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Last active July 25, 2023 08:33
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A simple hello world program written in assembly language, aimed for OS/X systems
; Prints "hello world" to the screen.
; OS/X requires system call arguments to be pushed onto the stack in reversed
; order, with an extra 4 bytes (DWORD) at the end.
; Build with:
; nasm -f macho hello.asm
; ld -o hello hello.o
; Run with:
; ./hello
; Author: PotatoMaster101
SECTION .data ; initialised data section
Msg: db "hello world", 10 ; message to print
MsgLen: equ $ - Msg ; length of message
SECTION .text ; code section
global start
; printing message, use write()
; system call 4 syntax:
; user_ssize_t write(int fd, user_addr_t cbuf, user_size_t nbyte)
push dword MsgLen ; length of message to print
push dword Msg ; message to print
push dword 1 ; FD of 1 for standard output
sub esp, 4 ; OS/X requires extra 4 bytes after arguments
mov eax, 4 ; 4 - write() system call
int 80H ; perform system call
add esp, 16 ; restore stack (16 bytes pushed: 3 * dword + 4)
; program exit, use sys_exit()
push dword 0 ; exit value of 0 returned to the OS
sub esp, 4 ; OS/X requires extra 4 bytes after arguments
mov eax, 1 ; 1 - sys_exit() system call
int 80H ; perform system call
; no need to restore stack, code after this line will not be executed
; (program exit)
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