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Last active December 30, 2016 15:06
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Reading List
Here is list of books that are near and dear to me. Things I wish everyone else had a chance to read
and love and read again,the way I have and hope to continue to do. All the books on this list have
informed who I am and how I think about the things I love to think about. It will stop growing when
I stop growing. If you read any of these and find yourself in a better place, I'll be very happy. Enjoy.
Notes on the Synthesis of Form - Christopher Alexander
Designing Design - Kenya Hara
Musicage: Cage muses on words, art, music - Jon Cage & Joan Retallack
Revolution of Everyday Life - Raoul Vaneigem
To Have or to Be - Erich Fromm
The Gift - Lewis Hyde
A General Theory of Love - Thomas Lewis, Fari Amini, and Richard Lannon
Escape from Freedom - Erich Fromm
Presentation of the Self in Everyday Life - Irving Goffman
The Braindead Megaphone - George Saunders
Corporate Diversity: Swiss Graphic Design and Advertising by Geigy
In Praise of Shadows - Junichiro Tanizak
White - Kenya Hara
On Disobedience - Erich Fromm
The Pathology of Normalcy - Erich Fromm
One Dimensional Man - Herbert Marcuse
A Year with Swollen Appendices - Brian Eno
The Art of Loving - Erich Fromm
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