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Created February 15, 2023 15:28
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import random
import time
import speech_recognition as sr
def recognize_speech_from_mic(recognizer, microphone):
"""Transcribe speech from recorded from `microphone`.
Returns a dictionary with three keys:
"success": a boolean indicating whether or not the API request was
"error": `None` if no error occurred, otherwise a string containing
an error message if the API could not be reached or
speech was unrecognizable
"transcription": `None` if speech could not be transcribed,
otherwise a string containing the transcribed text
# check that recognizer and microphone arguments are appropriate type
if not isinstance(recognizer, sr.Recognizer):
raise TypeError("`recognizer` must be `Recognizer` instance")
if not isinstance(microphone, sr.Microphone):
raise TypeError("`microphone` must be `Microphone` instance")
# adjust the recognizer sensitivity to ambient noise and record audio
# from the microphone
with microphone as source:
audio = recognizer.listen(source)
# set up the response object
response = {"success": True, "error": None, "transcription": None}
# try recognizing the speech in the recording
# if a RequestError or UnknownValueError exception is caught,
# update the response object accordingly
response["transcription"] = recognizer.recognize_google(audio)
except sr.RequestError:
# API was unreachable or unresponsive
response["success"] = False
response["error"] = "API unavailable"
except sr.UnknownValueError:
# speech was unintelligible
response["error"] = "Unable to recognize speech"
return response
if __name__ == "__main__":
# set the list of words, maxnumber of guesses, and prompt limit
WORDS = ["apple", "banana", "grape", "orange", "mango", "lemon"]
# create recognizer and mic instances
recognizer = sr.Recognizer()
microphone = sr.Microphone()
# get a random word from the list
word = random.choice(WORDS)
# format the instructions string
instructions = (
"I'm thinking of one of these words:\n"
"You have {n} tries to guess which one.\n"
).format(words=", ".join(WORDS), n=NUM_GUESSES)
# show instructions and wait 3 seconds before starting the game
for i in range(NUM_GUESSES):
# get the guess from the user
# if a transcription is returned, break out of the loop and
# continue
# if no transcription returned and API request failed, break
# loop and continue
# if API request succeeded but no transcription was returned,
# re-prompt the user to say their guess again. Do this up
# to PROMPT_LIMIT times
for j in range(PROMPT_LIMIT):
print("Guess {}. Speak!".format(i + 1))
guess = recognize_speech_from_mic(recognizer, microphone)
if guess["transcription"]:
if not guess["success"]:
print("I didn't catch that. What did you say?\n")
# if there was an error, stop the game
if guess["error"]:
print("ERROR: {}".format(guess["error"]))
# show the user the transcription
print("You said: {}".format(guess["transcription"]))
# determine if guess is correct and if any attempts remain
guess_is_correct = guess["transcription"].lower() == word.lower()
user_has_more_attempts = i < NUM_GUESSES - 1
# determine if the user has won the game
# if not, repeat the loop if user has more attempts
# if no attempts left, the user loses the game
if guess_is_correct:
print("Correct! You win!".format(word))
elif user_has_more_attempts:
print("Incorrect. Try again.\n")
print("Sorry, you lose!\nI was thinking of '{}'.".format(word))
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