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Last active February 21, 2022 23:21
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{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo, BlockArguments, RankNTypes, FlexibleInstances, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Main where
import Data.List (isPrefixOf, isInfixOf)
import Data.Foldable (toList, forM_)
import System.Directory (listDirectory)
import qualified System.IO as IO
-- Entity provides name and createdAt for a particular entity (read: file).
data Entity t = Entity
{ name :: String
, createdAt :: Date
, value :: t }
type Line = String
type Note = [Line]
-- types can’t appear under the where clause, so stick them here
type Index = [Line]
type Reference = Line
index :: (Functor f, Foldable f) => f (Entity Note) -> f Note
index notes = do
n <- notes
pure (backlinks n ++ body n ++ references n)
backlinks :: Entity Note -> [Reference]
backlinks n = [ refNote m | m <- toList notes, bracketed (name n) `inAny` body m ]
references :: Entity Note -> [Reference]
references n = [] -- TODO
ref :: String -> Reference
ref s = "%ref: " ++ escape s
refNote :: Entity Note -> Reference
refNote n = ref (name n)
body :: Entity Note -> [Line]
body n = [ line | line <- value n, not (isReference line) ] -- or: not `in` (references n)
where isReference l = "%ref:" `isPrefixOf` l
bracketed :: String -> String
bracketed s = "[" ++ s ++ "]"
inAny :: String -> [String] -> Bool
x `inAny` y = any (x `isInfixOf`) y
escape :: String -> String
escape x = x -- TODO
data Date = Date -- TODO
{- Scaffolding to make it actually Do Stuff -}
-- how to update some particular entity
type Updater t = forall f. (Foldable f, Functor f) => f (Entity t) -> f t
class EntityContent c where -- is this good design? who knows!
fromFile :: String -> c
toFile :: c -> String
instance EntityContent [String] where
fromFile = lines
toFile = unlines
-- general refresh function: reads all files, updates, then writes all files
refresh :: forall t. EntityContent t => FilePath -> Updater t -> IO ()
refresh dir process = do
files <- listDirectory dir
entities <- sequence (toEntity <$> files)
forM_ (zip entities (process entities)) \(old, newContent) ->
writeFile (fileName (name old)) (toFile newContent)
toEntity :: String -> IO (Entity t)
toEntity file = do
content <- readFile' (fileName file)
pure (Entity file (Date) (fromFile content))
fileName x = dir ++ "/" ++ x
main :: IO ()
main = do
refresh "notes" index
-- helpers from `strict` package
hGetContents :: IO.Handle -> IO.IO String
hGetContents h = IO.hGetContents h >>= \s -> length s `seq` return s
readFile' :: FilePath -> IO String
readFile' name = IO.openFile name IO.ReadMode >>= hGetContents
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