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Last active August 31, 2022 15:18
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Shell Basics
" The value is '$foo'" # prints The value is bar
" We are in '$foo' " # prints We are in < PATH >
cat <(ls) <(ls ..) # concats the output of ls and ls ..
mkdir sandbox / # Will need permissions
sudo !! # !! inserts mkdir sandbox /
ls & # runs in the background
; # executes the next command
true || echo "Hello World" # will always print "Hello World"
true && echo "Hello" # will always print "Hello"
false && echo "World" # will never print "World"
$_ # returns the last argument
$? # returns if last command was successful
$0 # the current command running
$# # the number of arguments
$$ # the process id
$@ # all the arguments
echo "Starting program at $(date) "
echo "Running program $0 with $# arguments with pid $$"
for file in "$@"; do
grep foobar "$file" > /dev/null 2> dev/null
# When pattern is not found, grep has exit status 1
# We redirect STDOUT and STDERR to a null register since we do not care
if [[ "$?" -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "File $file does not have any foobar, adding one"
echo "# foobar" >> "$file"
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