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Created January 21, 2020 09:28
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from sympy import *
import math
import re
# H3PO4 + (NH4)2MoO4 + HNO3 + H2O-> (NH4)3PO4.12MoO3 + NH4NO3
def subscript(s): # Function to convert number to subscript. 8320 is the ascii of subscript 0
i = 0
while i < len(s):
if s[i].isdigit() and (s[i - 1].isalpha() or s[i - 1] == ")" or ord(s[i - 1]) in range(8320, 8340)):
s = s[0:i] + "[sub]" + s[i] + "[/sub]" + s[i + 1:]
i += 1
s = s.replace("[b]", "[b][color=000080]").replace("[/b]", "[/b][/color]")
return s
def format_compound(formula):
f_formula = ""
for part in formula.split("."):
for i in range(0, len(part)):
if i + 1 < len(part):
if part[i].isalpha() and (part[i + 1].isupper() or part[i + 1] in ["(", "[", ")", "]"]):
f_formula += part[i] + "1"
elif part[i] in [")", "]"] and part[i + 1].isalpha():
f_formula += part[i] + "1"
f_formula += part[i]
if part[i].isalpha() or part[i] in [")", "]"]:
f_formula += part[i] + "1"
f_formula += part[i]
f_formula += ("." if len(formula.split(".")) > 1 else "")
if f_formula.find(".") > -1:
part = f_formula.split(".")
val = str(re.findall('[0-9][0-9]*', part[1])[0])
val = ("1" if val == "" else val)
f_formula = part[0] + \
"(" + str(re.findall('[A-Za-z]\S*', part[1])[0]) + ")" + val
return f_formula
def open_brackets(formula): # Function to open the brackets
formula_br = re.findall('\((.*?)\)', formula)
m = re.findall('\)([0-9][0-9]*)', formula)
for (i, indexc) in zip(formula_br, range(0, len(formula_br))):
f_formula = ""
val = re.findall('[0-9][0-9]*', i)
for (n, indexv) in zip(val, range(0, len(val))):
f_formula += re.findall('([A-Za-z][A-Za-z]*)', i)[indexv]
f_formula += str(int(n) * int(m[indexc]))
formula = formula.replace(re.findall(
'(\(.*?\)[0-9]*)', formula)[0], f_formula)
return formula
def simplify(formula): # Function to simplify the molecular formula by using the above functions
formula = format_compound(formula)
formula = open_brackets(formula)
formula = formula.replace("[", "(").replace("]", ")")
formula = open_brackets(formula)
return formula
all_elements = list() # A list of all the elements in the list
class compound(object): # A class of compounds. I contains all the attributes of each compound
def __init__(self, compound_n):
self.compound_n = compound_n # It stores the original molecular formula
# It stores the simplified molecular formula
self.compound_f = simplify(self.compound_n)
# Dict containing all the elements and number of atoms of each element
self.elements = dict()
for (val, element) in zip(re.findall('[0-9][0-9]*', self.compound_f), re.findall('[A-Za-z][A-Za-z]*', self.compound_f)):
self.elements[element] = str(
int(self.elements.get(element, "0")) + int(val))
if element not in all_elements:
def balance(equation):
if not isValid(equation):
return "Invalid Equation"
equation = equation.replace("->", "+").replace(" ", "")
compounds = [] # A list of objects of the class 'compound'
for compound_n in equation.split("+"):
cols = len(compounds)
rows = len(all_elements)
# Matrix which solves the system of linear equations
m = (zeros(rows, cols))
for c in range(0, int(cols)): # Inserting the values into the matrix
for r in range(0, int(rows)):
m[r, c] = compounds[c].elements[all_elements[r]]
m[r, c] = 0
# Converting the matrix to RREF form and removing the list of pivots
m = list(m.rref())[0]
coefficients = list()
denominator = list()
for r in range(0, rows): # Storing the coefficints in the lists
if m[r, cols - 1] == 0:
coefficients.append(int(str(m[r, cols - 1]).split("/")[0]))
denominator.append(int(str(m[r, cols - 1]).split("/")[1]))
lcm = denominator[0]
for num in denominator[1:]: # Calculating the lcm of the denominators
lcm = int(int(lcm * num) / int(math.gcd(lcm, num)))
rhs = False
equation = ""
# Concatenating the coefficients and the molecular formula
for i in range(0, len(compounds)):
coefficients[i] = int(coefficients[i] / denominator[i] * lcm)
if coefficients[i] < 1 and rhs == false:
equation = equation.strip()[:-2].strip() + " --> "
rhs = True
equation += "[b]" + (str(abs(coefficients[i])) if abs(
coefficients[i]) > 1 else "") + "[/b]"
equation += compounds[i].compound_n + \
(" + " if i < len(compounds) - 1 else "")
equation = subscript(equation)
return equation
return "Invalid Equation"
def isValid(equation):
for i in equation:
if i.isalpha() == False and i.isdigit() == False and i not in ['(', ')', '[', ']', '-', '+', ' ', '>', '.']:
return False
return True
print(balance("Al2(SO3)3 + NaOH -> Na2SO3 + Al(OH)32"))
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