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Last active August 16, 2023 03:56
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A partial implementation of dbmate in YSH
This is a partial implementation of dbmate [1] in YSH [0].
This is more of a example of what YSH looks like for larger and more realistic
programs. It's not very well tested, lacks many features, could use some
cleaning up, and probably has a few bugs. But I think it's a good proof of
concept and is functional enough to be worth it's salt.
> I want to run it
You will want to make sure you have sqlite3 and YSH [0] installed. Then run the
program with `ysh dbman.ysh <action>`.
The program is very similar to dbmate (apart from the DB_URL configuration,
that's hardcoded to `demo.db` right now). So you can, for example:
ysh dbman.ysh create
ysh dbman.ysh new my_migration
ysh dbman.ysh up
ysh dbman.ysh new another_migration
ysh dbman.ysh up
ysh dbman.ysh down
ysh dbman.ysh drop
See [1.1] for some more details on usage.
func parseDbUrl(url) {
# Should it be: const parts = url->split(":") ?
const parts = split(url, ':')
const db = parts[0]
const DB_PATH = parts[1]
if (db !== 'sqlite') {
error ("Unsupported database: $db")
return (DB_PATH)
const DB_URL = 'sqlite:demo.db'
const DB_PATH = parseDbUrl(DB_URL)
proc ensure-db-dir {
mkdir --parent db/migrations
proc ensure-db {
if ! test --file $DB_PATH {
sqlite3 $DB_PATH ''
proc new(name) {
const time = $(date +'%s')
const migration = "db/migrations/$time-$name.sql"
fopen >$migration {
echo '-- migrate:up'
echo '-- migrate:down'
proc create {
ensure-db $DB_URL
proc drop {
if test --file $DB_PATH {
# This should be in the stdlib
func includes(haystack, needle) {
for item in (haystack) {
if (item === needle) {
return (true)
return (false)
proc ensure-migrations-table {
sqlite3 $DB_PATH 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS migrations (version varchar(128) PRIMARY KEY)'
func listMigrations() {
cd db/migrations {
const migrations = split( $(ls *.sql | sed 's/\.sql$//'), $'\n')
return (migrations)
func appliedMigrations() {
ensure-db $DB_URL
const applied = $(sqlite3 $DB_PATH 'SELECT * FROM migrations')
return (split(applied, $'\n'))
proc parse-migration (file, outUp Ref, outDown Ref) {
const contents = $(cat $file)
const lines = split(contents, $'\n')
var up = ''
var down = ''
var state = null
for line in (lines) {
if (line === '-- migrate:up') {
setvar state = 'up'
} elif (line === '-- migrate:down') {
setvar state = 'down'
case (state) {
up { setvar up = up ++ line ++ $'\n' }
down { setvar down = down ++ line ++ $'\n' }
setref outUp = up
setref outDown = down
func missingMigrations() {
const migrations = listMigrations()
const applied = appliedMigrations()
var missing = []
for migration in (migrations) {
for a in (applied) {
if (a === migration) {
echo "[x] $migration"
continue 2
echo "[ ] $migration"
append :missing $migration
return (missing)
proc status {
# Will print out migration status
const missing = missingMigrations()
if (len(missing) > 0) {
echo "Need to run $[len(missing)] migration(s)"
} else {
echo "Up to date"
proc up {
const missing = missingMigrations()
for name in (missing) {
echo Running migration: $name
#const path = "db/$name.sql" -- would like to to this, but it errors
var path = "db/$name.sql"
var up = ''
var down = ''
parse-migration ./db/migrations/$name.sql :up :down
write -- $up | sqlite3 $DB_PATH
sqlite3 $DB_PATH "INSERT INTO migrations VALUES ('$name')"
proc down {
const applied = appliedMigrations()
if (len(applied) === 0) {
const toRemove = applied[-1]
echo Dropping migration: $toRemove
const path = "db/$toRemove.sql"
parse-migration ./db/migrations/$toRemove.sql :up :down
write -- $down | sqlite3 $DB_PATH
sqlite3 $DB_PATH "DELETE FROM migrations WHERE version = '$toRemove'"
proc usage-error (message) {
write -- $message >&2
exit 1
if (len(ARGV) === 0) {
usage-error 'No command given. Usage: dbman.ysh <command> [args]'
case (ARGV[0]) {
new {
if (len(ARGV) !== 2) {
usage-error 'Expected a migration name. Usage: dbman.ysh new <migration>'
new $[ARGV[1]]
create {
if (len(ARGV) !== 1) {
usage-error 'Found unexpected args. Usage: dbman.ysh create'
drop {
if (len(ARGV) !== 1) {
usage-error 'Found unexpected args. Usage: dbman.ysh drop'
up {
if (len(ARGV) !== 1) {
usage-error 'Found unexpected args. Usage: dbman.ysh up'
down {
if (len(ARGV) !== 1) {
usage-error 'Found unexpected args. Usage: dbman.ysh down'
status {
if (len(ARGV) !== 1) {
usage-error 'Found unexpected args. Usage: dbman.ysh status'
(else) { usage-error "Unknown command '$[ARGV[0]]'" }
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