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Function Show-NotifyBalloon($Title, $Message)
[system.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('System.Windows.Forms') | Out-Null
$Global:Balloon = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.NotifyIcon
$Balloon.Icon = [System.Drawing.Icon]::ExtractAssociatedIcon((Get-Process -id $pid | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path))
$Balloon.BalloonTipIcon = 'Info'
$Balloon.BalloonTipText = $Message
$Balloon.BalloonTipTitle = $Title
$Balloon.Visible = $true
Start-Sleep -Seconds 20
$Balloon.Visible =$false; $Balloon.Dispose()
Function Find-UnsecureWIFIConnection
[Switch] $LogWithTimestamp
$data = (netsh wlan show networks mode=Bssid | ?{$_ -like "SSID*" -or $_ -like "*Authentication*" -or $_ -like "*Encryption*"}).trim()
$result = For($i = 0;$i -lt $data.count;)
''|Select @{n='Connection';e={($data[$i].split(':')[1]).trim()}}, @{n='Authentication';e={($data[$i+1].split(':')[1]).trim()}}, @{n='Encryption';e={($data[$i+2].split(':')[1]).trim()}}
$result | ?{$_.connection -ne '' -and $_.encryption -like "*none*"}|select *, @{n="TimeStamp";e={(Get-Date).ToString("HH:mm:ss dd-MMM-yyyy")}} | tee -Variable Result
$result | ?{$_.connection -ne '' -and $_.encryption -like "*none*"}| Tee -Variable Result
$result | Export-Csv -Path "$env:TEMP\UnsecureWiFi_Logs.csv" -NoTypeInformation -Append
$UnsecureConnections = Find-UnsecureWIFIConnection -LogWithTimestamp
$Message = $UnsecureConnections.connection | %{$_+[System.Environment]::NewLine}
$Title = "$($UnsecureConnections.connection.count) Unsecure Connections Found nearby"
Show-NotifyBalloon $Title $Message
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