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Last active October 24, 2020 07:48
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  • Save PrateekKumarSingh/757b7582d7268c1309db92db4c139843 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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[Int] $IntervalInMins = 15,
[Int] $Count = 5
if(-not (Get-module poshtwit)) {
Install-Module PoshTwit -Force -Verbose -Scope CurrentUser
Function Get-ShortURL
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline = $true)][string] $URL
Write-Verbose "Creating Short URL for $URL"
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "" `
-Body $(''| Select-object @{n='longUrl';e={$URL}}|convertto-json) `
-ContentType 'application/json' `
-Method Post | ForEach-Object ID
Function Get-BlogArticle
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [uri] $URL
$Data = @() ; $PageNumber = 1
Write-Verbose "Web requesting $URL for Articles - Topic & URL."
While($true) {
if($PageNumber -eq 1) {
$SubString = ""
else {
$SubString = "page/$PageNumber/"
Try {
$WebRequest = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://$URL/$SubString"
$Data += ($WebRequest).parsedhtml.all | `
Where-Object {$_.nodename -eq 'a' -and $_.rel -eq 'bookmark' -and $_.innertext -like "*powershell*"} | `
Select-Object @{n='Topic';e={$_.InnerText}}, @{n='URL';e={$_.href}}
$WebRequest = $null
$Articles = Get-BlogArticle -URL ''
Write-Verbose "$($Articles.count) Articles found & extracted."
Write-Verbose "Selecting $Count random articles."
$HashtagKeywords = "Powershell","Automation","Troubleshooting","DataExtraction","DataWrangling","Exchange","Google","Microsoft","PSTip","Tip","WebScraping","WhatILearnedToday"
$Articles| Get-Random -Count $Count | `
ForEach-Object {
$Topic = $_
$words= Foreach($Word in $Topic.Topic.Split(" ")) {
if($Word -in $HashtagKeywords) {
else {
$TweetContent = $($words -join ' ')+"`n$($Topic.URL| Get-ShortURL -Verbose)"
If($TweetContent.length -le 140)
$Tweet = @{
ConsumerKey = 'ConsumerKey';
ConsumerSecret = 'ConsumerSecret';
AccessToken = 'AccessToken';
AccessSecret = 'AccessSecret';
Tweet = $TweetContent;
Write-Verbose "Tweeting the text > $TweetContent ."
Publish-Tweet @Tweet
Write-Verbose "Done."
Write-Verbose "Waiting for $IntervalInMins mins until next Tweet."
Start-Sleep -Seconds (60*$IntervalInMins)
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