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Last active December 19, 2023 14:52
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Building and Running Intel Pintools with VS 2019 on Windows 10

Building Intel pintools with Visual Studio 2019 on Windows 10

Setting up the Intel pin build environment

I started with a Windows 10 Enterprise Evaluation VM, version 1809, from here: Then I installed the needed tools:

  • Install Visual Studio Community 2019 Edition from, version 16.4.2. Make sure to install the Desktop development for C++ workload.

  • Install GNU's make, version 4.2.1, using Cygwin's 64-bit installer. Cygwin installer link here:

  • If needed, create VS 32- and 64-bit developer command windows shortcuts.

    My 32-bit shortcut: %comspec% /k ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars32.bat""

    My 64-bit shortcut: %comspec% /k ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat"".

  • Install the Windows version of Intel pin tools from I used Intel pin version pin-3.11-97998-g7ecce2dac-msvc-windows.

Building and running an example pintool to use with a 32-bit process

  • Open a VS 2019 32-bit developer command window

  • Cd to the source\tools\SimpleExamples folder in the Intel pin folder

  • Add the Cygwin bin directory to your path: set PATH=%PATH%;\cygwin64\bin

  • Build the pintool DLL: make obj-ia32/icount.dll TARGET=ia32

  • Now run the pintool against your application. In this case, I have the 32-bit version of pslist.exe from the System Internals Suite in my home directory:

    ..\..\..\pin.exe -t obj-ia32\icount.dll -- c:\Users\IEUser\pslist.exe

The instruction count will print out at the end of the pslist.exe output.

Building and running an example pintool to use with a 64-bit process

  • Open a VS 2019 64-bit developer command window

  • Cd to the source\tools\SimpleExamples folder in the Intel pin folder

  • Add the Cygwin bin directory to your path: set PATH=%PATH%;\cygwin64\bin

  • Build the pintool DLL: make obj-intel64/icount.dll TARGET=intel64

  • Now run the pintool against your application. In this case, I have the 64-bit version of pslist.exe from the System Internals Suite in my home directory:

    ..\..\..\pin.exe -t obj-intel64\icount.dll -- c:\Users\IEUser\pslist64.exe

The instruction count will print out at the end of the pslist64.exe output.

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PollyP commented Feb 19, 2020

Hint: if you're trying to compile a pintool that includes Windows.h (e.g. the w_malloctrace.cpp example) in VS and VS can't find it, make sure you have the preprocessor configured to define WINDOWS_H_PATH to point to Windows.h in your Windows SDK.

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bytehow commented Nov 26, 2020

This is awesome, thanks for this! Did you manage to get a pintool that requires Windows.h to compile correctly from within Visual Studio (using the provided MyPinTool vsproject)

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PollyP commented Dec 1, 2020

Hi, you might take a look at my TraceVizTool repo, which imports Windows.h.

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@PollyP Thanks great share. I used pin version 3.20 facing issues "make: *** [../../../source/tools/Config/makefile.default.rules:217: obj-intel64/icount.obj] Error 2" make files are not created inside obj-intel64 folder. Can you please confirm whether the same works in pin version 3.20 ?

C:\pin-3.20-98437-gf02b61307-msvc-windows\source\tools\SimpleExamples>make obj-intel64/icount.dll TARGET=intel64
mkdir -p obj-intel64/
cl /EHs- /EHa- /wd4530 /DTARGET_WINDOWS /nologo /Gy /Oi- /GR- /GS- /DPIN_CRT=1 /D_WINDOWS_H_PATH_="C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.19041.0\um" /D__LP64__ /Zc:threadSafeInit- /Zc:sizedDealloc- /wd5208 /DTARGET_IA32E /DHOST_IA32E /I../../../source/include/pin /I../../../source/include/pin/gen -I../../../extras/stlport/include -I../../../extras -I../../../extras/libstdc++/include -I../../../extras/crt/include -I../../../extras/crt -I../../../extras/crt/include/arch-x86_64 -I../../../extras/crt/include/kernel/uapi -I../../../extras/crt/include/kernel/uapi/asm-x86 /FIinclude/msvc_compat.h /I../../../extras/components/include /I../../../extras/xed-intel64/include/xed /I../../../source/tools/Utils /I../../../source/tools/InstLib /MD /O2 /c /Foobj-intel64/icount.obj icount.cpp
../../../extras/stlport/include\stl/char_traits.h(83): error C2118: negative subscript
make: *** [../../../source/tools/Config/makefile.default.rules:217: obj-intel64/icount.obj] Error 2

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C:\Users\Brandon\Desktop\pin-3.21-98484-ge7cd811fd-msvc-windows\pin-3.21-98484-ge7cd811fd-msvc-windows\source\tools\SimpleExamples>%comspec% /k ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat""
** Visual Studio 2019 Developer Command Prompt v16.11.14
** Copyright (c) 2021 Microsoft Corporation
[vcvarsall.bat] Environment initialized for: 'x64'

C:\Users\Brandon\Desktop\pin-3.21-98484-ge7cd811fd-msvc-windows\pin-3.21-98484-ge7cd811fd-msvc-windows\source\tools\SimpleExamples>set PATH=%PATH%;C:\msys64\mingw64\bin

C:\Users\Brandon\Desktop\pin-3.21-98484-ge7cd811fd-msvc-windows\pin-3.21-98484-ge7cd811fd-msvc-windows\source\tools\SimpleExamples>make obj-intel64/icount.dll TARGET=intel64
mkdir -p obj-intel64/
The syntax of the command is incorrect.
../../../source/tools/Config/makefile.default.rules:50: recipe for target 'obj-intel64/' failed
make: *** [obj-intel64/] Error 1


mkdir issues?

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PollyP commented Jun 11, 2022

Hi @brandonros, my gist was tested against 3.11 pintools, a release from several years ago. I'm not surprised that you're running into problems using it with 3.21 pintools. I haven't worked on pintools since 2020, so I don't have any updates for the more recent releases.

It might be worthwhile to check out the pinheads mailing list on They are definitely the pintools experts.

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MrBeanc commented Jun 17, 2022

Hello, could you share your version's pin-tool with me? I can't find the version of 3.11 on the Internet. The problem of failed installation bothered me for a long time ,thank you very much. My email is

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PollyP commented Jun 17, 2022

Hi @MrBeanc, it appears that you can still grab the pin tools from Intel's server even though they have removed the links from the pintools download page.


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MrBeanc commented Jun 18, 2022

So great !!! I installed successfully using your method. Before that, I spent a lot of time on the wrong version. Thank you very much :)

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PollyP commented Jun 19, 2022

Good deal @MrBeanc, thanks for letting me know

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