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Last active March 22, 2020 22:50
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  • Save PranavBhatia/564a09cf0431846886ef32124b2ae48e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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We might have some extra code for defining types but in the end, it's only for the better.
// Employee class is bascially a blueprint of any employee object that can be instantiated with this piece of code.
class Employee {
public employeeName: string; // A public variable of type STRING
private salary: number; // A private variable of type NUMBER
constructor(employeeName: string, salary: number) {
this.employeeName = employeeName;
this.salary = salary;
} // A contructor to create an employee object with a predefined salary and name.
public promotion(): void {
this.salary += 1000;
} // Adding 1000 to the emplyee's current salary.
public printSalary():void {
console.log(this.employeeName + '\'s salary is: ' + this.salary);
} // This method prints the employee name and his/her salary.
// Instantiate (create) an object from a class
let employee = new Employee('Bob', 1000);
// Result =>
// Bob's salary is: 1000
// Bob's salary is: 2000
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