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Last active February 9, 2016 04:04
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using System;
namespace Immutable
enum Qux { Qux1, Qux2 }
class Baz
public Baz(Qux qux)
Qux = qux;
public Qux Qux { get; }
class Bar
public Bar(Baz baz)
Baz = baz;
public Baz Baz { get; }
class Foo
public Foo(Bar bar)
Bar = bar;
public Bar Bar { get; }
static class Extensions
public static Foo WithBar(this Foo foo, Func<Bar, Bar> f) => new Foo(f(foo.Bar));
public static Bar WithBaz(this Bar bar, Func<Baz, Baz> f) => new Bar(f(bar.Baz));
public static Baz WithQux(this Baz bar, Func<Qux, Qux> f) => new Baz(f(bar.Qux));
static class Program
private static Foo SetQux(Foo foo, Qux qux) => foo.WithBar(bar => bar.WithBaz(baz => baz.WithQux(_ => qux)));
public static void Main()
var it = new Foo(new Bar(new Baz(Qux.Qux1)));
var newIt = SetQux(it, Qux.Qux2);
using System;
namespace Freeze
// If we create a mutable "builder" type for each type
// you don't have to create all the "With" methods (but you
// have to duplicate all the public properties).
public interface IFreezable<TImmutable>
TImmutable Freeze();
public interface IImmutable<TThis, TMutable>
where TMutable : IFreezable<TThis>
TMutable GetBuilder();
public static class Extensions
public static TImmutable Update<TImmutable, TMutable>(this TImmutable immutable, Action<TMutable> updater)
where TImmutable : IImmutable<TImmutable, TMutable>
where TMutable : IFreezable<TImmutable>
var builder = immutable.GetBuilder();
return builder.Freeze();
class Foo : IImmutable<Foo, Foo.Builder>
public class Builder : IFreezable<Foo>
public int X { get; set; }
public Bar.Builder Bar { get; set; }
public Foo Freeze() => new Foo(X, Bar.Freeze());
public Foo(int x, Bar bar)
X = x;
Bar = bar;
public int X { get; }
public Bar Bar { get; }
public Builder GetBuilder() => new Builder { X = X, Bar = Bar.GetBuilder() };
class Bar : IImmutable<Bar, Bar.Builder>
public class Builder : IFreezable<Bar>
public Baz.Builder Baz { get; set; }
public Bar Freeze() => new Bar(Baz.Freeze());
public Bar(Baz baz)
Baz = baz;
public Baz Baz { get; }
public Builder GetBuilder() => new Builder { Baz = Baz.GetBuilder() };
class Baz : IImmutable<Baz, Baz.Builder>
public class Builder : IFreezable<Baz>
public Qux Qux { get; set; }
public Baz Freeze() => new Baz(Qux);
public Baz(Qux qux)
Qux = qux;
public Qux Qux { get; }
public Builder GetBuilder() => new Builder { Qux = Qux };
enum Qux
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var foo = new Foo(1, new Bar(new Baz(Qux.Qux1)));
// note that "Foo.Builder" is required in the next line - this is a bit ugly.
// see next version for how this requirement can be removed.
var foo2 = foo.Update((Foo.Builder f) => f.Bar.Baz.Qux = Qux.Qux2);
using System;
namespace Freeze
// Using an abstract class as base allows us to drop the interfaces.
// Requiring a base class should be okay as the Update method would have a hard
// time working with polymorphism!
public abstract class Immutable<TThis, TBuilder>
where TBuilder : Immutable<TThis, TBuilder>.BuilderBase
public abstract class BuilderBase
public abstract TThis Freeze();
public abstract TBuilder GetBuilder();
public TThis Update(Action<TBuilder> updater)
var builder = GetBuilder();
return builder.Freeze();
class Foo : Immutable<Foo, Foo.Builder>
public sealed class Builder : BuilderBase
public int X { get; set; }
public Bar.Builder Bar { get; set; }
public override Foo Freeze() => new Foo(X, Bar.Freeze());
public Foo(int x, Bar bar)
X = x;
Bar = bar;
public int X { get; }
public Bar Bar { get; }
public override Builder GetBuilder() => new Builder { X = X, Bar = Bar.GetBuilder() };
class Bar : Immutable<Bar, Bar.Builder>
public sealed class Builder : BuilderBase
public Baz.Builder Baz { get; set; }
public override Bar Freeze() => new Bar(Baz.Freeze());
public Bar(Baz baz)
Baz = baz;
public Baz Baz { get; }
public override Builder GetBuilder() => new Builder { Baz = Baz.GetBuilder() };
class Baz : Immutable<Baz, Baz.Builder>
public sealed class Builder : BuilderBase
public Qux Qux { get; set; }
public override Baz Freeze() => new Baz(Qux);
public Baz(Qux qux)
Qux = qux;
public Qux Qux { get; }
public override Builder GetBuilder() => new Builder { Qux = Qux };
enum Qux
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var foo = new Foo(1, new Bar(new Baz(Qux.Qux1)));
var foo2 = foo.Update(f => f.Bar.Baz.Qux = Qux.Qux2);
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