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Last active January 11, 2020 09:49
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get jira issues list
// Maximum results to retrieve per api request:
var C_MAX_RESULTS = 250;
// When spreadsheet opens, this sets up the custom Jira and Story Cards menus, and the functions that they call when selected:
function onOpen() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var menuEntries = [{
name: "Configure Jira",
functionName: "jiraConfigure"
}, {
name: "Refresh Data Now",
functionName: "jiraPullManual"
}, {
name: "Schedule 4 Hourly Automatic Refresh",
functionName: "scheduleRefresh"
}, {
name: "Stop Automatic Refresh",
functionName: "removeTriggers"
ss.addMenu("Jira", menuEntries);
// Called when the menu option is taken - stores project name, host name, story types and user/password
function jiraConfigure() {
var prefix = Browser.inputBox("Enter the prefix for your Jira Project. e.g. TST", "Prefix", Browser.Buttons.OK);
PropertiesService.getUserProperties().setProperty("prefix", prefix.toUpperCase());
var host = Browser.inputBox("Enter the host name of your on demand instance e.g.", "Host", Browser.Buttons.OK);
PropertiesService.getUserProperties().setProperty("host", host);
var userAndPassword = Browser.inputBox("Enter your Jira On Demand User id and Password in the form User:Password. e.g. Tommy.Smith:ilovejira (Note: This will be base64 Encoded and saved as a property on the spreadsheet)", "Userid:Password", Browser.Buttons.OK_CANCEL);
var x = Utilities.base64Encode(userAndPassword);
PropertiesService.getUserProperties().setProperty("digest", "Basic " + x);
var issueTypes = Browser.inputBox("Enter a comma separated list of the types of issues you want to import e.g. story or story,epic,bug", "Issue Types", Browser.Buttons.OK);
PropertiesService.getUserProperties().setProperty("issueTypes", issueTypes);
Browser.msgBox("Jira configuration saved successfully.");
// Removes any triggers that have been previouslycreated by scheduleRefresh method - called by one of the menu options.
function removeTriggers() {
var triggers = ScriptApp.getProjectTriggers();
for (var i = 0; i < triggers.length; i++) {
Browser.msgBox("Spreadsheet will no longer refresh automatically.");
// Creates a trigger to automatically refresh the data ever 4 hours.
function scheduleRefresh() {
var triggers = ScriptApp.getProjectTriggers();
for (var i = 0; i < triggers.length; i++) {
Browser.msgBox("Spreadsheet will refresh automatically every 4 hours.");
// Function to manually refresh the spreadsheet - called when selected from Menu.
function jiraPullManual() {
Browser.msgBox("Jira backlog successfully imported");
// Function to return all the field definitions for the project in a key/value pair
function getFields() {
return JSON.parse(getDataForAPI("field"));
// function to return all the story data - either from a list on the instruction sheet,
// otherwise all the non-resolved issues for the project are returned
// See here for api documentation:
function getStories() {
var allData = {
issues: []
var data = {
startAt: 0,
maxResults: 0,
total: 1
var startAt = 0;
var jql = "search?jql=project%20%3D%20" + PropertiesService.getUserProperties().getProperty("prefix") + "%20and%20status%20!%3D%20resolved%20and%20type%20in%20(" + encodeURIComponent(getStoryTypes()) + ")%20order%20by%20rank%20&maxResults=" + C_MAX_RESULTS;
while (data.startAt + data.maxResults < {
Logger.log("Making request for %s entries", C_MAX_RESULTS);
data = JSON.parse(getDataForAPI(jql + "&startAt=" + startAt));
allData.issues = allData.issues.concat(data.issues);
startAt = data.startAt + data.maxResults;
return allData;
function getStoryTypes() {
var types = PropertiesService.getUserProperties().getProperty("issueTypes");
types = types.replace(/[\""]/g, '\\"')
var allTypes = types.split(',');
var newTypes = "";
for (var i = 0; i < allTypes.length; i++) {
if (newTypes != "") {
newTypes += ","
newTypes += '"' + allTypes[i].trim() + '"';
return newTypes;
// function that actually makes the http request
function getDataForAPI(path) {
var url = "https://" + PropertiesService.getUserProperties().getProperty("host") + "/rest/api/2/" + path;
var digestfull = PropertiesService.getUserProperties().getProperty("digest");
var headers = {
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"method": "GET",
"headers": {
"Authorization": digestfull
"muteHttpExceptions": true
var resp = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, headers);
if (resp.getResponseCode() != 200) {
Browser.msgBox("Error retrieving data for url " + url + ":" + resp.getContentText());
return "";
} else {
return resp.getContentText();
// Main function - called by the trigger or from the menu option
function jiraPull() {
// Retrieve data using API
var allFields = getAllFields();
var data = getStories();
if (allFields === "" || data === "") {
Browser.msgBox("Error pulling data from Jira - aborting now.");
// ***** Put a breakpoint below here, select function jiraPullManual() and click on the debug icon above
// ***** Then you should be able to look at the data field and see what data is available from the api.
// Retrieve column headings from backlog sheet.
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Backlog");
var headings = ss.getRange(1, 1, 1, ss.getLastColumn()).getValues()[0];
// Process the stories and extract the data that matches the column headings into an array
var y = new Array();
for (i = 0; i < data.issues.length; i++) {
var d = data.issues[i];
y.push(getStory(d, headings, allFields));
// Output the contents of the array into the spreadsheet by clearing existing rows and adding new ones
ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Backlog");
var last = ss.getLastRow();
if (last >= 2) {
ss.getRange(2, 1, ss.getLastRow() - 1, ss.getLastColumn()).clearContent();
if (y.length > 0) {
ss.getRange(2, 1, data.issues.length, y[0].length).setValues(y);
// Get array of field ids and names
function getAllFields() {
var theFields = getFields();
var allFields = new Object();
allFields.ids = new Array();
allFields.names = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < theFields.length; i++) {
return allFields;
// function that takes the story data and column headings, and tries to find the data that relates to those headings
function getStory(data, headings, fields) {
var story = [];
for (var i = 0; i < headings.length; i++) {
if (headings[i] !== "") {
var fieldData = getDataForHeading(data, headings[i].toLowerCase(), fields);
if (fieldData != null) {
fieldData = parseObject(fieldData);
return story;
// Given a matched property from the returned data, this tries to then handle spsocial cases of arrays and objects (Strings are left untouched)
function parseObject(data) {
var stringData = "";
if (Array.isArray(data)) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (stringData != "") {
stringData += ",";
if (typeof data[i] === "object") {
if (data[i].hasOwnProperty("id") && data[i].hasOwnProperty("value") && data[i].hasOwnProperty("self")) {
stringData += data[i]["value"];
} else if (data[i].hasOwnProperty("displayName")) {
stringData += data[i]["displayName"];
} else if (data[i].hasOwnProperty("name")) {
stringData += data[i]["name"];
} else {
stringData += JSON.stringify(data)
} else {
stringData += data[i];
} else if (typeof data === "object") {
if (data.hasOwnProperty("id") && data.hasOwnProperty("value") && data.hasOwnProperty("self")) {
stringData += data["value"];
} else if (data.hasOwnProperty("displayName")) {
stringData += data["displayName"];
} else if (data.hasOwnProperty("name")) {
stringData += data["name"];
} else {
stringData += JSON.stringify(data)
} else {
stringData += data;
return stringData;
// Given a heading, interrogates the data to find a field with that name
function getDataForHeading(data, heading, fields) {
if (data.hasOwnProperty(heading)) {
return data[heading];
} else if (data.fields.hasOwnProperty(heading)) {
return data.fields[heading];
var fieldName = getFieldName(heading, fields);
if (fieldName !== "") {
if (data.hasOwnProperty(fieldName)) {
return data[fieldName];
} else if (data.fields.hasOwnProperty(fieldName)) {
return data.fields[fieldName];
var splitName = heading.split(" ");
if (splitName.length == 2) {
if (data.fields.hasOwnProperty(splitName[0])) {
if (data.fields[splitName[0]] && data.fields[splitName[0]].hasOwnProperty(splitName[1])) {
return data.fields[splitName[0]][splitName[1]];
return "";
return "Could not find value for " + heading;
function getFieldName(heading, fields) {
var index = fields.names.indexOf(heading);
if (index > -1) {
return fields.ids[index];
return "";
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