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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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Testing in Haskell
Using cabal to install quickcheck:
Make a directory to work in.
Inside the directory: “cabal sandbox init”
Then: “cabal install quickcheck”
You can open the GHCI repl in the sandbox:
"cabal repl"
And use normal commands like ":load filename.hs"
To install hspec:
cabal install hspec
To install tasty:
cabal install tasty
cabal install tasty-quickcheck
cabal install tasty-hunit
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
import Test.QuickCheck
-- you can run any of the 'sample' functions in GHCi
-- to print a list of examples
data Height = Height Int deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Arbitrary Height where
arbitrary :: Gen Height
arbitrary = do
height <- choose (100, 250)
return (Height height)
sampleHeights :: IO [Height]
sampleHeights = sample' arbitrary
data Color = R | G | B deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Arbitrary Color where
arbitrary = do
color <- frequency
[(1, return R),
(1, return G),
(2, return B)]
return color
sampleColors :: IO [Color]
sampleColors = sample' arbitrary
data Point = Point Int Int deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Arbitrary Point where
arbitrary = do
x <- arbitrary
y <- arbitrary
return (Point x y)
samplePoints :: IO [Point]
samplePoints = sample' arbitrary
import Test.Hspec
import Test.QuickCheck
main = hspec $ do
describe "Tests" $ do
properties = describe "List properties" $ do
it "reverse . reverse == id" $
property (\xs -> reverse (reverse xs) == (xs :: [Int]))
unitTests = describe "List tests" $ do
it "List with one element is not empty" $ do
not (null [1]) `shouldBe` True
it "List with no elements is empty" $ do
null [] `shouldBe` True
import Test.QuickCheck
-- Operations on a queue:
class Queue q where
push :: a -> q a -> q a
pop :: q a -> q a
-- Implementation of a queue:
instance Queue [] where
push x xs =
-- bug!
if length xs == 12
then (x:x:xs)
else (x:xs)
pop [] = []
pop (x:xs) = xs
-- Our simplified model:
data QCount a = QCount { count :: Int } deriving Show
instance Queue QCount where
push _ (QCount n) = QCount (n+1)
pop (QCount 0) = QCount 0
pop (QCount n) = QCount (n-1)
-- Actions on a queue:
data QueueAction a
= Push a
| Pop
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- And we can generate arbitrary actions:
instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (QueueAction a) where
arbitrary = do
value <- arbitrary
elements [Push value, Pop]
-- Apply an action to a queue:
act :: (Queue q) => QueueAction a -> q a -> q a
act (Push item) queue = push item queue
act (Pop) queue = pop queue
-- Apply a list of actions to the queue:
applyActions :: (Queue q) => q a -> [QueueAction a] -> q a
applyActions actions queue = foldr act actions queue
-- run "quickcheck checkAgainstModel"
checkAgainstModel :: [QueueAction Int] -> Property
checkAgainstModel actions =
length realQueue === count counterQueue
realQueue = applyActions [] actions
counterQueue = applyActions (QCount 0) actions
module Types (Name, toName) where
import Test.QuickCheck
newtype Name = Name String deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
toName "" = Nothing
toName s = Just (Name s)
instance Arbitrary Name where
arbitrary = do
s <- listOf1 arbitrary
case toName s of
Nothing -> arbitrary
Just name -> return name
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
main = defaultMain tests
tests = testGroup "Tests" [properties, unitTests]
properties = testGroup "Properties" [
testProperty "reverse . reverse == id" $
\xs -> reverse (reverse xs) == (xs :: [Int])
unitTests = testGroup "UnitTests" [
testCase "List with one element is not empty" $
True @=? not (null [1]),
testCase "List with no elements is empty" $
True @=? null []
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