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How to Remove Incompatible Drivers in Windows 11 Using PowerShell to Enable Core Isolation

How to Remove Incompatible Drivers in Windows 11 Using PowerShell to Enable Core Isolation

When enabling Core Isolation in Windows 11, you may encounter the need to remove incompatible drivers that prevent the feature from being activated. Here's a guide on how to use PowerShell to remove these drivers effectively:

  1. Identify the Incompatible Driver:

    • Start by identifying the driver causing compatibility issues. You can list all installed drivers on your system using PowerShell:
      Get-WindowsDriver -Online -All
    • Look for the driver that needs removal, noting down its PublishedName and ProviderName.
  2. Remove the Driver Using PowerShell:

    • Open PowerShell with administrative privileges (Run as administrator).

    • Use the pnputil command with the /delete-driver parameter to forcefully remove the driver package. Replace <PublishedName> with the actual Published Name of the driver:

      pnputil /delete-driver <PublishedName> /force

      For example:

      pnputil /delete-driver oem12.inf /force
  3. Verify Removal:

    • After running the command, verify if the driver package has been successfully removed by checking the PowerShell output for any confirmation messages or errors.
  4. Enable Core Isolation:

    • Once the incompatible driver is removed, you can proceed to enable Core Isolation in Windows 11. You can do this through Windows Security settings under "Device Security" > "Core isolation details" and then toggle on "Memory integrity."
  5. Reboot and Test:

    • Restart your computer to apply the changes and test if Core Isolation now activates without issues.

Additional Considerations:

  • Backup Drivers: Before removing any drivers, consider backing up important drivers or creating a system restore point to revert changes if necessary.

  • Advanced Troubleshooting: If you encounter issues after removing a driver, you can reinstall it using the appropriate installation method provided by the device manufacturer.

By following these steps, you can effectively remove incompatible drivers using PowerShell in Windows 11 to enable Core Isolation, enhancing your system's security features.

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