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Created May 4, 2022 17:05
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Numerical Method
bisection[f_, l_ : 0, u_ : 1, iters_ : 10] := (
a = l;
b = u;
If[f[a]*f[b] > 0,
Print["We cannot find the roots in the given interval"],
c = N[(a + b) / 2];
OutputDetails = {{0, a, b, c, f[c]}};
If[f[a]*f[c] > 0, a = c, b = c];
c = N[(a + b)/2];
OutputDetails = Append[OutputDetails, {i, a, b, c, f[c]}];
, {i, iters}];
TableHeadings -> {None, {"i", "ai", "bi", "ci", "f[ci]"}}],
Print["Root is ", NumberForm[c, 6]];
Plot[f[x], {x, l, u}, PlotStyle -> {Red},
AxesLabel -> {"x", "f(x)"}]
euler[eqn_, point_, target_, iters_ : 10] := (
{xn, yn} = point;
dydx = Values[Solve[eqn, y'[x]][[1]][[1]]];
h = N[(target - xn)/iters];
OutputDetails = {{0, xn, yn}};
yn = yn + h*(dydx /. {x -> xn, y[x] -> yn});
xn = xn + h;
OutputDetails = Append[OutputDetails, {i, xn, yn}];
, {i, iters}
TableHeadings -> {None, {"i", "xi", "yi"}}], 6]];
Print["Value of y[", target, "] = ", yn];
gaussianElimination[eqns_, vars_] := (
{b, A} = Normal@CoefficientArrays[eqns, vars];
Print["A = ", MatrixForm[A], ", b = ", MatrixForm[b]];
Ab = ArrayFlatten[{{A, Transpose[{b}]}}];
Print["Augmented Matrix : ", MatrixForm[Ab]];
For[j = i + 1, j <= Length[Ab], j++,
Print["R", j, " -> R", j, " - ", A[[j]][[i]], " x R", i];
Ab[[j]] = Ab[[j]] - (Ab[[j]][[i]]/Ab[[i]][[i]]) Ab[[i]];
Print["\t\t\t\t=> ", MatrixForm[Ab]];
, {i, Length[Ab] - 1}
Ab[[i]] = Ab[[i]]/Ab[[i]][[i]];
If[i != j,
Ab[[j]] = Ab[[j]] - Ab[[j]][[i]] Ab[[i]],
, {j, Length[Ab]}
, {i, Length[Ab]}
Print[vars == Transpose[Ab][[-1]]*-1];
gaussianJordan[eqns_, vars_] := (
{b, A} = Normal@CoefficientArrays[eqns, vars];
Print["A = ", MatrixForm[A], ", b = ", MatrixForm[b]];
Ab = ArrayFlatten[{{A, Transpose[{b}]}}];
Print["Augmented Matrix : ", MatrixForm[Ab]];
Print["R", i, " -> R", i, " / ", Ab[[i]][[i]]];
Ab[[i]] = Ab[[i]]/Ab[[i]][[i]];
If[i != j,
Print["R", j, " -> R", j, " - ", A[[j]][[i]], " x R", i];
Ab[[j]] = Ab[[j]] - Ab[[j]][[i]] Ab[[i]],
, {j, Length[Ab]}
Print["\t\t\t\t=> ", MatrixForm[Ab]];
, {i, Length[Ab]}
Print[vars == Transpose[Ab][[-1]]*-1];
jacobi[eqns_, vars_, iters_ : 10, errbound_ : 0,
iv_ : ConstantArray[0, 100]] := (
xs = {};
xvs = {};
xs = Append[xs, Solve[eqns[[i]], vars[[i]]][[1]][[1]]];
xvs = Append[xvs, vars[[i]] -> iv[[i]]];
, {i, Length[vars]}
OutputDetails = {Join[{0}, Values[xvs]]};
maxnorm = Infinity;
For[i = 1, maxnorm >= errbound && i <= iters, i++,
txvs = xvs;
xvs[[j]] =
xs[[j]] /. Select[txvs, Position[txvs, #][[1]][[1]] != j &] ;
, {j, Length[vars]}
maxnorm = Max[Abs[Values[xvs] - Values[txvs]]];
OutputDetails = Append[OutputDetails, Join[{i}, N[Values[xvs]]]];
TableHeadings -> {None, Join[{"i"}, vars]}], 6]];
lagrangeInterpolation[xs_, ys_] := (
Assert[Length[xs] == Length[ys]];
n = Length[xs];
V = {Table[x^i, {i, n, 0, -1}]};
V = Append[V, Join[xs[[i]]^Range[n, 1, -1], {1}]];
, {i, n}
V[[1]][[1]] = y[x];
V[[i]][[1]] = ys[[i - 1]]
, {i, 2, n + 1}
Print["Vandermonde's Determinant: ", MatrixForm[V]];
yy = Solve[Det[V] == 0, y[x]];
Print["Interpolated polynomial : ", yy[[1]][[1]]];
Show[Plot[Values[yy[[1]][[1]]], {x, Min[xs] - 3, Max[xs] + 3}],
ListPlot[Transpose@{xs, ys},
PlotStyle -> {Red, PointSize[Large]}]]
newtonDividedDifference[xs_, ys_] := (
dely = {ys};
delx = {xs};
dy = dely[[-1]];
dx = delx[[-1]];
dy = dy[[2 ;;]] - dy[[;; -2]];
dx = dx[[2 ;;]] - dx[[;; -2]];
dely = Append[dely, dy];
delx = Append[delx, dx];
, {i, Length[xs] - 1}
yy = 0;
yy = yy + Product[(x - xs[[j]]), {j, 1, i - 1}]* dely[[i]][[1]];
, {i, Length[xs]}
Print[y[x] == yy];
Show[Plot[yy, {x, Min[xs] - 3, Max[xs] + 3}],
ListPlot[Transpose@{xs, ys},
PlotStyle -> {Red, PointSize[Large]}]]
newtonRaphson[f_, iters_ : 10, init_ : 1, mnfx_ : 0] := (
x = init;
OutputDetails = {{0, x, f[x]}};
For[i = 1, Abs[f[x]] >= mnfx && i <= iters, i++,
x = x - N[f[x]/f'[x]];
OutputDetails = Append[OutputDetails, {i, x, f[x]}];
TableHeadings -> {None, {"i", "x", "f[x]"}}], 6]];
Print["Root is ", NumberForm[x, 6]];
Plot[f[xx], {xx, x - 10, x + 10} , PlotStyle -> {Red},
AxesLabel -> {"x", "f(x)"}]
regulaFalsi[f_, l_, u_, iters_ : 10, errbound_ : 0 ] := (
{a, b} = {l, u};
If [f[a]*f[b] > 0,
Print["We cannot find the roots in the given interval"],
c = N[(a*f[b] - b*f[a])/(f[b] - f[a])];
OutputDetails = {{0, a, b, c, f[c]}};
For[i = 1, Abs[f[c]] >= errbound && i <= iters, i++,
If[f[a]*f[c] < 0, b = c, a = c];
c = N[(a*f[b] - b*f[a])/(f[b] - f[a])];
OutputDetails = Append[OutputDetails, {i, a, b, c, f[c]}];
TableHeadings -> {None, {"i", "ai", "bi", "ci", "f[ci]"}}],
Print["Root is ", NumberForm[c, 6]];
Plot[f[x], {x, l, u} , PlotStyle -> {Red},
AxesLabel -> {"x", "f(x)"}]
romberg[f_, lowl_, upl_, m_] := (
OutputDetails = {};
h = N[(upl - lowl)/Power[2, n - 1]];
ys = f[lowl + Range[1, Power[2, n - 1] - 1]*h];
t[n, 1] = (h/2)*(f[lowl] + f[upl] + 2*Total[ys]);
OutputDetails = Append[OutputDetails, {n, h, N[t[n, 1], 12]}];
, {n, m}];
TableHeadings -> {None, {"n", "h", "Trapezoidal approx"}}], 6]];
ti = N[Integrate[f[x], {x, 0, 1}], 12];
Print["Actual value of the integral is: ", ti];
OutputDetails = {};
t[i, j] =
N[(Power[4, j - 1]*t[i, j - 1] -
t[i - 1, j - 1])/(Power[4, j - 1] - 1), 12];
OutputDetails = Append[OutputDetails, {i, j, t[i, j]}]
, {j, 2, i}]
, {i, 2, m}]
TableHeadings -> {None, {"i", "j", "Romberg approx, t[i,j]"}}],
Print["The Value of the Integral by Romberg Integration is: ",
t[m, m]];
Print["Error is: ", Abs[ti - t[m, m]]]
secant[f_, a_ : 0, b_ : 1, iters_ : 10, errbound_ : 0] := (
{xp, xn} = {a, b};
OutputDetails = {{0, xp, xn, f[xn]}};
For[i = 0, Abs[f[xn]] >= errbound && i <= iters, i++,
{xp, xn} = {xn, N[(xp*f[xn] - xn*f[xp])/(f[xn] - f[xp])]};
OutputDetails = Append[OutputDetails, {i, xp, xn, f[xn]}];
TableHeadings -> {None, {"i", "x[n-1]", "x[n]", "f[x[n]]"}}], 6]];
Print["Root is ", NumberForm[xn, 6]];
Plot[f[x], {x, a, b}, PlotStyle -> {Red}, AxesLabel -> {"x", "f(x)"}]
gaussSeidel[eqns_, vars_, iters_ : 10, errbound_ : 0,
iv_ : ConstantArray[0, 100]] := (
xs = {};
xvs = {};
xs = Append[xs, Solve[eqns[[i]], vars[[i]]][[1]][[1]]];
xvs = Append[xvs, vars[[i]] -> iv[[i]]];
, {i, Length[vars]}
OutputDetails = {Join[{0}, Values[xvs]]};
maxnorm = Infinity;
For[i = 1, maxnorm >= errbound && i <= iters, i++,
maxnorm = 0;
nv = xs[[j]] /. Select[xvs, Position[xvs, #][[1]][[1]] != j &] ;
maxnorm = Max[{maxnorm, Abs[Values[xvs[[j]]] - Values[nv]]}];
xvs[[j]] = nv;
, {j, Length[vars]}
OutputDetails = Append[OutputDetails, Join[{i}, N[Values[xvs]]]];
TableHeadings -> {None, Join[{"i"}, vars]}], 6]];
simpson[f_, lowl_, upl_, n_] := (
h = (upl - lowl)/n;
ys = f[Range[lowl, upl, h]];
i = (h/3) (ys[[1]] + ys[[-1]] +
2*Total[ys[[3 ;; Length[ys] - 1 ;; 2]]] +
4*Total[ys[[2 ;; Length[ys] - 1 ;; 2]]]);
Print["Simpson integral = ", TraditionalForm[i], " = ", N[i]];
ti = Integrate[f[x], {x, lowl, upl}];
Print["True Integral, Itrue = ", TraditionalForm[ti], " = ",
Print["Absolute error for simpson rule = |Simpson Approx - True \
Value| = ", Abs[N[i - ti]]]
trapezoidal[f_, lowl_, upl_, n_] := (
h = (upl - lowl)/n;
ys = f[Range[lowl, upl, h]];
i = h*((ys[[1]] + ys[[-1]])/2 + Total[ys[[2 ;; Length[ys] - 1]]]);
Print["Approx Integral, Iapprox = ", TraditionalForm[i], " = ",
ti = Integrate[f[x], {x, lowl, upl}];
Print["True Integral, Itrue = ", TraditionalForm[ti], " = ",
Print["Absolute error = |Trapezoidal Approx - True Value| = ",
Abs[N[i - ti]]]
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