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Last active July 17, 2022 07:15
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# Com Object for making SNMP calls
$SNMP = new-object -ComObject olePrn.OleSNMP
# Printer objects from our print server
$All_Printers = get-printer -ComputerName $Config.PrintServer
# Array of printers to output, which will contain toner data, and some data from our print server.
$Printers = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
foreach ($Printer in $All_Printers) {
# Port name from the print server. You might have to clean up your port names
# if you have dupes or you've named them other then the IP address.
$Address = $Printer.PortName
#Name from the Print Server
$Name = $Printer.Name
# This could be better, but we check if the printer is online,
# if not we set its online state to false.
if (!(Test-Connection $address -Quiet -Count 1)) {$onlineState = $False}
# If the printer is online, we get the toner data.
if (Test-Connection $address -Quiet -Count 1) {
$onlineState = $True
# The Open method takes 4 params. Host, Community, Retry, and Timeout.
$SNMP.Open($Address, "public", 2, 3000)
# The Get method takes one param, a string representing the OID you want to query.
# This gets the printer type, in this case, HP M553DN.
$printertype = $snmp.Get(".")
# This is where things get weird. There are two OIDs you need to get,
# one I've called Toner Volume, more accuretly, Toner maximum? And then the Current Volume.
# These are not small numbers if I remember correctly. Lastly, I calculate a percentage
# based on those two numbers so we can get some data worth using.
$black_tonervolume = $snmp.get("")
$black_currentvolume = $snmp.get("")
[int]$black_percentremaining = ($black_currentvolume / $black_tonervolume) * 100
$cyan_tonervolume = $snmp.get("")
$cyan_currentvolume = $snmp.get("")
[int]$cyan_percentremaining = ($cyan_currentvolume / $cyan_tonervolume) * 100
$magenta_tonervolume = $snmp.get("")
$magenta_currentvolume = $snmp.get("")
[int]$magenta_percentremaining = ($magenta_currentvolume / $magenta_tonervolume) * 100
$yellow_tonervolume = $snmp.get("")
$yellow_currentvolume = $snmp.get("")
[int]$yellow_percentremaining = ($yellow_currentvolume / $yellow_tonervolume) * 100
# I then store that data in a PSCustomObject, and add it to our ArrayList,
# and then close out the SNMP connection. There is a helper function here
# called ReturnZeroIfNegitive (I should fix that spelling) that does what it says.
# I'm not 100% sure why, and I'm sure someone can tell me, but sometimes you'll get a result of -2 or -3,
# and this just zeros that out.
$PrinterData = [PSCustomObject] @{
"Name" = $Name
"Type" = $printertype
"Address" = $Address
"OnlineState" = $onlineState
"Toner" = @{
"Name" = "Toner Levels"
"Max" = 100 # This is a hacky workaround for setting min and max values in UD bar charts.
"Min" = 0
"Black" = ReturnZeroIfNegitive -Data $black_percentremaining
"Yellow" = ReturnZeroIfNegitive -Data $Yellow_percentremaining
"Cyan" = ReturnZeroIfNegitive -Data $Cyan_percentremaining
"Magenta" = ReturnZeroIfNegitive -Data $Magenta_percentremaining
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