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Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
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Save Poshan/734b2aa4ca3e64e33dea to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
code to convert the (Easting, Northing) MUTM data (datum : Everest-1830) to Latitude Longitude in datum WGS-84
//test data
// 632750,3024751,1230 and zone 88 (3 degree UTM zone)
data = {
"N" : 3038250,
"E" : 617000,
"ht": 1230,
"zone": 88
//parameters of Everest-1830
everestParams = {
"e" : 0.08147298125166744,
"f" : 0.0033244493186534527,
"e2": 0.0066378466740345775,//square of the eccentricity
// "e2": 0.00667054,
"a": 6377276.345,//semi major axis of Everest-1830
// "a": 6377563.396,
"if": 300.8016980102568,
"fE": 500000,
"phi0": 0,//latitude of the natural origin
// "fE": 400000,
"fN": 0,
"k0": 0.9999,
// "k0": 0.9996012717,
"M0": 0 //for latitude of origin 0
//parameters of wgs-84
wgsParams = {
"a" : 6378137.0,
"e" : 0.08181919092890624,
"e2": 0.006694380004260827,
"f" : 0.0033528106718309896
//transformation parameters
transformParams = {
"dx" : 282,
"dy" : 726,
"dz" : 254
//calculations used in the formula
function esquareby4(){
return (everestParams["e2"]/4)
function threee4by64(){
return (3*(everestParams["e2"])*(everestParams["e2"])/64);
function fivee6by256(){
return (5*(Math.pow(everestParams["e2"], 3)/256));
function capitalM1(){
return (everestParams["M0"] + ((data["N"] - everestParams["fN"])/everestParams["k0"]));
function mue1(){
var numerator = capitalM1();
var denom = everestParams["a"] * (1- esquareby4() - threee4by64() - fivee6by256());
// console.log(numerator/denom);
return (numerator/denom);
function rootoneminuse2(){
return Math.pow((1-everestParams["e2"]), 0.5);
function e1(){
return ((1 - rootoneminuse2())/(1 + rootoneminuse2()));
function threee1by2(){
return (3* e1()/2);
function twenty7e1cubeby32(){
return (27* Math.pow(e1(), 3)/32);
function sinmue1(x){
var xmue1 = x * mue1();
return Math.sin(xmue1);
function twenty1e1squareby16(){
return (21* Math.pow(e1(), 2)/16);
function fifty5e1power4by32(){
return (55 * Math.pow(e1(), 4)/32);
function hundred51e1power3by96(){
return (151 * Math.pow(e1(),3)/96);
function thousand97e1power4by512(){
return (1097 * Math.pow(e1(),4)/512);
function phi1(){
return (mue1() + ((threee1by2() - twenty7e1cubeby32()) * sinmue1(2)) + ((twenty1e1squareby16() - fifty5e1power4by32()) * sinmue1(4)) + (hundred51e1power3by96() * sinmue1(6)) + (thousand97e1power4by512() * sinmue1(8)));
function v1(){
var numerator = everestParams["a"];
var denominator = Math.pow((1 - everestParams["e2"] * Math.pow (Math.sin(phi1()), 2)), 0.5);
function row1(){
return(v1()*v1()*v1()*(1 - everestParams["e2"])/(everestParams["a"]*everestParams["a"]));
function T1(){
return (Math.pow(Math.tan(phi1()), 2));
function edash2(){
var numerator = everestParams["e2"];
var denominator = (1- everestParams["e2"]);
return (numerator/denominator);
function C1(){
return (edash2() * (Math.pow(Math.cos(phi1())),2));
function D(){
return ((data["E"] - everestParams["fE"])/(v1() * everestParams["k0"]));
function Dsquare(){
return Math.pow(D(),2);
function C1square(){
return (Math.pow(C1(),2));
//the latitude
function phi(){
// debugger;
var firstTerm = phi1()*180/Math.PI;
var secondTermpart1 = v1() * Math.tan(phi1()) / row1();
var secondTermpart2_1 = Dsquare()/2;
var secondTermpart2_2 = (5 + 3 * T1() + 10 * C1() - 4 * C1square() - 9 * edash2()) * (Dsquare()/24);
var secondTermpart2_3 = (61 + 90 * T1() + 298 * C1() + 45 * T1() * T1() - 252 * edash2() - 3 * C1square()) * (Math.pow(D(), 6)/720);
var secondTermpart2 = secondTermpart2_1 - secondTermpart2_2 + secondTermpart2_3;
var secondTerm = secondTermpart1 * secondTermpart2;
// debugger;
return (firstTerm - secondTerm);
//central meridian
function lamda0() {
if (data["zone"] == 87) {
return 81;
else if (data["zone"] == 88) {
return 84;
else {
return 87;
//FOrmula of D for ZOned UTM
function DLamda(){
// return D();
return ((data["E"] - everestParams["fE"] - (88 * Math.pow(10,4)))/(v1() * everestParams["k0"]));
function lamda(){
var firstTerm = lamda0();
var secondTerm1 = DLamda();
var secondTermpart2 = (1 + 2 * T1() + C1()) * (Math.pow(DLamda(), 3)/6);
var secondTermpart3 = (5 - 2 * C1() + 28 * T1() - 3 * C1() * C1() + 8 * edash2() + 24 * T1() * T1()) * (Math.pow(DLamda(), 5)/120);
var secondTermDenom = Math.cos(phi1());
var secondTermNum = secondTerm1 - secondTermpart2 + secondTermpart3;
var secondTerm = secondTermNum/secondTermDenom;
return (firstTerm + secondTerm);
//transformation using molodensky 3 parameters
//transformation OF Everest Lat/lng to WGS lat/lng
function sinLat(){
return Math.sin(phi());
function cosLat(){
return Math.cos(phi());
function sinLng(){
return Math.sin(lamda());
function cosLng(){
return Math.cos(lamda());
function ssqlat(){
return Math.pow(sinLat(),2);
function adb(){
return 1/(1 - everestParams["f"]);
function rn(){
return (everestParams["a"]/(Math.pow((1-everestParams["e2"] * ssqlat()),0.5)));
function rm(){
return (everestParams["a"] * (1 - everestParams["e2"])/Math.pow((1 - everestParams["e2"]*ssqlat()),2));
function da(){
return (wgsParams["a"] - everestParams["a"]);
function df(){
return (wgsParams["f"] - everestParams["f"]);
function dlat(){
// debugger;
return ((((((-transformParams["dx"] * sinLat() * cosLng() - transformParams["dy"] * sinLat() * sinLng()) + transformParams["dz"] * cosLat()) + (da() * ((rn() * everestParams["e2"] * sinLat() * cosLat()) / everestParams["a"]))) + (df() * (rm() * adb() + rn() / adb()) * sinLat() * cosLat())))/ (rm() + data["ht"]));
function dlng(){
return(-transformParams["dx"] * sinLng() + transformParams["dy"] * cosLng()) / ((rn() + data["ht"]) * cosLat());
var dlng1 = dlng(); //change in longitude from transformation
var dlat1 = dlat(); //change in latitude from transformation
var dlat1_dg = dlat1 * 180/ Math.PI;
var dlng1_dg = dlng1 * 180/ Math.PI;
var phi2 = phi(); //Everest Lat
var lamda1 = lamda(); //Everest Long
var new_lat = phi2 + dlat1_dg; //
var new_lng = lamda1 + dlng1_dg;
console.log('WGS lng');
console.log('Everest-1830 lat');
console.log('Everest-1830 lng');
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