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Created August 6, 2014 14:44
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Function to create wrapper around script/function and enable Verbose/Debug output.
function ConvertTo-Advanced {
Function that creates wrapper around command to enable easy acces to verbose/debug output.
This function takes as input name of the command that:
-- is not advanced (doesn't have CmdletBinding attribute)
-- uses Write-Verbose or Write-Debug
It creates wrapper around it to enable -Verbose and -Debug switches for easy access to both streams.
function Get-User {
param (
Write-Verbose "Getting information for user: $Name"
net user $Name
ConvertTo-Advanced -Name Get-Simple
Function Get-User is not advanced yet it uses Write-Verbose. We create wrapper (Get-AdvancedUser) that has -Verbose parameter.
param (
# Name of the command that should be wrapped in advanced function.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$command = Get-Command -Name $_ -ErrorAction Stop
if ($command.CmdletBinding) {
throw 'This is already an advanced command.'
$astVerboseOrDebug = $command.ScriptBlock.Ast.FindAll(
$args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.CommandAst] -and
$args[0].CommandElements[0].Value -match '^Write-(Verbose|Debug)$'
if (-not $astVerboseOrDebug) {
throw 'No need to turn into advanced: Write-Debug and Write-Verbose not used.'
$commandInfo = Get-Command @PSBoundParameters
switch ($commandInfo.CommandType) {
ExternalScript {
$isPipelineFriendly = [bool]$commandInfo.ScriptBlock.Ast.ProcessBlock
$newName = $commandInfo.Name -replace '^', 'Invoke-'
Function {
$isPipelineFriendly = [bool]$commandInfo.ScriptBlock.Ast.Body.ProcessBlock
$newName = $commandInfo.Name -replace '-', '-Advanced'
$paramBlock = [System.Management.Automation.ProxyCommand]::GetParamBlock($commandInfo)
if ($isPipelineFriendly) {
$inputParameter = @'
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
if ($paramBlock) {
$paramBlock = $paramBlock, $inputParameter -join ','
} else {
$paramBlock = $inputParameter
$body = @'
begin {{
Write-Verbose 'Removing InputObject from PSBoundParameters'
$PSBoundParameters.Remove('InputObject') | Out-Null
process {{
Write-Verbose 'Running {0} with $InputObject as pipeline input and PSBoundParameters'
$InputObject | {0} @PSBoundParameters
} else {
$body = @'
Write-Verbose "Calling {0} with parameters passed."
{0} @PSBoundParameters
$body = $body -f $commandInfo.Name
$scriptText = @"
param (
$scriptBlock = [scriptblock]::Create($scriptText)
New-Item -Path function:\Global:$newName -Value $scriptBlock -Force
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