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Last active December 5, 2017 19:54
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  • Save PotcFdk/6fcea8cb06177eeb96870d85909a6eda to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save PotcFdk/6fcea8cb06177eeb96870d85909a6eda to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7170 status script
box.header("Cache-Control: no-cache\n")
box.header("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n")
box.header("Expires: -1\n")
box.header("Pragma: no-cache\n\n")
dofile ("/usr/www/avm/errors/kids/dkjson.lua")
function trim (str)
return (str:gsub("^%s+", ""):gsub("%s+$", ""))
function run (cmd)
local handle = io.popen(cmd)
local result = handle:read("*a")
return result
print (json.encode ({
success = true,
data = {
dsl = {
down = trim (run ("ctlmgr_ctl r dslstatglobal status/in")),
up = trim (run ("ctlmgr_ctl r dslstatglobal status/out")),
status = trim (run ("ctlmgr_ctl r dslstatistic status/ifacestat0/connection_status"))
inetstat = {
time = trim (run ("ctlmgr_ctl r inetstat status/TimeStamp")),
today = {
--calls = ctlmgr_ctl r inetstat status/Today/OutgoingCalls
TX = trim (run ("ctlmgr_ctl r inetstat status/Today/BytesSentLow")),
RX = trim (run ("ctlmgr_ctl r inetstat status/Today/BytesReceivedLow"))
yesterday = {
TX = trim (run ("ctlmgr_ctl r inetstat status/Yesterday/BytesSentLow")),
RX = trim (run ("ctlmgr_ctl r inetstat status/Yesterday/BytesReceivedLow"))
this_week = {
TX = trim (run ("ctlmgr_ctl r inetstat status/ThisWeek/BytesSentLow")),
RX = trim (run ("ctlmgr_ctl r inetstat status/ThisWeek/BytesReceivedLow"))
last_week = {
TX = trim (run ("ctlmgr_ctl r inetstat status/LastWeek/BytesSentLow")),
RX = trim (run ("ctlmgr_ctl r inetstat status/LastWeek/BytesReceivedLow"))
this_month = {
TX = trim (run ("ctlmgr_ctl r inetstat status/ThisMonth/BytesSentLow")),
RX = trim (run ("ctlmgr_ctl r inetstat status/ThisMonth/BytesReceivedLow"))
last_month = {
TX = trim (run ("ctlmgr_ctl r inetstat status/LastMonth/BytesSentLow")),
RX = trim (run ("ctlmgr_ctl r inetstat status/LastMonth/BytesReceivedLow"))
total = {
TX = trim (run ("ctlmgr_ctl r inetstat status/Total/BytesSentLow")),
RX = trim (run ("ctlmgr_ctl r inetstat status/Total/BytesReceivedLow"))
eth = {
eth0 = trim (run ("ctlmgr_ctl r eth0 status/carrier")),
eth1 = trim (run ("ctlmgr_ctl r eth1 status/carrier")),
eth2 = trim (run ("ctlmgr_ctl r eth2 status/carrier")),
eth3 = trim (run ("ctlmgr_ctl r eth3 status/carrier"))
wlan = {
enabled = trim (run ("ctlmgr_ctl r wlan settings/ap_enabled")),
active_stations = trim (run ("ctlmgr_ctl r wlan settings/active_stations"))
usb = {
name = trim (run ("ctlmgr_ctl r usbdevices status/physmedium0/name")),
vendor = trim (run ("ctlmgr_ctl r usbdevices status/physmedium0/vendor")),
model = trim (run ("ctlmgr_ctl r usbdevices status/physmedium0/model")),
conntype = trim (run ("ctlmgr_ctl r usbdevices status/physmedium0/conntype")),
capacity = trim (run ("ctlmgr_ctl r usbdevices status/physmedium0/capacity")),
status = trim (run ("ctlmgr_ctl r usbdevices status/physmedium0/status"))
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