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Last active March 27, 2019 16:18
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Function Check-Spelling()
[String] $String,
[Switch] $ShowErrors,
[Switch] $RemoveSpecialChars
If($RemoveSpecialChars){ $String = Clean-String $String }
Foreach($S in $String)
$SplatInput = @{
Uri= ""
Method = 'Post'
$Headers = @{'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key' = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"}
$body = @{'text'=$s }
$SpellingErrors = (Invoke-RestMethod @SplatInput -Headers $Headers -Body $body ).SpellingErrors
$OutString = $String # Make a copy of string to replace the errorswith suggestions.
If($SpellingErrors) # If Errors are Found
# Nested Foreach to generate the Rectified string Post Spell-Check
Foreach($E in $spellingErrors){
If($E.Type -eq 'UnknownToken') # If an unknown word identified, replace it with the respective sugeestion from the API results
$OutString= Foreach($s in $E.suggestions.token)
$OutString -replace $E.token, $s
Else # If REPEATED WORDS then replace the set by an instance of repetition
$OutString = $OutString -replace "$($E.token) $($E.token) ", "$($E.token) "
# InCase ShowErrors switch is ON
If($ShowErrors -eq $true)
return $SpellingErrors |select @{n='ErrorToken';e={$_.Token}},@{n='Type';e={$_.Type}}, @{n='Suggestions';e={($_.suggestions).token|?{$_ -ne $null}}}
Else # Else return the spell checked string
Return $OutString
else # When No error is found in the input string
Return "No errors found in the String."
"Something went wrong, please try running the script again"
# Function to Remove special character s and punctuations from Input string
Function Clean-String($Str)
Foreach($Char in [Char[]]"!@#$%^&*(){}|\/?><,.][+=-_"){$str=$str.replace("$Char",'')}
Return $str
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