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Last active July 15, 2024 20:39
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  • Save Prabesh01/875ded55f3d82c6aa236d09ac8b42b49 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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discord disable typing status

for desktop app, you need to reverse engineer discord app

TLDR: If you think these steps are hard for you to follow, first close discord then download this file and put it in this folder: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Discord\app-X.X.XXXX\modules\discord_desktop_core-1\discord_desktop_core. Open discord and other server members cant see your typing status ✌️

  1. Close discord if its running.
  2. install nodejs.
  3. after installing, open cmd and use this command: npm install -g asar
  4. now open discord's file location (its mostly C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Discord) and go to Discord\app-X.X.XXXX\modules\discord_desktop_core-1\discord_desktop_core
  5. open cmd here and type asar extract core.asar unpacked. Do not close the cmd. will have use it later again.
  6. A new folder named "unpacked" will be created. Rename the file "core.asar" to "core-old.asar". If something goes wrong, you can rename it back to "core.asar" and everything will be fine.
  7. Inside "unpacked" folder, open this js file in a text editor: unpacked\app\mainScreen.js
  8. search for mainWindow.webContents.on('did-fail-load' in the text file and paste these lines just above it:
_electron.session.defaultSession.webRequest.onBeforeRequest((details, callback) => {
    if(/typing$/g.test(details.url))return callback({cancel: true})
    return callback({})
  1. Save and go back to the opened cmd and type: asar pack unpacked core.asar

Open discord app and now other server members can't see your typing status at all.

for mobile app, lets reverse engineer the apk

TLDR: You can simply use this modded discord apk. ✌️

Assuming apktool and java is installed on you PC,

  1. Download original discord.apk file from apkpure or Rename the apk as discord.apk
  2. Command: apktool d discord.apk. Don't close the terminal\cmd\powershell. We will have to use it later.
  3. New folder named discord is created. Open these 2 files and replace "channels/{channelId}/typing" with anything else. Here, I will replace it to "channels/{channelId}/redacted":
  • /smali/com/discord/restapi/RestAPIInterface.smali
  • /smali_classes2/com/discord/stores/StoreUserTyping.smali
  1. Command: apktool b discord -o discord-modded.apk
  2. Download jar file from here. Rename it to uber-apk-signer.jar
  3. Command: java -jar uber-apk-signer.jar --apks discord-modded.apk.
  4. You will get a new apk file named: discord-modded-aligned-debugSigned.apk. This is your final modded app. Install it and your typing status won't be shown to others.
  1. Add a request blocker extension to your browser: Chrome/EdgeFirefox

  2. Open the addon's settings and add this url there:*/typing

now other server members cant see your typing status


  • If you are already using uBlock Origin addon, you dont need to install any request block extensions. just add the above url to "my filters" in uBlockOrigin's settings.

  • If you don't want to use third party extensions, you can create your own chrome/edge addon. Here's menifest.json and background.js file. Keep them in same folder and load the folder from browser's "load addon" option in extention settings:


  "name": "discord typing block",
  "version": "1.0",
  "description": "typing api request Blocking Extension",
  "permissions": ["webRequest", "webRequestBlocking", "<all_urls>"],
  "background": {
    "scripts": ["background.js"]

  "manifest_version": 2


  function(details) {
    return {cancel: true}; 
  {urls: ["*://**/typing"]},
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