-075e6687b47f
[12:47:36.530] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel f9687d40-2874-47a9-b8a5-2942f512a207
[12:47:36.530] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel c054efcb-224a-4cf4-b868-b1b73f8e3ba7
[12:47:36.531] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 6596cad0-f52a-40fd-8484-582bd2aab1b6
[12:47:36.532] [Client thread/INFO]: Using default channel type
[12:47:36.536] [Client thread/INFO]: Started on 65373
[12:47:36.537] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Local game hosted on port 65373
[12:47:36.781] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/step1 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/step1.ogg as channel 4873d3b9-3502-4736-b64b-a25c04ee9936
[12:47:36.786] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/say1 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/say1.ogg as channel 21c09784-647a-4194-850b-d95055bcdc34
[12:47:36.936] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel e8b5e19f-c0af-455e-9609-c60e7e57e706 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:37.303] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 59873b1b-94f0-4e58-a928-b34d126d2ee9 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:37.639] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/step1 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/step1.ogg as channel cb9a417d-158e-4392-ad02-e281d5d9e5d6
[12:47:37.652] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 152da5fc-27a1-4cbb-922a-85957f34b20e because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:37.653] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 1eeef312-7fc6-4ff3-a00f-9b1a64f811c5 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:37.838] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 4873d3b9-3502-4736-b64b-a25c04ee9936 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:37.885] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 21c09784-647a-4194-850b-d95055bcdc34 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:38.689] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel cb9a417d-158e-4392-ad02-e281d5d9e5d6 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:39.298] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/step4 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/step4.ogg as channel ae72f2a0-5246-4416-8b9b-9d797804235b
[12:47:40.078] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 4cbecd40-7f12-46c6-a436-60e31935107e because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:40.084] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel faf59554-b559-4f42-8460-7b0c69888df7 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:40.345] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel b5966eb7-83e3-4e05-b5d6-c2fee236cc28 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:40.346] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 8babdbdf-402f-4134-909a-fe3f3e6d54b2 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:40.346] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 94da9d0e-97c2-4fff-ad95-d1a2bcdd843a because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:40.346] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 62f79644-c8d7-4c37-92b2-86152449c2e8 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:40.346] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel c05a863d-044e-457b-b82a-7475c9b9dd0f because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:40.347] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 08ac0b99-8549-4668-99d4-197bf73830ae because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:40.347] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 2407b87c-e7eb-45a4-a0ae-65cae7860c18 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:40.347] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 03f6daeb-e3ff-4fbf-a3f9-e3b844749b13 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:40.347] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 48f3999f-e9e3-4f8a-8e5a-91bdd93415ac because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:40.348] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel c054efcb-224a-4cf4-b868-b1b73f8e3ba7 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:40.348] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 6596cad0-f52a-40fd-8484-582bd2aab1b6 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:40.358] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel ae72f2a0-5246-4416-8b9b-9d797804235b because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:40.901] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel adfba55c-7b71-437e-94c5-3a19a44c25c9 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:40.948] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 52cb6093-a7ed-4e85-8eb0-3a899211260f because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:40.948] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 49520ce8-ae18-46cc-80bf-f66392d8b11f because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:40.950] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 30cd1496-44eb-4613-86b0-075e6687b47f because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:41.193] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 1ea3dc49-18c9-4e4e-8a96-f6ac76061e57 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:41.196] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel c34e0160-5aff-427e-9250-b3f4be7a4228 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:41.198] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel db2809c0-414c-4866-804c-53d9e8808e40 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:41.198] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 8b3b9fe9-9ceb-4e56-9ac2-d7b0c7541a65 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:41.199] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 61d1253e-2ac7-4cfe-9604-7396f05f1e27 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:41.209] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel fdcb6d27-d029-456e-a66b-146334654227 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:41.213] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 79cd82fe-03c9-4498-851c-b6123db0c839 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:41.217] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel a6b53e0e-8415-43b3-9816-4786dd871f5f because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:41.217] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel f9687d40-2874-47a9-b8a5-2942f512a207 because it's not playing anymore
[12:47:41.508] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel 91491125-bfa0-462c-9415-a9ee9cc3969c
[12:47:41.576] [Chunk Batcher 16/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:47:41.577] [Chunk Batcher 17/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:47:41.578] [Chunk Batcher 18/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:47:41.578] [Chunk Batcher 19/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:47:42.303] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 lost connection: TextComponent{text='Disconnected', siblings=[], style=Style{hasParent=false, color=null, bold=null, italic=null, underlined=null, obfuscated=null, clickEvent=null, hoverEvent=null, insertion=null}}
[12:47:42.305] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 left the game
[12:47:42.325] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping singleplayer server as player logged out
[12:47:42.370] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping server
[12:47:42.372] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving players
[12:47:42.372] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving worlds
[12:47:42.372] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:47:42.598] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:47:42.598] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:47:42.764] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel 3837f808-648f-4c3d-a138-8cfd443efe5e
[12:47:43.365] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel 23e59ac0-9d7a-4a7f-bb31-847571caafe7
[12:47:43.373] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): Stream Closed
[12:47:43.381] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at Method)
[12:47:43.382] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at Source)
[12:47:43.382] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at ath.a(SourceFile:320)
[12:47:43.383] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at ath.a(SourceFile:260)
[12:47:43.384] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at ath$a.close(SourceFile:241)
[12:47:43.385] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at Source)
[12:47:43.388] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at Source)
[12:47:43.388] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at Source)
[12:47:43.389] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at atj.b(SourceFile:148)
[12:47:43.389] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at atj.c(SourceFile:133)
[12:47:43.390] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at bbu.c(SourceFile:37)
[12:47:43.391] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at
[12:47:43.395] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at Source)
[12:47:44.260] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting integrated minecraft server version 1.10.2
[12:47:44.260] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
[12:47:44.623] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 0
[12:47:45.672] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 6%
[12:47:46.686] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 19%
[12:47:47.689] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 35%
[12:47:48.690] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 52%
[12:47:49.217] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Chicken that already exists with UUID 9038c743-1ca8-4e3e-9404-1a3f92dec7fd
[12:47:49.691] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 72%
[12:47:50.031] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartHopper that already exists with UUID 01834675-db6c-4ef2-a265-385324c84cc6
[12:47:50.031] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartRideable that already exists with UUID 62e85bc4-09d4-4956-8d51-7ee7bd85d17b
[12:47:50.031] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Villager that already exists with UUID dea9e43e-b48a-44b0-a835-60c5e581f2d8
[12:47:50.739] [Server thread/INFO]: Changing view distance to 6, from 10
[12:47:50.816] [Netty Local Client IO #5/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:47:50.816] [Netty Server IO #0/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@3cb3457f to mc@63cf4945
[12:47:50.818] [Netty Server IO #0/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:47:50.821] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@405d123c to blk@298f7b0a
[12:47:50.822] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:47:50.825] [Netty Server IO #0/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:47:50.825] [Netty Server IO #0/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@3cb3457f to mg@13585a42
[12:47:50.827] [Netty Local Client IO #5/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:47:50.852] [Netty Local Client IO #5/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:47:50.855] [Netty Local Client IO #5/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@405d123c to bll@6546306e
[12:47:50.869] [Server thread/DEBUG]: loading single player
[12:47:50.870] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22[local:E:fc92f5d3] logged in with entity id 17620 at (20.814426654058867, 90.53292827534491, 206.81027405255176)
[12:47:50.870] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@3cb3457f to me@2cffda36
[12:47:50.870] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:47:50.871] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:47:50.871] [Netty Server IO #0/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:47:50.871] [Netty Server IO #0/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:47:50.872] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 joined the game
[12:47:52.125] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
[12:47:52.156] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:47:52.247] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel eeaac09d-1d33-42fe-aa80-5bc67c8d0827
[12:47:52.273] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel b7e952b2-6750-4a48-a01b-d90461f6f1a6
[12:47:52.305] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 310e73cb-adfb-438b-9e78-cffc715ff663
[12:47:52.307] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 62a8273a-f405-4e96-8c09-27d68bb84f97
[12:47:52.308] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 12a348a6-c893-4c00-af31-2011a28050b4
[12:47:52.336] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 9e1e4d9b-3d60-4a5b-a2c7-d7a5191c49b9
[12:47:52.372] [Client thread/WARN]: Received passengers for unknown entity
[12:47:52.687] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:47:52.697] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:47:53.486] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 2218ms behind, skipping 44 tick(s)
[12:48:01.086] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Skipped playing sound minecraft:music/game/hal1, volume was zero.
[12:48:02.383] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 9e1e4d9b-3d60-4a5b-a2c7-d7a5191c49b9
[12:48:02.383] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 62a8273a-f405-4e96-8c09-27d68bb84f97
[12:48:02.384] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 12a348a6-c893-4c00-af31-2011a28050b4
[12:48:02.384] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 310e73cb-adfb-438b-9e78-cffc715ff663
[12:48:02.384] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel b7e952b2-6750-4a48-a01b-d90461f6f1a6
[12:48:02.386] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel eeaac09d-1d33-42fe-aa80-5bc67c8d0827
[12:48:02.457] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
[12:48:02.483] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:48:02.858] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:48:02.858] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:48:03.246] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel 44e81b47-0882-42aa-baf6-a2684ed3bac8
[12:48:05.134] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel 17eff481-7d93-480f-81ed-d0b22657acf5
[12:48:05.925] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel 1cb7c40c-c2cb-4ec8-a22b-cd42b1154460
[12:48:05.928] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 9e1e4d9b-3d60-4a5b-a2c7-d7a5191c49b9
[12:48:05.930] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 62a8273a-f405-4e96-8c09-27d68bb84f97
[12:48:05.931] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 12a348a6-c893-4c00-af31-2011a28050b4
[12:48:05.932] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 310e73cb-adfb-438b-9e78-cffc715ff663
[12:48:05.933] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel b7e952b2-6750-4a48-a01b-d90461f6f1a6
[12:48:05.934] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel eeaac09d-1d33-42fe-aa80-5bc67c8d0827
[12:48:05.936] [Client thread/INFO]: Using default channel type
[12:48:05.939] [Client thread/INFO]: Started on 65382
[12:48:05.940] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Local game hosted on port 65382
[12:48:06.946] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 1cb7c40c-c2cb-4ec8-a22b-cd42b1154460 because it's not playing anymore
[12:48:06.946] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 44e81b47-0882-42aa-baf6-a2684ed3bac8 because it's not playing anymore
[12:48:06.946] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 17eff481-7d93-480f-81ed-d0b22657acf5 because it's not playing anymore
[12:48:07.118] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel 787db562-9b56-4f85-914a-dc19963fd310
[12:48:07.196] [Chunk Batcher 20/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:48:07.197] [Chunk Batcher 21/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:48:07.197] [Chunk Batcher 22/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:48:07.198] [Chunk Batcher 23/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:48:07.203] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): Stream Closed
[12:48:07.206] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at Method)
[12:48:07.208] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at Source)
[12:48:07.208] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at ath.a(SourceFile:320)
[12:48:07.209] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at ath.a(SourceFile:260)
[12:48:07.209] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at ath$a.close(SourceFile:241)
[12:48:07.209] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at Source)
[12:48:07.210] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at Source)
[12:48:07.210] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at Source)
[12:48:07.211] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at atj.b(SourceFile:148)
[12:48:07.213] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at atj.c(SourceFile:133)
[12:48:07.214] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at bbu.c(SourceFile:37)
[12:48:07.214] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at
[12:48:07.214] [File IO Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]@.(null:-1): at Source)
[12:48:07.744] [Client thread/FATAL]: Error executing task
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.NullPointerException
at Source) ~[?:1.8.0_72]
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.get(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_72]
at h.a(SourceFile:46) [1.10.2.jar:?]
at bcx.av(SourceFile:960) [1.10.2.jar:?]
at bcx.a(SourceFile:396) [1.10.2.jar:?]
at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:124) [1.10.2.jar:?]
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at bll.a(SourceFile:476) ~[1.10.2.jar:?]
at ig.a(SourceFile:55) ~[1.10.2.jar:?]
at ig.a(SourceFile:9) ~[1.10.2.jar:?]
at fl$ ~[1.10.2.jar:?]
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ Source) ~[?:1.8.0_72]
at Source) ~[?:1.8.0_72]
at h.a(SourceFile:45) ~[1.10.2.jar:?]
... 3 more
[12:48:07.764] [Client thread/FATAL]: Error executing task
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.NullPointerException
at Source) ~[?:1.8.0_72]
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.get(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_72]
at h.a(SourceFile:46) [1.10.2.jar:?]
at bcx.av(SourceFile:960) [1.10.2.jar:?]
at bcx.a(SourceFile:396) [1.10.2.jar:?]
at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:124) [1.10.2.jar:?]
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at hk.a(SourceFile:42) ~[1.10.2.jar:?]
at bll.a(SourceFile:530) ~[1.10.2.jar:?]
at hk.a(SourceFile:38) ~[1.10.2.jar:?]
at hk.a(SourceFile:11) ~[1.10.2.jar:?]
at fl$ ~[1.10.2.jar:?]
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ Source) ~[?:1.8.0_72]
at Source) ~[?:1.8.0_72]
at h.a(SourceFile:45) ~[1.10.2.jar:?]
... 3 more
[12:48:07.766] [Client thread/FATAL]: Error executing task
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.NullPointerException
at Source) ~[?:1.8.0_72]
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.get(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_72]
at h.a(SourceFile:46) [1.10.2.jar:?]
at bcx.av(SourceFile:960) [1.10.2.jar:?]
at bcx.a(SourceFile:396) [1.10.2.jar:?]
at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:124) [1.10.2.jar:?]
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at gy.a(SourceFile:161) ~[1.10.2.jar:?]
at bll.a(SourceFile:508) ~[1.10.2.jar:?]
at gy.a(SourceFile:152) ~[1.10.2.jar:?]
at gy$a.a(SourceFile:67) ~[1.10.2.jar:?]
at fl$ ~[1.10.2.jar:?]
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ Source) ~[?:1.8.0_72]
at Source) ~[?:1.8.0_72]
at h.a(SourceFile:45) ~[1.10.2.jar:?]
... 3 more
[12:48:07.899] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 lost connection: TextComponent{text='Disconnected', siblings=[], style=Style{hasParent=false, color=null, bold=null, italic=null, underlined=null, obfuscated=null, clickEvent=null, hoverEvent=null, insertion=null}}
[12:48:07.900] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 left the game
[12:48:07.943] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping singleplayer server as player logged out
[12:48:07.982] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping server
[12:48:07.984] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving players
[12:48:07.984] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving worlds
[12:48:07.984] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:48:08.175] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:48:08.176] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:48:08.209] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel 60aecf4a-1387-47d2-9b4c-f9a45bd632a0
[12:48:09.162] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 60aecf4a-1387-47d2-9b4c-f9a45bd632a0 because it's not playing anymore
[12:48:09.230] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel 3f4e82c2-0010-4779-9afd-91d728a1782b
[12:48:10.436] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting integrated minecraft server version 1.10.2
[12:48:10.437] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
[12:48:10.776] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 0
[12:48:11.858] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 5%
[12:48:12.863] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 15%
[12:48:13.869] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 30%
[12:48:14.880] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 44%
[12:48:15.887] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 61%
[12:48:15.987] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Chicken that already exists with UUID 9038c743-1ca8-4e3e-9404-1a3f92dec7fd
[12:48:16.880] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartHopper that already exists with UUID 01834675-db6c-4ef2-a265-385324c84cc6
[12:48:16.880] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartRideable that already exists with UUID 62e85bc4-09d4-4956-8d51-7ee7bd85d17b
[12:48:16.881] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Villager that already exists with UUID dea9e43e-b48a-44b0-a835-60c5e581f2d8
[12:48:16.891] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 79%
[12:48:17.558] [Server thread/INFO]: Changing view distance to 6, from 10
[12:48:17.750] [Netty Server IO #3/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@137fd3d3 to mc@66ef48d8
[12:48:17.750] [Netty Local Client IO #6/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:17.752] [Netty Server IO #3/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:17.752] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@17da6e45 to blk@6af10aa7
[12:48:17.752] [Netty Server IO #3/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:17.752] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:48:17.753] [Netty Server IO #3/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@137fd3d3 to mg@22a64074
[12:48:17.754] [Netty Local Client IO #6/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:17.769] [Netty Local Client IO #6/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:17.770] [Netty Local Client IO #6/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@17da6e45 to bll@2d9bc66b
[12:48:17.785] [Server thread/DEBUG]: loading single player
[12:48:17.785] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22[local:E:527aab6e] logged in with entity id 19760 at (20.814426654058867, 90.53292827534491, 206.81027405255176)
[12:48:17.785] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@137fd3d3 to me@141ee8da
[12:48:17.785] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:48:17.786] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:48:17.786] [Netty Server IO #3/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:17.787] [Netty Server IO #3/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:17.787] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 joined the game
[12:48:19.460] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
[12:48:19.531] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:48:19.635] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 4d96c0fc-ff5a-4135-804b-8d6ea32f1735
[12:48:19.657] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 65f53072-e18c-417e-be05-b75c9a06230d
[12:48:19.669] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel f47d43e7-2682-45f1-bbb3-e54f885e943e
[12:48:19.671] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 0ddac359-8b9c-43c8-8a40-a88d692a69f7
[12:48:19.673] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel e6d17b76-3d17-4238-8977-22ae2bcfc8cb
[12:48:19.704] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 707bb5f5-3101-450a-a3d6-4ea48868a95c
[12:48:19.793] [Client thread/WARN]: Received passengers for unknown entity
[12:48:20.381] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:48:20.381] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:48:20.428] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 2173ms behind, skipping 43 tick(s)
[12:48:21.504] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 4d96c0fc-ff5a-4135-804b-8d6ea32f1735
[12:48:21.504] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel f47d43e7-2682-45f1-bbb3-e54f885e943e
[12:48:21.504] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 65f53072-e18c-417e-be05-b75c9a06230d
[12:48:21.504] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 707bb5f5-3101-450a-a3d6-4ea48868a95c
[12:48:21.504] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 0ddac359-8b9c-43c8-8a40-a88d692a69f7
[12:48:21.505] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel e6d17b76-3d17-4238-8977-22ae2bcfc8cb
[12:48:21.542] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
[12:48:21.563] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:48:21.939] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:48:21.939] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:48:22.605] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel 144d5442-c5aa-4c6a-9861-56006cc23e55
[12:48:23.166] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel 275b7062-3be4-4dfe-b4c9-766df218459d
[12:48:23.987] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel ca02a80c-d57c-4b3a-8d12-3b815297b8c8
[12:48:23.988] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 4d96c0fc-ff5a-4135-804b-8d6ea32f1735
[12:48:23.989] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel f47d43e7-2682-45f1-bbb3-e54f885e943e
[12:48:23.989] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 65f53072-e18c-417e-be05-b75c9a06230d
[12:48:23.989] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 707bb5f5-3101-450a-a3d6-4ea48868a95c
[12:48:23.989] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 0ddac359-8b9c-43c8-8a40-a88d692a69f7
[12:48:23.989] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel e6d17b76-3d17-4238-8977-22ae2bcfc8cb
[12:48:23.991] [Client thread/INFO]: Using default channel type
[12:48:23.995] [Client thread/INFO]: Started on 65393
[12:48:23.996] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Local game hosted on port 65393
[12:48:24.866] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel a89910b4-f677-40d1-9bd6-3e36764dbc30
[12:48:24.921] [Chunk Batcher 24/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:48:24.921] [Chunk Batcher 25/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:48:24.921] [Chunk Batcher 26/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:48:24.922] [Chunk Batcher 27/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:48:25.650] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 lost connection: TextComponent{text='Disconnected', siblings=[], style=Style{hasParent=false, color=null, bold=null, italic=null, underlined=null, obfuscated=null, clickEvent=null, hoverEvent=null, insertion=null}}
[12:48:25.650] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 left the game
[12:48:25.659] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping singleplayer server as player logged out
[12:48:25.700] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping server
[12:48:25.702] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving players
[12:48:25.702] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving worlds
[12:48:25.702] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:48:25.888] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:48:25.890] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:48:26.213] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel c3756faf-d22d-4106-8e62-ee92f1195047
[12:48:27.210] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel c3756faf-d22d-4106-8e62-ee92f1195047 because it's not playing anymore
[12:48:27.244] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel 26b72eca-8d30-4d43-b52a-5c4432d18a27
[12:48:28.157] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting integrated minecraft server version 1.10.2
[12:48:28.157] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
[12:48:28.431] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 0
[12:48:29.440] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 5%
[12:48:30.448] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 22%
[12:48:31.456] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 41%
[12:48:32.459] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 57%
[12:48:32.743] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Chicken that already exists with UUID 9038c743-1ca8-4e3e-9404-1a3f92dec7fd
[12:48:33.466] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 76%
[12:48:33.608] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartHopper that already exists with UUID 01834675-db6c-4ef2-a265-385324c84cc6
[12:48:33.608] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartRideable that already exists with UUID 62e85bc4-09d4-4956-8d51-7ee7bd85d17b
[12:48:33.608] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Villager that already exists with UUID dea9e43e-b48a-44b0-a835-60c5e581f2d8
[12:48:34.529] [Server thread/INFO]: Changing view distance to 6, from 10
[12:48:34.642] [Netty Server IO #6/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@5266906b to mc@2c38d54b
[12:48:34.643] [Netty Server IO #6/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:34.644] [Netty Local Client IO #7/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:34.645] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@50479c2b to blk@554a4d18
[12:48:34.645] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:48:34.646] [Netty Server IO #6/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:34.646] [Netty Server IO #6/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@5266906b to mg@63fe4386
[12:48:34.648] [Netty Local Client IO #7/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:34.690] [Netty Local Client IO #7/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:34.692] [Netty Local Client IO #7/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@50479c2b to bll@1196faaf
[12:48:34.716] [Server thread/DEBUG]: loading single player
[12:48:34.716] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22[local:E:65ee0cf3] logged in with entity id 20294 at (20.814426654058867, 90.53292827534491, 206.81027405255176)
[12:48:34.716] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@5266906b to me@35d2f8de
[12:48:34.717] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:48:34.717] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:48:34.717] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:48:34.717] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:48:34.717] [Netty Server IO #6/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:34.718] [Netty Server IO #6/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:34.718] [Netty Server IO #6/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:34.718] [Netty Server IO #6/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:34.723] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 joined the game
[12:48:36.024] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
[12:48:36.054] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:48:36.286] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel c1330f04-80f9-4ff1-911a-e662437b93d0
[12:48:36.292] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 816e4269-7b01-4626-9ea6-2b9ea1fe6500
[12:48:36.295] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel a4e8393d-4d44-430f-84ed-0fdc0ea0622e
[12:48:36.381] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel e5d933c4-80cf-4c0d-8b1e-1ef3ebbf4a0a
[12:48:36.397] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 70c4ab4e-d911-4882-b994-9ba65424ff18
[12:48:36.411] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 5681f274-5830-46c9-9f24-e376cc7ce7c5
[12:48:36.436] [Client thread/WARN]: Received passengers for unknown entity
[12:48:36.628] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:48:36.631] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:48:37.503] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 816e4269-7b01-4626-9ea6-2b9ea1fe6500
[12:48:37.506] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 5681f274-5830-46c9-9f24-e376cc7ce7c5
[12:48:37.506] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel e5d933c4-80cf-4c0d-8b1e-1ef3ebbf4a0a
[12:48:37.507] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel a4e8393d-4d44-430f-84ed-0fdc0ea0622e
[12:48:37.507] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 70c4ab4e-d911-4882-b994-9ba65424ff18
[12:48:37.508] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel c1330f04-80f9-4ff1-911a-e662437b93d0
[12:48:37.679] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
[12:48:37.719] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:48:38.029] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:48:38.029] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:48:38.036] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 2777ms behind, skipping 55 tick(s)
[12:48:38.474] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel 79f8159c-b571-4c66-ab70-acd66a36bbbb
[12:48:39.293] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel 0498bfc8-3bc3-457e-9bbe-837fe9385275
[12:48:40.198] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel 2b1e278c-293c-4789-89a2-272665c54715
[12:48:40.200] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 816e4269-7b01-4626-9ea6-2b9ea1fe6500
[12:48:40.200] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 5681f274-5830-46c9-9f24-e376cc7ce7c5
[12:48:40.201] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel e5d933c4-80cf-4c0d-8b1e-1ef3ebbf4a0a
[12:48:40.202] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel a4e8393d-4d44-430f-84ed-0fdc0ea0622e
[12:48:40.202] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 70c4ab4e-d911-4882-b994-9ba65424ff18
[12:48:40.202] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel c1330f04-80f9-4ff1-911a-e662437b93d0
[12:48:40.204] [Client thread/INFO]: Using default channel type
[12:48:40.208] [Client thread/INFO]: Started on 65396
[12:48:40.209] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Local game hosted on port 65396
[12:48:41.096] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel 1f79b04c-5f1c-4575-9cb5-ec051f0091ed
[12:48:41.136] [Chunk Batcher 28/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:48:41.139] [Chunk Batcher 29/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:48:41.139] [Chunk Batcher 30/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:48:41.140] [Chunk Batcher 31/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:48:41.812] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 lost connection: TextComponent{text='Disconnected', siblings=[], style=Style{hasParent=false, color=null, bold=null, italic=null, underlined=null, obfuscated=null, clickEvent=null, hoverEvent=null, insertion=null}}
[12:48:41.812] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 left the game
[12:48:41.822] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping singleplayer server as player logged out
[12:48:41.865] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping server
[12:48:41.866] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving players
[12:48:41.866] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving worlds
[12:48:41.866] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:48:42.032] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:48:42.033] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:48:42.264] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel d89d9f72-e6b9-447b-a18a-4882ccb229aa
[12:48:43.230] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel f0603a79-a124-41b1-bd78-35f4fd49e54a
[12:48:44.385] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting integrated minecraft server version 1.10.2
[12:48:44.385] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
[12:48:44.874] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 0
[12:48:45.885] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 5%
[12:48:46.981] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 23%
[12:48:47.982] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 40%
[12:48:48.983] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 55%
[12:48:49.306] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Chicken that already exists with UUID 9038c743-1ca8-4e3e-9404-1a3f92dec7fd
[12:48:49.987] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 74%
[12:48:50.290] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartHopper that already exists with UUID 01834675-db6c-4ef2-a265-385324c84cc6
[12:48:50.291] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartRideable that already exists with UUID 62e85bc4-09d4-4956-8d51-7ee7bd85d17b
[12:48:50.292] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Villager that already exists with UUID dea9e43e-b48a-44b0-a835-60c5e581f2d8
[12:48:51.011] [Server thread/INFO]: Changing view distance to 6, from 10
[12:48:51.112] [Netty Server IO #1/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@262f37 to mc@778bc8de
[12:48:51.116] [Netty Server IO #1/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:51.116] [Netty Local Client IO #0/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:51.117] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@7b3db079 to blk@6ef5e46a
[12:48:51.117] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:48:51.119] [Netty Server IO #1/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:51.119] [Netty Server IO #1/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@262f37 to mg@6ca6dd8c
[12:48:51.119] [Netty Local Client IO #0/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:51.131] [Netty Local Client IO #0/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:51.131] [Netty Local Client IO #0/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@7b3db079 to bll@582e98c7
[12:48:51.200] [Server thread/DEBUG]: loading single player
[12:48:51.201] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22[local:E:45236b2f] logged in with entity id 20804 at (20.814426654058867, 90.53292827534491, 206.81027405255176)
[12:48:51.201] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@262f37 to me@84ecd18
[12:48:51.201] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:48:51.201] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:48:51.201] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:48:51.201] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:48:51.201] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:48:51.202] [Netty Server IO #1/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:51.202] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:48:51.203] [Netty Server IO #1/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:51.203] [Netty Server IO #1/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:51.203] [Netty Server IO #1/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:51.203] [Netty Server IO #1/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:51.203] [Netty Server IO #1/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:48:51.211] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 joined the game
[12:48:52.293] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
[12:48:52.315] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:48:52.424] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 494e1a8e-2dcd-4c2b-a15f-1ccc8cadcf89
[12:48:52.435] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 34c3e633-89ca-4f5b-89ce-3adea10fddc7
[12:48:52.444] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel daf10970-b4ed-4c79-9670-89025243054a
[12:48:52.445] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel cf45a896-b213-43a0-a79d-9d1acba3dd5b
[12:48:52.446] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 36f2a8ef-6f09-4b45-ae9d-d08e3072745f
[12:48:52.455] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel cea421d9-3bc9-4488-8d0e-100466abde49
[12:48:52.473] [Client thread/WARN]: Received passengers for unknown entity
[12:48:52.786] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:48:52.786] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:49:08.043] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 36f2a8ef-6f09-4b45-ae9d-d08e3072745f
[12:49:08.044] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel cea421d9-3bc9-4488-8d0e-100466abde49
[12:49:08.044] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 494e1a8e-2dcd-4c2b-a15f-1ccc8cadcf89
[12:49:08.044] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 34c3e633-89ca-4f5b-89ce-3adea10fddc7
[12:49:08.044] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel cf45a896-b213-43a0-a79d-9d1acba3dd5b
[12:49:08.044] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel daf10970-b4ed-4c79-9670-89025243054a
[12:49:08.109] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
[12:49:08.130] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:49:08.463] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:49:08.463] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:49:09.413] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel aa0f3c38-78c3-40cc-864a-636cb349b64f
[12:49:10.307] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel 7374240c-5b7c-4c89-8caa-7247a28b87df
[12:49:10.967] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel a01af05e-fe41-4360-af4b-882128b952d4
[12:49:10.968] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 36f2a8ef-6f09-4b45-ae9d-d08e3072745f
[12:49:10.968] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel cea421d9-3bc9-4488-8d0e-100466abde49
[12:49:10.968] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 494e1a8e-2dcd-4c2b-a15f-1ccc8cadcf89
[12:49:10.969] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 34c3e633-89ca-4f5b-89ce-3adea10fddc7
[12:49:10.969] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel cf45a896-b213-43a0-a79d-9d1acba3dd5b
[12:49:10.969] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel daf10970-b4ed-4c79-9670-89025243054a
[12:49:10.971] [Client thread/INFO]: Using default channel type
[12:49:10.974] [Client thread/INFO]: Started on 65400
[12:49:10.975] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Local game hosted on port 65400
[12:49:11.954] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 7374240c-5b7c-4c89-8caa-7247a28b87df because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:11.955] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel aa0f3c38-78c3-40cc-864a-636cb349b64f because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:11.955] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel a01af05e-fe41-4360-af4b-882128b952d4 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:12.458] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel fed7dd5a-e30d-4ee4-8b37-b4dde399e5e6
[12:49:12.459] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 1073282e-8868-425d-9981-a0bee0338ada
[12:49:12.459] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 41f0b9f3-8556-4010-adbd-a41060ab9659
[12:49:12.459] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 39f7aca0-3a0a-408d-baba-86168c1d48bd
[12:49:12.460] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 45fde48d-9a84-4a90-9497-fbb5b7f83c45
[12:49:12.461] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel a74aea80-fc59-4eba-b4f6-3b10821799e1
[12:49:12.461] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 13bfe1e7-91c5-4a83-8618-a572c957474c
[12:49:12.852] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 67321f62-8a2b-466f-ac6e-ab71c3056260
[12:49:12.854] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 42fa2384-9bee-437f-a784-4f4fc29f9da5
[12:49:12.855] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel eb30fddb-1e3d-4bea-a78d-e9a47831522a
[12:49:12.857] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel a0325c2d-09db-4b0c-a1d9-143799a05a98
[12:49:12.858] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 0f99ca02-a1b0-409e-aea6-df3499840b83
[12:49:12.858] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 1655e46a-062a-4327-9c91-b47d4c02dd03
[12:49:12.860] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel c5d485f7-244b-45b2-9ae3-8d580ce89983
[12:49:12.861] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 8cf72f0b-d20e-44c1-bb67-5e511af025d8
[12:49:12.862] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 2aaf2e59-3905-4e81-8f8a-dd61b8593695
[12:49:12.863] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 10154da6-1c4d-4a3e-aa54-064e1993869c
[12:49:12.865] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 7ac906cd-f46f-4318-9b00-014df54e62f8
[12:49:12.866] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 829f850e-20b2-49f7-a957-4fef6ed49fea
[12:49:12.866] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel c76af67e-95ea-42bc-871d-643a318a4b41
[12:49:12.867] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 5126f1e0-fd7a-40b8-b7c0-06149be2afee
[12:49:12.868] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 865ef499-57e2-4661-b2cd-2ae84e7a7ed7
[12:49:12.869] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 16703cfc-138d-4c42-b4fc-2381f26b30eb
[12:49:12.869] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 179884cd-7e5f-4333-a901-443e7da9f676
[12:49:12.869] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel e7d76004-557c-45ca-8b31-6b612695c7b6
[12:49:12.869] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 23c043d1-7eb1-4d11-8b6d-09c5edfd6aad
[12:49:12.870] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 0bb779df-20aa-4c78-be20-91bb921f8238
[12:49:12.870] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 46f483dc-060a-490d-91a2-702d9ab3fa60
[12:49:12.960] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 36f2a8ef-6f09-4b45-ae9d-d08e3072745f because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:12.961] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel cf45a896-b213-43a0-a79d-9d1acba3dd5b because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:12.961] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel daf10970-b4ed-4c79-9670-89025243054a because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:13.289] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 3048b338-9b0b-4fea-8714-f4054f2f65ef
[12:49:13.293] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel d350f92d-b83e-4fed-8f74-c7c8f2662146
[12:49:13.294] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel d5a632ff-975a-4aae-bce2-e18dcabe4e6d
[12:49:13.296] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 970f7685-bb0f-40ad-afc3-0d0cd97cfe6b
[12:49:13.297] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 81ee22e8-b0c9-4ccb-a536-740fcfac1bd8
[12:49:13.306] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 7a53b9a9-85ac-42fb-930b-c912c0dbeab0
[12:49:13.306] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 82adc3e8-a66b-4639-b2b4-f82854dc3169
[12:49:13.307] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 78f447e2-f757-49ba-8b6c-821b26b65f46
[12:49:13.307] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 730b92bb-fdf5-4164-a1b2-e5d489f343ed
[12:49:13.307] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel f4d25a7e-6b48-4580-81ee-bc04dccc2c37
[12:49:13.307] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 7a617c60-9c90-4dad-9b80-68fbb7907847
[12:49:13.308] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 9d92db4c-5b54-4717-ab44-88d7dc85fedd
[12:49:13.308] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 3b39229b-53cc-49e9-868e-79e3891bd1ec
[12:49:13.308] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 32ca7122-25e2-41ff-9456-a93f46ac3869
[12:49:13.308] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel b6dc3072-5801-4ee0-afee-85ba3f83f165
[12:49:13.309] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 35ee9c59-b733-4eeb-b946-3d0669b2145d
[12:49:13.309] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel fdeabeb0-34a2-49cf-88ee-a70f1d8522d0
[12:49:13.309] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 399de351-2918-4e40-8bc4-03a24ecf1f12
[12:49:13.309] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 62a9c865-1a4e-46e7-89d4-6e551753bc60
[12:49:13.310] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel dc110ee6-e782-4a99-87df-2ca75b60fc33
[12:49:13.310] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 05fbaf64-51af-4bcb-a8f8-3a6570c3ccd9
[12:49:13.317] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel cea421d9-3bc9-4488-8d0e-100466abde49 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:13.439] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 13bfe1e7-91c5-4a83-8618-a572c957474c because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:13.439] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel a74aea80-fc59-4eba-b4f6-3b10821799e1 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:13.439] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 45fde48d-9a84-4a90-9497-fbb5b7f83c45 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:13.439] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 1073282e-8868-425d-9981-a0bee0338ada because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:13.439] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 41f0b9f3-8556-4010-adbd-a41060ab9659 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:13.439] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel fed7dd5a-e30d-4ee4-8b37-b4dde399e5e6 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:13.440] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 39f7aca0-3a0a-408d-baba-86168c1d48bd because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:13.630] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel a2c77701-8b9a-4b45-b8ad-b84f094f7d40
[12:49:13.634] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 0434d0c3-3564-4216-bbc3-20fb7e481a15
[12:49:13.642] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel ddc05f0b-6a4b-46c7-9870-67f9966d080d
[12:49:13.659] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 3b3e295f-548f-41d3-8551-67382e626f81
[12:49:13.662] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 70d3626e-c65f-4555-8a14-3ea7d00d4d40
[12:49:13.667] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 9fb80a55-46c7-4c03-acbb-8a205a5f3ca0
[12:49:13.679] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel e1f9f11e-b1a7-435a-8433-9180cd4c4ed6
[12:49:13.695] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 494e1a8e-2dcd-4c2b-a15f-1ccc8cadcf89 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:13.696] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 34c3e633-89ca-4f5b-89ce-3adea10fddc7 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:13.845] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 5b0edd8a-4977-451b-9347-d71a1e768387
[12:49:13.863] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 539bdc0f-ebcd-43f5-a7f8-a84d7fbfb69e
[12:49:13.913] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel eb30fddb-1e3d-4bea-a78d-e9a47831522a because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:13.913] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 67321f62-8a2b-466f-ac6e-ab71c3056260 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:13.913] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 23c043d1-7eb1-4d11-8b6d-09c5edfd6aad because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:13.914] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 46f483dc-060a-490d-91a2-702d9ab3fa60 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:13.914] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 42fa2384-9bee-437f-a784-4f4fc29f9da5 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:13.914] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 865ef499-57e2-4661-b2cd-2ae84e7a7ed7 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:13.914] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 2aaf2e59-3905-4e81-8f8a-dd61b8593695 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:13.914] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel c76af67e-95ea-42bc-871d-643a318a4b41 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:13.914] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 0bb779df-20aa-4c78-be20-91bb921f8238 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:13.914] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 16703cfc-138d-4c42-b4fc-2381f26b30eb because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:13.914] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 1655e46a-062a-4327-9c91-b47d4c02dd03 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:13.914] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 179884cd-7e5f-4333-a901-443e7da9f676 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:13.914] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 0f99ca02-a1b0-409e-aea6-df3499840b83 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:13.914] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 829f850e-20b2-49f7-a957-4fef6ed49fea because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:13.914] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel e7d76004-557c-45ca-8b31-6b612695c7b6 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:13.915] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 10154da6-1c4d-4a3e-aa54-064e1993869c because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:13.915] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 7ac906cd-f46f-4318-9b00-014df54e62f8 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:13.915] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel a0325c2d-09db-4b0c-a1d9-143799a05a98 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:13.915] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 5126f1e0-fd7a-40b8-b7c0-06149be2afee because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:13.915] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel c5d485f7-244b-45b2-9ae3-8d580ce89983 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:13.915] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 8cf72f0b-d20e-44c1-bb67-5e511af025d8 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:14.164] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (6 packets since last tick)
[12:49:14.184] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 78b3fa24-f602-4f83-8906-9472a2ac175f
[12:49:14.190] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 2230f1bc-78be-4378-a883-edfc7f8c7cbc
[12:49:14.362] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel bcec8910-3f1d-4618-ac9a-b9dacf092ae7
[12:49:14.362] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel b4c9aaa0-3bd6-49e9-99b7-b1205d1ade28
[12:49:14.379] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 7a53b9a9-85ac-42fb-930b-c912c0dbeab0 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:14.379] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 970f7685-bb0f-40ad-afc3-0d0cd97cfe6b because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:14.379] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 3048b338-9b0b-4fea-8714-f4054f2f65ef because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:14.379] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel d5a632ff-975a-4aae-bce2-e18dcabe4e6d because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:14.380] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 81ee22e8-b0c9-4ccb-a536-740fcfac1bd8 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:14.380] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel d350f92d-b83e-4fed-8f74-c7c8f2662146 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:14.429] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 5be8797a-6b48-46aa-9931-38e65f092ef0
[12:49:14.430] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel b050e5bb-a03c-4d84-b78b-746e0fe2a32d
[12:49:14.432] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel ac138556-f153-4c7f-a3e8-d58ba95400df
[12:49:14.434] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 2598b516-3a0c-4537-b948-cf40cf09b5ea
[12:49:14.449] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 78f447e2-f757-49ba-8b6c-821b26b65f46 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:14.450] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel f4d25a7e-6b48-4580-81ee-bc04dccc2c37 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:14.450] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 730b92bb-fdf5-4164-a1b2-e5d489f343ed because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:14.450] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 82adc3e8-a66b-4639-b2b4-f82854dc3169 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:15.345] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 5be8797a-6b48-46aa-9931-38e65f092ef0 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:15.346] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel ac138556-f153-4c7f-a3e8-d58ba95400df because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:15.346] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 2598b516-3a0c-4537-b948-cf40cf09b5ea because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:15.346] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel b050e5bb-a03c-4d84-b78b-746e0fe2a32d because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:15.966] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Skipped playing sound minecraft:music/game/hal1, volume was zero.
[12:49:16.672] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 78b3fa24-f602-4f83-8906-9472a2ac175f because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:16.983] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel a2c77701-8b9a-4b45-b8ad-b84f094f7d40 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:18.555] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 5b0edd8a-4977-451b-9347-d71a1e768387 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:18.555] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 0434d0c3-3564-4216-bbc3-20fb7e481a15 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:18.555] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 3b3e295f-548f-41d3-8551-67382e626f81 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:18.555] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 539bdc0f-ebcd-43f5-a7f8-a84d7fbfb69e because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:18.555] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel ddc05f0b-6a4b-46c7-9870-67f9966d080d because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:18.779] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 7a617c60-9c90-4dad-9b80-68fbb7907847 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:18.782] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 05fbaf64-51af-4bcb-a8f8-3a6570c3ccd9 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:18.785] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel dc110ee6-e782-4a99-87df-2ca75b60fc33 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:18.786] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 9d92db4c-5b54-4717-ab44-88d7dc85fedd because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:18.994] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 3b39229b-53cc-49e9-868e-79e3891bd1ec because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:18.995] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 32ca7122-25e2-41ff-9456-a93f46ac3869 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:18.996] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 62a9c865-1a4e-46e7-89d4-6e551753bc60 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:18.996] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel fdeabeb0-34a2-49cf-88ee-a70f1d8522d0 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:18.996] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 399de351-2918-4e40-8bc4-03a24ecf1f12 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:18.997] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel b6dc3072-5801-4ee0-afee-85ba3f83f165 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:18.997] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 35ee9c59-b733-4eeb-b946-3d0669b2145d because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:19.244] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 70d3626e-c65f-4555-8a14-3ea7d00d4d40 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:19.283] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel e1f9f11e-b1a7-435a-8433-9180cd4c4ed6 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:19.284] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 9fb80a55-46c7-4c03-acbb-8a205a5f3ca0 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:20.670] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel bcec8910-3f1d-4618-ac9a-b9dacf092ae7 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:20.941] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel b4c9aaa0-3bd6-49e9-99b7-b1205d1ade28 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:21.723] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 2230f1bc-78be-4378-a883-edfc7f8c7cbc because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:25.623] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 9ad245dd-f34b-4ace-902c-8ea93a1f692e
[12:49:26.309] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 82843a37-5745-4b24-8e53-de16bdcf08d4
[12:49:26.734] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel 9f1d5809-9358-4745-90c2-967e0fd1e9ea
[12:49:26.796] [Chunk Batcher 32/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:49:26.798] [Chunk Batcher 33/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:49:26.799] [Chunk Batcher 34/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:49:26.799] [Chunk Batcher 35/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:49:27.445] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 lost connection: TextComponent{text='Disconnected', siblings=[], style=Style{hasParent=false, color=null, bold=null, italic=null, underlined=null, obfuscated=null, clickEvent=null, hoverEvent=null, insertion=null}}
[12:49:27.446] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 left the game
[12:49:27.459] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping singleplayer server as player logged out
[12:49:27.503] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping server
[12:49:27.507] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving players
[12:49:27.508] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving worlds
[12:49:27.508] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:49:27.788] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel 06e092ab-aaa3-4f23-b461-43125afbcd32
[12:49:27.903] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:49:27.910] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:49:28.440] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel 21ac9119-8546-4484-a191-db2de2c0dd36
[12:49:29.287] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting integrated minecraft server version 1.10.2
[12:49:29.288] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
[12:49:29.523] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 0
[12:49:30.526] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 4%
[12:49:31.527] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 18%
[12:49:32.531] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 28%
[12:49:33.544] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 40%
[12:49:34.559] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 51%
[12:49:35.084] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Chicken that already exists with UUID 9038c743-1ca8-4e3e-9404-1a3f92dec7fd
[12:49:35.566] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 72%
[12:49:35.896] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartHopper that already exists with UUID 01834675-db6c-4ef2-a265-385324c84cc6
[12:49:35.896] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartRideable that already exists with UUID 62e85bc4-09d4-4956-8d51-7ee7bd85d17b
[12:49:35.896] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Villager that already exists with UUID dea9e43e-b48a-44b0-a835-60c5e581f2d8
[12:49:36.512] [Server thread/INFO]: Changing view distance to 6, from 10
[12:49:36.584] [Netty Server IO #4/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@3c24c614 to mc@19253ac4
[12:49:36.584] [Netty Local Client IO #1/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:49:36.586] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@744d0cfb to blk@7c943143
[12:49:36.586] [Netty Server IO #4/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:49:36.586] [Netty Server IO #4/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:49:36.586] [Netty Server IO #4/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@3c24c614 to mg@1c3676d2
[12:49:36.586] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:49:36.587] [Netty Local Client IO #1/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:49:36.617] [Netty Local Client IO #1/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:49:36.618] [Netty Local Client IO #1/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@744d0cfb to bll@186867
[12:49:36.704] [Server thread/DEBUG]: loading single player
[12:49:36.704] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22[local:E:8fd4f9a0] logged in with entity id 25060 at (85.59148535620919, 98.01985372181083, 277.36219162638207)
[12:49:36.704] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@3c24c614 to me@73a32278
[12:49:36.704] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:49:36.705] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:49:36.705] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:49:36.705] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:49:36.705] [Netty Server IO #4/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:49:36.705] [Netty Server IO #4/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:49:36.705] [Netty Server IO #4/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:49:36.705] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 joined the game
[12:49:36.705] [Netty Server IO #4/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:49:38.360] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel d6a44312-0ede-4ca0-8460-1f426223e3c8
[12:49:38.530] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 84611ada-1b6c-4c32-9c7b-27319047208d
[12:49:38.536] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 50f69138-203b-4ba1-b10a-a224b997a367
[12:49:39.237] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 84611ada-1b6c-4c32-9c7b-27319047208d
[12:49:39.239] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel 50f69138-203b-4ba1-b10a-a224b997a367
[12:49:39.239] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Pausing channel d6a44312-0ede-4ca0-8460-1f426223e3c8
[12:49:39.305] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
[12:49:39.338] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:49:39.779] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel f80ca242-2d62-47f4-8fcf-6b517b4696bc
[12:49:39.829] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:49:39.830] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:49:40.339] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel 2bead497-4cc1-4a03-97fb-58a903c9d573
[12:49:41.336] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel 3c52f55a-ddc4-4c2a-86c0-8084cf9de9c7
[12:49:41.338] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 84611ada-1b6c-4c32-9c7b-27319047208d
[12:49:41.339] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 50f69138-203b-4ba1-b10a-a224b997a367
[12:49:41.339] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel d6a44312-0ede-4ca0-8460-1f426223e3c8
[12:49:41.341] [Client thread/INFO]: Using default channel type
[12:49:41.347] [Client thread/INFO]: Started on 65441
[12:49:41.348] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Local game hosted on port 65441
[12:49:42.144] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (6 packets since last tick)
[12:49:42.144] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (7 packets since last tick)
[12:49:42.144] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (8 packets since last tick)
[12:49:42.534] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 3c52f55a-ddc4-4c2a-86c0-8084cf9de9c7 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:42.536] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 2bead497-4cc1-4a03-97fb-58a903c9d573 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:42.537] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel f80ca242-2d62-47f4-8fcf-6b517b4696bc because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:44.247] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 2bdcb580-8828-455d-aba4-2944f591faae
[12:49:44.902] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 31065ca4-56a4-4697-9887-77035c719425
[12:49:45.523] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 85ce01c4-c2af-4f2a-ac3c-2a2596714a0f
[12:49:45.539] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 50f69138-203b-4ba1-b10a-a224b997a367 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:45.541] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 2bdcb580-8828-455d-aba4-2944f591faae because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:45.797] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 84611ada-1b6c-4c32-9c7b-27319047208d because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:48.075] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/bat/takeoff for event minecraft:sounds/mob/bat/takeoff.ogg as channel 7cda4e29-1b98-4fed-a9e7-fd788de20da2
[12:49:48.234] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/bat/takeoff for event minecraft:sounds/mob/bat/takeoff.ogg as channel 5d9a4571-3e2a-4df4-93bd-17a6d8853810
[12:49:48.903] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 68e3ecb2-6392-44dd-8014-00fd8f1846fb
[12:49:48.905] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 7db3bfe5-3a8c-4a69-bc08-b174c87b6c27
[12:49:49.077] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 5d9a4571-3e2a-4df4-93bd-17a6d8853810 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:49.077] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 7cda4e29-1b98-4fed-a9e7-fd788de20da2 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:49.290] [Client thread/WARN]: Received passengers for unknown entity
[12:49:49.290] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel bfa39981-5f52-474e-a4cb-faf07584e470
[12:49:49.291] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel d0f5f065-f22f-494a-ac2a-d3c0c53e49ff
[12:49:49.291] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 787c8ffd-7d5d-427b-84e1-4571db6855b8
[12:49:49.291] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel a6702e9c-121b-49ed-8067-03c0fff4c3f6
[12:49:49.292] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 1cc0862d-d81e-4174-863f-efeafced507a
[12:49:49.292] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel cdbad311-a2a7-44bc-8cbb-0c2ccc39fda0
[12:49:49.293] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel b95edd44-3919-459e-b0ae-a3871f281ad3
[12:49:49.293] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 7c98efba-2f1e-49b4-8d68-a9c181b6be42
[12:49:49.294] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 5819620f-8f4a-4d2f-a3f6-97b3aac4a5d3
[12:49:49.294] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 84e89866-742d-4ee7-9958-47c2eb86b357
[12:49:49.295] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel b5609d87-844e-49b3-ba65-96a7136d77ff
[12:49:49.295] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 8023bb50-3e41-4efa-b266-cc72a513830f
[12:49:49.296] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel aa39b548-10f6-468a-a2dc-11d4fc3567d1
[12:49:49.297] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 3bf38993-6a32-47a8-bff0-759c4f4faecb
[12:49:49.297] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 8bcfdc0b-8f42-4f67-b1d9-467a088e2633
[12:49:49.297] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel e1986faf-2bc6-483d-b82a-c50b3c7b45a2
[12:49:49.298] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 94935236-cd0a-46d2-a537-721570959908
[12:49:49.298] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 08289e08-d6f8-401b-bd1f-7d110bdc66e0
[12:49:49.298] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 4507f650-0fc7-4ca7-9a8a-16e9bec405a4
[12:49:49.298] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 1fe72168-6a0d-4d38-ba5a-ad03b2159481
[12:49:49.299] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 8ca5657e-cf30-4495-8450-507f14450b4e
[12:49:49.299] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 6b358b78-ffdd-4a9e-a09d-cdbb9603d5ba
[12:49:49.299] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 756aac14-29b1-4ca1-be6d-381ef0856dc5
[12:49:49.299] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 07e22b4d-22e8-4eeb-b529-ee15bd4ea971
[12:49:49.300] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel ff078600-baee-43a0-be98-5959bfbfafb8
[12:49:49.300] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 61d4d5d5-b303-4ace-8a72-ef747f13c8c0
[12:49:49.485] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel d0bd2f5a-89ce-4fc0-81b8-368363917d4d
[12:49:49.492] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel c65c3e6c-b0d0-4790-a04d-d23bd658b976
[12:49:49.494] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 6b58c4dd-38cd-44ff-8358-dd317fe3e69b
[12:49:49.495] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel b59ddf4e-cb43-4588-99ec-1255392c3095
[12:49:49.498] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 8ee93463-807f-4bb2-80b0-8abd95b06a2f
[12:49:49.499] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel fdea721a-fcde-4aa6-b036-13accca144d5
[12:49:49.501] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 9a12bd74-4199-4700-84e4-60cadc6ccf8b
[12:49:49.502] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel a2f8f855-df77-40e9-8756-9eb4e90e7120
[12:49:49.504] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel c32201b1-28dc-4b65-807f-29ba5a27d1a2
[12:49:49.507] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 114a53e6-9ea3-44e9-9689-6ce3253a6714
[12:49:49.509] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 2d40a566-f4b3-4530-ba4c-2d32f1a0995e
[12:49:49.509] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 24376f9a-9a1e-444e-a17e-c52e8a60b184
[12:49:49.510] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 066d8003-e973-4f04-bc08-149efce3081b
[12:49:49.510] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 136bf7a1-dad1-4c56-9ae6-2896263826f7
[12:49:49.510] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 0d1a5c97-e677-485b-b999-dfaf9232d229
[12:49:49.510] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 72cfa210-7649-4853-a7f2-0e9aeb652c28
[12:49:49.511] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 16914a5b-db96-4bfe-95c5-e8d6c04f694d
[12:49:49.518] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel d6a44312-0ede-4ca0-8460-1f426223e3c8 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:49.780] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 0e20075c-ddb9-402b-a4e6-b1c0b401c684
[12:49:49.785] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 71837d28-13b0-468e-938c-f9cce65ab740
[12:49:49.786] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 8fbd0ae4-dee7-46d7-bb05-ec1245257eaf
[12:49:49.786] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 4a63bdf9-e63f-4cff-b7a9-700acaeca82f
[12:49:49.899] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 68e3ecb2-6392-44dd-8014-00fd8f1846fb because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:49.899] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 7db3bfe5-3a8c-4a69-bc08-b174c87b6c27 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:49.937] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/rabbit/idle2 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/rabbit/idle2.ogg as channel 9069d368-ce98-48e4-906a-239b659712ff
[12:49:50.025] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 31065ca4-56a4-4697-9887-77035c719425 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:50.180] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 896e6b75-e731-4317-99dc-71513d1d8539
[12:49:50.193] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 85ce01c4-c2af-4f2a-ac3c-2a2596714a0f because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:50.284] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 1fe72168-6a0d-4d38-ba5a-ad03b2159481 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:50.290] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 08289e08-d6f8-401b-bd1f-7d110bdc66e0 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:50.290] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 84e89866-742d-4ee7-9958-47c2eb86b357 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:50.290] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel aa39b548-10f6-468a-a2dc-11d4fc3567d1 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:50.290] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 5819620f-8f4a-4d2f-a3f6-97b3aac4a5d3 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:50.290] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel b95edd44-3919-459e-b0ae-a3871f281ad3 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:50.291] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel d0f5f065-f22f-494a-ac2a-d3c0c53e49ff because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:50.291] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 8ca5657e-cf30-4495-8450-507f14450b4e because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:50.292] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel a6702e9c-121b-49ed-8067-03c0fff4c3f6 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:50.292] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 8023bb50-3e41-4efa-b266-cc72a513830f because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:50.292] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 7c98efba-2f1e-49b4-8d68-a9c181b6be42 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:50.292] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 94935236-cd0a-46d2-a537-721570959908 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:50.293] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 4507f650-0fc7-4ca7-9a8a-16e9bec405a4 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:50.294] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 1cc0862d-d81e-4174-863f-efeafced507a because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:50.294] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 787c8ffd-7d5d-427b-84e1-4571db6855b8 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:50.294] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel e1986faf-2bc6-483d-b82a-c50b3c7b45a2 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:50.295] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 8bcfdc0b-8f42-4f67-b1d9-467a088e2633 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:50.295] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel bfa39981-5f52-474e-a4cb-faf07584e470 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:50.295] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel b5609d87-844e-49b3-ba65-96a7136d77ff because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:50.297] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel cdbad311-a2a7-44bc-8cbb-0c2ccc39fda0 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:50.297] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 3bf38993-6a32-47a8-bff0-759c4f4faecb because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:50.439] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/sheep/say1 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/sheep/say1.ogg as channel e404538c-ed5b-4af5-9aa2-46ed7511f9ff
[12:49:50.446] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel fc810a60-9988-41f4-a9fd-3022d9911ef4
[12:49:50.449] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel b5756257-98c0-483e-a520-d99e74c9b4ee
[12:49:50.452] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 01236624-fe6c-4e83-b8fc-404704ccc7e9
[12:49:50.453] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 4a5b63b6-446d-410b-acd0-10c61d14f23e
[12:49:50.468] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 07e22b4d-22e8-4eeb-b529-ee15bd4ea971 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:50.475] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 756aac14-29b1-4ca1-be6d-381ef0856dc5 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:50.477] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 6b358b78-ffdd-4a9e-a09d-cdbb9603d5ba because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:50.599] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/rabbit/idle2 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/rabbit/idle2.ogg as channel 4d644151-17b7-400a-aa4c-fb484b621f13
[12:49:50.620] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel ff078600-baee-43a0-be98-5959bfbfafb8 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:50.697] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 153180f8-878d-4937-8a5c-ff826f6a8015
[12:49:50.699] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel e86b9615-9a2d-469f-8e66-f4f61fb8aa64
[12:49:50.700] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 12f57153-c48e-46b5-850b-d3752f1a0ecf
[12:49:50.703] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel dde466ca-98de-41ae-8b51-7fe45c804141
[12:49:50.728] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 6b58c4dd-38cd-44ff-8358-dd317fe3e69b because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:50.728] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel d0bd2f5a-89ce-4fc0-81b8-368363917d4d because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:50.729] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel c65c3e6c-b0d0-4790-a04d-d23bd658b976 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:50.729] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 61d4d5d5-b303-4ace-8a72-ef747f13c8c0 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:50.965] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 9069d368-ce98-48e4-906a-239b659712ff because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:51.005] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 4f8dd25f-1235-400b-9027-2141ce6ac37a
[12:49:51.008] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel b9a01e68-e865-4676-a46b-41e90a164701
[12:49:51.011] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel d2731096-166d-4ad2-a55c-4112a9099a58
[12:49:51.012] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 6315810f-560d-468d-a6df-d89fa467b571
[12:49:51.209] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 896e6b75-e731-4317-99dc-71513d1d8539 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:51.468] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel fc810a60-9988-41f4-a9fd-3022d9911ef4 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:51.468] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 01236624-fe6c-4e83-b8fc-404704ccc7e9 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:51.468] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 4a5b63b6-446d-410b-acd0-10c61d14f23e because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:51.468] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel b5756257-98c0-483e-a520-d99e74c9b4ee because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:51.515] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 4d644151-17b7-400a-aa4c-fb484b621f13 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:51.569] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel e404538c-ed5b-4af5-9aa2-46ed7511f9ff because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:51.652] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel e86b9615-9a2d-469f-8e66-f4f61fb8aa64 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:51.652] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 153180f8-878d-4937-8a5c-ff826f6a8015 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:51.652] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 12f57153-c48e-46b5-850b-d3752f1a0ecf because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:51.762] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel dde466ca-98de-41ae-8b51-7fe45c804141 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:51.996] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel d2731096-166d-4ad2-a55c-4112a9099a58 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:51.997] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 6315810f-560d-468d-a6df-d89fa467b571 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:51.997] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel b9a01e68-e865-4676-a46b-41e90a164701 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:52.560] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel b59ddf4e-cb43-4588-99ec-1255392c3095 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:52.560] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 8fbd0ae4-dee7-46d7-bb05-ec1245257eaf because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:52.560] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 71837d28-13b0-468e-938c-f9cce65ab740 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:52.561] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 0e20075c-ddb9-402b-a4e6-b1c0b401c684 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:52.864] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 066d8003-e973-4f04-bc08-149efce3081b because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:52.864] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 136bf7a1-dad1-4c56-9ae6-2896263826f7 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:53.132] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 24376f9a-9a1e-444e-a17e-c52e8a60b184 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:53.132] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 0d1a5c97-e677-485b-b999-dfaf9232d229 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:53.132] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 72cfa210-7649-4853-a7f2-0e9aeb652c28 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:53.132] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 16914a5b-db96-4bfe-95c5-e8d6c04f694d because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:53.375] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 8ee93463-807f-4bb2-80b0-8abd95b06a2f because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:53.376] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 2d40a566-f4b3-4530-ba4c-2d32f1a0995e because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:53.376] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel c32201b1-28dc-4b65-807f-29ba5a27d1a2 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:53.377] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 114a53e6-9ea3-44e9-9689-6ce3253a6714 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:53.379] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 4a63bdf9-e63f-4cff-b7a9-700acaeca82f because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:53.642] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel fdea721a-fcde-4aa6-b036-13accca144d5 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:53.643] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 4f8dd25f-1235-400b-9027-2141ce6ac37a because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:53.645] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 9a12bd74-4199-4700-84e4-60cadc6ccf8b because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:53.645] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel a2f8f855-df77-40e9-8756-9eb4e90e7120 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:53.886] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 235cdfda-7467-4a37-a696-bb14d7f19961
[12:49:53.887] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 829d2c7e-9403-4658-bc7d-8de68619f753
[12:49:53.890] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 0cf643ee-48e3-4d7d-b22c-c3f98637d2be
[12:49:54.173] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 348da89e-e91d-4394-aadd-1c632d0492da
[12:49:54.174] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 41da28fa-f0c1-4e79-9c6e-c9757165374f
[12:49:54.181] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 709907fa-47eb-4bd0-910d-83fac345a42f
[12:49:54.182] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 0e5a8c0b-ff30-4015-91ec-0ec12b483926
[12:49:54.182] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 360e183d-6e0a-42f0-8a35-ee58b77b27f0
[12:49:54.183] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 4fd43392-da18-4ccd-bdfe-591ac6683e0a
[12:49:54.183] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 3fdf22ba-11f9-49ac-b7df-a36d35eb15ac
[12:49:54.183] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 8090f7e1-ec91-4535-b16e-ac42d184e1f5
[12:49:54.184] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel bd903ce7-f2e2-440e-9ada-0de903a44a68
[12:49:54.184] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel c57a9bb2-c094-4e71-ad45-16ffe9cb0996
[12:49:54.184] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 506f28df-d31a-4ff8-8dea-cfc493e2431d
[12:49:54.184] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 912034a0-9a23-40bb-a615-8f98b6a9c4d0
[12:49:54.184] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 56b6c5e2-0349-4b9c-a9bb-e6bc2f3da737
[12:49:54.184] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 9dd023ad-5fa2-45e0-8c5b-e05bd5710139
[12:49:54.185] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 608010ce-297c-4c02-95b9-e0cdab73a317
[12:49:54.450] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel b6c89db8-b421-47c3-a6b8-a41a16240c9c
[12:49:54.451] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 84a2b4ac-5c94-4385-8dd4-20bc81ce1292
[12:49:54.452] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 06c0c410-29bb-4ed9-9321-52a96e29e778
[12:49:54.452] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 2de72b23-81d0-4856-b151-329009767b71
[12:49:54.453] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 684c4cdc-5b70-40ac-9455-5d6130c5677e
[12:49:54.454] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel e32c6d06-176f-4af8-8329-30123a3dd7ef
[12:49:54.454] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 82dbbbae-8ef7-4e59-a92a-5ba0707f2a16
[12:49:54.454] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 7f6332c4-3c9d-4cc2-a098-3552a3a3313e
[12:49:54.455] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 555b29fb-3885-4311-8b81-4745e7eb56db
[12:49:54.455] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 4880c4f2-d425-4660-96da-e52633230a02
[12:49:54.456] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 2db19f9a-5b80-429b-9cf6-c9396b75321a
[12:49:54.456] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 56cb5cce-14ac-4e53-ad46-fda1fc1998d4
[12:49:54.457] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel f2a2fb46-4c99-47d0-b7a0-95e1b11a7f58
[12:49:54.457] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel c82214b2-b669-4f6c-ad31-fca272c1d2c0
[12:49:54.457] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 13d66b21-cacd-431e-9169-d9af2e40b3c9
[12:49:54.458] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 4d2268a3-3387-4f55-ad57-d445731b45c7
[12:49:54.459] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 6a03752e-be36-4906-a0e0-b58ee70df8d9
[12:49:54.459] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel b84d46c6-3dc8-4508-aab3-af6dfbc0c35e
[12:49:54.460] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel cf878fd8-2cbd-409f-ba86-cb794deffea7
[12:49:54.460] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 598dafe4-a106-4f55-84fc-c643bbf9daed
[12:49:54.461] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 3fe64a67-1e13-4210-adf6-dae4bd3a9e85
[12:49:54.461] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 1ac2e7ef-479f-4b61-8939-42b373912452
[12:49:54.461] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel daf6058d-397b-4519-8271-6d50a8084d7a
[12:49:54.462] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 84303673-fafb-4b22-9119-34e9aa395a5b
[12:49:54.462] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 3ebb3bdd-e14b-4f8b-92a2-92bd5ac65ec0
[12:49:54.463] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 09f4372c-c7ae-4be4-a20b-97dc738b454f
[12:49:54.463] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 49345a52-713c-43cb-afb2-ae2f07171646
[12:49:54.463] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 45e9ba71-a1e8-4cc6-a33f-65becbe67566
[12:49:54.716] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 799828c6-0ddf-4f53-a3f4-5230e1f38b2e
[12:49:54.717] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 0b9435c2-0437-453e-b602-bc8e99becd4c
[12:49:54.718] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel d6c8c279-24d3-4931-a5c1-2d4e4e375a50
[12:49:54.719] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 95f9c43e-c7cb-4b91-b832-128b8620dca2
[12:49:54.837] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 235cdfda-7467-4a37-a696-bb14d7f19961 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:54.838] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 829d2c7e-9403-4658-bc7d-8de68619f753 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:54.838] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 0cf643ee-48e3-4d7d-b22c-c3f98637d2be because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:54.912] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 76fd1e8f-5696-4087-8b58-0698690028b6
[12:49:55.029] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/rabbit/hop3 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/rabbit/hop3.ogg as channel 698cb72f-62bc-4b5c-bca9-7ab6ae770a7d
[12:49:55.183] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 82e32892-040f-4b09-98cd-ca24d08af61e
[12:49:55.185] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel e686b67c-0e07-4c0e-91e9-f958a8d98fe5
[12:49:55.185] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel d4bc68eb-2325-4382-9163-a58d29793f7b
[12:49:55.186] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel f2577135-1247-476b-8364-e87d73734257
[12:49:55.186] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 22373d6d-4efb-484f-8dd4-346db9a7f174
[12:49:55.186] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 9108de0a-9f52-400a-9e1f-6c70aec52e44
[12:49:55.188] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel f606a1cb-41b9-49e2-b969-bce86b022ae4
[12:49:55.203] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 608010ce-297c-4c02-95b9-e0cdab73a317 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:55.204] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel bd903ce7-f2e2-440e-9ada-0de903a44a68 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:55.204] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel c57a9bb2-c094-4e71-ad45-16ffe9cb0996 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:55.204] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 0e5a8c0b-ff30-4015-91ec-0ec12b483926 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:55.204] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 9dd023ad-5fa2-45e0-8c5b-e05bd5710139 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:55.204] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 348da89e-e91d-4394-aadd-1c632d0492da because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:55.204] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 56b6c5e2-0349-4b9c-a9bb-e6bc2f3da737 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:55.204] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 41da28fa-f0c1-4e79-9c6e-c9757165374f because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:55.204] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 912034a0-9a23-40bb-a615-8f98b6a9c4d0 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:55.204] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 709907fa-47eb-4bd0-910d-83fac345a42f because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:55.204] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 360e183d-6e0a-42f0-8a35-ee58b77b27f0 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:55.204] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 3fdf22ba-11f9-49ac-b7df-a36d35eb15ac because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:55.205] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 506f28df-d31a-4ff8-8dea-cfc493e2431d because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:55.205] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 8090f7e1-ec91-4535-b16e-ac42d184e1f5 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:55.205] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 4fd43392-da18-4ccd-bdfe-591ac6683e0a because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:55.281] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel c1bb0bd5-204a-47d8-a59f-f848f1d30190
[12:49:55.463] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 06c0c410-29bb-4ed9-9321-52a96e29e778 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:55.464] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 56cb5cce-14ac-4e53-ad46-fda1fc1998d4 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:55.464] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 555b29fb-3885-4311-8b81-4745e7eb56db because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:55.464] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 2db19f9a-5b80-429b-9cf6-c9396b75321a because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:55.464] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 4880c4f2-d425-4660-96da-e52633230a02 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:55.464] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 2de72b23-81d0-4856-b151-329009767b71 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:55.464] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel f2a2fb46-4c99-47d0-b7a0-95e1b11a7f58 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:55.464] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel e32c6d06-176f-4af8-8329-30123a3dd7ef because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:55.464] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 7f6332c4-3c9d-4cc2-a098-3552a3a3313e because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:55.464] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel c82214b2-b669-4f6c-ad31-fca272c1d2c0 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:55.465] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 82dbbbae-8ef7-4e59-a92a-5ba0707f2a16 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:55.465] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel b6c89db8-b421-47c3-a6b8-a41a16240c9c because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:55.465] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 84a2b4ac-5c94-4385-8dd4-20bc81ce1292 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:55.465] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 684c4cdc-5b70-40ac-9455-5d6130c5677e because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:55.500] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/stone4 for event minecraft:sounds/step/stone4.ogg as channel 9c7a881d-06e7-4940-bfef-7c21abf9cf58
[12:49:55.580] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 13d66b21-cacd-431e-9169-d9af2e40b3c9 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:55.633] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 7399820b-f2c3-4694-9257-e25c1e824614
[12:49:55.634] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 8c9ac160-3ec9-4684-a6d0-02c2ee8fe994
[12:49:55.645] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 6a03752e-be36-4906-a0e0-b58ee70df8d9 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:55.646] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 4d2268a3-3387-4f55-ad57-d445731b45c7 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:55.983] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 698cb72f-62bc-4b5c-bca9-7ab6ae770a7d because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:56.451] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 9c7a881d-06e7-4940-bfef-7c21abf9cf58 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:57.042] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/stone2 for event minecraft:sounds/step/stone2.ogg as channel f2ec314f-c514-4050-a6fb-08c55bb66c1c
[12:49:57.406] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/snow1 for event minecraft:sounds/step/snow1.ogg as channel c58675f1-bc48-4f5a-83f2-a178fa16de0f
[12:49:57.707] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/stone1 for event minecraft:sounds/step/stone1.ogg as channel c025f3e0-a4ef-4bf6-a677-85e2c1f3a4e9
[12:49:57.998] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel f2ec314f-c514-4050-a6fb-08c55bb66c1c because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:58.298] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/stone5 for event minecraft:sounds/step/stone5.ogg as channel 0e1a2e19-a045-4d84-8529-e575df186d72
[12:49:58.473] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel c58675f1-bc48-4f5a-83f2-a178fa16de0f because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:58.655] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel c025f3e0-a4ef-4bf6-a677-85e2c1f3a4e9 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:58.915] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/stone4 for event minecraft:sounds/step/stone4.ogg as channel 5d129e25-f4d8-49c1-b87f-74d8d6928d30
[12:49:59.275] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 0e1a2e19-a045-4d84-8529-e575df186d72 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:59.503] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/stone6 for event minecraft:sounds/step/stone6.ogg as channel 031e6a7d-d672-4559-8345-24ed2009871c
[12:49:59.624] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/stone3 for event minecraft:sounds/step/stone3.ogg as channel 3e869f2a-141a-49c0-96d6-c60ea8cea799
[12:49:59.794] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/cow/say1 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/cow/say1.ogg as channel 6680cca9-810f-4441-ac17-1b998cb5eba1
[12:49:59.914] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel f2577135-1247-476b-8364-e87d73734257 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:59.914] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel d4bc68eb-2325-4382-9163-a58d29793f7b because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:59.914] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 9108de0a-9f52-400a-9e1f-6c70aec52e44 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:59.914] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel f606a1cb-41b9-49e2-b969-bce86b022ae4 because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:59.914] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 82e32892-040f-4b09-98cd-ca24d08af61e because it's not playing anymore
[12:49:59.941] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/cow/say2 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/cow/say2.ogg as channel bb323119-8249-4256-b1d7-23aec339a741
[12:50:00.093] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 5d129e25-f4d8-49c1-b87f-74d8d6928d30 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:00.100] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 45e9ba71-a1e8-4cc6-a33f-65becbe67566 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:00.100] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 22373d6d-4efb-484f-8dd4-346db9a7f174 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:00.174] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/stone6 for event minecraft:sounds/step/stone6.ogg as channel 3059cf90-7219-4f3a-a703-9738618d9f46
[12:50:00.445] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 031e6a7d-d672-4559-8345-24ed2009871c because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:00.499] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 3e869f2a-141a-49c0-96d6-c60ea8cea799 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:00.756] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 49345a52-713c-43cb-afb2-ae2f07171646 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:00.757] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 09f4372c-c7ae-4be4-a20b-97dc738b454f because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:00.798] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/stone6 for event minecraft:sounds/step/stone6.ogg as channel 827a19c7-ac7e-46bd-96db-e6292b5d8a38
[12:50:00.800] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 6680cca9-810f-4441-ac17-1b998cb5eba1 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:01.028] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/cow/say3 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/cow/say3.ogg as channel 78c11003-49d2-4156-b7e6-3408773e2c87
[12:50:01.231] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 3059cf90-7219-4f3a-a703-9738618d9f46 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:01.256] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/stone1 for event minecraft:sounds/step/stone1.ogg as channel e077fb2b-5fcb-4d7e-8788-18af58978404
[12:50:01.499] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel bb323119-8249-4256-b1d7-23aec339a741 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:01.772] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 827a19c7-ac7e-46bd-96db-e6292b5d8a38 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:02.054] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 3ebb3bdd-e14b-4f8b-92a2-92bd5ac65ec0 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:02.055] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 1ac2e7ef-479f-4b61-8939-42b373912452 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:02.181] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel e077fb2b-5fcb-4d7e-8788-18af58978404 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:02.364] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/stone3 for event minecraft:sounds/step/stone3.ogg as channel 6fb2253b-33b4-4a3b-8c64-294fb241b692
[12:50:02.598] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 78c11003-49d2-4156-b7e6-3408773e2c87 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:02.874] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/stone1 for event minecraft:sounds/step/stone1.ogg as channel d68433dd-11a4-46fa-9d18-8dba6275b81c
[12:50:03.137] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 3fe64a67-1e13-4210-adf6-dae4bd3a9e85 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:03.189] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 84303673-fafb-4b22-9119-34e9aa395a5b because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:03.275] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/stone1 for event minecraft:sounds/step/stone1.ogg as channel 3e840953-842a-4ca1-8ffb-25da6d4ddbc9
[12:50:03.312] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 6fb2253b-33b4-4a3b-8c64-294fb241b692 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:03.576] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel d6c8c279-24d3-4931-a5c1-2d4e4e375a50 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:03.577] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 0b9435c2-0437-453e-b602-bc8e99becd4c because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:03.578] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel daf6058d-397b-4519-8271-6d50a8084d7a because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:03.578] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel cf878fd8-2cbd-409f-ba86-cb794deffea7 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:03.815] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel d68433dd-11a4-46fa-9d18-8dba6275b81c because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:03.975] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/stone2 for event minecraft:sounds/step/stone2.ogg as channel d9eb4f9a-cc34-43e4-8734-0382a621c46e
[12:50:04.213] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 3e840953-842a-4ca1-8ffb-25da6d4ddbc9 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:04.560] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/snow4 for event minecraft:sounds/step/snow4.ogg as channel dcb511cd-aaac-4cd8-9b5f-3c714ccc6844
[12:50:04.588] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/cow/step4 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/cow/step4.ogg as channel dcb107c8-91d4-4bc5-b1eb-5889c9a21bda
[12:50:04.711] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 95f9c43e-c7cb-4b91-b832-128b8620dca2 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:04.712] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel b84d46c6-3dc8-4508-aab3-af6dfbc0c35e because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:04.712] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 598dafe4-a106-4f55-84fc-c643bbf9daed because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:04.878] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/snow1 for event minecraft:sounds/step/snow1.ogg as channel 980d780e-051a-4f3f-93f9-e066c4c7d84d
[12:50:04.916] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel d9eb4f9a-cc34-43e4-8734-0382a621c46e because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:05.335] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartRideable that already exists with UUID 62e85bc4-09d4-4956-8d51-7ee7bd85d17b
[12:50:05.335] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Villager that already exists with UUID dea9e43e-b48a-44b0-a835-60c5e581f2d8
[12:50:05.525] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel dcb511cd-aaac-4cd8-9b5f-3c714ccc6844 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:05.557] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/cow/step2 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/cow/step2.ogg as channel 1e82d3eb-7827-4377-a2db-d01352fc30b5
[12:50:05.660] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel dcb107c8-91d4-4bc5-b1eb-5889c9a21bda because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:05.813] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 980d780e-051a-4f3f-93f9-e066c4c7d84d because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:06.019] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/snow3 for event minecraft:sounds/step/snow3.ogg as channel 4e5a71dc-2261-46ce-989b-f2119df5aae2
[12:50:06.204] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/snow2 for event minecraft:sounds/step/snow2.ogg as channel 263c0a2c-9091-43ab-a9a5-66a400816f47
[12:50:06.334] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 76fd1e8f-5696-4087-8b58-0698690028b6 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:06.334] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel e686b67c-0e07-4c0e-91e9-f958a8d98fe5 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:06.474] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/snow2 for event minecraft:sounds/step/snow2.ogg as channel 1d43d9e2-ebde-438d-a8b4-db49f1c88436
[12:50:06.510] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 1e82d3eb-7827-4377-a2db-d01352fc30b5 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:06.549] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/cow/step1 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/cow/step1.ogg as channel 2e9d8fdc-f0fd-4f63-9427-3688aed1084d
[12:50:06.731] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/snow4 for event minecraft:sounds/step/snow4.ogg as channel 9afe6834-fe00-411b-8ba0-bbed68b42030
[12:50:06.975] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 799828c6-0ddf-4f53-a3f4-5230e1f38b2e because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:06.976] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 4e5a71dc-2261-46ce-989b-f2119df5aae2 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:07.118] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 263c0a2c-9091-43ab-a9a5-66a400816f47 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:07.422] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/snow3 for event minecraft:sounds/step/snow3.ogg as channel 431b19ea-d537-4a78-b333-ec4fe0588b77
[12:50:07.426] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 1d43d9e2-ebde-438d-a8b4-db49f1c88436 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:07.500] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/cow/step4 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/cow/step4.ogg as channel 80dc7ac4-320f-4528-9ddf-a65c010d14ea
[12:50:07.507] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 2e9d8fdc-f0fd-4f63-9427-3688aed1084d because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:07.561] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 43dffd6e-de48-4015-a0b0-4b4ce95d51eb
[12:50:07.698] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 9afe6834-fe00-411b-8ba0-bbed68b42030 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:07.983] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/snow4 for event minecraft:sounds/step/snow4.ogg as channel 0eff6de9-fc34-4dfb-9247-ebfb482e6533
[12:50:08.321] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/snow2 for event minecraft:sounds/step/snow2.ogg as channel 0a6d9022-ea9d-493a-a44d-c2175ad8b8c1
[12:50:08.361] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 431b19ea-d537-4a78-b333-ec4fe0588b77 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:08.484] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 80dc7ac4-320f-4528-9ddf-a65c010d14ea because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:08.515] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/snow4 for event minecraft:sounds/step/snow4.ogg as channel 56ab84e1-ca16-40ec-a585-79b3bacee30e
[12:50:08.594] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/cow/step3 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/cow/step3.ogg as channel f27518e4-dee3-433a-8853-0f0885b12b84
[12:50:08.814] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/snow3 for event minecraft:sounds/step/snow3.ogg as channel 0700624b-ffa6-48eb-ba78-4474f4b06231
[12:50:08.916] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 0eff6de9-fc34-4dfb-9247-ebfb482e6533 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:09.107] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/snow1 for event minecraft:sounds/step/snow1.ogg as channel 1ccf5036-fcd9-463d-ac24-f4c1d719feb7
[12:50:09.211] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/cow/say3 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/cow/say3.ogg as channel 4e1810ac-88fb-44f8-9643-c5ad7312ba87
[12:50:09.284] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 0a6d9022-ea9d-493a-a44d-c2175ad8b8c1 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:09.306] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartHopper that already exists with UUID 01834675-db6c-4ef2-a265-385324c84cc6
[12:50:09.484] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 56ab84e1-ca16-40ec-a585-79b3bacee30e because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:09.563] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel f27518e4-dee3-433a-8853-0f0885b12b84 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:09.722] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Skipped playing sound minecraft:music/game/creative/creative5, volume was zero.
[12:50:09.759] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 0700624b-ffa6-48eb-ba78-4474f4b06231 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:09.822] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/snow1 for event minecraft:sounds/step/snow1.ogg as channel dcb370bf-129c-4bbf-a680-fea65e241a4e
[12:50:10.041] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 1ccf5036-fcd9-463d-ac24-f4c1d719feb7 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:10.205] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/cow/step2 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/cow/step2.ogg as channel dece9aed-394f-46a8-bb21-87d2f0949aae
[12:50:10.338] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/cow/step2 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/cow/step2.ogg as channel e18fd7c6-e20e-450f-959c-555a01c97431
[12:50:10.565] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/snow4 for event minecraft:sounds/step/snow4.ogg as channel 31b434d7-5880-40a7-b148-c2decc6c2a7a
[12:50:10.610] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 4e1810ac-88fb-44f8-9643-c5ad7312ba87 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:10.784] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel dcb370bf-129c-4bbf-a680-fea65e241a4e because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:11.174] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel dece9aed-394f-46a8-bb21-87d2f0949aae because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:11.296] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel e18fd7c6-e20e-450f-959c-555a01c97431 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:11.522] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 31b434d7-5880-40a7-b148-c2decc6c2a7a because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:11.986] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/snow1 for event minecraft:sounds/step/snow1.ogg as channel da2635bd-9d71-41d1-8f98-a34acdfd5abd
[12:50:12.963] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel da2635bd-9d71-41d1-8f98-a34acdfd5abd because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:13.149] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/snow2 for event minecraft:sounds/step/snow2.ogg as channel a5ebf39b-d1a3-4530-a57d-08ce82217d70
[12:50:13.804] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/cow/say4 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/cow/say4.ogg as channel 7fcd4eb5-3b53-467c-8201-0928458b8f42
[12:50:14.084] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel a5ebf39b-d1a3-4530-a57d-08ce82217d70 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:14.489] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/cow/step2 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/cow/step2.ogg as channel 3cf91650-6e96-4497-a516-0223f234d54c
[12:50:14.869] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/stone5 for event minecraft:sounds/step/stone5.ogg as channel 32fa4ae1-b15e-42dd-b341-2263d5d03086
[12:50:15.185] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 7fcd4eb5-3b53-467c-8201-0928458b8f42 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:15.424] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 3cf91650-6e96-4497-a516-0223f234d54c because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:15.491] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/cow/say3 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/cow/say3.ogg as channel 4abcde6c-6d8f-4bbf-a792-3a621f5ab47b
[12:50:15.823] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 32fa4ae1-b15e-42dd-b341-2263d5d03086 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:15.855] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/cow/step2 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/cow/step2.ogg as channel 9473971f-daad-4893-8548-19b560927540
[12:50:16.748] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:mob/cow/say2 for event minecraft:sounds/mob/cow/say2.ogg as channel 9926f849-8724-42a4-8606-fc940f37c0a2
[12:50:16.814] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 9473971f-daad-4893-8548-19b560927540 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:17.017] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 4abcde6c-6d8f-4bbf-a792-3a621f5ab47b because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:17.447] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel d0cf556d-ebbf-4190-8cc9-cd984f8c369e
[12:50:17.447] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 2d5a73ac-2c46-4ad3-b8ff-3fc4b0c67515
[12:50:18.266] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 9926f849-8724-42a4-8606-fc940f37c0a2 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:18.433] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 2d5a73ac-2c46-4ad3-b8ff-3fc4b0c67515 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:18.779] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel d0cf556d-ebbf-4190-8cc9-cd984f8c369e because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:19.861] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/snow4 for event minecraft:sounds/step/snow4.ogg as channel a61f5d6b-db1d-469e-8cd0-04c9cc684abf
[12:50:20.073] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 43dffd6e-de48-4015-a0b0-4b4ce95d51eb because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:20.806] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/snow2 for event minecraft:sounds/step/snow2.ogg as channel 12494c36-5d21-4ded-b59b-a38705d0a560
[12:50:20.807] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel a61f5d6b-db1d-469e-8cd0-04c9cc684abf because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:21.343] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/snow1 for event minecraft:sounds/step/snow1.ogg as channel 85eccce1-134e-45d8-aa8d-b2cf8741af3a
[12:50:21.779] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 12494c36-5d21-4ded-b59b-a38705d0a560 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:22.304] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 85eccce1-134e-45d8-aa8d-b2cf8741af3a because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:22.440] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/grass5 for event minecraft:sounds/step/grass5.ogg as channel 4b0881ee-faea-4c28-8b05-7c705026cfc2
[12:50:23.195] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/grass6 for event minecraft:sounds/step/grass6.ogg as channel 97e52837-17c0-492c-b9a6-4c6feced8396
[12:50:23.368] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 4b0881ee-faea-4c28-8b05-7c705026cfc2 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:23.716] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/grass3 for event minecraft:sounds/step/grass3.ogg as channel 555ec1c3-e002-4acd-b186-f098ae7f3fad
[12:50:24.124] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 97e52837-17c0-492c-b9a6-4c6feced8396 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:24.297] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (6 packets since last tick)
[12:50:24.297] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (7 packets since last tick)
[12:50:24.297] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (8 packets since last tick)
[12:50:24.298] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (9 packets since last tick)
[12:50:24.298] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (10 packets since last tick)
[12:50:24.298] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (11 packets since last tick)
[12:50:24.298] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (12 packets since last tick)
[12:50:24.298] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (13 packets since last tick)
[12:50:24.414] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/grass6 for event minecraft:sounds/step/grass6.ogg as channel cbdb0afc-83a7-4ce0-955b-2c35cd99d3d0
[12:50:24.590] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 734f9e05-5b01-42bb-94da-241e68270048
[12:50:24.659] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 555ec1c3-e002-4acd-b186-f098ae7f3fad because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:25.124] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/grass5 for event minecraft:sounds/step/grass5.ogg as channel 9bfc6863-ef08-460a-9751-06f03b8b32d8
[12:50:25.365] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel cbdb0afc-83a7-4ce0-955b-2c35cd99d3d0 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:25.727] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/grass1 for event minecraft:sounds/step/grass1.ogg as channel 48a556e5-e280-4ee3-8381-75a021ee9eed
[12:50:25.861] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 9a605bc2-d36e-4917-a0df-7031d9032513
[12:50:26.077] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 9bfc6863-ef08-460a-9751-06f03b8b32d8 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:26.526] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/grass1 for event minecraft:sounds/step/grass1.ogg as channel 37bb32ff-f8c6-4aca-953a-cac659fcbdab
[12:50:26.659] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 48a556e5-e280-4ee3-8381-75a021ee9eed because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:26.876] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 674e8914-7f02-4045-981c-6ed2e3995ada
[12:50:26.877] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 4f0a67cd-3faa-410a-8adf-ecb6d37075c4
[12:50:26.877] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 37e20d73-81ff-4228-ae16-216e0a91bafa
[12:50:26.917] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/grass2 for event minecraft:sounds/step/grass2.ogg as channel 873b922e-ae46-49d1-a245-f4a10dfd8a30
[12:50:27.410] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/grass1 for event minecraft:sounds/step/grass1.ogg as channel a6e9ffa5-c7b9-4829-bfec-72e284f93d33
[12:50:27.477] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 37bb32ff-f8c6-4aca-953a-cac659fcbdab because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:27.821] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 4f0a67cd-3faa-410a-8adf-ecb6d37075c4 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:27.858] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 873b922e-ae46-49d1-a245-f4a10dfd8a30 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:27.858] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 674e8914-7f02-4045-981c-6ed2e3995ada because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:27.967] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/grass3 for event minecraft:sounds/step/grass3.ogg as channel 87bebee8-b355-4960-98ed-c83580ec6a19
[12:50:28.306] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/grass2 for event minecraft:sounds/step/grass2.ogg as channel 24298090-b9b9-4502-a8bc-ded2eb9394b9
[12:50:28.364] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel a6e9ffa5-c7b9-4829-bfec-72e284f93d33 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:28.727] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/grass5 for event minecraft:sounds/step/grass5.ogg as channel 262c0324-d057-4e8d-a097-a62a1428035d
[12:50:28.926] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 87bebee8-b355-4960-98ed-c83580ec6a19 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:29.109] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/grass1 for event minecraft:sounds/step/grass1.ogg as channel f8595bbe-60a1-4b43-a692-462711e3aab6
[12:50:29.279] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 734f9e05-5b01-42bb-94da-241e68270048 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:29.280] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 24298090-b9b9-4502-a8bc-ded2eb9394b9 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:29.280] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 9a605bc2-d36e-4917-a0df-7031d9032513 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:29.681] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 262c0324-d057-4e8d-a097-a62a1428035d because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:30.030] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartRideable that already exists with UUID 62e85bc4-09d4-4956-8d51-7ee7bd85d17b
[12:50:30.031] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Villager that already exists with UUID dea9e43e-b48a-44b0-a835-60c5e581f2d8
[12:50:30.067] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel f8595bbe-60a1-4b43-a692-462711e3aab6 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:30.117] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 5aeea4eb-e2d6-4141-990b-c2b63d436510
[12:50:30.637] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:dig/grass2 for event minecraft:sounds/dig/grass2.ogg as channel 7e8d37db-73d6-43d1-88ca-d38978d8e8c6
[12:50:31.435] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:step/grass5 for event minecraft:sounds/step/grass5.ogg as channel 73fcd3b0-e260-40fb-baa9-f41839a131f7
[12:50:31.625] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 7e8d37db-73d6-43d1-88ca-d38978d8e8c6 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:32.386] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 73fcd3b0-e260-40fb-baa9-f41839a131f7 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:46.586] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 8c9ac160-3ec9-4684-a6d0-02c2ee8fe994 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:46.586] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 7399820b-f2c3-4694-9257-e25c1e824614 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:47.083] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel c1bb0bd5-204a-47d8-a59f-f848f1d30190 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:50.720] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 37e20d73-81ff-4228-ae16-216e0a91bafa because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:51.105] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 5aeea4eb-e2d6-4141-990b-c2b63d436510 because it's not playing anymore
[12:50:52.019] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (6 packets since last tick)
[12:50:54.708] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel e5de5739-ae24-4461-baa5-efe8fceb5379
[12:50:54.721] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 lost connection: TextComponent{text='Disconnected', siblings=[], style=Style{hasParent=false, color=null, bold=null, italic=null, underlined=null, obfuscated=null, clickEvent=null, hoverEvent=null, insertion=null}}
[12:50:54.721] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 left the game
[12:50:54.756] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping singleplayer server as player logged out
[12:50:54.763] [Chunk Batcher 36/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:50:54.764] [Chunk Batcher 37/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:50:54.764] [Chunk Batcher 38/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:50:54.765] [Chunk Batcher 39/DEBUG]: Stopping chunk worker due to interrupt
[12:50:55.508] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping server
[12:50:55.511] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving players
[12:50:55.512] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving worlds
[12:50:55.512] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:50:55.830] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:50:55.830] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:50:55.914] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel e49df0c7-5318-434c-bd92-6f111a26e30d
[12:50:56.880] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel 887de851-8adf-4601-a0ec-46f910b074d4
[12:50:58.113] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting integrated minecraft server version 1.10.2
[12:50:58.120] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
[12:50:58.859] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 0
[12:50:59.888] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 3%
[12:51:00.894] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 14%
[12:51:01.905] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 30%
[12:51:02.905] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 49%
[12:51:03.656] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Chicken that already exists with UUID 9038c743-1ca8-4e3e-9404-1a3f92dec7fd
[12:51:03.906] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 67%
[12:51:04.462] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartHopper that already exists with UUID 01834675-db6c-4ef2-a265-385324c84cc6
[12:51:04.462] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity MinecartRideable that already exists with UUID 62e85bc4-09d4-4956-8d51-7ee7bd85d17b
[12:51:04.462] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Villager that already exists with UUID dea9e43e-b48a-44b0-a835-60c5e581f2d8
[12:51:04.909] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 95%
[12:51:05.088] [Server thread/INFO]: Changing view distance to 6, from 10
[12:51:05.203] [Netty Server IO #7/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@6eefd6cb to mc@62e0f817
[12:51:05.203] [Netty Local Client IO #2/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:51:05.205] [Netty Server IO #7/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:51:05.206] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@43b1fdb7 to blk@7bdbf06f
[12:51:05.210] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:51:05.212] [Netty Server IO #7/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:51:05.212] [Netty Server IO #7/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@6eefd6cb to mg@79fc8bce
[12:51:05.212] [Netty Local Client IO #2/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:51:05.239] [Netty Local Client IO #2/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:51:05.239] [Netty Local Client IO #2/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@43b1fdb7 to bll@55a7dd08
[12:51:05.252] [Server thread/DEBUG]: loading single player
[12:51:05.253] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22[local:E:b825da02] logged in with entity id 32296 at (-67.39766680260362, 66.72156250157889, 270.9894553853909)
[12:51:05.253] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Set listener of eo@6eefd6cb to me@2db60cc3
[12:51:05.253] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:51:05.254] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:51:05.254] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:51:05.254] [Server thread/DEBUG]: Disabled auto read
[12:51:05.254] [Netty Server IO #7/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:51:05.255] [Netty Server IO #7/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:51:05.255] [Netty Server IO #7/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:51:05.255] [Netty Server IO #7/DEBUG]: Enabled auto read
[12:51:05.256] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 joined the game
[12:51:20.186] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (6 packets since last tick)
[12:51:20.187] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (7 packets since last tick)
[12:51:20.308] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
[12:51:20.338] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:51:20.798] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel a790e63c-c435-4b90-ade3-dbb22c3316d0
[12:51:20.892] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:51:20.892] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
[12:51:21.290] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel 0ea817aa-4903-4b5c-aa78-c85e366443b7
[12:51:22.006] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel 25778938-88ac-4841-8302-2ccd1897cdda
[12:51:22.008] [Client thread/INFO]: Using default channel type
[12:51:22.011] [Client thread/INFO]: Started on 65454
[12:51:22.013] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Local game hosted on port 65454
[12:51:22.502] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (6 packets since last tick)
[12:51:22.503] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (7 packets since last tick)
[12:51:22.503] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (8 packets since last tick)
[12:51:22.889] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (6 packets since last tick)
[12:51:22.890] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (7 packets since last tick)
[12:51:22.890] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (8 packets since last tick)
[12:51:23.008] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 0ea817aa-4903-4b5c-aa78-c85e366443b7 because it's not playing anymore
[12:51:23.008] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel a790e63c-c435-4b90-ade3-dbb22c3316d0 because it's not playing anymore
[12:51:23.009] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 25778938-88ac-4841-8302-2ccd1897cdda because it's not playing anymore
[12:51:23.445] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (6 packets since last tick)
[12:51:23.445] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (7 packets since last tick)
[12:51:23.446] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (8 packets since last tick)
[12:51:23.446] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (9 packets since last tick)
[12:51:23.446] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (10 packets since last tick)
[12:51:23.446] [Server thread/DEBUG]: pokechu22 is sending move packets too frequently (11 packets since last tick)
[12:51:28.903] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 5f6e694a-646f-4ac3-aa62-47286304561c
[12:51:29.609] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel f40e694b-66d8-4352-aae4-3d06d1335690
[12:51:29.902] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:minecart/base for event minecraft:sounds/minecart/base.ogg as channel 56bec1f9-35a4-49f1-b956-640f3cfeac7d
[12:51:30.391] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:random/click for event minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg as channel 43a5b4ed-af9f-400c-a033-3acbe777a517
[12:51:30.428] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 lost connection: TextComponent{text='Disconnected', siblings=[], style=Style{hasParent=false, color=null, bold=null, italic=null, underlined=null, obfuscated=null, clickEvent=null, hoverEvent=null, insertion=null}}
[12:51:30.428] [Server thread/INFO]: pokechu22 left the game
[12:51:30.470] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping singleplayer server as player logged out
[12:51:30.504] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping server
[12:51:30.505] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving players
[12:51:30.505] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving worlds
[12:51:30.506] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[12:51:30.955] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether
[12:51:30.955] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End
2016-06-28 12:52:04
Full thread dump Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (25.72-b15 mixed mode):
"Chunk Batcher 43" #187 daemon prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x0000000022e86800 nid=0x1070 waiting on condition [0x000000004c66f000]
java.lang.Thread.State: WAITING (parking)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
- parking to wait for <0x00000000aeda8110> (a java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject.await(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.PriorityBlockingQueue.take(Unknown Source)
at bqt.d(SourceFile:173)
at Source)
"Chunk Batcher 42" #186 daemon prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x000000002474e000 nid=0x2750 waiting on condition [0x000000004c56f000]
java.lang.Thread.State: WAITING (parking)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
- parking to wait for <0x00000000aeda8110> (a java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject.await(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.PriorityBlockingQueue.take(Unknown Source)
at bqt.d(SourceFile:173)
at Source)
"Chunk Batcher 41" #185 daemon prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x000000002474b800 nid=0x1de8 waiting on condition [0x000000004c46f000]
java.lang.Thread.State: WAITING (parking)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
- parking to wait for <0x00000000aeda8110> (a java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject.await(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.PriorityBlockingQueue.take(Unknown Source)
at bqt.d(SourceFile:173)
at Source)
"Chunk Batcher 40" #184 daemon prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x000000002474e800 nid=0x1630 waiting on condition [0x000000004c36f000]
java.lang.Thread.State: WAITING (parking)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
- parking to wait for <0x00000000aeda8110> (a java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject.await(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.PriorityBlockingQueue.take(Unknown Source)
at bqt.d(SourceFile:173)
at Source)
"Netty Local Client IO #7" #72 daemon prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x0000000022e7f800 nid=0x17e8 waiting on condition [0x000000004a26f000]
java.lang.Thread.State: TIMED_WAITING (parking)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
- parking to wait for <0x00000000aba5a1e8> (a java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.parkNanos(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject.awaitNanos(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue.poll(Unknown Source)
at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor.takeTask(
at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$
at Source)
"Netty Local Client IO #6" #71 daemon prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x000000002474c800 nid=0x16b4 waiting on condition [0x000000004976f000]
java.lang.Thread.State: TIMED_WAITING (parking)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
- parking to wait for <0x00000000aba5a6b8> (a java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.parkNanos(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject.awaitNanos(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue.poll(Unknown Source)
at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor.takeTask(
at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$
at Source)
"Netty Local Client IO #5" #70 daemon prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x000000002473f800 nid=0x20c waiting on condition [0x0000000048b6f000]
java.lang.Thread.State: TIMED_WAITING (parking)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
- parking to wait for <0x00000000aba5ab78> (a java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.parkNanos(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject.awaitNanos(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue.poll(Unknown Source)
at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor.takeTask(
at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$
at Source)
"Netty Local Client IO #4" #69 daemon prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x000000002474b000 nid=0x2e8 waiting on condition [0x000000004806f000]
java.lang.Thread.State: TIMED_WAITING (parking)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
- parking to wait for <0x00000000aba5b038> (a java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.parkNanos(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject.awaitNanos(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue.poll(Unknown Source)
at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor.takeTask(
at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$
at Source)
"Netty Local Client IO #3" #68 daemon prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x0000000024742000 nid=0x2738 waiting on condition [0x000000004756e000]
java.lang.Thread.State: TIMED_WAITING (parking)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
- parking to wait for <0x00000000aba5b4f8> (a java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.parkNanos(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject.awaitNanos(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue.poll(Unknown Source)
at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor.takeTask(
at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$
at Source)
"Netty Client IO #4" #45 daemon prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x0000000024745000 nid=0x2130 runnable [0x000000004726f000]
java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE
at$SubSelector.poll0(Native Method)
at$SubSelector.poll(Unknown Source)
at$SubSelector.access$400(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)
- locked <0x00000000aab83440> (a
- locked <0x00000000aab854c0> (a java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableSet)
- locked <0x00000000aab83370> (a
at Source)
at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$
at Source)
"Netty Client IO #3" #44 daemon prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x0000000024748800 nid=0x2828 runnable [0x000000004716e000]
java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE
at$SubSelector.poll0(Native Method)
at$SubSelector.poll(Unknown Source)
at$SubSelector.access$400(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)
- locked <0x00000000aab89178> (a
- locked <0x00000000aab8b1f8> (a java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableSet)
- locked <0x00000000aab890a8> (a
at Source)
at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$
at Source)
"Server Pinger #4" #108 daemon prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x0000000024748000 nid=0x2498 waiting on condition [0x000000004706e000]
java.lang.Thread.State: WAITING (parking)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
- parking to wait for <0x00000000aabebb20> (a java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject.await(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$DelayedWorkQueue.take(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$DelayedWorkQueue.take(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.getTask(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
at Source)
"Netty Server IO #7" #64 daemon prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x0000000024746800 nid=0x28d4 runnable [0x000000004666e000]
java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE
at$SubSelector.poll0(Native Method)
at$SubSelector.poll(Unknown Source)
at$SubSelector.access$400(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)
- locked <0x00000000aba5d1e8> (a
- locked <0x00000000aba5f268> (a java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableSet)
- locked <0x00000000aba5d118> (a
at Source)
at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$
at Source)
"Netty Local Client IO #2" #67 daemon prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x0000000024742800 nid=0x1e54 waiting on condition [0x000000004656f000]
java.lang.Thread.State: TIMED_WAITING (parking)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
- parking to wait for <0x00000000aba5b9b8> (a java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.parkNanos(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject.awaitNanos(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue.poll(Unknown Source)
at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor.takeTask(
at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$
at Source)
"Netty Server IO #6" #63 daemon prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x0000000024745800 nid=0x1e6c runnable [0x000000004646e000]
java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE
at$SubSelector.poll0(Native Method)
at$SubSelector.poll(Unknown Source)
at$SubSelector.access$400(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)
- locked <0x00000000aba62f20> (a
- locked <0x00000000aba64fa0> (a java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableSet)
- locked <0x00000000aba62e50> (a
at Source)
at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$
at Source)
"Netty Server IO #5" #62 daemon prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x0000000024743800 nid=0x84c runnable [0x0000000045d6e000]
java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE
at$SubSelector.poll0(Native Method)
at$SubSelector.poll(Unknown Source)
at$SubSelector.access$400(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)
- locked <0x00000000aba68c58> (a
- locked <0x00000000aba6acd8> (a java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableSet)
- locked <0x00000000aba68b88> (a
at Source)
at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$
at Source)
"Netty Server IO #4" #61 daemon prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x0000000022e78000 nid=0xf74 runnable [0x000000004479e000]
java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE
at$SubSelector.poll0(Native Method)
at$SubSelector.poll(Unknown Source)
at$SubSelector.access$400(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)
- locked <0x00000000aba6e990> (a
- locked <0x00000000aba70a10> (a java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableSet)
- locked <0x00000000aba6e8c0> (a
at Source)
at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$
at Source)
"Netty Local Client IO #1" #66 daemon prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x0000000022e7f000 nid=0x2f8 waiting on condition [0x000000004469f000]
java.lang.Thread.State: TIMED_WAITING (parking)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
- parking to wait for <0x00000000aba5be78> (a java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.parkNanos(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject.awaitNanos(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue.poll(Unknown Source)
at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor.takeTask(
at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$
at Source)
"Netty Server IO #3" #60 daemon prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x0000000022e79800 nid=0x54 runnable [0x000000004459f000]
java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE
at$SubSelector.poll0(Native Method)
at$SubSelector.poll(Unknown Source)
at$SubSelector.access$400(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)
- locked <0x00000000aba746c8> (a
- locked <0x00000000aba76748> (a java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableSet)
- locked <0x00000000aba745f8> (a
at Source)
at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$
at Source)
"Netty Server IO #2" #59 daemon prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x0000000018286000 nid=0x180c runnable [0x0000000043e9e000]
java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE
at$SubSelector.poll0(Native Method)
at$SubSelector.poll(Unknown Source)
at$SubSelector.access$400(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)
- locked <0x00000000aba7a400> (a
- locked <0x00000000aba7c480> (a java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableSet)
- locked <0x00000000aba7a330> (a
at Source)
at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$
at Source)
"File IO Thread" #77 prio=1 os_prio=-2 tid=0x0000000022e87000 nid=0xf9c waiting on condition [0x000000004214f000]
java.lang.Thread.State: TIMED_WAITING (sleeping)
at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
at bbu.c(SourceFile:51)
at Source)
"Netty Server IO #1" #58 daemon prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x0000000022e83800 nid=0x2074 runnable [0x000000002d16e000]
java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE
at$SubSelector.poll0(Native Method)
at$SubSelector.poll(Unknown Source)
at$SubSelector.access$400(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)
- locked <0x00000000aba801a0> (a
- locked <0x00000000aba82220> (a java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableSet)
- locked <0x00000000aba800d0> (a
at Source)
at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$
at Source)
"Netty Local Client IO #0" #65 daemon prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x0000000022e82800 nid=0x1468 waiting on condition [0x000000002d06e000]
java.lang.Thread.State: TIMED_WAITING (parking)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
- parking to wait for <0x00000000aba5c338> (a java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.parkNanos(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject.awaitNanos(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue.poll(Unknown Source)
at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor.takeTask(
at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$
at Source)
"Netty Server IO #0" #57 daemon prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x0000000022e7c000 nid=0x23fc runnable [0x000000002cf6f000]
java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE
at$SubSelector.poll0(Native Method)
at$SubSelector.poll(Unknown Source)
at$SubSelector.access$400(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)
- locked <0x00000000aba860f0> (a
- locked <0x00000000aba88170> (a java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableSet)
- locked <0x00000000aba86020> (a
at Source)
at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$
at Source)
"Netty Client IO #2" #43 daemon prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x0000000022e7d800 nid=0x2348 runnable [0x000000002c96f000]
java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE
at$SubSelector.poll0(Native Method)
at$SubSelector.poll(Unknown Source)
at$SubSelector.access$400(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)
- locked <0x00000000aab38340> (a
- locked <0x00000000aab38360> (a java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableSet)
- locked <0x00000000aab382c0> (a
at Source)
at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$
at Source)
"Server Pinger #3" #51 daemon prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x0000000022e7b000 nid=0x1358 waiting on condition [0x000000002c86f000]
java.lang.Thread.State: WAITING (parking)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
- parking to wait for <0x00000000aabebb20> (a java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject.await(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$DelayedWorkQueue.take(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$DelayedWorkQueue.take(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.getTask(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
at Source)
"Netty Client IO #1" #42 daemon prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x0000000022e7a000 nid=0x226c runnable [0x000000002ab3f000]
java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE
at$SubSelector.poll0(Native Method)
at$SubSelector.poll(Unknown Source)
at$SubSelector.access$400(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)
- locked <0x00000000aab9ff78> (a
- locked <0x00000000aaba2048> (a java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableSet)
- locked <0x00000000aab9fe48> (a
at Source)
at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$
at Source)
"Server Pinger #2" #50 daemon prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x0000000022e7c800 nid=0xd70 waiting on condition [0x000000002aa3e000]
java.lang.Thread.State: WAITING (parking)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
- parking to wait for <0x00000000aabebb20> (a java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject.await(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$DelayedWorkQueue.take(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$DelayedWorkQueue.take(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.getTask(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
at Source)
"Netty Client IO #0" #41 daemon prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x0000000018283000 nid=0x1cf8 runnable [0x000000002a32e000]
java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE
at$SubSelector.poll0(Native Method)
at$SubSelector.poll(Unknown Source)
at$SubSelector.access$400(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)
- locked <0x00000000aabc4848> (a
- locked <0x00000000aabc6918> (a java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableSet)
- locked <0x00000000aaba6400> (a
at Source)
at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$
at Source)
"Server Pinger #1" #39 daemon prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x0000000018282800 nid=0x1e60 waiting on condition [0x000000002a12f000]
java.lang.Thread.State: WAITING (parking)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
- parking to wait for <0x00000000aabebb20> (a java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject.await(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$DelayedWorkQueue.take(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$DelayedWorkQueue.take(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.getTask(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
at Source)
"Thread-8" #38 daemon prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x0000000018281800 nid=0x8dc runnable [0x000000002a02f000]
java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE
at Method)
at$ Source)
"Server Pinger #0" #37 daemon prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x0000000018281000 nid=0x2848 waiting on condition [0x0000000029f2f000]
java.lang.Thread.State: WAITING (parking)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
- parking to wait for <0x00000000aabebb20> (a java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject.await(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$DelayedWorkQueue.take(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$DelayedWorkQueue.take(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.getTask(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
at Source)
"pool-3-thread-3" #27 prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x0000000018285800 nid=0x10f4 waiting on condition [0x000000002952e000]
java.lang.Thread.State: WAITING (parking)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
- parking to wait for <0x00000000aaa2c0e0> (a java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject.await(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$DelayedWorkQueue.take(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$DelayedWorkQueue.take(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.getTask(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
at Source)
"pool-3-thread-2" #26 prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x0000000018284800 nid=0x1ae0 waiting on condition [0x000000002942e000]
java.lang.Thread.State: WAITING (parking)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
- parking to wait for <0x00000000aaa2c0e0> (a java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject.await(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$DelayedWorkQueue.take(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$DelayedWorkQueue.take(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.getTask(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
at Source)
"pool-3-thread-1" #25 prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x0000000018284000 nid=0xfcc waiting on condition [0x000000002932e000]
java.lang.Thread.State: WAITING (parking)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
- parking to wait for <0x00000000aaa2c0e0> (a java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject.await(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$DelayedWorkQueue.take(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$DelayedWorkQueue.take(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.getTask(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
at Source)
"LWJGL Timer" #22 daemon prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x0000000022cdc800 nid=0x1918 waiting on condition [0x000000002902f000]
java.lang.Thread.State: TIMED_WAITING (sleeping)
at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
at org.lwjgl.opengl.Sync$
at Source)
"Thread-6" #20 prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x0000000017c7e000 nid=0x318 waiting on condition [0x000000002128f000]
java.lang.Thread.State: TIMED_WAITING (sleeping)
at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
at paulscode.sound.SimpleThread.snooze(
"Thread-5" #19 prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x0000000017811000 nid=0xc64 waiting on condition [0x000000001d0cf000]
java.lang.Thread.State: TIMED_WAITING (sleeping)
at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
at paulscode.sound.SimpleThread.snooze(
"Java2D Disposer" #16 daemon prio=10 os_prio=2 tid=0x000000001798c000 nid=0x1cc in Object.wait() [0x000000001b30f000]
java.lang.Thread.State: WAITING (on object monitor)
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(Unknown Source)
- locked <0x00000000aaa405d0> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)
"Timer hack thread" #15 daemon prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x0000000018032800 nid=0x1c0 waiting on condition [0x000000001b20f000]
java.lang.Thread.State: TIMED_WAITING (sleeping)
at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
at bcx$
"Snooper Timer" #13 daemon prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x0000000017fc3800 nid=0xecc in Object.wait() [0x00000000197ee000]
java.lang.Thread.State: TIMED_WAITING (on object monitor)
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
- waiting on <0x00000000a9aed848> (a java.util.TaskQueue)
at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(Unknown Source)
- locked <0x00000000a9aed848> (a java.util.TaskQueue)
at Source)
"Service Thread" #9 daemon prio=9 os_prio=0 tid=0x0000000017101800 nid=0xf38 runnable [0x0000000000000000]
java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE
"C1 CompilerThread2" #8 daemon prio=9 os_prio=2 tid=0x000000001579f800 nid=0x1b88 waiting on condition [0x0000000000000000]
java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE
"C2 CompilerThread1" #7 daemon prio=9 os_prio=2 tid=0x000000001579b000 nid=0x150 waiting on condition [0x0000000000000000]
java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE
"C2 CompilerThread0" #6 daemon prio=9 os_prio=2 tid=0x0000000015792800 nid=0x1a54 waiting on condition [0x0000000000000000]
java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE
"Attach Listener" #5 daemon prio=5 os_prio=2 tid=0x0000000015791000 nid=0x730 waiting on condition [0x0000000000000000]
java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE
"Signal Dispatcher" #4 daemon prio=9 os_prio=2 tid=0x000000001578e000 nid=0x618 runnable [0x0000000000000000]
java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE
"Finalizer" #3 daemon prio=8 os_prio=1 tid=0x000000001577a800 nid=0x1150 in Object.wait() [0x0000000016aef000]
java.lang.Thread.State: WAITING (on object monitor)
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(Unknown Source)
- locked <0x00000000a97bd8c0> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ref.Finalizer$ Source)
"Reference Handler" #2 daemon prio=10 os_prio=2 tid=0x00000000022e2800 nid=0xe5c in Object.wait() [0x00000000169ef000]
java.lang.Thread.State: WAITING (on object monitor)
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at java.lang.Object.wait(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ref.Reference.tryHandlePending(Unknown Source)
- locked <0x00000000a93919f0> (a java.lang.ref.Reference$Lock)
at java.lang.ref.Reference$ Source)
"Client thread" #1 prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x00000000021f2800 nid=0x340 waiting on condition [0x00000000021ee000]
java.lang.Thread.State: WAITING (parking)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
- parking to wait for <0x00000000f0eb4b68> (a
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.awaitDone(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.get(Unknown Source)
at bzl.x(SourceFile:334)
at bcx.a(SourceFile:2179)
at bcx.a(SourceFile:2167)
at bfp.a(SourceFile:49)
at bft.a(SourceFile:346)
at bft.k(SourceFile:409)
at bft.p(SourceFile:386)
at bcx.t(SourceFile:1586)
at bcx.av(SourceFile:968)
at bcx.a(SourceFile:396)
at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:124)
"VM Thread" os_prio=2 tid=0x0000000015757000 nid=0x1b1c runnable
"GC task thread#0 (ParallelGC)" os_prio=0 tid=0x0000000002208800 nid=0x2638 runnable
"GC task thread#1 (ParallelGC)" os_prio=0 tid=0x000000000220a000 nid=0x488 runnable
"GC task thread#2 (ParallelGC)" os_prio=0 tid=0x000000000220b800 nid=0x988 runnable
"GC task thread#3 (ParallelGC)" os_prio=0 tid=0x000000000220e000 nid=0x29e0 runnable
"VM Periodic Task Thread" os_prio=2 tid=0x0000000017115000 nid=0x10f0 waiting on condition
JNI global references: 431
Hang report for C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_72\bin\javaw.exe
Generated by using WhatIsHang on 6/28/2016 12:52:31 PM
Web site:
* The program hangs in a single system call. You can look in the call stack and stack data to find out which API function cause this hang.
Strings found in the stack:
Modules found in the stack:
C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNELBASE.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, Windows NT BASE API Client DLL
C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_72\bin\server\jvm.dll , Oracle Corporation , Java(TM) Platform SE 8u72, Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
ThreadID: 832
Execute Address:
00007FFC74251484 ntdll.dll!NtWaitForSingleObject+0x14
Call Stack:
Stack Data:
00000000021EEA08 00007FFC708DD46F KERNELBASE.dll!WaitForSingleObjectEx+0x8f
00000000021EEA10 00000000021EEDB8
00000000021EEA18 00000000021F2800
00000000021EEA20 00000000286A4120
00000000021EEA28 000000007799ED27 jvm.dll+0x22ed27
00000000021EEA30 0000000000000102
00000000021EEA38 0000000000000000
00000000021EEA40 0000000000000048
00000000021EEA48 0000000000000001
00000000021EEA50 0000000000000000
00000000021EEA58 0000000000000000
00000000021EEA60 0000000000000000
00000000021EEA68 0000000000000000
00000000021EEA70 0000000000000000
00000000021EEA78 0000000000000000
00000000021EEA80 0000000000000000
00000000021EEA88 000000000233621E
00000000021EEA90 00000000021EED40
00000000021EEA98 00000000FFFFFFFF
00000000021EEAA0 0000000001FF7810
00000000021EEAA8 0000000077A0A15A jvm.dll+0x29a15a
00000000021EEAB0 00000000021F2800
00000000021EEAB8 0000000077954B52 jvm.dll!JVM_ResolveClass+0x8e2
00000000021EEAC0 0000000000000000
00000000021EEAC8 000000000000011C
00000000021EEAD0 0000000000000000
00000000021EEAD8 0000000000000000
00000000021EEAE0 00000000021F2800
00000000021EEAE8 0000000077956E2C jvm.dll+0x1e6e2c
00000000021EEAF0 00000000021F2800
00000000021EEAF8 0000000000000000
00000000021EEB00 0000000000000000
00000000021EEB08 0000000000003FFD
00000000021EEB10 C800000000000005
00000000021EEB18 00000000021F2800
00000000021EEB20 8000000000000001
00000000021EEB28 00000000021F3690
00000000021EEB30 0000000000000000
00000000021EEB38 0000000000000000
00000000021EEB40 0000000000000000
00000000021EEB48 0000000000000000
00000000021EEB50 0000000000000000
00000000021EEB58 0000000000000000
00000000021EEB60 0000000000000000
00000000021EEB68 0000000000000000
00000000021EEB70 00000000021EECA8
00000000021EEB78 0000000000000000
00000000021EEB80 0000000000000058
00000000021EEB88 00000000A96C5E98
00000000021EEB90 00000000021EEC00
00000000021EEB98 000000000385A939
00000000021EEBA0 00000000F0EB4B84
00000000021EEBA8 000000001116E000
00000000021EEBB0 00000000021F2800
00000000021EEBB8 0000000000000000
00000000021EEBC0 00000000A96AC1D8
00000000021EEBC8 000000000241E974
00000000021EEBD0 00000000021EEC80
00000000021EEBD8 0000000000000000
00000000021EEBE0 0000000000000000
00000000021EEBE8 00000000024AE2FF
00000000021EEBF0 0000000014E6A8F0
00000000021EEBF8 00000000021EEC60
00000000021EEC00 00000000021EECF0
00000000021EF138 0000000180004634 lwjgl64.dll!Java_org_lwjgl_WindowsSysImplementation_nGetTime+0x24
00000000021EF198 00007FFC7426A06F ntdll.dll+0xba06f
00000000021EF1C8 0000000077A0421C jvm.dll!JVM_FindSignal+0x7cc
00000000021EF5F8 0000000077982CF3 jvm.dll+0x212cf3
00000000021EF658 00000000779A44E7 jvm.dll+0x2344e7
00000000021EF668 0000000077982670 jvm.dll+0x212670
00000000021EF678 0000000077A9CF42 jvm.dll+0x32cf42
00000000021EF6B8 00000000778B29A7 jvm.dll+0x1429a7
00000000021EF788 0000000077982670 jvm.dll+0x212670
00000000021EF798 0000000077A9CF42 jvm.dll+0x32cf42
00000000021EF7C8 0000000077982E63 jvm.dll+0x212e63
00000000021EF7D8 00000000778B29A7 jvm.dll+0x1429a7
00000000021EF808 00000000778B75E1 jvm.dll+0x1475e1
00000000021EF818 0000000077D6D6F8 jvm.dll!??_7JNI_ArgumentPusherVaArg@@6B@
00000000021EF868 0000000077D5DDB8 jvm.dll!??_7Fingerprinter@@6B@
00000000021EF8D8 00000000778CDC1E jvm.dll+0x15dc1e
00000000021EF8E8 00000000778AF79D jvm.dll+0x13f79d
00000000021EF938 00007FF66A3B158B javaw.exe+0x158b
00000000021EF988 00000000778C7520 jvm.dll+0x157520
00000000021EF9B8 00007FF66A3B5264 javaw.exe+0x5264
00000000021EF9E8 00000000778CCE2F jvm.dll!JNI_CreateJavaVM+0xc3f
00000000021EF9F8 0000000077D6D6F8 jvm.dll!??_7JNI_ArgumentPusherVaArg@@6B@
00000000021EFA48 00007FF66A3B24C8 javaw.exe+0x24c8
00000000021EFAE8 00007FF66A3BCDF7 javaw.exe+0xcdf7
00000000021EFB08 0000000077F07490 jvm.dll+0x797490
00000000021EFB18 00007FF66A3BCE8B javaw.exe+0xce8b
00000000021EFB48 00007FFC71E0C8B4 KERNEL32.DLL!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x14
00000000021EFB78 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
Processor Registers:
RAX: 000000003C10A2C0
RBX: 0000000000000000
RCX: 000000003C10A284
RDX: 000000001C1A9850
RDI: 000000000000011C
RBP: 00000000021F3940
RSP: 00000000021EEA08
RIP: 00007FFC74251484 ntdll.dll!NtWaitForSingleObject+0x14
Memory Data:
00000000021F2800 58 98 D8 77 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 X..w............
00000000021F2810 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00000000021F2820 90 20 1F 02 00 00 00 00 D0 15 1F 02 00 00 00 00 . ..............
00000000021F2830 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 98 75 15 00 00 00 00 ........P.u.....
00000000021F2840 40 25 3B 17 00 00 00 00 18 F7 1E 02 00 00 00 00 @%;.............
00000000021F2850 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D0 83 E2 F0 00 00 00 00 ................
00000000021F2860 C0 4B EB F0 00 00 00 00 E8 83 E2 F0 00 00 00 00 .K..............
00000000021F2870 08 3B FC F0 00 00 00 00 E6 36 03 00 00 00 00 00 .;.......6......
00000000021F2880 DB 0C 00 00 00 00 00 00 A0 5C C9 C1 00 00 00 00 .........\......
00000000021F2890 42 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 31 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 B.......1.......
00000000021F28A0 00 00 00 00 73 A5 91 3E 37 00 00 00 23 00 00 00 ....s..>7...#...
00000000021F28B0 00 00 00 00 D0 35 9F 3E 30 6F 54 C8 00 00 00 00 .....5.>0oT.....
00000000021F28C0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00000000021F28D0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00000000021F28E0 00 00 00 00 DF 00 00 00 DF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00000000021F28F0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
000000000233621E 49 BA 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 4D 89 97 D8 01 00 I.........M.....
000000000233622E 00 49 81 7F 08 00 00 00 00 0F 85 91 00 00 00 49 .I............I
000000000233623E 8B 9F 40 02 00 00 49 BA 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ..@...I.........
000000000233624E 4D 89 97 40 02 00 00 48 89 9C 24 80 02 00 00 48 M..@...H..$....H
000000000233625E 89 84 24 98 02 00 00 48 83 C4 20 48 0F AE 0C 24 ..$....H.. H...$
000000000233626E 48 81 C4 00 02 00 00 4C 8B 3C 24 4C 8B 74 24 08 H......L.<$L.t$.
000000000233627E 4C 8B 6C 24 10 4C 8B 64 24 18 4C 8B 5C 24 20 4C L.l$.L.d$.L.\$ L
000000000233628E 8B 54 24 28 4C 8B 4C 24 30 4C 8B 44 24 38 48 8B .T$(L.L$0L.D$8H.
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00000000022F7D6D F6 77 00 00 00 00 41 FF 24 DA 48 8B 65 F0 48 C7 .w....A.$.H.e.H.
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000000000346CC24 E9 80 F1 FF FF 48 89 44 24 08 48 C7 04 24 FF FF .....H.D$.H..$..
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000000000346CC74 08 CA F7 FE 48 89 54 24 08 48 C7 04 24 FF FF FF ....H.T$.H..$...
000000000346CC84 FF E8 16 14 F8 FE E9 F6 F2 FF FF 48 89 54 24 08 ...........H.T$.
000000000346CC94 48 89 1C 24 E8 03 F7 F7 FE E9 B9 F3 FF FF 48 8D H..$..........H.
000000000346CCA4 84 24 C0 00 00 00 48 89 04 24 E8 ED FA F7 FE E9 .$....H..$......
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000000000346CCD4 E9 45 F4 FF FF 48 89 5C 24 08 48 89 14 24 E8 B9 .E...H.\$.H..$..
All Threads:
6300 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
832 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
9784 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
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3676 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
4432 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
1560 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
1840 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
6740 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
336 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
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3896 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
4336 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
3788 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
448 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
460 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
8660 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
9136 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
3172 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
792 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
8572 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
9544 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
7300 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
6424 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
4044 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
6880 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
4340 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
10312 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
2268 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
7776 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
7416 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
3440 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
8812 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
4952 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
9032 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
9212 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
5224 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
8308 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
3996 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
6156 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
84 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
760 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
3956 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
2124 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
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7764 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
10452 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
9368 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
10280 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
8496 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
10040 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
744 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
524 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
5812 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
6120 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
5680 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
7656 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
10064 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
4208 00007FFC741FC091 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
All Modules:
00007FF66A3B0000 - 00007FF66A3E7000 C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_72\bin\javaw.exe , Oracle Corporation , Java(TM) Platform SE 8, Java(TM) Platform SE binary
00007FFC741B0000 - 00007FFC74379000 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, NT Layer DLL
00007FFC71E00000 - 00007FFC71EAB000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNEL32.DLL , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, Windows NT BASE API Client DLL
00007FFC708D0000 - 00007FFC70ACC000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNELBASE.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, Windows NT BASE API Client DLL
00007FFC71C50000 - 00007FFC71CF7000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, Advanced Windows 32 Base API
00007FFC740A0000 - 00007FFC7413D000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, Windows NT CRT DLL
00007FFC719C0000 - 00007FFC71A1C000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\sechost.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, Host for SCM/SDDL/LSA Lookup APIs
00007FFC71880000 - 00007FFC719A5000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\RPCRT4.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, Remote Procedure Call Runtime
00007FFC71EB0000 - 00007FFC72016000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, Multi-User Windows USER API Client DLL
00000000513C0000 - 00000000513DF000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\win32u.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, Win32u
00007FFC72350000 - 00007FFC72380000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\GDI32.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, GDI Client DLL
00007FFC70AD0000 - 00007FFC70C50000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\gdi32full.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, GDI Client DLL
00007FFC62930000 - 00007FFC62B9C000 C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\\COMCTL32.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, User Experience Controls Library
00007FFC72020000 - 00007FFC722AF000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\combase.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, Microsoft COM for Windows
00007FFC71490000 - 00007FFC71584000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ucrtbase.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, Microsoft® C Runtime Library
00007FFC71750000 - 00007FFC717B9000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\bcryptPrimitives.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, Windows Cryptographic Primitives Library
00007FFC72380000 - 00007FFC723AE000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\IMM32.DLL , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, Multi-User Windows IMM32 API Client DLL
0000000050600000 - 00000000506D2000 C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_72\bin\msvcr100.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2010, Microsoft® C Runtime Library
0000000077770000 - 0000000078000000 C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_72\bin\server\jvm.dll , Oracle Corporation , Java(TM) Platform SE 8u72, Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
00007FFC74070000 - 00007FFC74077000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\PSAPI.DLL , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, Process Status Helper
00007FFC6E1D0000 - 00007FFC6E1D9000 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WSOCK32.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, Windows Socket 32-Bit DLL
00007FFC723B0000 - 00007FFC7241B000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2_32.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, Windows Socket 2.0 32-Bit DLL
00007FFC6E170000 - 00007FFC6E193000 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WINMM.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, MCI API DLL
00007FFC6EFC0000 - 00007FFC6EFCA000 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\VERSION.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, Version Checking and File Installation Libraries
00007FFC6E140000 - 00007FFC6E16B000 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WINMMBASE.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, Base Multimedia Extension API DLL
00007FFC713E0000 - 00007FFC71423000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\cfgmgr32.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, Configuration Manager DLL
00000000505F0000 - 00000000505FF000 C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_72\bin\verify.dll , Oracle Corporation , Java(TM) Platform SE 8, Java(TM) Platform SE binary
00000000505C0000 - 00000000505E9000 C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_72\bin\java.dll , Oracle Corporation , Java(TM) Platform SE 8, Java(TM) Platform SE binary
00000000505A0000 - 00000000505B6000 C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_72\bin\zip.dll , Oracle Corporation , Java(TM) Platform SE 8, Java(TM) Platform SE binary
00007FFC729F0000 - 00007FFC73EC1000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHELL32.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, Windows Shell Common Dll
00007FFC70C70000 - 00007FFC71323000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, Microsoft WinRT Storage API
00007FFC72850000 - 00007FFC728A2000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\shlwapi.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, Shell Light-weight Utility Library
00007FFC70810000 - 00007FFC7081F000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel.appcore.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, AppModel API Host
00007FFC71330000 - 00007FFC713D8000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\shcore.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, SHCORE
00007FFC707A0000 - 00007FFC707EB000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\powrprof.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, Power Profile Helper DLL
00007FFC707F0000 - 00007FFC70804000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\profapi.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, User Profile Basic API
00000000502C0000 - 00000000502CD000 C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_72\bin\management.dll , Oracle Corporation , Java(TM) Platform SE 8, Java(TM) Platform SE binary
0000000050390000 - 00000000503AA000 C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_72\bin\net.dll , Oracle Corporation , Java(TM) Platform SE 8, Java(TM) Platform SE binary
00007FFC6FDE0000 - 00007FFC6FE3C000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\mswsock.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0 Service Provider
0000000050370000 - 0000000050381000 C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_72\bin\nio.dll , Oracle Corporation , Java(TM) Platform SE 8, Java(TM) Platform SE binary
00007FFC62440000 - 00007FFC62456000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\napinsp.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, E-mail Naming Shim Provider
00007FFC62460000 - 00007FFC6247A000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\pnrpnsp.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, PNRP Name Space Provider
00007FFC6D430000 - 00007FFC6D448000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\NLAapi.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, Network Location Awareness 2
00007FFC6E9E0000 - 00007FFC6EA8A000 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DNSAPI.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, DNS Client API DLL
00007FFC71C40000 - 00007FFC71C48000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\NSI.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, NSI User-mode interface DLL
00007FFC62480000 - 00007FFC6248D000 C:\WINDOWS\System32\winrnr.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, LDAP RnR Provider DLL
00007FFC65A70000 - 00007FFC65A7A000 C:\Windows\System32\rasadhlp.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, Remote Access AutoDial Helper
00007FFC6CAF0000 - 00007FFC6CB27000 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\IPHLPAPI.DLL , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, IP Helper API
00007FFC69EA0000 - 00007FFC69F07000 C:\WINDOWS\System32\fwpuclnt.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, FWP/IPsec User-Mode API
00007FFC70240000 - 00007FFC70269000 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\bcrypt.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, Windows Cryptographic Primitives Library
0000000180000000 - 0000000180053000 C:\Users\Pokechu22\AppData\Roaming\.pokechu22\ModChoser\Pre\.minecraft\versions\1.10.2\1.10.2-natives-88008262334598\lwjgl64.dll
00007FFC58D30000 - 00007FFC58E53000 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\OPENGL32.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, OpenGL Client DLL
00007FFC58C40000 - 00007FFC58C6C000 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\GLU32.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, OpenGL Utility Library DLL
00007FFC45210000 - 00007FFC45307000 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DDRAW.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, Microsoft DirectDraw
00007FFC69780000 - 00007FFC69788000 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DCIMAN32.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, DCI Manager
00007FFC70570000 - 00007FFC70587000 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CRYPTSP.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, Cryptographic Service Provider API
00007FFC6FB80000 - 00007FFC6FBB4000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\rsaenh.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider
00007FFC6FC70000 - 00007FFC6FC8F000 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\USERENV.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, Userenv
00007FFC6FF90000 - 00007FFC6FF9B000 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CRYPTBASE.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, Base cryptographic API DLL
00007FFC69D40000 - 00007FFC69D56000 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\dhcpcsvc6.DLL , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, DHCPv6 Client
00007FFC69D20000 - 00007FFC69D3A000 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\dhcpcsvc.DLL , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, DHCP Client Service
0000000050400000 - 0000000050598000 C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_72\bin\awt.dll , Oracle Corporation , Java(TM) Platform SE 8, Java(TM) Platform SE binary
00007FFC717C0000 - 00007FFC7187B000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\OLEAUT32.dll , Microsoft Corporation , ,
00007FFC6E720000 - 00007FFC6E799000 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\apphelp.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, Application Compatibility Client Library
00007FFC6E840000 - 00007FFC6E8D3000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\uxtheme.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, Microsoft UxTheme Library
00007FFC71A80000 - 00007FFC71BD1000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSCTF.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, MSCTF Server DLL
00007FFC6DE80000 - 00007FFC6DEA4000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\dwmapi.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, Microsoft Desktop Window Manager API
00007FFC63A90000 - 00007FFC63AA8000 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\atig6pxx.dll , Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. , Advanced Micro Devices, Inc PowerXpress Vista OpenGL Driver, atiglpxx.dll
00000000734D0000 - 00000000751DB000 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\atio6axx.dll , Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. , AMD OpenGL driver, AMD OpenGL driver
00007FFC72420000 - 00007FFC72849000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\SETUPAPI.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, Windows Setup API
00007FFC56B50000 - 00007FFC56C8A000 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\atiadlxx.dll , Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. , ADL Component, ADL
00007FFC728B0000 - 00007FFC729E8000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ole32.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, Microsoft OLE for Windows
00007FFC6DF20000 - 00007FFC6E09C000 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\PROPSYS.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Windows® Search, Microsoft Property System
00007FFC6E0A0000 - 00007FFC6E0B3000 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WTSAPI32.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, Windows Remote Desktop Session Host Server SDK APIs
00007FFC6E950000 - 00007FFC6E978000 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DEVOBJ.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, Device Information Set DLL
00007FFC71430000 - 00007FFC71485000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINTRUST.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, Microsoft Trust Verification APIs
00007FFC70790000 - 00007FFC707A0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSASN1.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, ASN.1 Runtime APIs
00007FFC71590000 - 00007FFC7174C000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\CRYPT32.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, Crypto API32
00007FFC4FE20000 - 00007FFC4FE4B000 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\atig6txx.dll , Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. , Advanced Micro Devices, Inc PowerXpress Vista OpenGL (thunk) Driver, atigktxx.dll
00007FFC4F1D0000 - 00007FFC4F25D000 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\mscms.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, Microsoft Color Matching System DLL
00007FFC58C70000 - 00007FFC58CB2000 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\icm32.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, Microsoft Color Management Module (CMM)
00007FFC722B0000 - 00007FFC72350000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\clbcatq.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, COM+ Configuration Catalog
000000001E040000 - 000000001E078000 C:\Users\Pokechu22\AppData\Local\Temp\jna\jna686043838627739094.dll , Java(TM) Native Access (JNA) , Java(TM) Native Access, JNA native library
000000001E0A0000 - 000000001E104000 C:\Users\Pokechu22\AppData\Roaming\.pokechu22\ModChoser\pre\.minecraft\versions\1.10.2\1.10.2-natives-88008262334598\OpenAL64.dll
00007FFC6C2C0000 - 00007FFC6C32E000 C:\WINDOWS\System32\MMDevApi.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, MMDevice API
00007FFC44ED0000 - 00007FFC44F6B000 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\dsound.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, DirectSound
00007FFC6D610000 - 00007FFC6D69F000 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\AUDIOSES.DLL , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, Audio Session
00007FFC6C630000 - 00007FFC6C75F000 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\wintypes.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, Windows Base Types DLL
00000000502F0000 - 0000000050314000 C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_72\bin\sunec.dll , Oracle Corporation , Java(TM) Platform SE 8, Java(TM) Platform SE binary
00007FFC741B0000 - 00007FFC74379000 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft® Windows® Operating System, NT Layer DLL
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