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Last active June 1, 2017 16:13
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Mantra + Meteor + Redux
//Not using reactiveDict: LocalState
import * as Collections from '/lib/collections';
import {Meteor} from 'meteor/meteor';
import {FlowRouter} from 'meteor/kadira:flow-router-ssr';
import {Tracker} from 'meteor/tracker';
import {createStore, combineReducers} from 'redux';
export default function ({reducers}) {
const reducer = combineReducers({...reducers});
// put all the redux middlewares here
const Store = createStore(reducer, window.devToolsExtension ? window.devToolsExtension() : f => f);
// the last bit is to make the Redux-Dev-Tools extension to work.
return {
dispatch: Store.dispatch // I also return the dispatch method so I can access it without importing the Store
import {createApp} from 'mantra-core';
import initContext from './configs/context';
// modules
import coreModule from './modules/core';
// ... other modules
// combine all module reducers
const coreReducers = coreModule.reducers;
// ... other reducers
const reducers = {
//... other reducers
// init context
const context = initContext({reducers});
// create app
const app = createApp(context);
//... load other modules
// client/modules/core/actions/post.js
export default {
dispatch // get dispatch method
}, postId, name, description) {
let post = {};
// ClearErrors
dispatch({type: 'CLEAR_ERROR'}); // instead of using reactiveDict: LocalState I am using Redux dispatch
if (postId !== undefined) {
post = Collections.Posts.findOne(postId);
post = assignValues(post, name, description);
post.validate((err) => {
if (err) {
dispatch({type: 'ADD_ERROR', error: err.reason}); // instead of using reactiveDict: LocalState I am using Redux dispatch
} else {'product.update', product, (err) => {
if (err) {
dispatch({type: 'ADD_ERROR', error: err.reason}); // instead of using reactiveDict: LocalState I am using Redux dispatch
} else {
postId =;
post = new Collections.Posts();
post._id = postId;
post = assignValues(post, name, description);
fields: ['name', 'description']
}, (err) => {
if (err) {
dispatch({type: 'ADD_ERROR', error: err.reason}); // instead of using reactiveDict: LocalState I am using Redux dispatch
} else {'post.insert', product, (err) => {
if (err) {
dispatch({type: 'ADD_ERROR', error: err.reason}); // instead of using reactiveDict: LocalState I am using Redux dispatch
FlowRouter.go('post.edit', {docId: productId});
clearErrors({dispatch}) {
dispatch({type: 'CLEAR_ERROR'});
// client/modules/core/containers/post_edit.js
import {useDeps, composeAll, composeWithTracker, compose} from 'mantra-core';
import PostEdit from '../components/post_edit.jsx';
//I create a specific reduxComposer
// However it is the part I like less.
// I would prefer a definition more similar to mapsStateToProps(state){} as you can use with connect() from React-Redux
export const reduxComposer = ({
}, onData) => {
const {Store} = context(); //Get Store from context
onData(null, {error: Store.getState().postEdit.error}); //We need to call onData and send the state here, otherwise the we will render a loading screen
return Store.subscribe(() => { //We need to return the Store subscribe in order to make this container reactive with everystore changes
onData(null, {error: Store.getState().postEdit.error});
//I creat an specific meteorComposer
//This is the composer where I handle all the Meteor data, like subscriptions and collections.
//Here is where I used to handle reactiveDict: LocalState as well.
export const meteorComposer = ({
}, onData) => {
const {Meteor, Collections, dispatch} = context();
if (postId) {
if (Meteor.subscribe('post.edit', postId, {
onStop: (err) => {
if (err) {
dispatch({type: 'ADD_ERROR', error: err.reason});
// I am event dispatching actions to the reducers from the container
// onData needs to be triggered otherwise the loading screen will be renderer
}).ready()) {
const postt = Collections.Posts.findOne({_id: postId});
onData(null, {post});
} else {
const post = Collections.Post.findOne({_id: postId});
if (post) { // post in Minimongo. Sent it to props
onData(null, {post});
} else { // retrieving post from server. Render loading screen
} else {
// onData needs to be triggered otherwise the loading screen will be renderer
onData(null, {});
//Obviusly I still need to map the actions to the container
export const depsMapper = (context, actions) => ({
context: () => context,
remove: actions.products.remove,
clearErrors: actions.products.clearErrors
//I use composeAll to compose both the meteorComposer, the reduxComposer, and the depsMapper with the UI component
export default composeAll(composeWithTracker(meteorComposer), compose(reduxComposer), useDeps(depsMapper))(PostEdit);
//Ensure you get and export the reducers
import methodStubs from './configs/method_stubs';
import actions from './actions';
import routes from './routes.jsx';
import reducers from './reducers';
export default {
load(context) {
// client/modules/core/reducers/index.js
//Hmmm... boilerplate
import postEdit from './post_edit';
export default {
// client/modules/core/reducers/post_edit.js
const defaultState = {
error: ''
function postEdit(state = defaultState, action) {
switch (action.type) {
case 'ADD_ERROR':
return Object.assign({}, state, {error: action.error});
return Object.assign({}, state, {error: ''});
return state;
export default postEdit;
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Have you used recompose? Id like to use recompose in place in place of compose and compose all from mantra

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