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Last active January 21, 2022 07:22
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Common patterns with git
-- Fetch and update master branch
$ git fetch
$ git checkout master
$ git pull
$ git checkout -B master origin/master
-- Create branch and checkout (usually from from develop or master)
git checkout -b FOO-XXX_SomeMessage
Remember to always create branch "folders" using lower case like branch feature/story/Some-story.
If you mix upper/lower in different branches, then git will blow spectacularly on Windows.
-- Rename current branch
git branch -m FOO-XXX_SomeOtherMessage
-- Delete unwanted branch
git branch -d FOO-XXX_SomeMessage
(-d cannot delete unmerged branches. Use -D to delete it even if it is not merged)
-- Delete remote branch
git push origin --delete feature/foo_branch
-- List status for current branch
git status
-- Hotfix/Feature flow (same flow for features on develop, hotfix on master)
Fetch and update main branch
$ git checkout -b FOO-XXX_description
<add one or more commits into branch>
$ git fetch
$ git rebase origin/master
$ git checkout -B master origin/master
$ git merge --no-ff FOO-XXX_description
$ git push origin master
Note! Never merge branch using fast-forward, as it hides information about when branch was merged.
-- Rebase
$ git fetch
$ git checkout FOO-XXX_SomeMessage
$ git rebase origin/develop
Ved merge errors run:
$ git mergetool
$ git rebase --continue
$ git push --force-with-lease
-- Cherry pick
git checkout develop
git cherry-pick 0393eeca805834fd60d93d0cb8882f54fe2d479e
git mergetool
git status
git commit
-- Splice tree to new place.
-- <fromCommitExcluding> is the commit just below where the tree is cut
-- <toCommit> is often current branch.
$ git rebase --onto <newplace> <fromCommitExcluding> <toCommit>
-- Cleanup remote branches
$ git remote prune origin
-- Check if feature branch is merged into antoher branch
git lol FOO-XXX_SomeMessage ^develop
(use -p at end do display diff patches)
(use --stat to list change files)
-- Cleanup folders for files not under source control
git clean -xdf
-- List commit by commit number
git lol "hexcommit"
-- Show reflog
git reflog
-- Check local git repository status (sort of...)
git count-objects -v -H
-- Cleanup and compress local git repository
git gc --aggressive --prune=now
-- Ignore changes to local file
git update-index --assume-unchanged ./Path/To/File/PublishToLocalIS.pubxml.user
Undo: git update-index --no-assume-unchanged ./Path/To/File/PublishToLocalIS.pubxml.user
--- Tags
- Create tag
git tag 1.0.0
git push origin 1.0.0
- Create tag at specific hash
git tag 1.0.0 f3ad47d4e6201b446b63bb29a8205a1f236fe940
- Delete tag (locally)
git tag -d release/1.0.0
$ git push origin :release/1.0.0
- Push create + delete
$ git push origin 1.0.0 :release/1.0.0
-- SSH agent
eval `ssh-agent`
-- Prevent mergecommit message dialog ---
--- List branches
for branch in `git branch -r | grep -v HEAD`;do echo -e `git show --format="%an %ci %cr" $branch | head -n 1` \\t$branch; done | sort -r
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