• All steps to a clean OVH VPS install
• Script to make a VPS more secure
• Scripts to install Potherca projects on OVH VPS(This Gist)
Recently I moved various web-apps I have created to an OVH VPS.
I strongly believe in automating things and making virtual setups easy to throw away/start again.
This project contains various scripts that, when used together, completely populate an empty OVH VPS
to a working apps.peachey-schoorl.com
This includes a cloud9.peachey-schoorl.com
Cloud IDE.
Besides installing Apache and PHP, the following is also part of the stack:
- Setup an SSH key
- Log in to the VPS
- Clone this repository
- Run the installer script
The SSH private key (that is used to unlock any secrets committed to this repo) needs to be manually uploaded to the VPS first.
Use your favorite SSH client to log in to the VPS.
git clone https://gist.github.com/556b7a2bdff6318bb5932bcf7ef60379.git ovh-install-scripts
There are still some shortcuts in the code that need to be addressed before I can consider this effort successful.
Most notably, the PHP Modules (and other steps) should not be installed the way they currently are.
There should be a script that installs whatever is needed based on information from the project it is installing.
Also, instead of certain actions being run in the VPS, they should be run by a separate (external) build process. The created assets should then be pushed to the VPS.
Finally, the file-system for Cloud9 (in /home/potherca/workspace
) should not be local but loaded from a cloud service (through rclone
Only then will the VPS truely be throw-away.
@TODO: Install PlantUML?