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Last active January 17, 2016 13:37
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Save PrateekKumarSingh/3c04b3169d513b3ad887 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Function Get-Direction()
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=0)] $Origin,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=1)] $Destination,
[Parameter(Position=2)] [ValidateSet('driving','bicycling','walking')] $Mode ="driving",
[Switch] $InMiles
$Units='metric' # Default set to Kilometers
# If Switch is selected, use 'Miles' as the Unit
If($InMiles){$Units = 'imperial'}
#Requesting Web Page
$webpage = Invoke-WebRequest "$Origin&destination=$Destination&mode=$($mode.toLower())&units=$Units&key=AIzaSyAjkqgmCw15XhKat2Z-cIGZ-rzmE0xXHjc" -UseBasicParsing -ErrorVariable +err
# Capturing the HTML output
$content = $webpage.Content
#To Clear unwanted data from the String
Function Clean-String($Str)
$str = $Str.replace('<div style="font-size:0.9em">','')
$str = $str.replace('</div>','')
$str = $str.replace('<b>','')
$str = $str.replace('</b>','')
$str = $str.replace('&nbsp;','')
Return $str
# Data Mining information from the XML content
$status = (Select-Xml -Content $content -xpath '//status').Node.InnerText
If($status -eq 'OK')
$Mode = (Select-Xml -Content $content -xpath '//route/leg/step/travel_mode').Node.InnerText
$Duration = (Select-Xml -Content $content -xpath '//route/leg/step/duration/text').Node.InnerText
$Distance = (Select-Xml -Content $content -xpath '//route/leg/step/distance/text').Node.InnerText
$Instructions = (Select-Xml -Content $content -xpath '//route/leg/step/html_instructions').Node.InnerText | %{ Clean-String $_}
$Object = @()
for($i=0;$i -le $instructions.count;$i++)
$Object += New-Object psobject -Property @{TravelMode=$Mode[$i];Duration=$Duration[$i];Distance= $Distance[$i];"Instructions"= $Instructions[$i]}
Return $Object
# In case the no data is recived due to incorrect parameters
Write-Host "Zero Results Found : Try changing the parameters" -fore Yellow
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A recommended best practice is to not include any formatting directives in your function. It should simple write an object to the pipeline. Instead you would run:
Get-Direction | format-table

Or learn how to use PowerShell's extensible type system to add a custom type to your object. Then you can create a custom format extension so that PowerShell will always display the result as a table that you design. Otherwise, this is pretty slick.

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Oh, and why not make Driving the default value for Mode?

[Parameter(Position=2)] [ValidateSet('driving','bicycling','walking')] $Mode = "driving",

Then you don't need the If statement and help will display the default value.

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Cool script.

What about extending it to allow for public transit as one of the travel modes?

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Thanks for your valuable suggestions Jeff, I've revised the script accordingly.

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DelaneyJM, well lot more to be done on this ;), we can modify the function identify all possible alternatives, which includes Public transit as well

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I think I just identified a pull request :)

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Line 17 ends with
-ErrorVariable +err
What does the + character do?

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'+' is used to add the next error to the same error variable, making it a type of Error Object Array.

Invoke-WebRequest "" -ErrorVariable +err

then again the same commands and see how error messages are added to same array :)

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Thanks. It seems I learn new things about PowerShell every day for the past 6 years.

Is the use of -ErrorVariable left in the function for debugging purposes? The value of $err is not used by the function itself.

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Also, what is the text that flashes on screen when I run the function?
It disappears so fast that I can't read it. It is a side-effect of the Invoke-WebRequest call.

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The &key= clause shown below
$webpage = Invoke-WebRequest "$Origin&destination=$Destination&mode=$($mode.toLower())&units=$Units&key=AIzaSyAjkqgmCw15XhKat2Z-cIGZ-rzmE0xXHjc" -UseBasicParsing -ErrorVariable +err
can be omitted.
I have reformatted that logic to become:
$url = ''
$url += "origin=$Origin"
$url += "&destination=$Destination"
$url += "&amp;mode=$($mode.toLower())"
$url += "&units=$Units"
$Parameters = @{
Uri = $url
UseBasicParsing = $true
$webpage = Invoke-WebRequest @parameters

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g60wall commented Jan 9, 2016

Great work

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